2019-2020年高三上学期第二次月考英语试题 Word版含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三上学期第二次月考英语试题 Word版含答案第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;)听下面5段对话。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Howwillthewomangoouting?A.Bybus. B. Inthemans car. C . In her own car. 2. Who doesthedress belong to?A.Susan. B. Janet. C. Susans friend. 3 What isthewoman going to do?A.Study for a flight. B. Have dinner with Jack. C. Pack for a plane trip. 4 What arethespeakers talking about?A.Repairing machines. B. Paying for tickets. C. Changing notes. 5. What istheprobable relationship betweenthespeakers?A.Classmates. B. Fellow workers. C. Husband and wife.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6. What isthewoman telling her father about?A.Her visit to Greenwich Park. B. Her sightseeing experience. C. Her plan for her holiday. 7. When isthewoman going to see a show?A.On her last night. B.Next weekend. C. Tomorrow.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。8. What do we know aboutthewriter?A.He is a child. B. He was an assistant years ago. C. He was born disabled. 9.Howdoestheman findthewriter?A.Inspiring. B. Surprising. C. Satisfying. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10.Howdidtheman getthecar probably?A.He made it byhimself. B. He bought it from a car store. C. He bought it from another person. 11. What doestheprice ofthecar include?A.All fees but no taxes. B. Free service for one year. C. A one-month service agreement. 12. Whatwillthe man probably do next?A.Test outthecarbyhimself. B. Getthecar keys forthewoman C. Getthecontracts ready to sign. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. Whenwillthewoman leave for vacation?A.August 5th. B. August 15th. C. August 25th.14.Howlongwillthewoman stay atthebeach?A.Two weeks. B. One week. C. Three weeks.15. What isthewoman planning to do?A.Take a sunbath. B. Learn swimming. C. Have a volleyball match.16. Whatwilltheman do?A.Gowith die woman. B. Do some sports. C. Take part of his vacation. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. Where can you most probably hear this talk? A.In a class oftheGreek language. B. In a class ofthe French language. C. In a class oftheEnglish language. 18.Howlong doestheClass last?A.11 weeks. B. 13 weeks. C. 15 weeks. 19. What is theshort - cut to learning words according tothespeaker?A.Learninghowwords are formed B. Taking more courses. C. Reading basic words aloud. 20. Why istheclass popular?A.Its taughtby Professor John Morris. B. It helps to master some useful rules. C. It is not offered each term.第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 21. Guess what? The biggest garment plant in our city went bankrupt. It es as no surprise to me. I _ for years that it was going to close down.A. have learn B. learned C.had learned D. learn22. My niece Jane is still a puzzle to me; at one moment she is as quiet as a mouse, while she _ be fairly sporting at another.A. must B. shall C. can D. would 23. The general manager didnt keep his eyes on the _ of the situation, resulting in the fair being in chaos last week.A. caution B. prevention C. gravity D. recreation24. The facial identification technology is sure to e into effect which will definitely free us from the trouble _ money in queue.A. assessing B. pensating C. withdrawing D. rewarding 25. Hanginthere!Your parentswill soon_ what you are doing. By no means. They are prehistoric creatures. A. catch on to B. make up withC. cause damage to D. have prejudice against26. We have had a series of effective negotiationson the South China Sea issue since last month _ I believe we are very close to apromise.A. where B. whichC. that D. when27. Still, poverty _ people in Africa. However, there are small victories indicating a good start towards a better future because they are taught how to fish.A. killsB. is killing C. has killed D. killed28. _ in swapping their lives, many immigrant workers in todays China have been working around the clock. A. Occupying B. To occupyC. OccupiedD. Having occupied 29. Throughout their long history, _ many troubles, the Romany have different ways of life, and yet stick to traditions strange to the country they move to.A. being facedB. having faced C. to face D. faced30. Ive never sung a song on the stage before. My hands are sweaty. _ You will do it well.A. Pardon me. B. Make it. C. Trust me. D. Forget it.31. Every day, Chinese people depend on our diligence and intelligence to keep our second greatest economy prosperous and _.A. in the way B. on the move C. in the first place D. on the behalf32. The volleyball final between China and Serbia was really thrilling. The best moment was, as was reported, _ the Chinese girl Hui Rouqi scored the winning point. A. thatB. whenC. as D. Which33. Tony! You cant imagine how excited I am to attend the Chinese wedding cerebration. Me, too. But I have to remind you that it will be _, so do dress red.A. confidential B. conservative C. controversial D. conventional34. My friend Harrison had hardly had so much time to settle down _ he sold the house and left the country because of the awful weather in London.A. than B. that C. since D. before35. Many new employees attempted to bee _ as they hold the belief that it is better to avoid conflicts among colleagues.A. the hill of beans B. the butterflies in each others stomachsC. the feet of clay D. the apple of each others eyes 第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)This incident occurred in Casa Grande Arizona in Nov xx. On the late evening of Nov xx, I was 36 to a local grocery store after work to pick up a few items for dinner with my family. All that day November 27 I had a headache that just would not 37 ! I never made it to the store, I suffered a stroke while driving drifting into oning 38 and was hit by a large truck nearly head on! The 39 left me hanging partially out the drivers side door by my seat belt. I was 40 enough to release the belt. Fortunately, an off-duty fireman was just across the street and 41 immediately. Next I saw myself from just 42 my body as the sound of sirens (汽笛) came closer. Half of my body was bathed in what I can best 43 as a White and Silvery light, the other half of me the Blackest of Blacks! I dont know why but something told me, that deepest of black was something no one could 44 from! I then, off to my left heard a 45 basically chewing me out (责骂) for how I had lived my life to that point and that “GOD doesnt take 46 sitters.” The “voice” then stated “go back and experience the 47 youve caused to others!” 