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Words,1.inspire vt.鼓舞,激励,启发 inspire sb. to do sth 鼓舞某人干某事 eg: 他的讲话使他鼓起了希望。 His speech inspired him with hope. Cf:1) inspiring adj.鼓舞人的,感动人的 an inspiring leader; a inspiring music 2) inspired 受鼓舞的 eg: I was inspired by his speech.,2. admire vt. 钦佩,羡慕,赞美 eg: 我们佩服他的诚实。 We admire him for his honest. Cf: admiration. n. (只用单数) express admiration for sb. 对表示钦佩 have great admiration for sb. 敬佩某人 admire sb for sth =admire ones sth. 为而敬佩某人 in admiration of 表示敬佩 with/ in admiration 心怀钦佩地,3. celebrate表示举行正式仪式庆祝某一重大喜事,是对事而言 congratulate祝贺,指祝贺某人,对人而言,与介词on连用 e.g. We warmly celebrate our Nation Day every year. They congratulate us on getting married.,4.threaten,threaten to do 吓唬说要 The man threatened to kill me if I refused to give him my handbag. 那人威胁说我不交出手袋就杀了我。 A flood is threatening to swallow the town. 洪水即将吞没小镇。,5.increase,increase : become or make (sth.) greater in number, quantity, size, etc. 增加 通货膨胀率已增长了2%。 The rate of inflation has increased by 2%. Cf: increase (from ) to : The population has increased from 1.2 million ten years ago to 1.8 million now. increase+ n.+to+n.: He increased his speed to 150 kilometres per hour.,6.value,1) to consider (someone or something) to be of great worth 认为很有价值。例如: Ive always valued your friendship very highly. 我总是把你的友谊看得很重。 2) to decide how much money sth is worth 估价 value sth. at估价某物值多多少钱。 We valued the house at 3500。 我们估价房子值3500美元。 3) n. 价值,币值 This work has no value.这工作毫无价值。 cf: be of value= be valuable 有价值的,7.find,find oneself 发现自己在(某个地方、某种状态)例如: He found himself lying in a hospital bed.他发现自己躺在医院的病床上。 find sb. doing 发现某人在做某事。 When we got there,we found people waiting to welcome us. 我们到那里后,发现人们正等待着欢迎我们。,8.mean,be mean with sth. 吝啬某物,be mean to sb.对某人不善良,这个人对钱很吝啬。,The man was very mean with money.,别对你弟弟那么刻薄。,Dont be so mean to your little brother.,9. generous adj.慷慨的,大方的 be generous with在方面大方 be generous in doing在做 方面慷慨大方 It is generous of sb. to do = sb is generous to do.某人很慷慨大方做. eg; 他花钱很大方。 He is generous with his money 他慷慨助人。 He is generous in giving help to others. cf: generous adj. 丰富的,丰盛的,肥沃的 Well have a generous harvest this year.,10. popular adj. 受欢迎的,有声望的 eg: 林肯是位受爱戴的美国总统。 Lincoln was a popular president of America. 2)大众的,流行的 eg: 青年人常常喜欢流行音乐。 Young men usually enjoy popular music. 每年有许多科普读物被印刷。 A lot of popular science reading are printed every year.,11. struggle v. 挣扎 struggle with 1). 和斗争(后接斗争的对象) 2) 同协同作战(后接合作伙伴) struggle against 和.斗争 (后界斗争对象) struggle for 为斗争 (后接斗争的目标 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 eg: In many parts of the world, people are still struggling against hunger. struggle VS fight struggle 挣扎,斗争,指肉体上与精神上的搏斗. fight 打仗,战斗,指人与人,动物与动物用武力甚至武器战斗. Cf: struggle n. (可数) 斗争,挣扎,后接 with, for , against,意义同动词. carry on a struggle 开展斗争 make a struggle 挣扎 have a struggle (in) doing 干某事费劲. eg: The cat struggled / made a struggle to escape 这只猫挣扎着想逃脱. He had a long struggle (in) getting the work done. 他费了很大劲才干完这项工作.,12. opposite adj. 相反的,对面的 be opposite to 与.相反,与.面对面 的 eg: 他住在街对面 He lives on the opposite side of the street. 她的观点和你的截然相反 Her opinions are quite opposite to yours. 2) prep. 在对面(后面不接to) eg: 我家房子对面的那所房子上星期烧毁了. The house opposite ours was burnt down last week. 3) n. 相反之物; 对立面 eg: 黑与白是对立物 Black and white are opposites. 美丽的对立面是什么? Whats the opposite of beautiful?,13. freeze 1) v. (使) 冻结(使)结冰 eg:当温度降至零下时,水就会结冰. When the temperature is below zero, water will freeze 寒冰已把大地冻结实. The cold has frozen the earth solid. 2) 变僵硬; (因恐惧) 呆住,使战栗 eg: 他们冻死了. They frozen to earth.= They were frozen to death. = They were frozen dead eg: 从脸上看他吓呆了 His face frozen with terror. cf: freezing n. 结冰点 adj.极冷的 frozen 过去分词,可作形容词, “冷冻的” “冻僵的”,14. Light vt. 点燃,照亮 light a fire 点起一堆火 light up 照亮, 使(人) 容光焕发 eg: 1)他点燃了香烟 He lighted the cigarette. 