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2019-2020 年高三第一次五校联考试卷(英语) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节 (共 5 小题,每小题 1.5 分, 满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读 下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 What didnt the woman do while in Hawaii? AWhite-water rafting. BBall-games. CTaking pictures. 2 Where does this conversation most probably take place? AIn an office. BIn a cinema. CIn a bank. 3 When will the woman see Jane, if she can? AThis morning. BThis afternoon. CThis evening. 4 What does the conversation tell us? AThe man wants to reserve a room. BThe man reserved a room some time ago. C The man has booked a room with no bath. 5 How long did it take the man to write his paper? AMore than two hours. BNot more than half an hour. C Less than an hour and a half. 第二节(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相 应位置。听每段 对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 68 题 6 Where are the speakers? AIn an airplane. BIn a railway station. CAt a bus stop. 7 Who goes on board first? AThe man. BThe woman. CBoth of them. 8 What does the man worry about? AWeather. BSafety. CThe woman. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 911 题: 9 What are the speakers talking about? ATheir favorite teachers. BTheir homework. CThe mans problems in class. 10 Which one of the followings is true? ATom didnt do his homework. BTom forgot his books. C Tom was ten minutes late for class. 11 According to the woman, what should the man do if he wants to pass this class? AGo to class early. BTalk to Ms. Li. CBe more serious. 听第 8 段材料,回答 1214 题: 12 What do we know about Shirley? AShe is a newer. BShe is warm-hearted. CShe is the party organizer. 13 What do we know about the munity? AIts not as safe as supposed to be. BA party will be held regularly once a month. C Theres a big supermarket near the neighborhood. 14 What can we learn from the talk? ATheyre talking in the street. BSophie presents Shirley a calendar. C Sophie happily received the invitation to the party. 听第 9 段材料,回答 1517 题: 15 Why is the woman worried? AShe doesnt know how to read very well. BShe cant understand her chemistry assignment. C The text book she needs is not available in the bookstore. 16 What do we learn about the man from this conversation? AHe knows very little about chemistry. BHe doesnt like Professor Jerkins. C He doesnt get worried easily. 17 What will the woman probably do next? AGo back to the bookstore. BReview her assignment. C Watch television and relax. 听第 10 段材料,回答 1820 题: 18 In what aspect is Beijing adopting eco-friendly technologies? ATransportation and power supply. BWater supply and management. C Waste management and population control. 19 Whats the percentage of the taxis fueled by clean energy by xx? A50%. B60%. C70%. 20 What problem is still worrying many people now? ATransportation. BAir quality. CSocial security. 第二部分:英语知识应用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂 黑。 21 Let us suppose that you are in position of parent. Would you allow your child to do such a thing? Aa ;a Ba;the Cthe;a Dthe ;the 22 Most animals have little connection with animals of a different kind , they hunt them for food . Aif Bwhile Cunless Das 23 blood if you can and many lives will be saved. AGiving BGive CGiven DTo give 24 Raising children is said to be a job parents receive the least formal training. Ain which Bfor which Cwhere Dto what 25 Ladies and gentleman, wele to my program. me this evening is Mr. Gray. ATo join BJoin CJoined D Joining 26 Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep from themselves. Athem Bit Cone Dthose 27 Though the man was badly hurt in the accident, he was still and could think clearly. Aconscious Bawake Caware Dconfused 28 Are you angry ? Yes. He should at least answer when . Aspeaking Bspoken to Cspoken Dspeaking to 29 Its nearly 5 years since I worked in the pany. I in a school. Ataught Bwas teaching Cam teaching Dhad been teaching 30 What do you think of David ? There are some things that are not easy to , and his coldness is one . Aput aside Bput up with Cthink of Dget along with 31 global warming, those present at the international meeting also discussed other issues. AA part from BIn spite of CBut for DExcept for 32 The new method of teaching for the time being in our school. It will be carried out all over the city. Ais experimenting Bis experimented C is being experimented Dhas been experimented 33 If you to the party last Saturday, you would have met our old friend Jim . I caught a cold, for I had been walking around in the rain. Acame Bhad e Cwould e Dwould have e 34 Saving money year after year, his parents enough to pay for his living expenses abroad. Aaccelerated Bacplished Cabsorbed Dadmitted 35 Could you send me an application for the TOEFL ? Whats your name and address ? AYes, I could BJust a moment CThat s right DNo problem 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36-55 所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C、D)中,选出 最佳选项。 