2019-2020年高三10月调研测试英语试题 含解析.doc

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2019-2020年高三10月调研测试英语试题 含解析注意事项: 1、答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。 2、选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3、非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4、考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从l - 15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 One day in Israel government officials were rebuilding a barn While working, they found a (n) 1 hole in a corner, so they used smoke to force the mice inside the hole to 2 A while later theyindeed saw mice running out, one after another.Then, everyone thought that all the mice had 3 But just as they were just about to start to clean up, they saw two mice squeezing out at the _4 of the hole After some endeavor, the mice finally got out But _5 ,they did not run away immediately Instead, one chased after the other near the exit of the hole It seemed that one was trying to bite the _6 of the other Everyone was puzzled, so they stepped_7_to take a look They realized that one of the mice was 8 and could not see anything, and the other one was trying to allow the blind mouse to 9 on his tail so he could pull the blind one with him to escapeAfter witnessing what happened, everyone was 10 and lost in thought During meal time, the group of people sat down and started to chat about what had happened to the two mice One serious Romeofficial said, I think the relationship between those two mice was that of emperor and 11 ”The others thought for a while and said, That was why !”A smart Israeli said, I think their relationship was husband and wife The others felt it made sense, so they 12 A Korean, who was accustomed to the firm tradition of loyalty to 13 , said, I think the relationship between them was that of mother and son Once again the others felt this was more reasonable, At that moment, one Samaritan who sat behind them resting his chin in his palms, 14 looked at other people, and asked, Why did those two mice have to have a certain relationship? Suddenly, the atmosphere froze The group 15 at the Samaritan and remained silent In fact, the true love is not established on benefit, friendship and loyalty or blood relationshipInstead, it is based on no relationship1 A cat B mouse Cdog Dant【答案】B【解析】根据so they used smoke to force the mice inside the hole有老鼠住的洞当然是老鼠洞。故选B。2A e in B e down C e out D e over【答案】C【解析】e in进来;e down下来; e out 出现,出来; e over过来,顺便拜访。根据A while later they indeed saw mice running out, one after another.可知,使用烟熏的方法把老鼠熏出来,故选C。3A died B saved C stayed D escaped【答案】D【解析】根据But just as they were just about to start to clean up认为老鼠都已经逃离所以计划进行清理,故选D。4A exit Bwall C floor D door【答案】A【解析】根据one chased after the other near the exit of the hole可知有两只老鼠在洞口,故选A。5A strangely B happily C luckily D sadly【答案】A【解析】根据上文可知其他的老鼠都已经很快逃离,但是奇怪的是,这两只老鼠不是很快逃离,故选A。6A tail B head C foot D Hand【答案】A【解析】根据下文on his tail so he could pull the blind one with him to escape可知一只老鼠试图咬住另一只老鼠的尾巴,故选A。7 A longer B higher C closer D farther【答案】C【解析】longer 更长的;closer更近的;higher更高的;farther更远的;大家都很疑惑,于是他们就走进了去看一下,故选C。8 A clear B blind C deaf D Mute【答案】B【解析】根据could not see anything和the blind mouse to可知另一只老鼠是瞎的,故选B。9 A eat B bite C suck D Drink【答案】B【解析】根据上文It seemed that one was trying to bite the _6 of the other可知是一只老鼠想让瞎的老鼠咬住它的尾巴,故选B。10A joyless B hopeless C careless D speechless【答案】D【解析】根据and lost in thought大家都陷入沉思,所以肯定都无语,都没有说话,故选D。11A doctor B servant C empress D minister【答案】D【解析】根据between those two mice was that of emperor可知与皇帝对应的应是大臣,故选D。12A stopped B argued C agreed D talked【答案】C【解析】根据The others felt it made sense他们认为有道理,自然都同意这种说法,故选C。13A couples B parents C teachers D elders【答案】B【解析】根据I think the relationship between them was that of mother and son因为韩国人已经习惯于对父母的忠诚,故选B。14A puzzledly B repeatedly C pleasedly D expectedly【答案】A【解析】根据Why did those two mice have to have a certain relationship?可知撒玛利亚人应是困惑地问到,为什么它们没有确定的关系,故选A。15A looked in B looked up C looked back D looked down【答案】C【解析】look in看望; look up 仰望;look back回顾; look down向下看。那伙人都回头看撒玛利亚人,故选C。第二节:语法填空(共10小题,每小题15分,满分I5分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16 25的相应位置上。 One evening I was resting in a cafeI wore a pair of newly bought white leather shoes, 16 were rather expensive Then a boy came to me He was in 17 old and not fit shirt, looking pale and about eleven No sooner had I begun to speak than he opened the box in his hand and took out the tools of shoe -polishing He was busy doing his work 18 heavy rain began to pour down People rushed to the cafe for 19(protect) from the rain More and more people crowded in and gradually separated the boy 20 me Hours passed, and it turned dark I had no shoes on my feet and wondered where the boy had beenI thought I would have to go home on my bare feet When it was near midnight, the cafe was to be closed I had to move to the door, just as l went to the gate, I 21 (surprise) found that a boy of about eleven, 22,(look) very familiar, was sleeping at the door with his head leaning 23 a boxI shook him slightly and woke him 24 He opened the package hurriedly, gave me my leather shoes, and apologized to me shyly I paid him and wrapped him with his _25 (fit) shirt On my way home, the image of the boy stayed in my mind.16【答案】which【解析】这里是非限制性定语从句,先行词是shoes,which在从句中作主语,不能省略,故用which.17. 