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陈仓园中学 刘静Believe in yourself, and come on !班级: 姓名: 学号: .说明:本试卷试题部分答题时间为120分钟,满分为120分。 题号听力部分笔试部分总 分得分Part 1 听力部分(共30分)I、听句子,将序号1-5填在相应的图画下,其中有一幅图片多余。每题读一遍。(5分) II.听对话,选择正确的选项。每题读两遍(5分)( )1. A. Yes, she thinks so. B. No, she doesnt think so. C. She thinks there will be less pollution.( )2. A. His clothes are not in style. B. He should buy some new clothes.C. His clothes are in style.( )3. A. 25yuan B.50yuan C.75yuan ( )4. A. Lana B. Mary C. Marcia( )5. A. On Saturday. B. On Friday. C. On Sunday.III.春天到了,学校将组织学生去春游,Marcia非常兴奋,她在日记里计划这次春游。听短文,判断哪些是Marcia的春游计划,哪些不是。在下面表格的各项计划后打上或。(10分)Marcias Spring Outgoing PlanFavorite activitygo hikingClothesjeans and sport shoesFoodsome pies, chips and apples1.Drinksonly coke2.Packagea big blue bag3.Friends withKaren, Sally and Eve4.Otherssome medicine5.、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。此题读两遍(10分) ( )1. The father and the son went shopping _. A. on footB. by car C. by bike ( )2. When they finished their shopping _.A. they got a problem B. they met a policemanC. they were very tired ( )3. _ opened the door of the car at last. A. The father B. The son C. The policeman ( )4. The owner of the car was angry _. A. to find his car B. to see the policeman C. to see somebody open the door of his car ( )5. They didnt know it was the wrong car until they looked at _ of the car. A. the door B. the number C. the colourPart 2 笔试部分 (共90分).语言知识(共15分)本题共有15个小题,请从四个选项中选出最佳答案。( )1.I think there will be_ peopleand_ pollution.A.fewer, many B.less, fewer C.more, less D.less, fewer( )2.For example, there are already robots _ in factories. A. worked B. working C. to work D. work( )3.There are about five _young trees on the hill.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of( )4.Hesayshe _ateacher in 10 years. A.is B.will be C.isgoingto D.will have( )5.Shanghaiis verybeautifulandI _it. A. fall in love with B. fall in like with C. fall in love in D. feel in love with( )6. I argue _ my best friend A. with B. about C. at D. and ( )7.There_a sports meeting in our school next week.A. will holdB. will have C. is going to be D. is going to hold ( )8.Im very _ because my best friend didnt invite me to come to his party. A. popular B. happy C. late D. upset( )9.My friend is angry with me. What should I _to him ? A. say B. speak C. argue D. talk ( )10.May I _ your CD player? Certainly, but you cant _ it to others.A. borrow, keepB. lend, keep C. keep, borrowD. borrow, lend( )11. She will be a teacher _ two months. A. on B. after C. in D. at( )12. I think he _ a doctor in the future. A. will B. is going to C. will is D. is going to be( )13.I will live an apartment _ my best friends.A. with B. to C. in D. for( )14. She will have many _ of goldfish.A. different kind B. different kinds C. difference kind D. differences kinds( )15. _? It doesnt work. A. How are you B. Where is your watch C. Whats wrong with your watch D. How much is your watch .用所给词的适当形式填空。(共20分)16.You are too fat. You should eat _ _(little).17.Lucy speaks English _ _(well)than Li Wei.18.It took me about two hours _ _(do) my homework last night.19.The movie is too_(bore). I dont like it.20.There _(be)a concert in our town next week.21. Do you keep any _ _ (pet)at home? Yes. I have a cat and two birds.22.Gina didnt study hard, so she _ (fail)the math exam last term.23.Many _ _(predict) didnt come true.24.There _ _(not be) any paper books in the future. Everyone will have books on computers.25.The pilot _(fly) to New York two days ago, and hell be back soon.完形填空 (共10分)仔细阅读下面短文,从各题后所给的ABCD四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Mr. Black was working in a factory in a big town. He liked 26 very much, and was very good 27 it. When he was free, he 28 down to a small river behind the factory and tried 29 some fish, but there were very few there, 30 the water wasnt clean. One summer he went to the seaside during his holiday and stayed at a small, cheap hotel.“I have never fished in the 31 before.” He thought. “It will be more interesting than fishing in our river.” 32 first he caught a lot of fish and was very 33 . He gave them to the hotel and they cooked them for guests, and he enjoyed himself very much. After 34, he did this every day. But 35 he got his bill(帐单) at the end of the week, he saw it, “For oil(油) to cook fish(7 days), 70 dollars(美元).”