2019-2020年高一年级上学期第四次周考(B卷)英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高一年级上学期第四次周考(B卷)英语试题 含答案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一年级上学期第四次周考(B卷)英语试题 含答案一、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AI was sleeping in my room when my bed started shaking and a loud noise was heard. I woke up and my mum was screaming my name. Next moment I was running along with my younger sister, mum and dad. Before I ran out of the door, I realized my elder sister hadnt e out yet. So I screamed her name at the top of my voice. My mum said she had gone to her class. Then the four of us, along with many others, were running on the staircase. We lived on the seventh floor, so I thought we would not be able to make it and the building would fall before we managed to reach even the fourth floor. My dads head was injured by something falling down. I did try to put my hand over his head. When we reached the sixth floor, the building split into two. We had no way to get down. The next thing I remember is silence. There were around 30 people on the staircase and none could react. Five minutes later, someone opened the door of the sixth-floor flat. We all went in. We were wondering how we would get down. From the balcony of the sixth-floor flat, I saw people standing on the ground floor. All eyes were stuck on us. I could see my elder sister crying. Our first hope of surviving came when a worker climbed a rope to where we were. That was, the first time we thought maybe we could get down. Half an hour passed and we were still trapped. Finally RSS people arrived with ropes. They got people down one by one. My biggest worry was how my dad would get down. Finally after two and a half hours, we all got down. That day we saw the power of nature. It has taken more than two years to build the flats and it took just one and a half minutes to destroy the structure.1. What is this passage mainly about?A. Ways to survive an earthquake. B. Reasons why earthquakes happen.C. The love of parents in an earthquake. D. The writers experience in an earthquake. 2. When the building split into two, the writer and his family . A. were still sleeping B. were trapped on the sixth floor C. were looking for a family member D. were running from the seventh floor to the sixth floor 3. The first time the writer thought they would probably survive was when . A. he was encouraged by people on the ground floor B. someone opened the door of the sixth-floor flat C. a worker climbed up on a rope D. RSS people arrived with ropes 4. The earthquake made the writer realize that .A. there is always hope for people B. the power of nature is really greatC. natural disasters can happen at any time D. human beings are strong in natural disasters BDavid Brown and Anne are two patients in the Adult Day Care Program at Mercy Hospitals. David Brown is seventy-two years old. Hes friendly and likes to talk. He lives with his wife in the city. But David is being forgetful. His wife says, Hell heat up some soup, then forget to turn off the gas. She is sixty-one and still works. She is worried about leaving her husband alone. Anne is eighty and lives with her 60-year-old daughter. Her daughter says that she needs a rest. Mom follows me everywhere. She follows me when I read newspapers. I need a rest and she does, too. And so, several times a week, David and Annes families take them to the Adult Day Care Center. Many hospitals have this program. Patients e to the Center for a full or half day, from one to five days a week. All the patients live with their families and most are old people. Mrs. Carol Johnson is the director of the Center. She says, We are offering both the patients and their families a service of great value. Patients have the chance to get out of their houses. Husbands, wives or grown children can work or have a rest. Most important of all, families are able to stay together. 5. Why did David Brown bee a patient of the Adult Day Care Center? A. Because he is seventy-two years old. B. Because he is lonely at home. C. Because he is being forgetful. D. Because he is seriously ill.6. What happens to Annes family? A. Her daughter is too old to look after her. B. Anne cleans all the rooms everyday. C. Her daughter doesnt want Anne to live with her. D. Her daughter is very tired because Anne always follows her.7. Which statement is NOT true about the patients of the Center? A. Most patients are old people. B. All the patients live with their families. C. The patients learn many things in the Center. D. The patients e to the Center six days a week.8. The best title of the passage should be .A. How to Spend the Rest Years B. The Adult Day Care CenterC. A Valuable Place D. Happy Families at the Adult Day Care CenterCShakespeares Birthplace and Exhibition of Shakespeares World Wele to the world-famous house where William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and where he grew up. The property (房产) remained in the ownership of Shakespeares family until 1806. The House has weled visitors travelling from all over the world, for over 250 years.OPENING TIMES 20 March to 19 October Monday to Saturday:9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday:9:30 am to 5:00 pm 20 0ctober to 19 March Monday to Saturday:9:30 am to 4:00 pm Sunday10:00 am to 4:00 pmEnter through the Visitors Centre and see the highly-praised exhibition Shakespeares World, a lively and full introduction to the life and works of Shakespeare. Stand in the rooms where Shakespeare grew up.Discover