2)整座楼灯火通明 The whole building was lighted up brightly. 3)微笑使她容光焕发 A smile lit up her face light 的过去式,过去分词(lighted, lighted; lit, lit) lighted 用作形容词,作定语构成复合词或做过去分词. lit 多用作过去式,常与up 连用,15. praise Vt. 赞扬,表扬 eg: 老师表扬了我家庭作业做得好. The teacher praised me for my homework. 相关句式 praise sb./sth 赞扬 parsie sb. For (doing) sth. 因.赞扬 praise sb. as 称赞.是 eg: 我们的客人称赞我们的饭是他们吃的最好的 Our guests praised the meals as the best they had had for years. praise n. eg :那本书颇受赞扬 The book received much praise. sing high praise for 称赞 in praise of 赞美,16. respectful adj.尊敬人的,恭敬的 eg : We should be respectful of our good tradition. 我们应当尊重优良传统。 be respectful to 对有礼貌 be respectful of = respect 重视,尊重 eg: 这位老师受人尊重,我们大家都尊敬他。 The teacher is respectable, so we are all respectful to him. cf: respectable adj. 受尊敬的 Vt.尊敬, 尊重, 不防碍. n.(与of, for连用)尊敬;尊重 1) to show respect to those who are older 尊敬长者 The students have great respect for their history teacher. 学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。 2) 关心;注意 to pay (have) respect to 关心 3) (pl) 敬意;问候 Give my respects to your wife. 请代我向你太太问好。,17. responsible adj. 有责任的,负责任的,尽责任的,可信赖的 eg : 你最好把这些文件交给一个可靠的人 Youd better give the papers to a responsible man. 把钥匙交给安娜,她认真负责。 Leave the keys with Anna- she s very responsible. be responsible for 对负有责任,应负责任 The pilot is responsible for the passengers safety. 飞机驾驶员应对乘客的安全负责。 eg: 谁对那次意外事故负责。 Who is responsible for the accident?,Exercises: 1. The speaker is giving rather an _ speech, as I can judge from the _look of all the listeners. A. inspiring; inspiring B. inspired; inspired C. inspiring; inspired D. inspired; inspiring,C,2. Famous _, the successful businessman is popular in his hometown. A. as being generous B. because his being generous C. for his being generous D. to be generous person,C,3. Many newspapers _ the English languages, for example, China Daily, are popular _ students of English. A. by; with B. of; by C. in; with D. with; by,C,Wealthy as he is, he is not _ with his money, unwilling to help others in trouble. A. careful B. generous C. satisfied D. busy,B,5. While going around city, the visitors admired _ A. the beauty of the whole city B. that the whole city was beauty C. the whole city its beauty D. the beauty for the whole city,A,6. In 1862 the American slaves won their struggle _ freedom after many years fighting _ slave owners. A. against ; with B. for ;against C. with; for D. for; for,B,7. What you have down is _ the doctors orders. A. disagree to B. opposite C. not agree with D. opposite to,D,8. In the area around the south pole, the weather is _ and much land is _ hard all the year round. A. freezing; frozen B. frozen; freezing C. freezing; freezing D. frozen; frozen,A,9. He _ a candle, held the _ candle over the head and stepped into the caves. A. lit; lighted B. lighted ;lit C. lighted; burned C. burned; burning 10. Good books are _ to students. A. great valued B. much valuable C. of great value D. good value 11. The real estate agent valued the land_ three million dollars. A. for B. at C. by D. in 12. - What do you admire the spacemen _? - His bravery to travel around the earth _ a spaceship all alone. A. for; in B. to ; by C. for ; by D. as ; in,A,C,B,A,13. Miss Allan is such a(n) _ secretary that the manager trusts her. A. individual B. responsible C. careless D. forgetful 14. Mr. Yang is _ as a scientist who puts all his heart into the scientific research and study. A. respectful B. respectable C. worth being respected D. worth to be respected You should be responsible _ what you said. A. for B. to C. of D. with 16. Once youre into basketball game, youll find _ great fun to play it and relax yourself. A. it B. that C. this D. what,B,B,A,A,


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