2019-2020年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题(一、二区) 含答案.doc

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学区: 班级: 姓名: 考号: 邹平双语学校xx第一学期第一次月考高一年级英语试卷(普通班)2019-2020年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题(一、二区) 含答案第一节 单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. _midnight,drivers had better run on the road a speed of not more than 100 kilometres.A. On; with B. At ; with C. In; at D. At; at2. The policeman _ his police car and ran after the thief(小偷).A. got down B. got on C. got into D. got out of3. The husband likes traveling _, while his wife enjoys _.A. by train, taking a taxi B. on train, by taxiC. by train, by taxi D. on train, taking a taxi4. The little girl was_ when she saw the_ scene(场面) that day.A.frightening,frightened B.frightened,frightenedC.frightened,frightening D.frightening,frightening5. Look, I cant believe _ little animals can eat _ much food.A. such, so B. so, soC.such,such D. so, such6. It you dont know what it means, _ the dictionary.A. look up B. refer to C. point to D. look out7. I have offered to paint the house _ a weeks acmodationA. in exchange for B. with regard to C. by means of D. in place of8. It seems there are _ people out of work. Something must be done to create more employment.A. a great many B. a great many of C. a great deal D. a great deal of9. His brother has been to Stone Forest twice _he came to Yunnan.A.after B.before C.since D.for10. - I havent heard from Henry for a long time.- What do you think _ to him?Ahas happenedBto happenCwas happeningDhad happened第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I made up my mind to drive to South Carolina to meet my friends in my used car. Though I had only been there once 11 and did not know the 12 very well. I was on the 13 after I had made some inquiries (询问).At Ashvelle, there was a crossroad where I could go on along the main road or I could take a short cut. The short cut was to 14 several hills and was dangerous ,I hesitated (犹豫)for a little while and then chose the main road, for I wanted to be 15 .Something strange happened after I drove a long 16 and found it was not the correct road that I wanted to 17 , but the hilly road I decided to avoid .I realized that it was at the 18 that I had made the 19 mistake. “What shall I do?” I asked myself .If I went back to take that road again,? it would be very late by the time I got to Columbia. Think it 20 , I decided to go on. “If 21 people can go along this road, why cant I?” I 22 myselfThe short cut, to my surprise ,was not that 23 .In fact, it was only a very peaceful country road, 24 up and down two low 25 .There was 26 traffic. On both sides of the road, you could see trees, wild flowers, and 27 with cows and horses. My fear was 28 with the wind. Listening to the beautiful country music over my car stereo (立体声), I drove on and 29 the scenery which was so quiet and so natural .Even my used car forgot to give me 30 .It was just in this light heartedness that I arrived at my destination. My friends, after they heard what had happened to me, all said it sounded like an adventure.11. A. before B. ago C. already D. still12. A. town B. country C. friends D. way13. A. train B. car C. highway D .phone14. A. have B. go C. ride D. cross15. A. safe B. dangerous C. fast D. slow16. A. moment B. way C. road D. day17. A. e B. leave C. take D. drive18. A. crossroad B. corner C. station D. beginning19. A. direction B. road C. disappointed D. interesting20. A. about B. over C. of D. up21. A. another B. the other C. other D. others22. A. asked B. forced C. encouraged D. told23. A. far B. safe C. dangerous D. dirty24. A. going B. ing C. driving D. walking25. A. lands B. cars C. farms D. hills26. A. heavy B. little C. few D. light27. A. farms B. trucks C. houses D. villages28. A. together B. gone C. covered D. ing29. A. looked B. liked C. enjoyed D. found30. A. happiness B. scenery C. joys D. problems第三部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)AThere are a lot of dangerous and terrible pests in India, but the bees are the most terribleThey are killersLast year I was on holiday thereRiding along a road one sunny morning I found the air above me suddenly became thick with beesAlthough it was hot, I went cold all overTo run away fast seemed the only thing to do, but my horse was frightened, tooHe jumped and then threw me to the groundThe village was about half a mile awayI began to runBut by now I was covered from head to foot with beesThey crawled all over me, stinging (刺) with terrible painI tore them away, but make room for othersEach time I opened my lips for breath, more bees entered my mouthI could hardly breatheThen I reached the villageI ran towards a house that was being builtAs soon as the men working there saw the bees, they ran for safety at top speedMy eyes had pletely closedI went into a pile of something softI pushed myself down into this until my head and shoulders were coveredThis made bees angry and they began to attack my legsI struggled but soon became tired outThe bees had wonAt last I was