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,Judge by Appearances,Section B,Revision Exercises checking,Matching Game,valid accurate conceal emotional internal superficial virtually imitate,of the strong feeling exact effective lawfully hide follow as an example of the inside in fact not deep or serious,1. Have you made out your _ for a passport? A. appointment B. apply C. definition D. application 2. I had every _in my secretary; she would do the right thing. A. knowledge B. qualification C. belief D. confidence,Check Yourself,3. His father does not_ of her going to study in the United States alone. A. prove B. approve C. agree D. award 4. We all believe he is qualified_the job. A. in B. with C. at D. for,5. He gave up his study in college in _ because of his illness. A. repair B. despair C. display D. despite 6. Its very difficult to _ the meaning of a word without a context. A. resolve B. define C. determine D. decide,7. Professor Baker told me that this bottle was _ as poison. A. signed B. labeled C. labored D. determine 8. The detective story, as created by Poe, is something as specialized and as _ as a chess problem. intelligence B. intelligent C. intellectual D. intellectually,9. He could not _ the crime any longer. A. conceive B. conceal C. concede D. confide 10. Tom_ the bag as his by telling what it contained. A. identified B. recognized C. showed D. indicated,Post-reading exercises checking,Ex. XVI validate exclusive internalized prevails superficial inherent concealed accompanies,Ex. XVII turned out is notup to went to great lengths out of bound spoke of turned off so out of character took sides,Key to C,Ex. XVIII 1. Shoes can be dangerous to your feet. 2. The sizing of shoes makes the situation. 3. Women wear high heels to satisfy male ideas. 4. High heels make a woman look better. 5. Women were not buying shoes to please men. Ex. XIX 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. F,Oral Practice Pair work- Describing appearance Group work- Research report,Directions: Work in pairs. Each member of the pair chooses a student in the class and describes what he/she looks like while the other member guesses who the person is.,A Guessing Game,Words and expressions given,long/medium length/short/straight/wavy hair. a short/long/straight nose. a round face/thin face/wide face.,He/she has,He/she is,tall/average height/short. fat/slightly overweight/plump/ of average weight/slim/slenderly built/thin. wearing jeans/a jacket/a dress/tights/a shirt/ a blouse/ a skirt/pants/a sweater.,Samples,Sample 1 She is a very pretty girl. She has short curly hair, big eyes, and a straight nose. She is wearing a pink blouse and a beige skirt. Please guess who she is.,Sample 2 He is tall and slenderly built. He has a long thin face and a straight nose. He is very humorous, and always tells jokes that make us laugh. He is wearing a yellow jacket, blue jeans, and running shoes. Who is he?,Research Report,

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