Unit 2 Hotel Serviceppt课件

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,Unit 2,Hotel Service,1,You will be able to:,1. help guests check in and check out in a hotel. 2. help guests understand hotel instruction signs. 3. help guests deal with emergencies.,2,Contents,3,4. No smoking.,Listen and match.,1,Warming up,1. Be careful of the wet floor.,2. Do not disturb.,3. Be careful of the wet paint.,5. Fire emergency exit.,6. Danger! Electricity!,4,Listen and choose.,Warming up,2,1. The guest falls over because _.,A. he is sleepy,B. the floor is wet and slippery,C. he is drunk,2. _ hurts when he falls.,A. His back,B. His arm,C. His leg,P,O,O,O,O,P,Guest: Ouch! Clerk: Whats wrong? Oh, are you OK, sir? Let me help you! Guest: Thanks! My leg hurts a little. The floor is slippery. Clerk: Sorry about that. Maybe you didnt see the sign Caution: Wet floor. Guest: Oh, I see it now. I should have been more attentive. Clerk: How are you feeling now? May I help you to the lift? Guest: Im much better now. Thank you.,5,Learn the words and expression.,Listening and Speaking,charge 收费,per 每,have a look at. 看一看,deposit 押金,1,6,Listen to the dialogue and repeat.,Listening and Speaking,Receptionist: Good morning. What can I do for you? Mr Pan: Morning. Id like a double room with a double bed for three days. Receptionist: Im very sorry, but we dont have such a room available. How about a double room with twin beds? Mr Pan: OK. What is the room rate? Receptionist: $ 200 per night. May I have a look at your passports? And please fill in this form. Mr Pan: Here you are. (a minute later) Receptionist: Thank you. Could you please leave a deposit of $ 600? Mr Pan: OK. Ill pay with my Visa card. Receptionist: Your room number is 1369 and here is your card key. Wish you a pleasant stay!,2,7,Answer the questions.,Listening and Speaking,1. What room does Mr Pan want?,3,2. What room will he stay in?,3. How much does he leave for deposit?,8,Complete the sentences.,Listening and Speaking,fill in,twin beds,charge,1. How much did they _ for the meal? 2. Id like a double room for tonight, please. Would you like a room with _ or a double bed? 3. May I _ your ID card? 4. Please _ this form and then give it to me.,have a look at,4,have a look at,charge,twin beds,fill in,9,Receptionist: Good morning. Can I help you? Mr Pan: Id like to make a flight reservation to Boston on Sunday. Receptionist: 1)_ Mr Pan: UA 802 in the morning. Receptionist: UA 802. OK. 2)_ Mr Pan: One. Just an economy-class seat. Whats the fare? Receptionist: A single ticket is $ 500 for economy-class to Boston on the morning of 15 September. 3)_ Mr Pan: Thats fine. Receptionist: 4)_ We can deliver the ticket to your room on Saturday morning. Mr Pan: Pan Wei. Room 1369. Thank you very much. Receptionist: My pleasure.,Listen and complete the dialogue.,Listening and Speaking,A. May I have your name and room number?,B. How many tickets do you need?,D. It takes off at 9:30.,C. Which flight would you like?,5,Which flight would you like?,How many tickets do you need?,It takes off at 9:30.,May I have your name and room number?,10,Pair work. Complete the dialogue.,Listening and Speaking,周六上午,宾馆服务员到 1369 房间给 Mr Pan 送他预订的机票。,Mr Pan:,Clerk:,Mr Pan:,Clerk:,Mr Pan:,Good morning. Good morning, Mr Pan. Here is the plane ticket you booked. Thank you very much! Youre welcome. Please check to make sure this is the ticket you wanted. ,6,11,Learn the words and expressions.,Reading and Writing,power outage 停电,be sorry for. 因为抱歉,be busy doing 忙于做,look into 调查,cause 原因,relax 放松,solve a problem 解决问题,1,12,Mr Pan: Hello! This is Room 1369. Theres no electricity in my room. Im in complete darkness now! Whats the matter? Receptionist: Please dont worry. The whole building is having a power outage. Were very sorry for this. Our electricians are busy looking into the cause of the accident. Mr Pan: What should we do for now? Receptionist: Calm down and relax. You will be very safe in your room, so please wait there and dont walk around. We will solve the problem as soon as possible. Mr Pan: OK. Thank you! Receptionist: Thank you for your patience.,Read the dialogue with these questions in mind.,Reading and Writing,2,1. Whats the matter with the whole building?,2. What does the receptionist ask Mr Pan to do?,13,Complete the dialogue.,3,Reading and Writing,( 五分钟后, 服务员上门解释停电原因并道歉。),Mr Pan: Come in, please. Clerk: Excuse me, Mr Pan. 1)_ (您没事儿吧?) Mr Pan: Yes, Im fine. Clerk: 2)_ ( 刚才发生了停电事故,真是对不起。) Our electrician cut an