2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Lessons1-2 Grammar-will和be going to讲练 北师大版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Lessons1-2 Grammar-will和be going to讲练 北师大版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Lessons1-2 Grammar-will和be going to讲练 北师大版必修2.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Lessons1-2 Grammar-will和be going to讲练 北师大版必修2【辨析】1. 两者都用来表示意图,但be going to强调“打算和意向”,表示要做某事的主观意图,而will表示“意愿、承诺和提议”。如:Im going to take her to a lecture tonight.I wont tell you about it.Ill always be your friend. 2. be going to表示事先经过考虑或事先做好安排,而will则表示没有经过事先考虑只是在说话瞬间做出的突然决定。如:Why are you taking down all the pictures?Im going to repair the room.Ill e and have a drink with you but I must let Monica know.3. 表示即将发生的事时,be going to接近于will,但在口语中多用be going to。如: Is there going to be a meeting this weekend? Ill be there this afternoon.4. 预测将要发生的事情时,be going to强调从目前的证据或迹象做出推断,表明可能发生某事,而will的预测是依据观点或信念。如: Not a cloud in the sky. Its going to be another warm day. There will be a day when all the puters in the world break down.5. 表示将来时间时,be going to可用于条件状语从句中,will则不能;但表示意愿意义的will可以用在条件句中。如: If you are going to play tennis this afternoon, youd better get your shoes cleaned. If he wont e, well ask someone else.【即学即练】根据语义连接A、B两栏的句子。I A B1Look at that blue sky.aI think hell be good in that job.2He never arrives on time.bShes going to think about it.3Look at the time.cHell be late today as well.4The price is too high.dIm going to tell him.5Eddie has been made a manager.eHes going to call me back.6Freddy doesnt know.fShell be back tomorrow.7Andrea is off today.gIll pick you up at seven.8I called Jerry but he was busy.hTheyll never get that much for their house.9Theresa doesnt know whether to accept.iIts going to be a beautiful day.10Great. Im glad youre ing.jWere going to be late.II A B1Id love a cup of tea.aThe forecast is sunny.2What is Jack studying?bNo, Ill give them to you now.3What are you doing over the summer?cMedicine. Hes going to be a doctor.4Can you call him back?dYes, Im not going to sell.5What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?eIll make some.6Dont forget to give me your keys.fShell be forty next birthday.7Have you decided what to do?gWere going to spend it in Spain.8How old is Shelly?hOf course. Ill call him now.9Is Anne happy in her new job?iNo, she isnt. She is going to resign.III. 用be going to或will的正确形式填空。1. Did you tell Robert about the good news? Oh, no, I forgot. I _ call him right now. 2. I _ leave at the end of this month.I dont think you should do that until youve found another job.3. _ you have another cake?No, thanks. Im full. 4. Look at those dark clouds. It _ rain. Im afraid were really lost.Dont worry. I _ stop and ask someone the way.5. Shawn has been in hospital for three days.Oh, really? I didnt know. I _ go and visit him.6. The ceiling of this room doesnt look very safe, does it?No. It looks as if it _ fall down.IV. 从括号内选出正确的选项填空。ASummer holiday 1. _ (is ing / will e) soon, I am so happy. First, I 2. _ (finish / am going to finish) my homework. Then my parents and I 3. _ (will spend / is going to spend) a couple of days in France sightseeing. If we 4. _ (go / will go) to Paris, we 5. _ (climb / will climb) the Eiffel Tower, 6. _ (take / have taken) a boat tour of the Seine and 7. _ (photograph / are photographing) the daily life in the Latin Quarter. At last, I 8. _ (visit / am going to visit) my grandparents and live with them for a week.BWhat do you think life in the future 1. _ (will be / is going to be) like?In the future there 2. _ (will be / is going to be) puters in our homes. puters 3. _ ( help / will help) us to know a lot about the world. We 4. _ (are able to talk / will be able to talk) by e-mail. Scientists 5. _ (will make / are going to make) many robots. Robots will help us to do some cleaning, cooking or washing. We will even be able to see a doctor without going out of our homes.V. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Ann is in hospital.Oh, really? I _ know. I _ go and visit her. (江苏 xx)A. didnt; am going to B. dont; would C. dont; will D. didnt; will2. How can I apply for an online course?Just fill out this form and we _ what we can do for you. (北京 xx)A. see B. are seeing C. have seen D. will see3. _ leave at the end of this month.I dont think you should do that until _ another job. (北京 xx)A. Im going to; youd foundB. Im going to; youve found C. Ill; youll findD. Ill; youd find4. The ceiling of this room doesnt look very safe, does it?No. It looks as if it _ down.A. falls B. fellC. is going to fall D. have fallenVI. 根据语境,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。A young man is going to leave his country to go to the US. His friend is asking him questions.M: Im so happy! Im going to the US.W: When are you going to leave?M: Im going to leave next month.W: So soon? 1. _ (you, buy) anything before you 2. _ (leave)?M: Yes. Im going to buy warm clothes for the winter. I hear the winter there is very cold.W: Where 3. _ (you, be)?M: Ill be in Ann Arbor, Michigan.W: Where 4. _ (you, live)?M: Im not sure. When I get there, I 5. _ (decide) where to live.W: 6. _ (you, work) in the US?M: No, Im not going to work. I have a scholarship. Im going to study at the University of Michigan.W: When will you return to our country?M: I will return when I graduate.W: When 7. _ (you, graduate)?M: In four years.W: Thats a long time! 8. _ (you, miss) me?M: Of course, Ill miss you.W: Will you write to me?M: Of course. I 9. _ (write) to you when I 10. _ (find) a place to live.KEY:GRAMMAR【即学即练】I 1-5 icjha 6-10 dfebg II 1-5 ecgha 6-9 bdfi III. 1. will2. am going to3. Will 4. is going to; will 5. will6. is going to IV. A1. is ing2. am going to finish3. will spend4. go5. will climb 6. take7. photograph 8. am going to visitB 1. will be 2. will be3. will help4. will be able to talk5. will makeV.1-4 DDBCVI.1. Are you going to buy 2. leave 3. will you be 4. are you going to live / will you live5. will decide 6. Are you going to work / Will you work7. will you graduate / are you going to graduate 8. Will you miss 9. will write 10. find


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