6 days later I awoke, and found out my heart had stopped en route to the hospital and that I nearly 48 ! When I 49 , my wife, my rock Petra is her name, was there at that moment! I was told that I had congestive heart failure at just age 49 and that many weeks and months 50 ahead of physical therapy and that it would be a long road back. I was 51 by the stroke on my left side and it surely appeared that many months lay ahead. That accident took place on Nov 28 xx. I was 52 from Physical Therapy on Christmas Day xxand I 53 out of the hospital not perfect!In these times with so much doubt, I just feel that my story inspires people “sitting on the fence” to take a 54 look at their lives, faith and what is truly important. It was then that I began to acpany my daughter with autism (孤独症). Its not perfect, she still has her moments. But, I found by 55 more time than lip service to her, we now have a great relationship.36. A. walkingB. drivingC. marchingD. passing37. A. turn awayB. give awayC. go awayD. do away38. A. populationB. trafficC. movementD. accident39. A. impactB. noiseC. experienceD. solution40. A. consciousB. cautiousC. casualD. curious41. A. investigateB. escapedC. shoutedD. responded42. A. besideB. throughC. aboveD. near43. A. describeB. narrateC. identifyD. fancy44. A. repeatB. returnC. releaseD. remain45. A. wordB. voiceC. explanationD. ment46. A. fenceB. wallC. babyD. pet47. A. changeB. lossC. painD. harm48. A. came backB. got offC. left awayD. passed away49. A. relievedB. interferedC. coughedD. awoke50. A. layB. reflectedC. containedD. undertook51. A. equippedB. weakenedC. stimulatedD. motivated52. A. protectedB. distinguishedC. releasedD. derived53. A. looked B. droveC. walkedD. ran54. A. efficientB. frequentC. gratefulD. serious55. A. sparing B. spending C. killingD. mitting第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AThe English Short Stories WorkbookWhat about the PRACTICE?The storybook es with aplete workbook, and it is full ofexercisesto improve your students English even further.Vocabulary, grammar, prehension and writingexercises. Each story gets its own set of exercises.You can use them as: Ready to use pletelesson plans Homeworkassignments ESLWorksheets Essaywriting assignments Unseen quizzes prehensiontestsWhat learners are saying:The stories are interesting and made me learn and have fun at the same time.The exercises make you practice English easily, and this helpsremember how to use English correctly.Michael T.studentGreat stories! They are fun to read,and fun to practice. It really helpsto learn English.Neta G. student High interest and simple vocabulary short stories Important vocabulary is frequentlyrepeated New vocabulary and mon slangprovideadditional challenge No more hours of searchingfor suitable stories and exercises Use these stories and exercises asplete lesson plans Improve your students Englishstep by stepNow you can get theBook +Workbook (110 pages in total) and additional bonusesat the price of$24.95!Instant download!No need to wait for days for your books.Click Here Now to Get theBook, Workbook and Bonuses56. What can students get from the English short stories workbook? A. additional bonuses B. some current expressions C. essay writing technologiesD. the plete lesson plans57. What is this article intended to do? A. To teach students how to practice English B. To instruct teachers to teach English correctly C. To promote a short stories book on sale D. To tell netizens of online registrationB Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. At age 75, Fauci has served under five presidents during histenure (任期). His advice is sought all over the world when infectious diseases threaten to bee public health crises. He says, when considering the history of public andglobalhealth, vaccines could be the most important intervention that has ever been developed for any public health issue. That was the case with the serious disease caused by the West Nile Virus. West Nile Virus was never in the United States until xx. It was in the West Nile area of Africa and in the Middle East and it came over to the United States, likely through a mosquito, or a bird, or a person who was infected. And we had a few cases for the first couple of years and then we had anoutbreaka couple of years after it arrived and now, itsmon at a low level in the United States. It isnt a major public health threat, but it is enough of an issue that we get enough cases each year and thats the reason why we have to have good mosquito control. We tried to make a vaccine, and would have made a vaccine, for West Nile years ago, but we couldnt find apharmaceuticalpany that was interested in partnering with us.Today, another virus spread by mosquitoes, the Zika virus, is an issue of concern to the world. Zika outbreaks are currently happening in many countries and territories. The mosquitoes that can spread Zika live in many parts of the world, including parts of the United States. What people need to understand about Zika is its important to protect pregnant women. It is likely that Zika was in Africa and in Southeast Asia for decades and decades before we had the first recognized outbreak. In the United States, we have close to 700 already travel-related cases. Weve had local outbreaks of dengue (登革热) and chikungunya (基孔肯雅病) in Florida and in Texas and weve been able to successfully contain them. I believe we need to do the same thing, and will do the same thing, with Zika. Fauci will tell you he is a proud workaholic. That means he enjoys working a lot. He works 7 days a week. He says there are many difficult problems in his work. However, just as important as his job, is his health. He is adevotedrunner. Fauci has run severalmarathonsand many 10-kilometer races. He also makes sure that, every day, he does something related to exercise. Fauci hopes that one day it will bee possible toeliminatecontrollable infectious