examples of furniture and needlework from Shakespeares period.Enjoy the traditional English garden, planted with trees and flowers mentioned in the poets works. ADMISSION:Adult 4.90Child 2.20Family 12O0(2 adults + up to 3 children) The Birthplace is within easy walking distance of all the car parks shown on the map; nearest is Windsor Street (3 minutes walk). The House may present difficulties but the Visitors Centre, the exhibition hall, and the garden are accessible( 可进入的)to wheelchair users. The Shakespeare Coffee House( opposite the Birthplace)9. How much is the admission for a family of two grown-ups and two children? A, 9.80, B. 12.00. C. 14.20, D. 16.40.10. Where is the nearest parking place to Shakespeares Birthplace? A. Behind the exhibition hall B. Opposite the Visitors Center. C. At Windsor Street. D. Near the Coffee House.11. A wheelchair user may need help to enter .A. the House B. the garden C. the Visitors Center D. the exhibition hallDBarack Ohama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father came to America from Kenya, which is a country in Africa. His parents, Ann and Baraek, met when they were students at the University of Hawaii. Since Baraek had the same name as his father, young Barack went by the nickname Barry. In 1979, after he finished high school, Barry went to Occidental College in Los Angeles, California. There, he started to learn about his African roots and decided to use his African name, Barack. After two years in L. A, he went to Columbia University in New York City to study politics. After college, he moved to Chicago, Illinois, where he worked to help poor people in his city. He traveled to Africa to meet his grandmother and cousins for the first time. He went back many times over the years to visit with his family and learn about where he came from. At work, he met a lawyer named Michelle Robinson. They worked together in a big law firm. Then he left Chicago to go to Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He did very well in law school. After he was done with school, Barack moved back to Chicago and in 1992 he married Michelle. He worked as a lawyer, devoted to helping poor people for free who had been treated unfairly. He worked hard to get the people he helped to vote (投票). He made many people believe that their votes were important, and helped them feel like they could make a difference.12. Barack Obamas father was probably born in . A. Hawaii B. Illinois C. Kenya D. California13. Which of the following is the right order according to the text? Getting married to Michelle Travelling to Africa to meet his grandmother Going to Harvard Law School Going to Columbia University Working in a big law firm A. B. C. D. 14. How did Obama get people to vote ? A. By cheating them to do so. B. By making a difference to people. C. By helping poor people who treated others unfairly. D. By showing them the importance of their votes.15. According to the text, which of the following words can best describe Baraek Ohama? A. Kind-hearted. B. Humorous. C. Polite. D. Brave.二、七选五(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Are you truly happy? Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? 16 The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life. Make a plan for attaining(达到的) goals that you believe will make you happy. You will be happy if you are going after something you value. 17 It is easy to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. On the contrary, if you are around people who are happy, their emotional state will be infectious(有感染力). 18 Truly happy people dont allow setbacks(挫折) to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the situations back to their favor. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness. 19 Whether you treat yourself to a great lunch or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance, you will be subconsciously(下意识地) putting yourself in a better mood. 20 Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood.A. Surround yourself with happy people.B. Dont let little things disturb your mood.C. Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness.D. Its also important to spend some time each day doing something nice for yourself.E. These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask himself.F. If you feel sad, you can pour your pain out and think of the things that make you happy.G. When something goes wrong, try to find a solution instead of being absorbed in self-pity.二、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Ill never forget May 12, xx. We were having classes at Beichuan Middle School, Sichuan Province, when a huge 21 hit the area. At about 2:28 pm, our 22 , Mr Wang, was teaching us singing on the fourth floor in the Teaching Building. 23 we felt the building shaking violently. It was an earthquake! Our building started to 24 . It was too late to rush out to the 25 . We were told to hide under the desks. 