【答案】an【解析】这里冠词修饰名词shirt,因为冠词在old的前面,它是元音因素开头的单词故用不定冠词。18. 【答案】when【解析】这里是be doing when .正在做某事突然发生了.,when在这里表示这时(突然)。19. 【答案】protection【解析】这里因为放在介词for的后面所以用名词protection。这里for表示“为了”,表目的。20. 【答案】from【解析】这里是固定短语separate sb from sb把某人和某人分开。21. 【答案】surprisedly【解析】这里用副词来修饰动词found.句意:我惊奇地发现。22. 【答案】looking【解析】这里是非谓语动词,look与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。23. 【答案】against【解析】小男孩睡在门口头靠着箱子,against靠,倚。24. 【答案】up【解析】这里是固定短语wake sb up“把某人叫醒”,因为小男孩在睡觉所以把他叫醒。25. 【答案】unfit【解析】根据上文not fit shirt可知用unfit不合身的。II阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节:阅读理解(共20小题;每题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(ABC和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Some Chinese new - rich like eating shark fin soup because they think it shows their class However, for the Chinese NBA idol Yao Ming, doing so is unacceptable as the practice has led to the overfishing of sharks When Yao and his wife Ye Li got married in xx, they publicly announced that they would not allow shark fin soup to be served at their wedding banquet Actually, Yao had been saying no to shark fins since xx, when he was appointed as the GoodwillAmbassador for wild life protection Now, the 226 - cm big guy is resorting; to his personal influence to encourage more to say no to eating the soup and to raise awareness of protecting animals Sharks are friends of human beings They are not our food, Yao said Other celebrity athletes like Olympic champions Li Ning and Kong Linghui are following on the heels of Yao, throwing themselves into serving the public as Goodwill Ambassadors for wild animal rescue Recent reports about Yaos retirement have saddened tens of thousands of basketball fans both at home and abroad Yet Yaos influence goes far beyond the basketball courts Yao has engaged himself in charity and public welfare services for quite a while When the devastating 8 0 magnitude earthquake hit Wenchuan in southwest China in xx , Yao donated 2 million yuan“When I was a little boy my parents and teachers told me to help others and to be a good man, Yao recalledBut I could nor donate then because I had not much pocket money After I moved to Houston, I got involved in quite a number of munity service activities and I felt a strong sense of achievement when I got people together, Yao said Like Yao, newly crowned French Open champion Li Na has showed her willingness to donate Li gave 480,000 yuan of her prize money from the open, plus 20,000 yuan from her own pocket, to a local nursing home in her hometown Another Chinese sports icon, hurdler Liu Xiang, has also been activelyinvolved in charity for years26 The reason why some Chinese new-rich like eating shark fin soup is that they think Ait is very deliciousBit is very cheap and healthyCit is very popular in societyDit can show their status【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据Some Chinese new - rich like eating shark fin soup because they think it shows their class因为能够显示出他们的身份地位,故选D。27 Yao Ming is against eating shark fin soup because A too many sharks are killed B he dislikes eating sharp finC it is too expensive D sharks are dangerous animals【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据for the Chinese NBA idol Yao Ming, doing so is unacceptable as the practice has led to the overfishing of sharks因为太多的鲨鱼被杀了,故选A。28 Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A Li Na donated 500,000 yuan to a local nursing home in her hometownBYao Ming donated 2 million yuan after the earthquake of WenchuanCYao Ming has encouraged more people to stop eating shark fin soup and protect animalsDYao Ming was appointed as the Goodwill Ambassador for protecting wild life in xx【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据Yao had been saying no to shark fins since xx, when he was appointed as the GoodwillAmbassador for wild life protection选项D与本句不符,所以选D。29What words can be used to describe Yao Ming according to the passage?ARich and generousBInfluential and warmheartedCEnergetic and optimisticDPopular and confident【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。