The other day I was talking to a stranger on the bus; he told me that he had a good 36 in Chicago and he wondered if , by any chance, I 37 to know him. For a moment, I thought he might be 38 , but I could tell from the expression on his face that he was not. He was 39 . I felt like saying that it was ridiculous to 40 that out of all the millions of people in Chicago I could possibly have ever bumped into his friend. But, 41 , I just smiled and reminded him that Chicago was a very 42 city. He nodded, and I thought he was going to be content to drop the subject and talk about something else. But I was wrong. He was silent for a few minutes, and then he 43 to tell me all about his friend . His friends main 44 in life seemed to be tennis . He was an excellent tennis player, and he 45 had his own tennis court. There were a lot of people with swimming 46 , yet there were only two people with private tennis court; his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several 47 like that , including my brother, who was a doctor in California. He 48 that maybe there were more private courts in the country , than he 49 but he did not know of any others. Then he asked me 50 my brother lived in California. When I said Sacramento, he said that was a coincidence 51 his Chicago friend spent the summer in Sacramento last year and he lived next door to a 52 who had a tennis court in his backyard. I said I felt that really was a coincidence because my next-door neighbour had gone to Sacramento last summer and had 53 the house next to my brothers house. For a moment, we stared at each other , but we did not say anything. “Would your friends name happen to be Roland Kirkwood?” I asked finally . He 54 and said, “Yes. Would your brothers name happen to be Dr Rey Hunter ?” It was my 55 to laugh. “Yes,” I replied . 36 Abrother Bteacher Cneighbour Dfriend 37 Amanaged Bhappened Ctried Dwanted 38 Aexpecting Blying Cjoking Dtalking 39 Afunny Bserious Ccareful Ddisappointed 40 Athink Bfind Crealize Dsee 41 Aindeed Bactually Cinstead Dexactly 42 Afamous Binteresting Cnoisy Dbig 43 Abegan Bstopped Crefused Dfailed 44 Aproblem Binterest Cchoice Dwork 45 Ajust Bever Ceven Dsurely 46 Asuit Bhabit Cpools Driver 47 Apeople Bplayers Cstrangers Dfriends 48 Aadvised Bargued Cadmitted Dannounced 49 Arecognized Brealized Cvisited Dfound 50 Ahow Bwhether Cwhen Dwhere 51 Abecause Bif Cthen Dthough 52 Adoctor Bfriend Cneighbour Dplayer 53 Ahired Bvisited Cdesigned Dsold 54 Asmiled Blaughed Ccried Dnodded 55 Achance Bpleasure Ctime Dturn 第三部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Hes an old cobbler(修鞋匠) with a shop in the Marais, a historic area in Paris. When I took him my shoes, he at first told me: “I havent time. Take them to the other fellow on the main street ; hell fix them for you right away.” But Id had my eye on his shop for a long time. Just looking at his bench loaded with tools and pieces of leather, I knew he was a skilled craftsman(手艺人). “No,” I replied, “the other fellow cant do it well.” “The other fellow” was one of those shopkeepers who fix shoes and make keys “while-U-wait” without knowing much about mending shoes or making keys. They work carelessly, and when they have finished sewing back a sandal strap(鞋带)you might as well just throw away the pair. My man saw I wouldnt give in, and he smiled. He wiped his hands on his blue apron(围裙), looked at my shoes, had me write my name on one shoe with a piece of chalk and said, “e back in a week.” I was about to leave when he took a pair of soft leather boots off a shelf. “See what I can do?” he said with pride. “Only three of us in Paris can do this kind of work. ” When I got back out into the street, the world seemed brand-new to me. He was something out of an ancient legend, this old craftsman with his way of speaking familiarly, his very strange, dusty felt hat, his funny accent from who-knows-where and, above all, his pride in his craft. These are times when nothing is important but the bottom line, when you can do things any old way as long as it “pays”, when, in short, people look on work as a path to ever-increasing consumption(消费)rather than a way to realize their own abilities. In such a period it is a rare fort to find a cobbler who gets his greatest satisfaction from pride in a job well done. 56 Which of the following is true about the old cobbler? AHe was equipped with the best repairing tools. BHe was the only cobbler in the Marais. C He was proud of his skills. DHe was a native Parisian. 