2019-2020年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题( 无答案).doc

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2019-2020年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题( 无答案)温馨提示:1. 本试卷共10个大题,总分150分,120分钟完卷。2. 第I卷的答案填涂在机读卡上,第II卷答案填写在答题卷上。第I卷(95分)I. 听力测试。(共30分)第一节、情景反应(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. Have a good time !B. Happy birthday !C. Sure , Id love to .2. A. Yes , they will .B. Yes , they do .C. No , they will .3. A. In Beijing .B. An engineer .C. After I finish college .4. A. Three .B. Two spoons .C. 10 yuan .5. A. The teachers wont let you in . B. Youre wele . C. Thats all right .6. A. For a year .B. In two weeks .C. Once a month .第二节、对话理解。(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. An actor .B. A pilot .C. A driver .8. A. 8:30 .B. 8:10 .C. 8:50 .9. A. There will be fewer robots . B. People will have more jobs . C. People will have more free time .10. A. He will help poor children . B. He will get a good education . C. He will buy a school for poor children .11. A. Because he is ill . B. Because he will go to Beijing . C. Because he is lazy .12. A. A game .B. A person .C. A movie .第三节、长对话理解。(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听第一段对话,回答第13和14小题。13. They will go to London _ . A. by carB. by busC. by train14. It will be _ in London during the winter vacation . A. sunnyB. snowyC. windy听第二段对话,回答第15和16小题。15. Kobe plays basketball for the Lakers(湖人队)for _ years . A. 17B. 20C. 3716. Kobe will leave the basketball team because _ . A. he doesnt like basketball B. people dont like him C. he is getting older第四节、短文理解。每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。17. People go shopping online _ on Singles Days(光棍节,双11). A. to stay up lateB. to save moneyC. to meet new friends18. This year , Black Friday fell on _ . A. ThanksgivingB. Christmas DayC. Nov. 27th19. People start shopping for _ on Black Friday in the US . A. Christmas giftsB. Thanksgiving giftsC. birthday gifts20. Sometimes people fight over the things because _ . A. there arent enough left(剩余的) B. the things are not good enough C. they dont like each otherII. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. There was _ university in my hometown last year . A. /B. anC. theD. a22. The day before yesterday he left Chongqing _ saying anything . A. withB. inC. withoutD. by23. There _ a class party next week , so students are _ in now . A. will be ; prepare forB. will have ; prepare for C. is going to be ; preparing forD. is going to have ; preparing for24. Im sure hell _ get good grades in the final exam . A. has toB. be able toC. canD. might25. If she _ the phone too much , she _ enough time to study . A. use ; will haveB. used ; dont have C. will use ; doesnt haveD. uses ; wont have26. What a terrible movie ! After 5 minutes , I got _ and left . A. boredB. boringC. interestedD. interesting27. The bus driver always tells us not to get off the bus _ the bus stops . A. untilB. becauseC. althoughD. but28. Its time to watch TV . Can I _ , mom ? A. turn off itB. turn up itC. turn it onD. turn it down29. - Would you like to go _ ? - Sorry , Im afraid I cant . A. anywhere elseB. other anywhere C. somewhere elseD. other somewhere30. I am much _ than him . So I have more friends than he does . A. less outgoingB. quietC. more quietD. more outgoing31. What will you do if _ happens to you in the future ? A. some unlucky thingsB. something unlucky C. any lucky thingsD. any things lucky32. - Im going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday . - _ ! A. Have a good timeB. Please go C. Best wishes to youD. What a good holiday33. Dont worry about Shirley . She can _ herself . A. look atB. look afterC. look forD. find out34. Please put some _ and chicken _ on the sandwich . A. butter ; pieceB. butters ; piecesC. butter ; piecesD. butters ; piece35. - Could you hand out with me this afternoon ? - _ , but I have to study for my math test . A. Yes , I couldB. No , I cantC. Id like toD. No , I couldnt36. - I cant decide _ this summer vacation . - How about New York ? A. where to goB. how to do itC. what to doD. when to leave37. - _ today ? - Today is Tuesday , January 20th . A. Whats the dateB. What isC. What day is itD. What time is it38. Jenny made a _ mistake again because she never does things _ . A. careful ; carefullyB. careless ; careful C. careless ; carefullyD. careful ; carelessly39. Ms. Steen has _ in teaching . A. an experienceB. lots of experiences C. many experienceD. much experience40. We should use _ people and _ money to do the work better . A. less ; fewerB. fewer ; lessC. fewest ; leastD. little ; fewIII. 