根据to his personal influence to encourage more to say no to eating the soup and to raise awareness of protecting animals和Yao has engaged himself in charity and public welfare services for quite a while可知姚明是有影响力的和热心的,故选B。30From the passage , we can learn that 。Amost athletes dont like eating shark fin soupB.Yao Ming has been donating money to charity since he was a childC.Yao Ming has an influence on not only the basketball courts but also charity and public welfare servicesD.Yao Ming has taken part in many munity service activities when he was in China【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据Recent reports about Yaos retirement have saddened tens of thousands of basketball fans both at home and abroad Yet Yaos influence goes far beyond the basketball courts和Yao has engaged himself in charity and public welfare services for quite a while可知姚明不仅影响的篮球场也慈善和公益服务,故选C。 BNot long ago the movie xx came into screen The people were threatened by those scenes of destroying flood, severe earthquake, terrifying hurricane and constructions representing human civilization being destroyed and even swallowed by disaster Luckily, they are just the director s imagination, but the present situation is not heading a positive direction, eitherTake my own experience in Alaska as an example Once I took a trip to the glacier Along the way there stood signposts marking the snow lines of different years They started from the foot of the mountain, but it was at the top when I finally saw melting glaciers(融化的冰川) My heart ached seeing the beautiful blue ice melting at every secondSad but true, they are the effects of global warming and the result of our human impact Furthermore, each year the rising sea level will kill 56 million people, and that s about the population of the entire Italy According to studies, if the temperature keeps on rising like this, by the year 2050, some islands and coastal cities including New York, Shanghai, Tokyo and Sydney will be drowned in waterOur fortune is in our own hands It depends on us to shape our future, to reduce future human impact and find ways to form a peaceful relationship with our environment Therefore, its time for actions to be taken right now Contribute a little to energy saving by using more efficient light bulbs and less hot water Let recycle bee our habit by thinking twice before throwing something away Let us take public transportation as our first choice when going to a certain place It might cost more time for now, but it s to the benefit of a permanent future Take care of every tree and grass around us by watering them or simply just avoid destroying them In a word, small drops of water make a big ocean The earth does not belong to us On the contrary, we belong to the earth Please bear in mind that the earth is our home It is our responsibility to build a brighter and better future of our planet and prevent what happened in the movie xx from being reality31Why does the author talk about the movie 2012 in the passage ?ATo give exampleBTo lead into the topicCTo make predictionDTo provide the evidence【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。根据The people were threatened by those scenes of destroying flood, severe earthquake, terrifying hurricane and constructions representing human civilization being destroyed and even swallowed by disaster用电影引出话题,故选B。32 How did the author feel when he took a trip to the glacier?A Worried B Puzzled C Scared D Bored【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据My heart ached seeing the beautiful blue ice melting at every second作者去冰川旅行时看到融化的冰川心里很是担心,故选A。33 It can be inferred from the third paragraph that .A56 million people in Italy have been killed owing to the rising sea levelB Some islands and coastal cities will be drowned in water by the year of 2050CHuman being will be in danger if we dont take actions to prevent the global warmingDIt is certain that what happened in the movie xx will e into reality【答案】C【解析】推理判断题。根据Sad but true, they are the effects of global warming and the result of our human impact可推出如果不采取措施,人类将面临危险,故选C。34 According to the passage, you are advised to .Adrive our own private cars instead of taking buses to some placeBrecycle everything that is usedCgo to see the movie xx at onceDwork together to take good care of our planet【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据It is our responsibility to build a brighter and better future of our planet,我们要同力合作保护我们的地球,故选D。35 What does the author mean by saying small drops of water make a big ocean?A Think twice before taking action, B Its our duty to protect the oceanC Everyone together can make a differenceD Its important to save every drop of water【答案】C【解析】句意理解题。小水滴能汇成海洋,意味着大家一起才会有所作为,故选C。 