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contribute,contribute,contribute kntribju:t vt. /vi. con(一起) + tribute(给) contribute(贡献) 1. to give sth, especially money or goods, to help sb/sth 捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物);捐助 2. to be one of the causes of sth 是的原因之一,contribute,3. to increase, improve or add to sth 增加;增进;添加(到某物),有助于 4. to write things for a newspaper,magazine,or a radio or television programme; to speak during a meeting or conversation, especially to give your opinion (为报纸、杂志、电台或电视节目)撰稿,投稿;(在会议或会谈期间)讲话,(尤指)发表意见,contribute,1 . 捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物);捐助 (vt./vi.) sth ; to/towards sth eg: The writer personally contributed 5000 to the earthquake fund.那位作家亲自捐赠了 5000 英镑给地震基金。 Would you like to contribute to our collection?你愿意给我们的募捐捐款吗?,contribute,2. 是的原因之一 (vi.) to sth eg: Medical negligence was said to have contributed to her death. 据说医务人员的玩忽职守是她死亡的原因之一。,contribute,3.增加;增进;添加(到某物),有助于 (vt./vi.) sth ; to sth eg: This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject. 此书对我们了解这门学科无所助益。 Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways. 移民在许多方面都对英国文化有所贡献。,contribute,4.(为报纸、杂志、电台或电视节目)撰稿,投稿;(在会议或会谈期间)讲话,(尤指)发表意见 (vt./vi.) sth ; to sth eg: She contributed a number of articles to a magazine. 她给这家杂志撰写了一些稿件。 We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion. 我们希望大家都能参加讨论。,contribute,词形变化: 形容词:contributive ; contirbutory 副词:contributively 名词:contribution ; contributor 过去分词:contributed 动词过去式:contributed 第三人称单数:contributes 现在分词:contributing,contribute,近义词 donate, conduce, give, impart, put up donate:(vt.)捐献,捐赠 conduce:(vi.)有助,有益,有贡献于,导致 give:(vt.)给,授予,产生,发表,捐助,献出 impart:(vt.)给予,传授,告知 put up:建造,搭起,提供住宿,提出,提高,张贴,contribute,派生词:1、contribution n. 1)捐款 All contributions will be gratefully received. 我们对所有捐资表示感谢。 2)定期缴款 You can increase your monthly contributions to the pension scheme. 你可以增加每月给养老计划缴纳的款额。 3)贡献,促成作用 He made a very positive contribution to the overall success of the project. 他对项目的全面成功做出了非常积极的贡献。 4)一则,一条,稿件 All contributions for the May issue must be received by Friday. 所有要在五月这一期发表的稿件必须在星期五以前寄到。 5)捐赠,捐助 We rely entirely on voluntary contribution. 我们全靠自愿捐赠。,contribute,2、contributor n. 1) 撰稿人,投稿人,嘉宾,发言人 2) 捐款人,捐助人,捐赠者,作出贡献者 3)促成物 3、contributory adj. 1) 促成的,促进的,起作用的 2) 需要受益人付钱的,contribute,辨析:contribute & donate contribute:捐献,贡献的,捐助 donate:捐献,捐赠,赐予,基本上指标是捐钱和献血 contribute 和 donate虽然都可以解释为捐献的意思,可是如果用在不同的场合就会有本质上的区别. 最常见的 contribute 的用法就是用在商业会计里的 Owners contribution, 这里的 contribution 虽然也解释为捐献,可是本质上却是提供,贡献的意思.当老板从自己的私人帐户里拿出500万放到公司的帐户里时,这就是老板的私人 contribution . 而 donate 只能用在义务捐献上,比如捐血,捐衣服,捐献自己的医术等等. 很重要一点, donate 可以用的地方,都可以用 contribute 代替使用.而 contribute 可以用的地方,要看情况和本质才可以用 conate 代替使用.,contribute,翻译: 1)“I participate, I contribute, and I enjoy.“ “我参与,我奉献、我快乐。” 2)But in any case, they can be sure that if they bring a knowledge of science to their students in meaningful and stimulating ways,they have contributed much to helping each one live a more meaningful life. 但是在任何情况下,他们都可以肯定,如果他们把科学知识以有意义且激励人心的方式传授给学生,他们就已经为帮助每个学生生活得更有意义作出了很大贡献。,contribute,3)我已经给北京晚报投了好几篇文章,可一篇也没发表过。 Ive contributed several articles to Beijing Evening News,but none of them have been published. 4)The technical aspects or applications of knowledge are equally necessary for man and are of the greatest importance, because they also contribute to defining him as man and permit him to pursue a life increasingly more truly human. 对人们来说,知识的技能及其应用是同样必不可少的,并且也是至关重要的,因为它们也有助于对人类本身下定义,同时允许人类追求日益真实的人的生活。,contribute,5)How do you think listening English songs will contribute to English study? 你认为听英文歌曲对学英语有何帮助? 6)Sometimes you have a strong feeling that something is important and you want to see it examined and you want to contribute to a public debate. (六级考试听力长对话) 有时候你有一种强烈的感觉,就是某件事情很重要,并且你想去查看,想要对一项公开辩论有所贡献。,contribute,视频: How much can you contribute to a Roth IRA? (你能在多大程度上有助于罗斯个人退休帐户?) 罗斯个人退休帐户是由参议员William Roth倡议并通过的一种个人退休账户。 http:/www.ehow.co.uk/video_4756014_how-much-can-contribute-roth.html,contribute,Hi, my name is Bill Rae. Im a licensed agent and have been in the financial field for well over two decades. The question is, how much can one contribute to a Roth IRA. Were going to have to assume that when you ask that question, how much can one contribute to a Roth IRA, youre probably talking about on an annual basis. If thats the case, be careful, rules change.Under todays environment, what one can contribute to a Roth IRA is up to one quarter of their income annually so long as their income doesnt exceed the maximum ceiling allowed by the IRS.,contribute,Again, in todays environment that ceiling starts around a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars a year and whittles out as the higher income you make the less you can contribute. So, once again, how much can you contribute to a Roth IRA? Again if the question is annually, youre looking about a quarter of your income so long as you dont exceed about a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars a year. My name is Bill Rae, and Im helping you build wealth.,


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