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2019-2020年高三第一学期期末考试1听力原文:第一节(Text 1)W: Have you heard the news?M: No, what is new?W: Julie has won first prize in the diving petition.M: Oh, thats great.(Text 2)M: Im going to invite some friends to dinner in the evening the day after tomorrow. Where should I order the meal, please?W: Here, sir. What kind of dishes would you like, Chinese or Western?(Text 3)M: Did you talk to Charlene?W: Sure, I did.M: what did she say when you suggested she should not leave her books everywhere?W: Oh, she is unwilling to listen to reason.(Text 4)M: The pen is $15, but I only have $6.W: I will lend you $4. Thats all I have(Text 5)M: Why not answer my question? Cant you see the blackboard?W: Yes, I can. But I dont know the answer.第二节(Text 6)M: Hello! Can I speak to Susan, please?W: Speaking. Is that you, Tom?M: Yes, it is. I am going to New Zealand in two weeks time, and my wife is going with me.W: Oh, how lucky you are! How long are you going for?M: For a couple of months, maybe half a year. My boss wants me to help set up a branch pany there. Well, Susan, you have been to New Zealand several times. Can you give us some suggestions. or just tell us about that country?W: Id love to. We can have a talk sometime.M: Why not e over to dinner in my house this weekend .My wife wants to meet you as well.W: All right. What about Saturday?M: Ok. See you at 6:00 pm, this ing Saturday. Goodbye!(Text 7)W: How long have you felt like this?M: Ohfor a few weeks, now.W: And how old are you now?M: Sixteen. W: Do you do much exercise?M: No.W: I see. Sports? Cycling? Swimming? Nothing?M: ErI walk to school. Thats about it.W: What about sleeping? Do you sleep well?M: No, not really. I wake up in the night a lot.W: Why do you think you wake up?M: Well, I worry a lot-mainly about school work. Im getting behind and I seem unable to catch up.W: Oh dear. What time do you usually go to bed?M: Oh, about midnight in the week and later at the weekends.W: I see. And do you drink anything before you go to bed?M: I have a cup of coffee, yes. And Im always hungry in the evening. I usually have something to eat before I go to bed. (Text 8)M: Hello, Nancy. This is Bob. How are you?W: Fine, thank you. A bit too busy, though, you know I am trying to put everything in good order in my new flat.M: Oh, I see. Well, I was wondering if you would like to got to a concert tomorrow evening. I think it will be good and if I remember correctly, you did say you like country music.W: Yes, that is right. It is nice of you to ask. Bob, but I dont think I can. Jim has already asked me to see a friend, and then we will go to the theatre together. In fact, he is getting the tickets this evening.M: Oh, well, never mind. What about next weekend? This concert is still on then. I think, if you are free next Saturday.W: Oh, Id like to very much, but what time exactly?M: It starts at 7:30, I think.W: Good, that will be fine. The tennis match will be over by seven oclock. I am sure.M: Ok, I will call you again when I get the tickets.W: Sure. Bye for now. (Text 9)W: We are thinking about putting on a show this spring.M: Do you think we will be about to make some money?W: Oh, no, we just want to do it for the fun of it. You know there are a lot of us who like to get up on a stage and perform.M: What kind of show?W: A musical.M: Have you decided which ones to do?W: We have three in mind, and of course weve been thinking about you.M: Me, why me?W: You sing, dont you? Everyone says you have a wonderful voice.M: Well, I have sung a little, but Ive never really appeared on a stage.W: I thought you sang in church every Sunday.M: Thats different There are so many others singing too.W: Then here is the chance to find out how good you are. And not just to sing but to act and dance too.M: It might be exciting.(Text 10)Nowadays, many foreign students fly to China, a country thousands of kilometers from their own, just to learn Chinese.France Marschall is one of them, though he would rather he called Sima Fan, a Chinese name given to him by his friend. He has been at Shanghai International Studies University for a year. Before this, he had studied Chinese for a year at a university in Germany. “ Today, I have no difficulty talking with Chinese people, but when they are talking with each other, I cannot easily understand them.” he said, “Listening another language is like stepping out of a door, through which I can look back and see more clearly my own language.” 答案:BCCBC, CABBA,CBBBA, BCBAC单选:DCCDD, DCCCA, ABCCB完型:BDACC, ADCCA, BACBD, BADBC阅读:BCADC, BBABA, ADACA, BBCDD改错:76.king后加who 77.enteredentering78.wouldshould 或去掉 79.leave后加the80.thingthings81. safesafety 82.all后加of83. 84.passedpassing 85.thatwhat书面表达(One possible version )Dear Sir, Im a senior middle school student. Whenever I go to school, I can see some people breaking traffic rules. For example, some passers-by and cyclists often go into the crossroads when the traffic lights are still red, and some cars exceed the speed limit when they run on busy streets if there are no policemen working there. I hate these offenders but I cant do anything to stop them. I think it is the duty of every citizen to obey the traffic rules. I suggest that we have more policemen or assistants working at the crossroads and on the busy streets. Whoever breaks the rules should be fined or punished. In this way, they will not break the traffic rules again.Yours sincerely , Li Hua


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