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2019-2020年高一人教版英语必修四课时作业:Unit2Workingtheland(3)含答案完形填空In 1980 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then. The report was the result of a three-year study.According to the report, the 31 of the earth in the year xx is not a 32 one. The world will be more crowded because the 33 will continue to grow. The population 34 be as large as 6, 300 million, almost 2,500 million more than that in 1975. 35 people would move into cities, especially cities in 36 countries. Cities like Cairo and Jakarta 37 would each have 15 million by then. Food production will increase, but not enough to feed all the people. Fanners will grow 90% more food than they did in 1975, but most of the increase would be in countries that 38 produce enough food for their people. 39 increase is grown in South Asia, Africa and European countries. Poor farming ways are 40 large areas of cropland, changing farms into 41 . More farmland is lost 42 cities bee larger and houses are built. Air pollution will get worse as industrial countries 43 more coal and oil. Much of the worlds 44 could disappear as more and more trees are cut down. Energy will continue to be a 45 problem. The experts hope their picture of the earth for the year xx may be 46 . Measures must be taken to change the situation that47 today. By changing the situation, by settling the problems, the picture can be changed. There is 48 time for the nations of the world to work together on a plan of action. But they 49 that waiting too long to make decisions would greatly 50 the chances of success.31. A. condition B. situation C. picture D. look32. A. pleasant B. beautiful C. terrible D. strange33. A. cities B. carsC. bikes D. population34. A. would B. should C. must D. can35. A. Less B. More C. Few D. Some36. A. developed B. developingC. Asian D. European37. A. surely B. finally C. probably D. gradually38. A. already B. hardly C. partly D. never39. A. Much B. Little C. Large D. No40. A. reducing B. wasting C. hurting D. destroying41. A. buildings B. factories C. grassland D. deserts42. A. because B. ifC. as D. when43. A. produce B. bum C. need D. find44. A. animals B. plants C. forests D. birds45. A. important B. mon C. serious D. difficult46. A. wrong B. true C. right D. certain47. A. appeals B. happensC. develops D. exists48. A. also B. still C. little D. plenty49. A. believed B. warned C. concluded D. regretted50. A. reduce B. miss C. lose D. delay

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