saved by two clever soldiersThey ran to fetch a pile of dry grass and quickly surrounded me with fireI later learned, they looked after me for the next three hours until a doctor was found and brought31When the air suddenly became thick with bees, _ Ait became cold Bthe writer went cold with fearCit was rather cold, though fineDthe horse threw the writer to the ground32The writer tore the bees away _ Ain order to make room for other bees Bbut other bees took the space againCbut they flew away slowly Din order to let his breath out33The two soldiers _ Abuilt a thick wall to protect the writer Bsurrounded the writer to protect himClooked for the doctors for three hours Dburnt the dry grass around the write to drive away the beesBMichael was a farmer in TexasHis parents moved to the USA from Ireland in the 1940s, and they became very richMichael decided to go back to Ireland to meet his old grandfather, who was still living on the same farmMichael booked his ticket, flew to Shannon airport, hired a car and drove to the small village where his parents had been bornHe asked for directions to the Ohagan farm, and in the end he drove up a bumpy pathHe was shocked by what he saw: a small field, and in the middle of it an old house, which looked as if it was falling downAnimals were wandering in and out of the front door, and on the porch an old man was smoking a pipe“Are you MrOhagan?” asked Michael“Yes,” replied the old man“Im your grandson, Michael,”said Michael“A-ha,” replied the old manIs this your farm? asked Michael. “Yes, all the way to the wall over there,” said the old manMichael was astonished. “Grandfather,”he said, I have a farm in Texas, I can get into my car and drive all day and I still havent reached the end of the farm“Yes,”said his grandfather. “I used to have a car like that.”34Michaels parents_Astill lived in Ireland alone Bowned a small farm in TexasCreturned to their birthplace D were Irish immigrants(移民) in America35Which of the following shocked Michael?AThe farm was small BThe old house looked like his ownCLiving conditions were in the fieldsDAnimals were free in the fields36The old man _ Aowned a small farm, which extended only to the wall not far awayBhad so large a farm that he couldnt cover it in a dayChadnt his modern car any longerDused to have as good a car as his grandsons37Which of the following is true?AMichael owned a large farm in IrelandBMichaels car was in such poor condition that it couldnt reach the end of the farm within a dayCMichaels farm was too large for a car to reach its end in a dayDMichael didnt know what to say to his grandfather38From I used to have a car like that , we can see that _ Athe old man really had a car like thatBthe old man knew his sons farm in the US was quite largeCthe old man misunderstood what Michael saidDthe old man wanted to buy a car like thatCThis is John Roberts reporting from CardiffThe result of the match which finished at four this afternoon between France and Wales was a drawNeither side scored The Dutch referee(裁判) did not allow the one goal which France managed to kickThe reason for this was that a French player was unfortunately off sideSo both teams went home disappointed with the gameThey particularly admired the French forwards, who were always fast and often threatened the Welsh defenseOnce it looked as if the Welsh goalkeeper was in serious troubleHe dived to his fight to save a shot from the French centre forward and crashed his head against the goal postA doctor examined him and he soon began to play againOf course the large friendly crowd cheered for himWales will certainly wele another visit from this splendid team39This passage is _Aa piece of sports news broadcast(广播) over the radioBa piece of sports news in a newspaperCan advertisement about sportsDan essay about sports40The word draw in this passage means _Aan act of pulling Btaking money from a bankCa state(状态)in which neither side winsDmaking pictures with a pencil or a pen第卷(共50分)第一节 单词拼写(每空2分,共20分)41. She is pretty rather than _. (吸引人)42He is lucky to _(幸存) the accident.43. Have the children been in c_(联系) with disease?44. We _(交换) our opinions about the event at the meeting.45. The lions _(接近) drove away the small animals.46. I cant_(有能力支付) a holiday this summer.47Please state your name, age and _.(职业)48. The song _ (听起来) sweet. I like it very much.49. The Forbidden City is one of the worlds greatest works of _ (建筑)50. A lot of _ (旅游者) are visiting our city.第二节书面表达(30分)用英文介绍你最难忘的一次旅行。请以The Best Journey of My Life为题,写一篇120词左右的短文。提示:1 Where did you go and how to get there?2 What did you see and do there?3 What do you think of the journey?邹平双语学校xx第一学期第一次月考高一年级英语答案(普通班)(时间90分钟,满分120分)第卷 选择题(共40题,共70分)题号12345678910答案DDACABAACA题号11121314151617181920答案ADCDABCAAB题号21222324252627282930答案CCCADBABCD题号31323334353637383940答案BBDDCACCAC第卷一、单词拼写(共10题每空2分,共20分)41. _attractive_ 42. _survive_ 43. _contact_ 44. _exchanged_ 45. _approach_ 46. _afford_47. _occupation_ 48. _sounds_49. _architecture_50. _tourists_二、作文(30分)_

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