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,英汉标点符号和用法的主要差异,Company Logo,英汉标点符号和用法的主要差异,英文里面没有顿号、书名号、间隔号: 1. 汉译英时,顿号需要转换为逗号或者and,如 “河南、河北、山东”译为“ Henan, Hebei and Shandong”; 2. 汉译英时去掉书名号,但书名中实词首字母大写,如 思想解放与政治进步译为Emancipation of Mind and Political Progress,用斜体;,Company Logo,英汉标点符号和用法的主要差异,两种语言的标点不完全对应,译文中的标点按译文的语言习惯: 汉语中的句号,英语一般也是句号; 汉语的逗号,英语可能变为句号; 汉语的冒号,英语可能变为逗号; 汉语的感叹号,英语可能变为句号; 汉语没有括号,英语可能增加括号; 英语的逗号,可能变为汉语的顿号; 英语的句号,可能变为汉语的逗号,Company Logo,分号,用于正式文体中分开内容相关、本来可以分为两句话的两个分句,或者用and, or, but连接的句子: I can see no remedy for this; one cant order him to do it. He knew everything about me; I knew nothing about his recent life.,Company Logo,冒号,英语的副标题不用破折号,用冒号: a volume entitled Farming and Wildlife: A Study in Compromise,Company Logo,破折号,打字时,可用两个连字符(-)代替。输入两个连字符后(两端不留空格),微软Word字处理软件会自动将其转化为破折号。 用在列举或解释之前: The poor need simple thingsbuilding materials, clothing, household goods, and agricultural implements. 用在补充说明成分的之前和之后: Many species will take a wide variety of food insects, eggs, nestlings and fruitbut others will only take the leaves of particular trees.,Company Logo,省略号,省略号由三个前面留一个空格的圆点组成。计算机可以把三个连续的圆点自动转换为省略号 () 。 省略号表示在引用中省略了一部分。如果翻译中遇到省略号,要注意按照英文省略号的用法翻译。下面的例子采用的是MLA规则(省略号都用方括号括住)。请注意远点前后的空格情况: 省略一句话中间的某些词: But all these places are so different from each other that one couldnt help thinking: this kind of talk was a shorthand for a confusion. 省略一句话的末尾: It was another Nicaragua . (引文之后用括号标明出处时,句号放在出处之后),Company Logo,括号,用于补充说明或解释。打字时注意,括号之外留空格,里面不留。 There is a process which Hayek (a writer who came to rather different conclusions) also observed. 注意:句号、问号、感叹号、逗号都用在右括号之外,除非适用于括号内的词句。 In the face of unbelievable odds (the least being a full-time job!) Gladys took the six-hour exam and passed. Normally he had the last word (at least in the early days).,Company Logo,直接引语,直接引语两边用单引号(英式英语)或双引号(美式英语): “What are you doing?” Sarah asked. “Yes, yes,” he replied. “Hell be all right.” “Frankly darling,” he murmured, “its none of your business.” She added, “But its totally up to you.”,Company Logo,引用标题和短语,提到书名、电影名、剧本名等标题名称时,可以用引号。在书和文章中,标题名称经常不用引号,而是用斜体字。手写时,不用斜体而是使用引号或不用标点。报纸的名称通常不用引号。 Robin Cooks novel “Coma” Deightons most recent novel, Spy Hook 引用单词或短语时,用引号。英式英语中,句子本身标点在引号外面,但如果引用的是完整的句子,通常把句号放在引号之前;美式英语中句号或逗号放在右引号之前。 Mr Wilson described the price as “fair”. There was a time when people were divided roughly into children, “young persons,” and adults.,


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