2019-2020年中考英语复习 语法专项突破篇 专题十五 情景交际试题.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语复习 语法专项突破篇 专题十五 情景交际试题1.(xx年齐齐哈尔)James,would you mind if I use your dictionary? . A.Yes,please B.No,Youd better not C.Of course not,go ahead2.(xx年泉州)I hope I will win the English speaking petition tomorrow. . A. What a pity B.Congratulation C.Good luck to you3. (xx年海南)Is that Danny Brown speaking? Yes, ? A.Whats your name B.Who are you C.Whos that 4. (xx年漳州)We won the match at last because of good teamwork. .One tree cant make a forest.A. Thats true B.Thats all right C.Its hard to say5. (xx年吉林)Would you like some orange juice,Julie. .I prefer to drink milk.A. No,thanks B.Yes,please C.Id love to 6.Would you like to play football after school? I have a lot of homework to do AIm afraid not BEnjoy yourself CTake your time 7.The radio says it will rain next Sunday . Were going for a picnic that day AI hope it will BIm afraid not CI hope not8.Could you please turn off the TV? ,I I want to watch the sports news ANo;couldnt BSorry;cant CSure;can 9. May I speak to Mr Black,please? Hes upstairs AHold on,please BYes,speaking CWhos this? 10. Hello,may I speak to Mike? ASorry,ne isnt in BSure,here you are COK,who are you?11.I am upsetMy dog was lost Why dont you ask the police for help? AGood job BSounds great CIm sorry to hear that 12. Lets try paragliding next Sunday morning OK ACatch you on Sunday BNot at all CYoure wele 13. ! There is little time left AHurry up BDont worry CTake it easy14. Would you like to go to the movie with me this weekend? . AThank You BNo,I dont CSure,Id love to 15. Good afternoon! ? Yes,wed like some fish with rice AMay I borrow your book BMay I know your name CMay I take your order 16. What a fine day! Why not go out for a picnic? Lets goAPardon me BIm afraid not CSounds cool17.Youd better go to school a bit earlierThe traffic in the morning is terrible .AAll right BWhat for? CNot at all18. Im going to Marys birthday partyBye,Mum. ,David! ABest wishes BHave fun CTake care 19.Whenever you have difficulties,be sure to call me .AI have no trouble BI am sorry to hear that CI willThank you very much 20. ?Let me see$ 60,pleaseAMay I take your order BMay I have the bill CMay I have the menu15 CCCAA 610 ACBAA1115 CAACC 1620 CABCB


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