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节日庆典/情人节 关于白色情人节的英文介绍一览 3月14日白色情人节,一般认为是对于西方情人节的延续,最早起源于公元三世纪时的罗马。下面是准备的关于白色情人节的英文介绍一览,希望能满足各位的阅读需求,内容看完后有所收获。 Whats the meaning of this event?White Day, March 14, as opposed to Valentines Day, is a completely Japanese event. While women give gifts to men on Valentines Day in Japan, on White Day, men should return the favor and give gifts to women from whom they received gifts or chocolate, or to women in whom they are romantically interested. Are there objects associated with this event?Although White Day is not as big as St. Valentines Day, many people still send various gifts. For White Day, cookies, candies or white chocolates are common instead of regular chocolates. There is a superstition among some young people that if someone gives you cookies, that means I love you; candies mean I like you, and white chocolate means Lets be friends. Other gifts usually given along with food are jewelry, handbags, shoes, wallets, scarves, handkerchiefs, and stuffed animals. Some men, just as in America, give lingerie to their girlfriends. What do people do on this day?As on St. Valentines Day, on the day of or before White Day, we can see many couples enjoying going out together around town. They often go shopping, see movies, or dine at fancy restaurants. In spite of the popularity of St. Valentines Day among children, boys rarely return gifts to girls on White Day. Therefore, mothers whose boys are in elementary schools or kindergartens buy cookies or candies, and give them to the girls who gave chocolates to their boys. 中文翻译: 3月14日是白色情人节。白色情人节流行于日本、韩国、台湾等地区,是我们所知道的西方情人节的延续,在送礼方面也不同:具体为2月14日女送男朱古力,3月14日男便要回送礼品一份。 其实,白色情人节即White Day,起源于日本的民间传说:2月14日ValentineDay原本是女孩子对男孩子诉诸情意的日子,由女孩子送情人节朱古力给男孩子。 在日本,还是大男人主义的天下,2月14日多数是女孩子送礼向心上人示爱,若男方亦有意,便要在3月14日回礼以示双方心心相印。但在港、台等地,男女的区分便没有那么明显了。3月14日回送对方一份情人礼物,那就表示彼此已经心心相印了。


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