( )26Afishing BdrawingCsingingDlying( )27Ain Bon CatDwith( )28Alay BwaitedCsat Dlooked( )29Ato watchBto eatCto findDto beat( )30Awhen BsinceCafterDbecause( )31Ariver BseaClakeDpool( )32AOn BIn CAt DFor( )33AsadBworriedChappy Dsorry( )34Athat Bthis CeatingDthinking( )35AafterBwhen ChowDwhy.阅读理解(共20分)(A)根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A”来表示,错误的用“B”来表示。(5分)A young man couldnt sleep well every night. He was very worried. One day he went to see the doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully. But nothing wrong with him. The doctor told him to count from 1 to 10 again and again. “Keep doing it until you fall asleep,” the doctor said.After a few days, the young man came to the doctor again. But to his surprise, the doctor found the young man was even worse than before! “Didnt you count as I told you?” the doctor asked. “Yes, I did,” the young man answered. “But every time when I reached eight, I couldnt help jumping from bed.” “But why?” the doctor wanted to know. The young man said, “I am a boxer.”(拳击运动员)( )36.The young man had a very terrible illness(疾病).( )37.The doctor told him to count sheep.( )38.After a few days the young man was even worse. ( )39.The young man didnt do the things that the doctor told him.( )40.The young man was a boxer. (B) 根据短文内容选出准确的选项(5分)Which is more useful?(有用的)Thomas is in Grade Two now. He goes to school from Monday to Friday. After school he must do some housework. He helps his parents on the farm(农场) on Saturdays and Sundays. So he doesnt have any time to play football in the daytime. He often plays with his friends in the moon (月亮). Its five in the afternoon. School is over. Thomas goes home and cooks for his family. After dinner he sees his friend Paul near his house and asks him to play football. The boy looks at the sky and sees the moon. Then he asks,” Which is more useful, the sun or the moon?”“I think the moon is,” says Thomas. “We need light (光线) in the evening, because we see not the sun, but the moon!”( )41. Thomas parents are _.A. workers B. teachers C. policemen D. farmers( )42. Thomas must work on the farm days in a week.A. two B. three C. four D. five( )43. Thomas is busy in the daytime, so .A.he does some homework in the eveningB.he does some washing(洗) and cleaning in the eveningC.he plays football with his friends in the moonD.he watches TV at home in the evening ( )44. Thomas sees Paul today.A. in the morning B.in the afternoon C. in the evening D. at school( )45. Thomas only likes .A. the sun B. the moon C. Saturdays D. Sundays (C) 阅读短文,根据短文内容选出准确的选项(10分)Are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone somewhere in the world without a stamp on it? Using a computer you can send e-mails quickly and easily. The post is much slower than e-mail. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world in seconds(秒).E-mail is easy to use and it saves time and money. The differences in time in different parts of the world do not matter when sending e-mail. Its twenty-four-hour service that you can send e-mail at any time of the day or night. No one has to be there to get e-mail. It does not matter if your friends are in beds when you send e-mail to them, or you are seeing a movie at the movie theater when they send e-mail back. ( )46.We can use a _ to send e-mail. A. robot B. video C. computer D. letter( )47.E-mail is _ the post. A.faster than B.as fast as C.much slower than D.not so fast as( )48.It takes_ to send e-mail to the other side of the world. A. minutes B. seconds C. seven days D. hours( )49.You can send e-mail at any time_. A. in the daytime B.at night C. on weekends D.of the day or night ( )50._ send e-mail to your friends when they are sleeping.A. You cant B.you must C.You can D.You shouldnt . 补全对话(15分)(A). 根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情景的句子抄写在对话的空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。(5分)A. How soon can I get enough money for an MP4?B. You could find a part-time job.C. Lets go swimming.D. Why not ask your parents for some?E. Whats the matter, Julia?F. Are you hungry?G. Dont worry.M: 51_ _W: I want to buy an MP4.But I havent got enough money.M: 52_ _W: They dont think a student needs such a things.M: 53_ _W: I have no time.M: Then you could sell some school things.W: Good idea.54_ _M: In about two months.W: Im afraid I cant sell them out.M: 55_ _I can help you.W: Thanks a lot.B).根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空中填入适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。(10分)Marry: Hi, John! 56 ?John: Im a middle school student now.Marry: 57 ?John: I think Ill be an astronaut in ten years.Marry: An astronaut ? 