57 The sentence “He was something out of an ancient legend.” (paragraph 7)implies that . Anowadays you can hardly find anyone like him Bit was difficult to municate with this man C the man was very strange Dthe man was too old 58 According to the author, many people work just to . Arealize their abilities Bgain happiness C make money Dgain respect 59 This story wants to tell us that . Acraftsmen make a lot of money Bwhatever you do, do it well C craftsmen need self-respect Dpeople are born equal B How many people have I met who have told me about the book they have been planning to write but have never yet found the time ? Far too many. This is Life, all right, but we do treat it like a rehearsal(排演)and, unhappily, we do miss so many of its best moments. We take jobs to stay alive and provide homes for our families always making ourselves believe that this style of life is merely a temporary state of affairs along the road to what we really want to do. Then, at 60 or 65, we are suddenly presented with a clock and several grandchildren and we look back and realize that all those years waiting for Real Life to e along were in fact real life. In America they have a saying much laughed at by the English:“Have a nice day” they speak slowly and seriously in their shops, hotels and sandwich bars. I think it is a wonderful phrase, reminding us, in effect, to enjoy the moment: to value this very day. How often do we say to ourselves, “Ill take up horse-riding(or golf, or sailing)as soon as I get a higher position,” only to do none of those things when I do get the higher position. When I first became a reporter I knew a man who gave up a very well paid respectable job at the Daily Telegraph to go and edit a small weekly newspaper. At the time I was astonished by what appeared to me to be his pletely abnormal(反常的)mental state. How could anyone turn his back on Fleet Street in central London for a small local area? I wanted to know. Now I am a little older and possibly wiser, I see the sense in it. In Fleet Street the man was under continual pressure. He lived in an unattractive London suburb and he spent much of his life sitting on Southern Region trains. 60 The first paragraph of the passage tells us that . Awe always try to find some time to write a book Bwe always make plans but seldom fulfil them C we always enjoy many of lifes best moments Dwe always do what we really want to do 61 The underlined phrase turn his back on (paragraph 6) most probably means . Aleave for Breturn to Cgive up Drely on 62 The man(paragraph 6) left his first job partly because he was . Ain an abnormal mental state Bunder too much pressure C not well paid Dnot respected 63 What is probably the best title for the passage? AProvide Homes For Our Family BTake Up Horse-riding C Value This Very Day DStay Alive C Below are some classified ads from an English newspaper. Classified ads For direct classified service call 800-0557 10 A.M 4 P.M MondayFriday For sale e to our moving salePlants, pottery, books, clothes, etc. Sat, Dec. 14th9 a. m.5 p. m. 1612 Ferndale, Apt. 1,800-4696. USED FUR COATS and JACKET. Good condition. 3050. Call 800-0436 after 12 noon. MOVING: Must sell. TV 21, 50;AM/FM radio A/C or battery, 15; cassette tape recorder, 10. Call Jon or Pat, 800-0739 after 5 p.m. or weekends. SHEEPSKIN COAT: mans size 42, 1 year old. 85. After 6 p.m., 800-5224. LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Cat, 6 months old, black and white markings. Found near Linden and South U. Steve, 800-4661 LOST: Gold wire rim glasses in brown cae. Campus area. Reward. Call Gregg 800-2896. FOUND: set of keys on Tappan near Hill intersection. Identify key chain. Call 800-9662. FOUND: Nov.8th A black and white puppy in Packard-Jewett area. 800-5770 PERSONAL OVERSEAS JOBSAustralia, Europe, S. American, Africa. Students all professions and occupations, 700 to3000 monthly. Expenses paid, overtime. Sightseeing. Free Information at STUDENTUNION THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER plans to publish a booklet of student travel adventures, if youd like to write about your foreign experiences, unusual or just plain interesting, call 800-9310 and ask for Mike or Janet. UNSURE WHAT TO DO? LifePlanning Workshop, Dec, 13th15th . Bob and Margatet Atwood, 800-0046 Roommates FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED: Own room near campus. Available December 1st. Rent 300 per month until March 1st. 450 thereafter. Call Jill for details,800-7839. NEED PERSON to assume lease for own bedroom in PT. Near campus, 380/mo. Starting Jan. 1st. call 800-6157 after 5 p.m. DOMESTIC SERVICE EARLY HOUR WAKE-UP SERVICE: For prompt, courteous wake-up service, call 800-0760 HELP WANTED BABYSITTERMY HOME If you are available a few hours during the day, and some evenings to care for 2 school age children, please call Gayle Morre, days 800-1111, evenings and weekends 8004964 PERSONS WANTED for deliver work. Own transportation. Good pay. Apply 2311 E. Stadium. Office 101, after 9, a.m. TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST WANTED. No experience necessary. Good pay. Apply 2311 E. Stadium. Office 101, after 9 a.m. WAITRESS WANTED 10a.m.5p.m. or 10:30a.m.5p.m. Apply in person, 207 S. Main. Curtis Restaurant. HELP WANTED for house cleaning 1/2 day on weekend. When to be discussed for mutual convenience. Good wages. Sylvan Street, call 800-2817. 