diseases. I want to see the elimination of polio (小儿麻痹症). I want to see HIV no longer be an epidemic, as we know it. I want to see aneraof the end of AIDS. I dont think well ever be able to pletely eliminate infectious disease, thats unreasonable. But we can do a lot more toalleviatethe suffering associated with infectious diseases.58. What did Fauci once experience? A. He has served as five presidents of USA. B. He invented the vaccines against AIDS. C. He was infected by the West Nile Virus. D. He carried out some research on Zika.59. According to the context, what is the same medium of West Nile Virus and Zika? A. A mosquito B. A bird C. Pregnant women D. Polluted water60. Which of the following about Zika is WRONG? A. There were local outbreaks of Zika in the USA. B. Zika could be controlled eventually in some way. C. Zika has existed relatively longer out of the USA. D. Less than 700 cases of Zika was found until now. 61. Which word can replace the underlined word “alleviate” in the last paragraph? A. Reproduce B. Relieve C. Reject D. RenewC Only 60 percent of students seeking abachelors degreeat an American college or university finish their study program within six years. That information es from the United States Department of Education. It was part of a report released in May. The report talks about full-time students who attended a four-year college or university for the first time in xx. It states that 60 percent of them pleted their degree program by xx. Experts say there are many reasons why this number is so low. But many schools are looking for ways to increase the graduationrate. For example, every American college or university requires students to identify the main subject, or major, of their studies. After all their requirements have been met, students receive their degree in that major. Some universities require individuals to declare a major at the beginning of their studies. Other schools let students wait until their second year. Changing majors is also acceptable. But some experts argue against changing majors. They note it may cause students to take more time to plete their degree program. However, a new study suggests that students who change their majors may be more likely to graduate. The Education Advisory Board (EAB) released the report on the study last month. The board studies higher education and tries to help American colleges and universities make improvements. The study was based on information gathered from over 78,000 college students. It looked at the graduation rate of students who changed majors within the first four years of study. On average, their graduation rate was between about four to six percent higher than students who never changed majors. The report also suggests that changing majors within the first three years of study has little to no effect on the average time it takes students to plete their degree. The EABs senior director Ed Venit wrote the report. He would not ment on whether or not college students should change majors. But he said that about 80 percent of students do change at some point. Venit also said it is not pletely clear why changing majors might help students. But he thinks some people bee more invested in their studies once they have had time to decide what they truly want to do. Students who chose a major early on: maybe they didnt have full information about what they wanted to do. Maybe they just picked something that felt familiar . or their parents pushed them to something, whatever it might be. But maybe they didnt make a full choice early on. . Those students were only, perhaps . just kind of attached to their major, versus students who either wait and explore a little bit longer or have declared something, explored further and found something else that they like even better. Venit added that the Department of Educations graduation rate information is not pletely correct. It only includes the rates for students studying for the first time - not for those who have changed schools. These students represent about 40 percent of the university population across the United States.62. What is the present condition of American university students? A. Most of them can fulfill their degree program on time. B. Too many extracurricular activities take students study time. C. Many undergraduates were forbidden to change majors. D. 60 percent is considered as a low graduation rate.63. What is the usual way for schools to increase the graduation rate? A. To offer more time for students to make up their lessons. B. To offer students a chance to alter their majors. C. To await students to choose their favorite majors in 2 years. D. To invest more money for the major establishment.64. What does the report by Ed Venit tell us? A. Too many undergraduates have no interest in first-chosen majors. B. Changing majors can increase graduate rate by over 10 percent. C. Changing majors had better happen in the first two years. D. Students who change majors will definitely have a better future.65. What is the attitude of Ed Venit to major changing? A. Agreeable B. Opposed C. Neutral D. SustainableD The birth of each human being begins with a plex process of adaptation to the outside world. To successfully adapt to the outside environment the newborns must make many physiological and behavioral adjustments. They exert an enormous amount of energy establishing stability of different body systems, often in less ideal circumstances. In the past few decades, hospitals have bee the accepted environment for childbirth and post birth adjustment. The majority of infants born in Western civilization spend the first one to three days of their lives in the hospital environment. Recently, rooming-in or acmodating the mother and her newborn in one room has bee popular. Despite this shift away from nursery - focused care, many newborns still spend a considerable portion of their hospital stay in the normal newborn nursery. Karraker explains that this occurs due to .illness of either the mother or the infant, the mothers need for rest, avoiding infections when the mother receives visitors, and the mothers desire to be relieved of caretaking duties at times. The ho


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