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2019-2020年高一英语下学期3月月考试题(III)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does Mr. White most probably work?A. At a toy pany. B. At a telephone pany. C. At a newspaper pany.2. What are the speakers talking about?A. The custom. B. The service. C. The kindness.3. How does the man feel?A. Worried. B. Shameful. C. Confident.4. What does the woman mean?A. Carl is sure to e at 8 pm. B. Carl is very wealthy. C. Carl seldom speaks.5. Who is often the guest on Oprahs talk show?A. The man. B. Dr. Oz. C. Oprah.第二节(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答6至7题。6. What has made the man unhappy?A. His new neighbors. B. His neighbors dogs. C. His own dogs.7. Whats the mans problem?A. He doesnt sleep well. B. Hes afraid of the dogs. C. He looks after dogs all night.听第7段材料,回答8至9题。8. What season is it now?A. Summer.B. Winter. C. Autumn.9. What did the speakers find missing downstairs?A. Some jewelry. B. Some cash. C. Nothing.听第8段材料,回答10至12题。10. What age is the girl mentioned in the conversation?A. In her teens. B. In her forties. C. In her twenties.11. How much did the girl pay for the dinner at the hotel?A. Nearly 1,200 yuan. B. About 3000 yuan. C. Almost 1800 yuan.12. What did the girls parents do about the girl?A. They supported her by offering some money.B. They were against her but couldnt stop her.C. They punished her as a lesson.听第9段材料,回答13至16题。13. How did the man arrange his part-time job at university?A. For 12 hours every Thursday night.B. Two or three nights a week.C. Overnight every Friday.14. How long did the man do the part-time job?A. For about half a year. B. For two and a half years. C. For two years.15. What did the man do for his job?A. Printing the TV guides.B.Taking the TV guides to the pressing house. .C. Getting the TV guides distributed (分发).16. What does the man think of this job?A. It was the worst choice ever made.B. He was really tired of it.C. It was really enjoyable.听第10段材料,回答17至20题。17. What is “Gardening with Mary”?A. A book about gardening. B. A TV show on gardening.C. A radio program on plants.18. What can be inferred about Mary Green?A. She is an expert in gardening. B. She teaches gardening at a university. C. She is a very popular writer with young men.19. What does Mary Green think of gardening? A. It helps us to solve the shortage of the food. B. It helps us to learn more about nature. C. It brings us a lot of joy and pleasure.20. What does Mary Green think is the most important when growing roses? A. Choosing the right kind.B. Choosing the best place.C. Choosing the right time.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2135题各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。ATime:2017-01-24 From:kekenet Editor: cloverThe head of Chinas largest online seller Alibaba does not think China and the United States will have a trade war despite ments from the Trump administration.Jack Ma is the chairman of the Alibaba Group. At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, he said, China and (the) U.S. will never have a trade war. Give Trump some time. Hes open-minded, hes listening.The Chinese billionaire said he would do all he could to prevent trade relations between the countries from getting worse.Last week, Ma met with Trump at the Trump Tower in New York City. The Chinese billionaire is said to have discussed a plan to permit one million small U.S. businesses to sell goods on Alibabas online shopping platform.During the campaign and after winning the presidential election, Trump strongly criticized the Chinese governments support for its businesses. He blamed unfair trade policies for taking away U.S. jobs. And he said that China unfairly controls the exchange value of its currency, the yuan.Trump also has threatened to place import taxes on goods from China and other countries in response to their trade policies.According to the South China Morning Post, Ma said, American international panies made millions and millions of dollars from globalization. He added that the U.S. should not blame the loss of jobs and panies on globalization.However, a new study by an American business group says many U.S. businesses feel unwele in China. The panies say the cost of doing business in China is increasing. They add that rules and regulations are unclear or not enforced in a consistent way.The American Chamber of merce in China led the study, which looked at responses from 462 panies.William Zarit is chairman of the chamber. He says trade policies in China make it difficult for American panies. He says, we feel that over the last few years that weve been taken advantage of to some extent, with our open market and the lack of open areas in the Chinese market.Another major concern for U.S. panies in China is fake products. Fake products are copies of the originals that cost businesses with the legal right to sell them millions of dollars each year.Ma defended Alibabas efforts to fight fake products on its shopping platform. He said his pany is doing all it can to fight the problem.Fighting against fake products is a war against human greediness, Ma said.Im Mario Ritter.21 The underline phrase “The Chinese billionaire” refers to_.A. Trump B. Jack Ma C. Mario Ritter D. Willian Zarit22The text likely take from the_.A. economic magazine B. trade speechC. WebsiteD. global news23About this passage, the most suitable title is_.A. Chinese Billionaire Does Not See China-US Trade War.B. The American international panies removed most tariffs on products traded between the U.S and China.C. Group says American businesses in China concerned.D. The war about fighting against fake products.I vividly remember walking back to my house after collecting the afternoon mails. I saw a credit card statement and or bank statements. It was in that moment that I felt a deep tension.I realized that even though I had married a man who I adored, I really didnt have a clear sense of how he handled money and how the two of us were going to bine our different approaches to handing money in our marriage. I was more organized and detailed, but he was more of a laid-hack type. I knew