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教学资料参考范本中考英语 Birth order and personality教案及反思 人教新目标版撰写人:_时 间:_eaching contentBirth order and personalityTeaching ObjectStudents in Junior Two, Wenzhou Foreign Language SchoolTeaching AimsCriteria (标准)Help the students to understand the reading material with proper reading skills.2. Language focus1) The students will be able to know the meanings of the following new words and phrases and try to use them to describe personality .personality, responsibility, independence, responsible, adventurous, fun-loving,outgoing, hard-working , jealous,as a result, depend on 3. Language skills1) The students will be able to understand the passage through hypothesis.The students will be able to guess the meanings of new words by context and word-building.4. Learning StrategiesThe students will be able to validate (验证) the hypothesis by reading the material with proper reading skills.Difficult pointsToo many new words will be the obstacle(障碍)for the students.Get Ss to grasp the reading skill- hypothesisTeaching AidsPPTTeaching Procedures TeachersStudentsPurposesI. Pre-reading activities1. To greet students and lead in the topic-Birth order and personality. 2. Let students talk about my personality and their own personalities and use the new words to describe the personalities of the three characters in a TV play.1. To listen to the teacher carefully and try to understand the topic.2. To talk about personalities with new words.通过老师和学生的交谈,了解彼此的性格。这不仅能拉近老师与学生间的距离,活跃课堂气氛,更重要的是通过相互交谈,引出本课的一部分新单词。帮助学生理解文本主题。II. While-reading Activities Part one: Hypothesis1. To present the title, the picture and make students predict the main idea of the text 2.After talking about their hypotheses, give them three choices to choose3. To give them the topic sentences of each paragraph to check their answers.4.Let the students make another hypothesis.1. To look at the title and picture and predict what the text is about. 2.Choose the right answer.3. To read the topic sentences to check their hypotheses4 Make another hypothesis about birth order ad personality.5.Skimming the text to check the second hypothesis.由利用文章标题及图片来猜测文章内容到通过阅读主题句来验证猜测,能帮助学生更好地了解文章的梗概,有助于后一步对课文的深入剖析。再一次的假设能够引起学生的阅读欲望。Part two: Reading for details1. To present three sentences with two new words and a phrase and guide students to guess the meanings of them by context and word-building.2. To deal with the following phrases: with depend on as a resultwant to do well(To guide the students to understand the meaning between the words)3.To present some sentences to make students to do “T” or “F” to check if they know the details4.To answer three questions to check if their understand the whole passage well 1. To choose the right answers and give the reasons2. To fill the blanks and give the reasons. 3. To judge the given sentences by giving reasons.4. To answer the questions by giving enough reasons according to the text.将文章较难理解的单词或典型的单词放入句子中,并引导学生通过上下文或构词法来理解。这也是学习策略的很好的渗透。通过让学生做判断题和回答文章概括性问题来检测学生对文章的理解,而且通过教师在学生回答问题时的追问,能进一步引发学生的思考,同时照顾到没有理解文章内容的学生更好的理解与掌握文章内容。III. Post-reading Activities1. To guide the students to discuss the topic 2. To get students work in pairs, talk about it and give a report1. To think about the topic2. To work in groups and discuss on the topic 让学生学会用自己的观点思考问题,从而达到语言训练和思维激发的双重目的。IV. Homework1. write down what kind of brothers or sisters the students would like to have.家庭作业是课堂教学在课外的延续,也是对课堂内容的进一步巩固。 教学反思体会与收获:1.对怎么上好阅读课有了进一步的认识,对于如何在教学过程中渗透阅读策略有了初步的尝试,基本形成了上阅读课的模式。 2.导入很重要,好的导入能够让学生自然进入阅读状态,并激起学生的阅读欲望。比如用家庭喜剧片家有儿女中的三兄妹来导入,因为大家对剧中人物很熟悉与了解,学生就很有发言的欲望,在讨论这三个人物性格的同时就不留痕迹的过渡到了我们所要学的话题。3.阅读策略的渗透,阅读技巧的养成不是能一蹰而就的,要在今后的日常教学过程中要更好的渗透阅读策略与阅读技巧的训练,培养学生形成良好的阅读习惯与能力。在贯穿策略的同时,要让学生在课堂上尝试策略,体会策略所带来的成功,让学生在阅读学习中体会学习所带来的成就感,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。比如通过构词法或上下文来猜一些新单词或词组的意思等。存在的问题:1.时间没有把握好,主要体现在个别问题处理上花费时间太多,不够干脆利落,导致在处理文本的后续步骤走的有些匆忙,这样也影响了一部分学习能力不是很强的同学的对文章的理解,最后的拓展基本上没有展开。但个人认为,即使是拓展不能展开也要保证文本处理的完整性,要保证学生阅读细节的时间。 2.时间没把握好的另一个原因就是备课的时候没有很好的备学生,备学生可能出现的一些回答,以至当学生出现一些你预设之外的答案的时候,处理的不够机智。比如在刚开始的hypothesis步骤中,我很想当然的认为学生肯定会选C的,结果有些选A,有些选B, 因为事先没有多想,所以自己一下不知道该怎么解释,从而处理的有些慌乱无序。今后努力的方向:在今后的阅读教学中要继续探究与实践有效的阅读课的教学,进一步贯彻有效教学的理念,并使其具有可操作性。4 / 4


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