2019-2020年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 含答案(III).doc

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2019-2020年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 含答案(III)高一英语(本试卷满分120分, 答题时间90分钟)第卷第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分10分)第一节 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the two speakers most probably? A. In a restaurant. B. In a museum. C. In a photo shop.2. How long had the man been driving when he got a license(驾照)? A. For three years. B. For four years. C. For five years.3. What is the woman probably doing? A. Cooking . B. Painting a picture. C. Surfing the Internet.4. What does the man like to collect most?A. Coins. B. Stamps. C. Paintings.5. What does the woman invite the man to do?A. To fly a kite. B. To visit a museum. C. To swim in the lake.第二节 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)请听下面两段对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听第六段材料, 回答第6至7题。6. What did the man do last weekend?A. He stayed at home. B. He visited a friend. C. He went to a dance party.7. Where is the mans new friend now?A. In Paris. B. In New York. C. In London.听第七段材料, 回答第8至10题。8. How many tickets does the woman want?A. One. B. Two. C. Three.9. When will the woman probably go to see the movie?A. On the 10th. B. On the 11th. C. On the 12th.10. Where will the woman probably sit in the cinema?A. At the back. B. In the middle. C. In the front. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分30分)第一节 (共10小题, 每小题2分, 满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Most people who move to a foreign country may experience a period of time when they have a lot of stress in the new culture. This feeling is often called “culture shock” and it is important to learn how to deal with culture shock. First of all, you should know that everyone in a new situation will go through some form of culture shock. There are four general stages of cultural adjustment(适应). The first stage is usually referred to as the honeymoon stage. Upon arriving in a new environment, youll be interested in the new culture. Everything will seem exciting, and everyone will seem friendly and helpful. The second stage is called the withdrawal stage. The excitement that you felt before changes to frustration(沮丧) as you find it difficult to deal with new problems. The language is hard to learn; friends are hard to make; simple things like shopping and going to the bank are challenges. It is at this stage that you are likely to feel anxious and homesick. If you are one of those who manage to stick it out (坚持下来), you will enter the third stage- the recovery stage. At this point, youll feel more confident in the new culture. Youll start to understand and accept the way things are done and the way people behave in your new environment. The last stage is the stability stage- this is the point when people start to feel at home in the new culture. At this stage, you will behave well in the new culture, and prefer some aspects(方面) of the new culture to your own culture. There is, in a sense, a fifth stage to this process. If you decide to return home after a long period in a new culture, you may experience what is called “reverse culture shock”. This means that you may find aspects of your own culture “foreign”, because youre so used to the new culture. Reverse culture shock is usually pretty mild(温和的) and doesnt last for very long.11. At the honeymoon stage, people will_. A. find the new culture is hard to accept B. miss their family and friends very muchC. begin to understand what culture shock isD. have a good impression of the new culture12. In which stage will people feel most unfortable? A. The honeymoon stage. B. The withdrawal stage. C. The recovery stage. D. The stability stage.13. At the stability stage, people usually feel_. A. lucky B. relaxed C. nervous D. disappointed14. Which of the following opinions does the author agree with? A. Its important to know that culture shock is natural. B. People will suffer less from culture shock in future. C. Reverse culture shock usually happens in the foreign countries. D. Reverse culture shock is as difficult to deal with as culture shock.BSeal(海豹) seizes raftThis seal really rocked the boat when he found himself an unusual place to hang out. After the seal came across a boat in the harbor where he lives, he fell inside and wouldnt budge for four days.