2015高考英语一轮 必修一 Unit 1复习题及答案解析.doc

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Unit 1Friendship.单词拼写1Many farmers flowed into the city with their p_of finding a higherpaid job.2I said hello to her,but she i_me completely.3The poor woman is so c_about her sons safety that she couldnt sleep well all night.4The war has caused widespread human _(苦难)5Many students even know nothing about the present international _(形势)答案1.purposes2.ignored3.concerned4.sufferings5situation.完成句子1It was the first time that a female_president in that country.(elect)在那个国家那是第一次妇女当选总统。2_,he said that he owed much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.(ask)当被问到他成功的秘诀时,他说他的成功与快乐很大程度上归功于他的妻子和孩子。3_,I preferred to have a change.(tire)厌倦了这个游戏,我想换一个。4Would you like_?(add)你想在咖啡里加些牛奶吗?5_,we decided to take some measures to protect the endangered animals.(concern)由于十分担心这种糟糕的情况,我们决定采取一些措施来保护这些濒临灭绝的动物。答案1.had been elected2When asked about the secret of his success3Tired of this game4to add some milk to your coffee5Concerned about the poor situation.用所给词的正确形式填空(专项训练)1The teacher gave them_(instruct)to arrive early tomorrow morning.解析句意:老师命令他们明天早晨要早到。答案instructions2Three people have been killed in a bomb_(explode)in northwest Spain.解析句意:在西班牙西北部的炸弹爆炸事件中,已有3人死亡。答案explosion3One should have the ability to tell the_(different)between right and wrong.解析固定表达tell the differencedistinguish(区别)。答案difference4Excessive dosage(剂量)of this drug can result in_(injure)to the liver.解析名词injury表示“伤害”。答案injury5“Thank you.”is a polite_(express)which is widely used in English.解析a polite expression表示“一种礼貌的表达”。答案expression6He_(brave)went into the building house to rescue the baby.Everybody present praised him for his_(brave)解析第一空用副词修饰动词;第二空前有物主代词his,后面用名词。答案bravely;bravery7Most Chinese like drinking tea,while_(America) like coffee.解析与前一句中Chinese相呼应。答案Americans8More and more people go in for sports in modern_(time)解析in modern/ancient times在现代/古代,为固定搭配。答案times9Nice to meet you,Tom.Did you have a good_(fly)?解析形容词后接名词。来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K答案flight10Harry Potter is a boy who is full of_(imagine)解析介词后用名词,“想象力”。答案imagination.完形填空体裁:记叙文话题:人生经历词数:337难度:建议用时:16分钟My friend John always has something to tell me.He knows so much that_1_ men have to have older and more worldly wise men to tell them,_2_,who to trust,how to care for others and how to live life_3_the fullest.Recently,John lost his_4_ Janet.For eight years she fought against cancer,but in the end her sickness had the last _5_.One day John took out a folded piece of _6_ from his wallet.He had found it,as he told me,when he_7_up some drawers at home.It was a _8_love letter Janet had written.The note could look like a school girls scrawls(潦草地写,乱涂)about her dream guy._9_the letter was written by a woman who had had seven children,a woman who fought for her life and who_10_only had a few months left to live.It was_11_a beautiful recipe for how to keep a marriage together.Janets_12_ of her husband begins like this,“Loved me.Took care of me.Worried about me.“Helped me when I was ill,”the next _13_reads.After that she turned _14_the paper and added:“Warmth. Humor. Kindness. Thoughtfulness.” And then she writes about the husband she has_15_with and loved most in her life.“_16_there when I needed you,”the last words she wrote _17_all the others.I can see her for me when she added thoughtfully “Good friend.”I stand beside John now,and cannot pretend to know how it feels to lose someone who is as close to _18_as Janet was to him.I need to _19_what he has to say much more than he needs to talk.“John,”I ask,“how do you stick together with someone through 38 yearsnot to mention the sickness?How do I know_20_I can bear to stand by my wifes side if she becomes sick one day?”“You can,”he says quietly.“If you love her enough,you can.”【解题导语】本文为一篇记叙文。“我”的一个叫John的朋友懂得很多,他总是告诉“我”该相信谁、如何关心他人以及如何使生活充实。1A.old Bwise Cyoung Dfoolish答案C根据句子后面的“older and more worldly wise men”和常识可知年轻人不及年老者阅历丰富和更具智慧。