26 later, the whole building fell down. We were 27 and couldnt move a little at all. No one could really imagine at that split second, how much pain we had 28 or how desperate we felt as we waited to be 29 . I heard Mr Wang calling our names again and again. Hours later, some people came to rescue and only 30 of us were saved luckily. Later, I 31 this huge earthquake scaled 8.0 magnitude. It hit several provinces including Sichuan, Gansu and Shannxi. So far it has 32 more than 80,000 and injured 360,000. My hometown Beichuan was 33 the worst-hit areas. Our school, which was 34 filled with vigour and laughter, was a dead valley. Words after such a 35 could appear nothing but empty and pointless. So many peoples lives were taken away, so much 36 was done and the whole city was 37 .Beichuan has bee a history. Now, some of my classmates and I were 38 to study in a middle school in Jiangsu Province. I still 39 dreaming and still strive for a better future: To make our homes beautiful and 40 May victims rest in peace. May survivors live to be stronger.21. A. rain B. earthquake C. snow D. rock22. A. classmate B. parent C. friend D. teacher23. A. Finally B. Luckily C. Suddenly D. Actually24. A. fall B. stand C. run D. walk25. A. home B. desks C. classroom D. outdoors26. A. Minutes B. Weeks C. Hours D. Days27. A. trapped B. stayed C. played D. packed28. A. lived B. suffered C. enjoyed D. escaped29. A. ignored B. recovered C. rescued D. remembered30. A. all B. some C. none D. each31. A. found out B. added up C. came up D. set down32. A. devoted B. helped C. killed D. concerned33. A. outside B. with C. between D. among34. A. now B. once C. then D. never35. A. attitude B. trouble C. disaster D. experience36. A. life B. damage C. hurt D. item37. A. in ruins B. dug out C. as usual D. set up38. A. judged B. persuaded C. joined D. organized39. A. keep on B. give in C. care about D. go through40. A. peaceful B. safe C. grateful D. active四、语法填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的的正确形式。Levi Srauss was born in 1829 in Germany. He was the fifth of six children. In 1845, his father died. All six children decided 41. (go) to the United States. Strauss went to the southeastern part of the US. For eight years, he walked along the country roads 42. (sell) dry goods from door to doorjust like his father in Germany. In 1856, Strauss decided to move to San Francisco, 43. thousands of people were looking for gold. 44. his way to California, Strauss sold almost all of his dry goods. He had only one thing 45. (leave) -some canvas (帆布). In California, Strauss tried to sell the canvas to the gold miners. He said they could make tents from the canvas. But they werent 46. (interest) in canvas for tents. Strauss didnt know 47. to do with the canvas. Before long Strauss found the miners needed new pants. There were holes in their pants 48. the cloth wasnt strong. He decided to make the canvas 49. pants. They called them Levis. Later, Strauss stopped using canvas and used a different cloth. It was a heavy cotton cloth-the same kind people wear today. Levi Strauss died in 1902. He never married and left money to his nephews. He left the world much more-the jeans 50. so many people wear.五、下面短文中有10处错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改l0处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Like many teenagers in China, most of my spare time was spent doing my homework. As a result, I dont have enough times to do that Im interested in even on weekends or on holiday. The first thing which I enjoy when I have a few spare minute is to listen to music. Its the best way for me to escape the stress of their study. When I listen to music, it is like go to another world. Sometimes, the words of the songs seem to express exact how Im feeling. Besides, Im also interested in a fashion and Im always searching something special that can reflect my personality.六、单词填空(每小题1分,共10分)1. John said hed been working in the office for an hour, was true. 2. The boy position won the first prize is the youngest in the group.3. is expected, the number of the students in the high school increasing.4. Ill never forget the day I first saw him.5. They talked about the things and persons they remembered in the school.宜春中学xx高一年级第四次周考英语试卷(B卷)答题卡班级: 姓名: 学号: 得分: 单项选择(70分)1234567891011121314151617181920AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEFFFFFGGGGG2122232425262728293031323334353637383940AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD语法填空(15分)41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 短文改错(10分)Like many teenagers in China, most of my spare time was spent doing my homework. As a result, I dont have enough times to do that Im interested in even on weekends or on holiday. The first thing which I enjoy when I have a few spare minute is to listen to music. Its the best way for me to escape the stress of their study. When I listen to music, it is like go to another world. Sometimes, the words of the songs seem to express exact how Im feeling. Besides, Im also interested in a fashion and Im always searching something special that can reflect my personality.单句填词(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 宜春中学xx高一年级第四次周考英语试卷(B卷)答案阅读理解A篇:14DBCB B篇:58CDDB C篇:911BCA D篇:1215CBDA 七选五1620EAGDC完形填空2125BDCAD 2630AABCB 3135ACDBC 3640BADAB语法填空1. to go 2.selling 3.where 4.On 5.left 6.interested 7.what 8.becanse 9.into 10.that/which 改错Like many teenagers in China, most of my spare time was spent doing my homework. As a isresult, I dont have enough times to do that Im interested in even on weekends or on holiday. time whatThe first thing which I enjoy when I have a few spare minute is to listen to music. Its the best that minutesway for me to escape the stress of their study. When I listen to music, it is like go to another my goingworld. Sometimes, the words of the songs seem to express exact how Im feeling. Besides, Im exactlyalso interested in a fashion and Im always searching something special that can reflect my forpersonality.单词填空:1.which 2.whose 3.As 4.when 5.that


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