“One morning the seal just pulled himself aboard,” says Ed Stubbings, who owns the boat-turned-bed. Probably thinking the boat was a rock, the seal made himself at home. The seal didnt move an inch-not even to eat or drink.Stubbings was a little worried that the 500-pound animal might sink it. Luckily on the fifth day, the seal fell back into the water and swam off.Alligator(短吻鳄)gets new tail When Mr. Stubbs the alligator swims through his pool at the Phoenix Herpetological Society, he looks like any other gator-except that his tail is made of rubber. Mr. Stubbs is the first alligator known to wear an artificial tail. Mr. Stubbs was brought to the society nine years ago. “His tail was missing when he arrived,” says President Russ Johnson. Mr. Stubbs couldnt walk or swim properly. “We showed him how to swim in the water,” Johnson says. “But that hurt his back.” Later, the scientists used rubber to build an artificial tail attached to Mr. Stubbss back legs. “Once we put the tail on him, he walked with ease,” Johnson says.Dog delivers papersMorgan started her “paper route” when she was young. One day as Morgan and her owner Bill set out on a walk, she spotted a rolled-up paper. To Bills surprise, Morgan grabbed the object in her mouth, walked back to the house, and dropped it on the doorstep. Morgan enjoyed the activity so much that she wanted to deliver every paper she saw on her walks.Now three-year-old Morgan brings the paper to her owner and neighbors, even in bad weather. “Morgan has a natural instinct(本能) to carry things with her mouth,” dog behaviorist Pat Miller says. “And she feels rewarded by the activity, so she keeps it up.”15. The underlined word “budge” can be replaced by_. A. move B. change C. swim D. sleep16. It can be learned that Mr. Stubbs_. A. injured his back B. lost his tail and back legs C. quickly got used to his new tail D. was found by Ed Stubbings17. What made Morgan deliver papers? A. Her owner Bills praise. B. Her neighbors rewards. C. Pat Millers encouragement. D. Her natural ability.CIts true to say that technology makes our lives easier. However, increasingly scientists are saying that we need to give ourselves a break-otherwise we put ourselves at risk(风险) of developing hundreds of health problems. Over the summer the days are longer and sunnier. Why not put this free time to good use and do something away from technology? You could learn a new skill. There are hundreds of possibilities: cooking, a musical instrument or a new sport. Havent you always wanted to learn how to knit(编织)? You could use your free time to practice these new things, which might lead to an exciting opportunity in the future. If you just want to relax, why not head to a beach? Take along your favorite book and relax on the sand, or go for a walk along the coastline. If you dont live near a beach, you could go to your local park. Why not have a picnic, or try to explore some of the local wildlife? You could even get involved in the latest craze(狂热): adult coloring books! Coloring is a surprising thing to help you relax, and it can be a nice way to escape from the stress of modern life! Whatever you choose to do, try something new! You might surprise yourself and find a hidden gift within you; you might make new friends along the way. Next time you find yourself changing TV channels(频道) from one to another without a clear purpose, think about what else you could spend your time doing.18. According to the text, technology_.A. makes our life harder B. may bring us illnessC. keep us busy D. gives us a break from work19. In the authors opinion, one of the best ways to relax is probably_.A. doing net shopping B. watching TV at homeC. reading books on a beach D. learning a new skill20.Which of the following might be the best title of the text?A. Spending your free time away from technology.B. The disadvantages of Watching TV.C. The relationship between technology and health.D. Finding the hidden gift in you.第二节 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Sarah Hutchins has won a prize from Amazon. in a petition for young inventors. She invented “camoculars”! Now what are “camoculars”? Camoculars are binoculars(双筒望远镜) and a camera bined. Amazon., a web pany, organized a petition for young inventors. 21 Sarah was at a concert when she thought of her invention. “I was sitting a long way from the stage and I was watching the band through my binoculars. While I was watching, I thought, 22 Then I got an idea. Why not have binoculars with a camera inside them?”When she got home, she took some plastic binoculars and a cheap camera and put them together. 23 So Sarah sent her idea to Amazon. and two months later, she got a surprise. 24 They didnt give her the top prize in the petition, but she won $1,000 and a trip to New York.People are already asking Sarah what she is going to invent next. “I dont know,” says Sarah. “If you just sit there and think, you wont invent anything, because you get ideas at strange moments. 25 ”A. Sarah likes music very much.B. Id love to be able to take a picture of this!C. Amazon. phoned to say that she was a winner.D. I have always dreamed of travelling around New York.E. The only thing you can do is keep your eyes and ears open!F. Her sister was watching her and told her about the petition.G. Sarah was one of thousands of young people who took part in this petition.