完型填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。When I was a little child , my mother asked me what the most important part of the body is . Through the years I 41 what was the right answer . When I was younger , I thought 42 was very important to us as humans , so I said : “ My ears , Mommy . ” She said : “ No . Many people are deaf . Just keep 43 it and I will ask you again . ”Several years passed 44 she asked me again . During the years , I thought over the right answer . And this time I told her : “ Mommy , sight is very important to everybody , so it must be our eyes . ” She looked at me and told me : “ You are learning fast , but the answer is not right because many people cant see . ”Mother asked me three 45 times and always her answer was “ No . But you are getting smarter every year , my child . ”Then last year , my grandpa died . Everybody was hurt . My mom looked at me with tears(眼泪)in her eyes and asked me : “ Do you know the answer now , my dear ? ” I was 46 when she asked me this at that moment . She told me : “ This question is very important . Your answer shows if(是否)you learned about life . And today you may learn this important lesson . ” I saw her eyes full of tears . “ My dear , the most important body part is just your 47 . ”“ 48 ? ” “ Because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one when they cry , ” she replied : “ Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life , my dear . I only hope that you have 49 love and can help the ones who are just crying . Then you know the meaning of life . That is to 50 your love with others .”41. A. decidedB. wonderedC. preparedD. caught42. A. tasteB. lookC. healthD. sound43. A. thinking aboutB. think aboutC. thinking outD. think out44. A. laterB. afterC. agoD. before45. A. moreB. otherC. anotherD. others46. A. excitingB. interestedC. surprisedD. relaxed47. A. handB. headC. faceD. shoulder48. A. WhyB. HowC. WhenD. What49. A. enoughB. too manyC. too muchD. little50. A. enjoyB. shareC. findD. buildIV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) 请阅读下列材料,并根据文章内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A51. Among all the cards , Card E shows _ . A. they just had a new babyB. she just became older C. he just made it in his examD. they just moved into a new house52. We can put Wish _ in Card B. A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 453. When people get Card C, they might say “_ ” . A. Were going to Tokyo for our honeymoon B. From now on , I am 18 C. Those were the last exams of my life D. Its so wonderful that were in our new homeBDo people design(设计)supermarkets to let us buy more ? When you go into a supermarket , the designer knows well about what you will do which way you will walk , where you will look , what things you will buy .They put fresh fruit and vegetables near the supermarket entrance(入口). This makes the shoppers think the supermarket only sells healthy food . Everyone will buy basic foods like sugar and tea . So shop managers wont put them near each other . The supermarket keeps them in different aisles(过道)so shoppers will see other great foods before they find what they want . In this way , shoppers may buy more .People walk quickly through empty aisles , but they move more slowly in crowded aisles and look at the products(商品)more . One best-selling place is at the end of aisles . At this place , shoppers slow down to turn into the next aisle . Another is on shelves(架子)at eye level(高度). The food pany would pay money so that their products can be in the high-selling places .Supermarkets often place candies at childrens eye level at the checkout . As parents are waiting to pay , children reach for the candies and put them in the basket .If a product is in a fifteen-foot shelf but not a ten-foot(英尺)one , it is more probable for shoppers to buy it . Shoppers also buy more when shelves are full than when they are not . They do not like to buy from shelves with few products because they feel there is something wrong with those products .54. In supermarkets , managers put sugar and tea _ . A. far from each otherB. together C. at the entranceD. at high places55. Children might _ when their parents are waiting to pay in the supermarket . A. eat candiesB. sell candies C. reach for candiesD. make candies56. When shoppers are _ , they may most probably buy products . A. near the entranceB. in the empty aisle C. at the end of an aisleD. at a ten-foot shelf57. Shoppers may think the products are bad