CWhen you get in your car, you reach for it When youre at work, you take a break to have a moment alone with it When you get into a lift, you play with it Cigarette? Cup of coffee? No, its the third most addictive thing in modem life, the cell phone And experts say it is being more difficult for many people to curb their longing to hug it more tightly than most of their personal relationships The costs are being more and more evident, and I dont mean just the monthly bill DrChris Knippers, a counselor at the Betty ford Center in Southern California, reports that the overuse of cell phones has bee a social problem not much different from other harmful addictions: a barrier to one-on -one personal contact, and an escape from reality Sounds extreme, but we ve all witnessed the evidence: The person at a restaurant who talks on the phone through an entire meal, ignoring his kids around the table; the woman who talks on the phone in the car, ignoring her husband; the teen who texts messages all the way home from school, avoiding contact with kids all around him Jim Williams, an industrial sociologist based in Massachusetts, notes that cell - phone addiction is part of a set of symptoms in a widening gulf of personal separation He points to a study by Duke University researchers that found one-quarter of Americans say they have no one to discuss their most important personal business with Despite the growing use of phones, e - mail and instant messaging, in other words, Williams says studies show that we dont have as many friends as our parents Just as more information has led to less wisdom, more acquaintances via the Internet and cell phones have produced fewer friends, he says If the cell phone has truly had these effects, its because it has bee very widespread Consider that in 1987, there were only l million cell phones in use Today, something like 300 million Americans carry them They far outnumber wired phones in the United States36 From the first two paragraphs, we can know Acell phones have bee as addictive as cigarettesBcell phone addiction is good for building personal relationshipsCpeople are longing to have their own cell phonesDcell phones are the same as cigarettes【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据its the third most addictive thing in modem life, the cell phone可知手机已经和香烟一样人们都上瘾,故选A。37Cell phone addiction has caused the following effects EXCEPT .A a barrier to personal contact Bfewer friendsC an escape from reality Da serious illness【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据a barrier to one-on -one personal contact, and an escape from reality与选项AC相符合;more acquaintances via the Internet and cell phones have produced fewer friends与选项B符合;故选D。短文中没有提到。38 The underlined word curb in Paragraph 2 means “ ”A ignore B control C develop D Rescue【答案】B【解析】词义猜测题。根据its the third most addictive thing in modem life, the cell phone和their longing to hug it more tightly than most of their personal relationships可以推出curb控制,故选B。39 The example of a woman talking on the phone in the car supports the idea that .Awomen Use cell phones more often than menBtalking on the phone while driving is dangerousCcell phones do not necessarily bring people togetherDcell phones make one - on - one personal contact easy【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据the woman who talks on the phone in the car, ignoring her husband;手机不一定把人们关系拉近了。故选C。40Which of the following is the best title for the passage?ACell phones Are the New CigarettesBCell phones Are Harmful to the SocietyCThe New Report about the Cell phoneDThe Disadvantages of the Cell phone【答案】A【解析】标题归纳题。纵观全文手机是新式的香烟更具有吸引力,因为本文主要阐述了手机的给人们带来的不利的影响。 DDeath Valley is a land of beautiful yet dangerous extremesDeath Valley can be dangerously cold during the winter months Storms in the mountains can produce sudden flooding on the floor of the ValleyThe air temperature during the summer has been as high as fifty- seven degrees Celsius The sun can heat the ground so that the temperature of the rocks and soil can be as high as seventy -four degreesCelsius. Death Valley contains evidence of several ancient volcanoes that caused huge explosions Evidence of one of these explosions is called Ubehebe Crater The explosion left a huge hole in the ground almost a kilometer and a half wide In many areas of Death Valley it is easy to see where the ground has been pushed up violently by movement deep in the Earth This movement has created unusual and beautiful rock formations Some are red Others are dark brown, gray, yellow or blackThe area was named by a woman in 1849 Thousands of people from other parts of the country traveled Lo the gold mining areas in California They Were in a hurry to get there before other people didOne group trying to reach California decided to take a path called the Old Spanish Trail By Decemb

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