2A.for instance Bat no timeCin that case Das a matter of fact答案Afor instance表示“例如”,列举出中心名词所包含的若干内容,符合上下文的语意和搭配。3A.in Bto Cat Dfor答案Blive life to the fullest为固定的短语搭配,意思为“生活得很充实”。4A.friend Bcolleague Cwife Dsister答案C根据第9空后面的“.a woman who had had seven children.”可知本题应该选wife。5A.possibility BchanceChope Dword答案Dthe last word表示“最后决定”,符合句意,这里的意思是Janet最后还是无法从病魔手中逃出。6A.handkerchief BclothCleather Dpaper答案D从本句看四个选项均可,但结合第14空后的the paper,可知答案为paper。7A.fixed Blooked Ctidied Dput来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K答案Ctidy up some drawers表示“整理抽屉”,符合语境和搭配。8A.small BlongCdescriptive Dtalkative答案A根据上一段的“One day John took out a folded piece of_6_from his wallet.”可知对折的字条一定是small。而本空后面的句子暗示出该封情书不可能是descriptive和talkative。9A.So BBut CAnd DWhile答案B根据上下文的内容可知本处为转折关系,所以用But来连接。10A.probably BsurelyCcertainly Ddefinitely答案A上一段已经交代了Janet身患癌症,由此可知很可能她的生命只剩下几个月时间了。而certainly和surely的用法相同,为同类项,可以同时排除。11A.only Bfirstly Clastly Dalso答案D本句用also与上一段的首句“It was a _8_ love letter Janet had written.”形成递进关系。12A.imagination BdescriptionCdream Dexpectation答案B根据下文的内容可知这里是对她丈夫的描述,所以用description。13A.letter B. note Cline Dparagraph答案C信件开头的一句为“Loved me.Took care of me.Worried about me.”,为第一行,所以紧接下去的自然是第二行,故此处用line。14A.away Bdown Coff Dover答案Dturn over(the paper)为固定的短语,意思为“翻过”,符合语境和语意。15A.lived Bdealt Cquarreled Dargued答案A根据语境和常识可知夫妻应该是一生中共同生活和彼此深爱的人,所以答案选lived。此外,根据原词再现的命题规律,文中也多次出现了lived,为做好本题提供了相关的信息。 16A.Constantly BAlways新_课_标第_一_网CNever DSeldom答案B根据上一句中的“.Kindness.Thoughtfulness.”,自然是“Always there when I needed you”。17A.take the place of Bget rid ofCtake away Dsum up答案Dtake the place of“取代”,get rid of“去除”,take away“带走”,sum up“概括,总结”。根据语境可知,她最后写的话应该概括了上文中所提到的引语的内容。18A.me BJanet CJohn Dyou答案A根据本段第一句“I stand beside John now.”可知本空处只有me与主语I一致。19A.speak up BrepeatCdiscuss Dhear答案D根据本句的意思可知此处对应what he has to say的应该是hear,即hear对应say。20A.why Bwhere Cif Dwhenw w w .答案C空处的if引导一个宾语从句,意为“是否”,相当于whether。.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want.The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services.Most businesses seek to make a profit(利润)that is,they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business._1_Commonly called nonprofits,these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers._2_Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning,direction,and control of the operations of a business._3_One is the establishment(制定)of broad basic policies with respect to production;sales;the purchase of equipment,materials and supplies;and accounting._4_The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments.Direction is concerned primarily with supervision(监管) and guidance by the management in authority._5_AControl includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work.BIn this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management.CExamples of nonprofit businesses include such organizations as social service agencies and many hospitals.DHowever,some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs.EThe second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments.FIn the theory of business management,organization has two main aspects.来源:学,科,网GPlanning in business management has three main aspects.答案1.D2.C3.G4.E5.A.短文改错No one can ever achieve some success without failure,as failure can usually help us learning what our strengths and weaknesses are.When I was in high school,most of my teacher and schoolmates thought it better to study science than liberal arts,saying that it promised a good future.I tried to follow this trend despite the fact I was not good at physics.It was only two months later when I failed an extreme important physics exam that I realized my talent lied in subjects like Chinese,English as well as history.I had switched to liberal arts immediately.The following years witnessed my excellent school performance.But failure is not so terrible as we have expected as long as we can learn something from them.答案


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