that getting on the same financial page was a key factor in creating a successful marriage and financial future.I asked my husband if he would be willing to set up a time each week to talk about our finances and develop a plan for getting rid of our credit card debt. My husband said he would be willing to do this. Admittedly, he was skeptical(怀疑)-but willing.We came to refer to our weekly meetings as our Financial Dates. We didnt really have a clue as to what we were doing. All we knew was that we needed to give our finances serious attention. Some Dates were filled with tense conversations. Other Dates were filled with laughter, joy and creativity. However, we kept showing up for our Dates and we never gave up. What started out as a means for survival became a powerful connecting thread in our relationship. Something shifted within us.Instead of our finances being a source of divisive(不和的)tension that pulled us apart, they became the glue(粘着剂)that held us together as we became a unified team.I still recall the day that we excitedly crossed off our last credit card payment on the chart we had created. We had finally arrived. We were free. We had been given wings to fly.Now, whenever I feel huge stress I ask myself, “ How am I contributing to what is happening right now?” This gives me the great power to take action. Even though my husband and I dont have any guarantee against future challenges, I am left with something deep within that is unshakable and that can never be taken away-the memory of our past successes and the power to integrate(整合)these lessons in my daytoday life.24Why did the author feel nervous when collecting the afternoon mails?A. She was not sure about her marriage.B. She could feel the pressure of the huge debtC. She didnt know how to handle money.D. She was reminded of the quarrels in the family.25Which word can replace the underlined word “laidback” in the second paragraph?A. Relaxed B. Doubtful C. Cautious D. Confident.26What can we learn from the Financial Dates?A. They showed the couple clear direction at first.B. They left the couple nothing but deep sadness.C. They were once interrupted but quickly continued.D. They strengthened the couples relationship at last.27We can infer that when faced with stress the author will_. A. try to change the situation B. focus on what contributes to it C. get power from the memory D. feel free to do what she likes CMore than one-third of adults in the United States are obese(肥胖). In fact, over obesity has reached such proportions that one big-city mayor has gone about banning large-sized, sugary soft drinks and the First Lady has been on a campaign to control the dietary offerings in public schools.Even many adults who do not fit the clinic definition of obesity are still overweight, and a large percentage are looking for the best ways to lose weight.Reducing pounds largely es down to the two-sided factors of diet and exercise. Not carrying out the first one enough, and not getting enough of the second one, ends up giving the individual a recipe for being overweight.Advising someone to eat less and exercise more might be the easiest advice possible, but its also, partially, an oversimplification. Dieting has more to do with the types of food you eat than how much you eat. Reduce the amount of red meat in your diet. If you dont want to eliminate red meat altogether, choose cuts of meat with less fat content. Limit your intake of salt and starches. If youve got to have potato chips alongside your sandwich at lunch, choose the baked potato chips that contain less fat than the deep-fried chips. You might find youre really not sacrificing that much in terms of taste.A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, egg whites, fish and nonfat dairy products will certainly aid in the mission of losing weight. Drink more water and less sugary drinks. If you have to have a soda, a diet soda is a better option, but seltzer is an even better choice than that.Its importantif not always easyto make sure you get at least some physical activity each and every day. If your feet wont allow for a regular jogging regimen, then make sure you take lots of walks. Next time you need to mail a letter, walk to the mailbox instead of driving. Try to work in a daily walk in your neighborhood.28 You should when you want to lose weight.A. diet as well as exercise enough B. try not to fit the clinic definition of obesityC. get little exercise every dayD. focus your attention on diet only29The First Lady has started a movement to .A. raise peoples awareness of healthy dietB. control the public school dietary supplyingC. ban the sugary soft drinksD. realize the importance of dieting30What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?A. We must keep far away from fat and ignore our taste.B. The simplest and best way to lose weight is to eat and exercise more.C. We should remove the red meat in our diet pletely to reduce weight.D. When it es to diet, no one needs to starve themselves in order to lose weight.31The last paragraph is mainly about .A. walkB. DietC. exerciseD. Jog DTechnology improves our lives but ruins those of everyone who hangs out with us. I spend nearly as much of my life waiting for people Im with to answer a call, text back or finish a tweet(发帖)as they do waiting for me.Ive already known that owning Google Glass-the eyeglasses with a puter attached-will pletely turn my life into a virtual reality(虚拟实境)exactly like moving my cell phone fives inches closer to my face. What I need to know is what its like to municate with someone whos weaning Google Glass.I invited Heather Anne Campbell to have lunch with me and wear her Google Glass the whole time. Heather, a edian who appears on the new Whose Line Is It Away?, is one of about 8000 people Google chose to buy the $ 1500 device before its made available to the public.I did not think our lunch would go well since Im one of the few people who believe putting your phone on the table suggests that you dont think I can tell a story as well as someone without a face or body.When Heather arrived, I noticed that while she is very attractive, she looks