when they are _ . A. at a fifteen-foot shelfB. at the shelves of eye level C. at full shelvesD. at the shelves with few productsCSome terrorist attacks(恐怖袭击)happened in Paris , France on the night of November 13th , xx . At least 129 people were killed . More than 350 others got hurt . What should we know about terrorist attacks ? Lets see together .Places where people easily get terrorist attacked .Airport and docks are places where people easily get attacked . Also , terrorist attacks could happen on planes , subways and ships . Just like the terrorist attacks in Paris , most of the attacks happened in restaurants , a concert hall and a sports stadium .What to do if you hear gunshots ?Get out of there quickly ! If you hear gunshots or threatening calls , stop what you are doing and keep your body at a low place or find the place where they cant see you as soon as possible ! If you try to run away now , you might get attacked .Bombing(爆炸事件)Its hard to keep away from terrorist bombing . When it happens , you can easily get hurt . The only way to keep away from it is to try to stay away from crowded places . If you find a bag and you dont know the owner , be careful ! Call the police if necessary . Dont try to move it or open it .What to do in a hostage situation(人质事件)?If you are unlucky enough to be taken hostage , keep cool . Show the hijacker that you would do as he says . Dont call out or move . If you want to do something , ask for allowance first , and let the hijacker know that you wont hurt him .Things you need to know when calling the police :1) Dont lose mind because you are afraid .2) Before you call the police , see if you are in danger first . If so , protect(保护)yourself first like leaving the dangerous place .3) Tell the police the important things , such as the place , time , whats going on and the results , etc . If you saw the criminal , tell the police the look and dressing .4) If 110 , 120 and 119 are all busy , just try 120 . Keep calling and you will get through .58. From the article , _ are places where people are NOT easily get attacked . A. airportsB. subwaysC. bedroomsD. restaurants59. If you find a bag and you dont know who owns the bag , you should _ . A. move itB. open itC. touch itD. call the police60. The underlined word hijacker in Paragraph 4 means _ . A. 警察B. 劫持者C. 人质D. 小偷61. According to the article , which of the following is TRUE ? A. If you hear gunshots , just keep doing the things you are doing and stand up . B. Its the best to go into crowded places when bombing happens . C. When you are in danger , you should not protect yourself . D. You should tell the police the place , time and what is going on .DOld Reg Foggerdy was on a hunting trip with his brother in the Great Victoria Desert in Western Australia . He was so excited that he shot(击中)a camel . He tried to follow it and he went into the bush(灌木丛). After a long time , he didnt know where he was . Then he tried to walk back , but after going for 19 miles , he found himself lost , with nobody around and wearing only the shorts , T-shirt , flip-flops and his hat . He was hungry , but with the only food the camel in front of him , he could do nothing . He couldnt go or cut a steak off the animal without a knife , and he didnt have matches for a fire . So he had no way to cook it or eat it .He knew he could not live for a long time without a drop of water there , and he could do nothing because the nearest town was more than 100 miles far away from there . Then he turned to ants for food , an idea he remembered from watching a British survival TV show . Out of his surprise , the ants tasted quite good . The first day , he ate probably 12 ants and the following day , he had 18 .As time went by , he became hopeless . He was search helicopters(救援直升机)flying overhead , but they didnt see him under the trees . He was looking for shelter from the sun . By the sixth day , things got worse . He thought he was going to die .But as he prepared for the end , searchers found him from his footprints in the dirt . When he opened his eyes and saw them , he was so happy .After the accident , he thought he was lucky , not tough . “ I heard that people would die after three days with no water . I dont know why I survived six days . ” He told Seven News , “ I dont mind if people want to call me Ant Man . ” And he said that he might go back to the place where he nearly met death .62. Foggerdy went into the bush for _ . A. waterB. a camelC. the townsD. ants63. Foggerdys idea of eating ants was from _ . A. people in the nearest townB. a TV show C. his familyD. his hobby64. The search helicopter didnt find Foggerdy at the beginning because _ . A. he was in the desertB. he was under the trees C. he lost his hopesD. the searchers didnt want to find him65. The best title(标题)of this article is _ . A. The Old Man and the Camel B. Six Days with A Camel C. A Man Survived by Eating Ants D. A Man Who died in the Bush第II卷(55分)V. 