electric wire by mistake. Now we have connected the wire. 3)_ _ ( 我们给您带来不便,再一次表示歉意。) Mr Pan: Thats OK.,Are you all right / OK?,Im sorry for the power outage just now.,(We are) Sorry again for the inconvenience caused to you.,14,Listen and answer the questions.,1,Extended Activities,(Mr Pan 在宾馆前台结账,准备离开。),1. What is Mr Pan doing? _ 2. What cant he find? _ 3. How will the receptionist help him? _,Mr Pan is checking out.,He cant find his watch.,The receptionist will call the clerk on Floor 13.,Mr Pan: Good afternoon. Id like to check out. Room 1369. Receptionist: One moment, please. Room 1369. Mr Pan Wei. Three nights. Mr Pan: Thats right. Heres the card key. Receptionist: Thank you. And heres your bill. Mr Pan: Oh, wait, wheres my watch? I cant find it. Receptionist: Dont worry. When did you last see it? Mr Pan: Half an hour ago, in my room. Receptionist: OK, let me call the clerk on Floor 13.,15,Complete the dialogue.,Extended Activities,(这时,前台电话响了,13 楼的服务员告诉前台服务员,在1369 房间捡到一块手表),2,Receptionist:,Hello. Reception. Can I help you?,Clerk:,This is the clerk on Floor 13. I just found a watch in Room 1369.,Receptionist:,Thats great,16,Read the passage and choose the best answer.,3,Extended Activities,Tips for Checking Out in a Hotel As you leave the hotel, double-check the safe, drawers, bedside tables and any other places where you may have left your belongings. If you later find you have left something behind in the hotel, call the front desk right away to ask the staff to keep it for you. After paying the bill, dont forget to ask the receptionist for your receipt. If possible, try to avoid checking out during rush-hour times so that you can easily get a taxi to the airport or train station, and avoid a traffic jam.,17,Read the passage and choose the best answer.,3,Extended Activities,1. If you leave something behind in the hotel, you should call _ right away.,A. your friend,B. the front desk,C. the clerk on that floor,2. You can get your _ after paying the bill.,A. receipt,B. card key,C. belongings,P,O,O,O,P,O,3. If you dont want to involve a traffic jam, youd better avoid checking out _.,A. in the early morning,B. during rush-hour times,C. in the deep night,P,O,O,18,Complete the sentences.,4,Extended Activities,(你是一名宾馆服务员,请帮忙完成如下几条宾馆员工准则。),1. When you see a guest, you should _ _. 2. In case of emergency, you should ask guests _ _. 3. When a guest is reserving a plane / train ticket, you should _ _ _ _. 4. When a guest is leaving the hotel, you should _ _. 5. When you find something a guest left in the hotel, you should _ _.,greet / say hello to him / her,to calm down and relax,take down detailed information, such as the date, the number of tickets, the flight / express number, and ask for the guests name, room number and telephone number,remind the guest to take all his / her belongings,try to get in contact with him / her as soon as possible,19,Culture Corner,1. Which of the following accommodations would a student choose?,Luxury 5-Star Hotels,These are grand buildings usually located in places with beautiful scenery and convenient transport. Rooms are spacious and comfortable, with all types of services you can imagine. Of course, spending a night in such hotels can be very costly, but they are still a favourite with businesspeople.,2. Which is a good choice for people who drive cars?,20,Culture Corner,Youth Hostels,Youth Hostels are usually neither big nor beautiful, but can be cosy and neat. You may have to share a room with three or more people. But its cheap, so such rooms are students first choice.,21,Culture Corner,Motels,Motels mainly serve guests who are on long car journeys. Therefore, they are nearly always located at the side of main highways. Motels are generally functional rather than attractive, so motel rooms are usually cheaper than hotel rooms.,22,My Progress Check,Words I have learned in this unit are:,Now I know _ new words. More words I know in this unit are: _,Great! Now I know _ useful phrases and expressions. More useful phrases and expressions I know in this unit are: _, per, deposit, cause, charge, have a look at., power outage, be sorry for, be busy doing, look into, solve a problem,Phrases and expressions I have learned in this unit are:, relax,23,My Progress Check,I can:, help guests understand hotel instruction signs., help guests check in and check out in a hotel.,What progress I have made! Im happy., help guests deal with emergencies.,24,


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