第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“Daily Star, sir,” called Jason, carrying some newspapers under his arm. The little boy had been running up and down the street, but there were still twenty 26 left. His voice was almost gone and his heart was 27 . The shops would soon close, and all the people would go home. He would have to go home too, carrying the papers 28 money. He had hoped to sell more papers tonight to make more money to buy a 29 for his mother and some seeds for his bird. That was why he had bought the papers with all his money. He almost 30 as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers.“You dont know the 31 of selling papers. You must shout, “Hot news! Bomb bursting(炸弹爆炸)!” another newsboy Chad told Jason. “ 32 such news is not in the paper at all,” replied Jason. “Dont be so honest. Just run away quickly 33 they have time to see, and youll 34 out the paper and get your money,” Chad said.It was a new 35 to Jason. He thought of his bird with no 36 and the cake he wanted to buy for his mother, but was 37 that he would not tell a lie. Though he was 38 a poor newsboy, he had been 39 some good qualities.The next afternoon Jason went to the office for his papers 40 . Several boys were crowding around Chad, who declared with a 41 smile that he had sold six dozen papers the day before. He added that Jason 42 money because he would not tell a lie. The boys 43 at Jason. “You wouldnt tell a lie yesterday, my boy?” A gentleman at the office came up and patted(轻拍) Jasons shoulder 44 , “Youre just the boy I am looking for.” A week later Jason started his new 45 . He lost the sale of twenty papers because he would not tell a lie, but got a well-paid job because he told the truth.26. A. shopsB. papersC. peopleD. coins27. A. open B. cheerful C. heavyD. weak28. A. in search of B. in return for C. in charge of D. instead of 29. A. cup B. card C. cake D. hat30. A. broke downB. gave inC. got away D. turn up31. A. secretB. limit C. goal D. difficulty32. A. And B. SoC. For D. But 33. A. since B. before C. though D. unless34. A. call B. drop C. reach D. sell 35. A. ideaB. celebration C. permission D. fault36. A. bread B. seeds C. insects D. water37. A. concerned B. amazed C. determinedD. excited38. A. only B. already C. still D. also39. A. sentenced B. handed C. awarded D. taught 40. A. at once B. as usual C. by accidentD. on purpose41. A. gentle B. proud C. warm D. polite42. A. borrowed B. made C. lostD. saved43. A. staredB. shouted C. nodded D. laughed 44. A. fondly B. violently C. bravely D. sadly45. A. tradition B. theory C. job D. trick第卷第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)第二节 (共10小题, 每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号中单词的正确形式。To the woman and child who sat at table 9, My name is Tony Posnanski. I am the manager of the restaurant 46._ you ate a few weeks ago. The guests at a table close to yours asked to talk to me. 47._ (obvious), they were angry. They said your child was so loud 48._ they couldnt enjoy their meal.When I got to your table, you looked at me and asked, “Do you know 49._ it is like to have a child with autism(自闭症)?” You were not rude when you asked the question. On 50._ contrary, you were quite polite. I know what I was supposed 51._( say) when I went to your table, but I just wished you a happy meal and promised that your meal tonight was on me. Although I didnt know 52._ to answer your question, as a father of a 5-year-old boy, I do know the feeling of 53._(be) a parent.I wrote this to you and your beautiful daughter because I wanted to thank you both. You have taught me a 54._(value) lesson and given me a great restaurant memory. Nothing can prevent me 55._ doing the right thing. Sometimes doing the right thing does not make everyone happy; just the people who need it the most. Sincerely Tony Posnanski第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Ted, Thank you for agree to look after the house while were on the holiday. I hope you will enjoy staying here, but there are a little things that I must tell you about. Firstly, please dont forget feed the cat-Im sure she will tell you when she is hungrily! You dont have to feed the birds so I put enough food in their cage. Oh, and dont let the dog sleeping on the sofa -he isnt allowing to. By the way, I bought a beautiful gift to you and I cant wait to send them to you! See you soon! Lucy第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假设你是某国际学校学生会的主席李华。你校学生会打算组织一次有机蔬菜采摘活动。请你用英语写一份通知。内容包括:1. 活动目的:了解有机蔬菜的种植;体验采摘乐趣;2. 活动时间及地点:本周日上午,西星农场;3.活动内容:导游带领参观农场;采摘蔬菜(黄瓜,西红柿,茄子等);在农场提供的厨房亲自烹饪自己摘到的蔬菜。注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:采摘:pick 有机农业:organic farmingNotice_ Students Union答案:

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