任务型阅读。(每题2分,共8分)阅读下文并回答问题,并把答案填写在答卷相应位置。In the past few years , more and more people began to be interested in astrology(占星学). They started asking “ Whats your sun and moon sign(星座), and your rising sign ? ” Actually , not many people can tell sun , moon and rising signs . We often use the month and day of birth to know the sign of a person : for example , people born(出生)between September 23 and October 23 are Libras . This is the sun sign . It shows where the sun was when you were born . The sun sign just tells your main personality and spirit(精神). But the moon sign shows where the moon was when you were born , and it decides the inner you and emotions(情感). The time of birth decides the rising sign . It means the sign rising in the east when you were born ; it decides ones outer look , speech and the beginning of ones career .Sun SignAries (3/21- 4/19)Libra (9/23 -10/23)Taurus (4/20 5/20)Scorpio (10/24 11/21)Gemini (5/21 6/21)Sagittarius (11/22 12/21)Cancer (6/22 7/22)Aquarius (1/20 2/18)Leo (7/23 8/22)Pisces (2/19 -3/20)Virgo (8/23 9/22)66. Can most people tell sun , moon and rising signs ?_67. Which sign tells your main personality and spirit ?_68. What decides the rising sign ?_69. What is your sun sign if you were born on February 24th ?_VI. 口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分) 阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答案填写在答卷相应位置。A. Sorry , Id love to .B. Shes not available . She has so visit her grandma .C. You can buy some snacks for me if you have time .D. Id like to . Who else will e ?E. OK . Is that all ?F. Sounds delicious .G. I still remember what a great time we had playing his games last year .A: Hi , Robert . I want to have a birthday party this Friday night . Can you e ?B: 70 A: Lucy and Lily . They will bring some food they make .B: What about Tina ? Can she go to the party ?A: 71 But Peter can e . Hes so good at planning games .B: Oh , yeah . 72 By the way , can I help with any of the party preparations ?A: Its kind of you to help me . I remember a big supermarket is near your home . 73 B: Such as ?A: Potato chips , chocolate , cookies .B: 74 A: Not quite . Also some drinks .B: Got it . Anything else ?A: Thats it . Thank you so much .VII. 单词拼写及适当形式填空。(每空0.5分,共4分) A. 根据所给单词的首字母填空;75. There are many t_ holidays in China such as the Spring Festival .76. Thanks for i_ me to your party . Ill go there on time .77. I always get up early on w_ , but I usually get up late on the weekend . B. 根据上下文意义,填出所给单词适当形式。78. It was _ ( possible ) for him to finish the work so soon because he wasnt good at it at all .79. Screen City has the most fortable seats and the best _ (serve ) .80. If he has problems , he wont keep them to _ ( him ) .81. Im looking forward to _ ( hear ) from you soon .82. If it _ ( not rain ) tomorrow , I will go to the beach with you .VIII. 句型转换及翻译。(每空1分,共12分) 根据要求,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。83. Mary will advise me about how to improve my chemistry .(变同义句) Mary will _ me some _ about how to improve my chemistry .84. Jack cut the vegetables up .(变为一般疑问句) _ Jack _ the vegetables up ?85. They are going to ride a bike to school next term .(对划线部分提问) _ are they going to _ next term ?86. He needs one spoon of honey .(对划线部分提问) How _ _ of honey does he need ?87. You will feel worse if you dont talk to someone about your problems .(变同义句) You _ feel better _ you talk to someone about your problems .88. 看,河边有些人正在跑步。(汉译英) Look , _ are some people _ by the river .IX. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)根据短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。If you need to call your parents but your phone is not with you , can you remember their numbers ? To remember 11 numbers is not 89 . However , we are losing this ability(能力) 90 of smart phones(智能手机). And smart phones are also bad 91 peoples face-to-face munications . Even when friends have a meal together , it is mon for them to play with their phones .For students , it is not good , either . Some students 92 more than four hours a day on their phones and they are certainly not as 93 at study as those

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