58 ?John: No, Im serious. Ill fly rockets to the moon and Mars. Maybe there will be flights to other planets.Marry: 59 ? John: Ill live on a space station. Marry: 60 ? John: Ill finish high school and college. Marry: Thats great! Cheer up! .书面表达(共10分)61.你好朋友Jack的英语成绩不好,他感到很有压力,请你为他提几条建议,帮助提高英语成绩。(不少于60个单词。)提示词:be good at, under great pressure, help , improve English, adviceDear Jack,How are you ?_ _ Yours, Kate附: 【听力原文】I.听句子选图,读一遍。 1. Why dont you play volleyball?2. Wow Mike is skating.3. Im good at dancing.4. Look! I can ride a horse now.5. Marcia is going to play the violin at the party tonight.II.听对话,选择正确的选项,读两遍。1W: I think there will be less pollution in 10 years. M: I agree. Q: What does the woman think?2. W: Whats wrong with you, Mike? M: My clothes are out of style. W: Maybe you should buy some new clothes. Q: Whats the matter with Mike?3. W: Hello! How much is this T-shirt?M: Twenty-five yuan.W: Oh,thats very cheap.I will take two. Q: How much will the man pay?4. W: What did Marcia say? M: She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. Q: Who was going to have a party?5. W: When is a good time to have the party? M: Lets have it today. W: No, today is Friday. Why not have it tomorrow? M: Good idea. Q: When are they having their party?III.听短文,判断对错,短文念两遍Im waiting for the Spring Outgoing for so long! Now itll come soon. How exciting I am! I want to go hiking best. I can go close to the nature. Fresh air, green fields, flowers, sheep, cows I love all these. If we go hiking, Ill have my school clothes. Because I often go the wrong way. If I wear school clothes, my friends will find me easily. And Ill take some food and drinks. Ill take some pies and chips. They are my favorite, and some apples. Now Im a little fat. So I hardly drink coke. Ill take some bottles of water. If I do much sport, Ill drink a lot of water. If I take my fathers big blue bag, I can put all the things in it. Karen, Sally and Eve are my good friends. Well go together all the time. Finally, I should not forget to take some medicine. Go hiking is a little dangerous sometimes, I think.、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。读两遍。One day my father and I went shopping at a shop. We drove our car because we had a lot of things to buy. We stopped the car in front of the shop. An hour later we came back to our car with a lot of things. Then we had a problem. We couldnt open the door of the car. “Oh,” I said to my father, “What shall we do?” “Lets ask that policeman.” my father said. The policeman was very kind and glad to help us. A few minutes later he got the door open. Just at that moment, an angry man came up and shouted, “What are you doing with my car?” We looked at the number of the car. Our faces turned very red.【参考答案】第卷 听力部分(共 30分)听力部分答案:I.听句子选图,读一遍。(15=5)2 5 1 4 空 3. 听对话,选择正确的选项,读两遍。(15=5) C A B C A. 听短文,判断对错,短文念两遍(25=10) . 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。读两遍。(25=10) B A C C B 第卷 笔试部分(共 90分)笔试部分答案:.语言知识(115=15) 1-5 C B A B A 6-10 A C D D D 11-15 C D A B C .用所给词的适当形式填空(210=20) 16.less 17.better 18.to do 19.boring 20.will be/is going to be 21.pets 22.failed 23.predictions 24.wont 25.flew.完形填空 (110=10) 26-30 A C C C D 31-35 B C C A B .阅读理解(20分)(A)根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A”来表示,错误的用“B”来表示。(15=5) 36-40 B B A B A(B) 根据短文内容选出准确的选项(15=5) 41-45 D A C C B (C) 阅读短文,根据短文内容选出准确的选项(25=10分) 46-50 C A B D C. 补全对话(共10小题,计15分)(A). 根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情景的句子抄写在对话的空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。(15=5)51. E. Whats the matter, Julia?52. D. Why not ask your parents for some?53. B. You could find a part-time job.54. A. How soon can I get enough money for an MP4?55. G. Dont worry.(B).根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空中填入适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。(25=10分)56.What do you do now? / whats your job?57.What do you think you will be in ten years ?/ What will you be in ten years ? 58.Are you kidding ? 59.Where will you live ?60.When will you be an astronaut ?.书面表达(共10分) (略)【命题说明】一、考查范围:本套试题考核范围为人教版新目标初中英语八年级下册Unit1-2的所有重点语法知识,对学生的听力、阅读能力、写作能力以及基础知识的掌握情况进行考核。其中易、中、难题的比例大概为5:3:2,难度系数约为0.6.二、命题目的:以学生实际为出发点,有的放矢的考查了学生对大纲所要求掌握的初中英语八年级下册Unit1-2的语法知识。在考查课本知识的同时, 还体现出对以往知识的考查(如购物、互助),让学生既学会知识,又学会做人。三、考查方式:严格按照期中、期末测试试题的格式及最新的分值分配,难易适中,除一些必须掌握的内容之外,还突出体现了对知识的分析、判断及综合运用的考查。

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