64 Where will you post a notice if you need someone to look after your children? APERSONAL BHELP WANTED C DOMESTIC SERVICE DROOMMATES 65 A second-hand jacket will probably cost you _. A60 B40 C20 D10 66 To have your travel notes published , you may contact _. AStudents Union BGayle Moore C The International Center DLife-Planning Workshop 67 If you want to have someone wake you up in the morning, your may call _. A800-5224 B800-5770 C800-7839 D800-0760 D Happy birthday! Do birthday really make people happy? Of course they do. Birthday celebrate the day when we were born. Besides, that extra candle on the cake suggest another year of growth and maturityor so we hope. We all like to imagine that we are getting wiser and not just older. Most of us enjoy seeing the wonder of growth in others, as well. For instance, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proud. For Americans, like people in most cultures, growing up is a wonderful process. But growing old? That is a different story. Growing old is not exactly for people in youth-oriented(以年轻人为中心)American culture. Most Americans like to look young, act young and feel young. As the old saying goes, “Youre young as you feel.” Older people joke about how many years young they are, rather than how many years old. People in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom. But Americans seem to favor those that are young, or at least “young at heart”. Many older Americans find the “golden years” to be anything but golden. Economically, “senior citizens” often struggle just to get by. Retirement at the age of 65 brings a sharp decrease in personal ine. Social security benefits usually cannot make up the difference. Older people may suffer from poor nutrition, medical care, and housing. Some even experience age discrimination. American sociologist Pat Moore once dressed up like an older person and wandered city streets. She was often treated rudelyeven cheated and robbed. However, dressed as a young person, she received much more respect. Unfortunately, the elderly population in America is increasing fast. Why? People are living longer. Fewer babies are being born. And middle-aged “baby boomers” are rapidly entering the group of the elderly. America may soon be a place where wrinkles(皱纹)are “in”. Marketing experts are ready noticing this growing group of consumer. 68 Growing up is a wonderful thing because _. Apeople can celebrate their birthday Bpeople can receive many presents C people will feel younger at heart Dpeople can bee more mature and wiser 69 We can infer from the second paragraph that _. Adifferent countries have different opinions on the old age BAmerican older people often joke about their old age C American culture is very young Dyoung people lack experience and wisdom 70 What does the third paragraph mainly tell us? AThe old in America are leading a hard life. BAmerican social security benefits are not good. C The golden years can make the old earn lots of money. DThe old in America have to retire at the age of 65. 71 What does the underlined word “in” in the last paragraph mean? Aserious Bdisappearing slowly Ccool Dgrowing fast E Heading off to college this year? Here are some fashion tips from our experts you should keep in mind: Dress to impress: Stylist and business consultant Daniela Smith says, “Girls should keep in mind that your college professors will often be the bridge that connects you to your future career and your classmates will bee your professional networkYou dont need to dress like youre going to the office, but you should display an ability to properly present yourself with appropriate maturity and confidence, and look put together ” Logo mania(品牌狂热症): Wearing the logos of brands aimed at younger customers physically identifies you as part of that age group, so consider the targeted age group of the stores you shop atIts tempting(诱人的) to load up on logos, especially well-known logos that signify high-end brandsBut consider this: college is a time of self-discovery, a chance to develop your own personal styleInstead of wearing logos head to toe, “walking advertisement”-style


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