even better wearing her Google Glass. Shortly after sitting down, Heather told me that she would never actually wear these glasses to a lunch. “Its a social threat.” She explained, since by moving her head or saying an order, she could make the glasses shoot video or , worse, look me up on Wikipedia, which would certainly end lunch early. Besides, you cant be nearly as secret with Glass as I thought: I could find when the tiny screen over her left eye was on , so Id know immediately if she wasnt really paying attention.Its not the technology that makes the Glassbole (a person who talks to their Google Glass often without noticing the outside world ); its the person using the technology. Theres a chance that by making the first Glass wearers hand in plans on how theyd use them ,theyll set a good example. Maybe, in fact, Google will be responsible enough to never sell me one.32Why did the author invite Heather to lunch?A. To borrow her Google Glass.B. To talk about her new edy.C. To interview her about the user experience.D. To experience Google Glass as a lunch panion.33The author didnt expect the lunch to be good because he thought_.A. he couldnt tell good stories.B. Heather might not like his cooking.C. Heathers Google Glass would be a problem.D. their lunch would be disturbed by Heathers fans.34What does Heather mean by saying “Its a social threat” in Paragraph 5?A. Google Glass is bad for interpersonal munication.B. Google Glass causes great harm to her health.C. Conversation cant go on with Google Glass.D. One has no secrets with Google Glass.35Whats the best title of the passage?A. Heather Anne Campbell B. Google GlassC. Modern munications D. The Widespread Use of Phone第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 Just be yourselfMany of us live our lives but only a few of us have found our true inner self. Why? Is it because we havent looked deep within ourselves? These tips will help on your way to being one with yourself. 36._Negative thinkers lose their confidence and cannot see the hope when it does happen. This may be because they dont see purpose(毅力) in themselves. Thinking the best out of every situation is a great way to be happy and be one with yourself.37._. Do things that you enjoy. Youll find you are more yourself because you are doing what you want to do. 38._. When you try a new thing you can build on it and make it a talent. All great famous people started off with hobbies and turned them into something great. 39._. Doing meditation(冥想) is a great way to empty your mind and bee one with yourself. Do around 15-30 minutes meditation a day (music or not), to help you relax and find your true inner self. Love yourself. Every day, list good things you do to help others and think about them carefully again. You will learn to respect yourself and others will also respect you. 40._ . The more you find good in yourself, the more you will love yourself. A. Clear your mind.B. Do some positive thinking.C. So go out and try new things.D. Treat yourself as youd treat your own best friend.E. Look for happiness and do things that bring out your best.F. Doing acts of kindness will help you bee a better person.G. Remember that no one is perfect and let yourself move forward.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 On a cold winter morning, an old man sat awkwardly(笨拙地) against a wall at Sydneys Circular Quay station. I glanced for a moment but 41 him and walked on to my office as I 42 he was a derelict (流浪汉). On my way back that afternoon, in the 43 place I saw an ambulance and the man was being 44 by two nurses. He wasnt a derelict but a worker, who 45 fell ill on his way to work. Shame shocked me when I realized that sick, old man had put up with the 46 of the entire day. He probably reached out to passers-by for 47 . No one stopped. No one 48 . A different season and I again 49 an old man half lying on the footpath. Caught up in the 50 rush of people muting (乘车上下班), I would have 51 him quickly as I had done before. However, the 52 of the old Winter Man forced me to walk to the man on the ground, who was dressed in smart clothes but lifeless, and 53 down to ask if he was OK. He 54 consciousness again, and told me he was diabetic (糖尿病) and 55 me to call an ambulance for him, which I did. Very weak, he said to me, in a 56 , “Nobody stopped. Thank you.” I looked into his eyes for a moment in 57 , but much was spoken without a word being said. As the 58 ambulance siren(警笛声) announced the arrival of help, a number of 59 rushed at me: sadness for the Winter Man and 60 that I didnt walk past another person in need. I was amazed that it had been so easy to be helpful.41. A. ignored B. remembered C. forted D. understood42. A. announced B. proved C. expected D. thought43. A. first B. next C. public D. same44. A. watched B. attended C. supported D. improved45. A. nearly B. finally C. suddenly D. immediately46. A. violence B. coldness C. tiredness D. anger47. A. safety B. money C. help D. attention48. A. served B. liked C. knew D. cared49. A. came across B. gave up C. looked for D. focused on50. A. frequent B. great C. usual D. gradual51. A. greeted B. found C. followed D. passed52. A. guidance B. memory C. impression D. ment53. A. lie B. bend C. hold D. look54. A. gained B. returned C. offered D. received55. A. forced B. allowed C. encouraged D. asked56. A. loss B. hurry C. whisper D. panic57. A. surprise B. excitement C. silence D. pain58. A. moving B. approaching C. dropping D. calming59. A. emotions B. dreams C. plans D. opinions60. A. relief B. shock C. luck D. regret第二节(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置。All through history, people from many different countries and cultures have lived together in Britain. The English language 61_ (consist) of the grammar and vocabulary 62_ (this) people brought to Britain. That is 63_ English has so many difficult rules that confuse people. The development of English experienced three periods Old English, Middle English and Modern English. From the 5th to the 9th centuries, Britain was occupied by different groups from ot


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