Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Introduction to the Anisa Model,Dan Jordan,July 1981,Lecture 3B,Philosophy of Science,World University,Focus on the development of integrative generalists,Have broad perspective,Able to perceive and make connections among various peoples efforts,Can function in a coordinating,peace-making role,Working on K-12 social studies curriculum,1000 most pressing problems facing mankind,International organizations formed to address problem,World University,Ought to be a place where international organizations have a forum to see how everything is connected in holistic curriculum,Interdisciplinary activity;old disciplinary activity does not allow holistic problem solving,Students must see things from multiple points of view,NOTE:philosophy,biology(organismic and ecological),psychology,sociology,anthropology,history,etc.for student of human beings,Arts should be included as they are an integrative force,Rationalistic Ideals,Coherence,Logical consistency,Coherence,All propositions are connected and integrated into whole,Much literature in education in fundamentally incoherent,Note:first principle in biology-evolution,Whitehead:Incoherence in a system of thought comes from incompatibility or disconnectedness among first principles;coherence therefore stems from everything in the system of thought being derivable from a first principle,Action based on thought,Coherence,Asked teachers:what is first principle organizing the thought on which your profession rests?,Note:Behavioral analysis and constructivism offer paradigms for schooling(not necessarily education),One of first tasks:identify first principles,Logical Consistency,Essential feature:Lack of or freedom from internal contradiction and adherence to principles of inference,Need to identify various forms of inference in developmental sequences,Logical Consistency,Two principles,Law of non-contradiction not proposition may be both true and false at the same time,Note:perspective may provide different viewpoints on truth of facts and principles(e.g.,metal falls to the ground;airplanes fly),Example:talk at holistic conference,Justification for communication of ideas,Theoretical grounds,Empirical grounds,Some people want to be free to believe everything,even if ideas are contradictory,Logical Consistency,Two principles,Law of non-contradiction not proposition may be both true and false at the same time,No basis for trust if one can arbitrarily shift from one position to another,Central nervous system biologically adapted for non-contradiction,Logical Consistency,Two principles,Law of the excluded middle,Every proposition must be either true or false and cannot be somewhere in the middle,May be qualifiers in the proposition,Note:perspective again important;observation imposes structure on non-organized entity,Empiricist Ideals,Empirical having concrete evidence in support of,Theory rational ideals,Empiricist Ideals,Applicability,Items of experience must be interpretable by the scheme(paradigm),Interpretation everything of which we are conscious,enjoyed,perceived,willed or thought(5 categories of potentiality)shall have the characters of the general instance of the general scheme,Examples:attributes of a chair;attributes of a dog,Adequacy(Comprehensiveness),No item of experience incapable of being interpreted by the paradigm,Probably no such thing in reality,Anisa Model,All aspects judged in terms of,Rational ideals,Cohesion,Logical consistency,Empirical ideals,Applicability,Adequacy,In development for nearly 20 years,Example:importance of a sense of humor,