2019-2020年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题 (I)(IV).doc

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2019-2020年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题 (I)(IV)注意事项:1试题的答案书写在答题卡(卷)上,不得在试卷上直接作答;2作答前认真读答题卡(卷)上的注意事项。第一卷(共100分)I听力测试(共30分)第一节: 情境反应。(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1AThank youBAll rightCNoIm from France2AShes at homeBShe is a teacherCShe likes helping others3AQuite oftenBIn 2 yearsCAbout ten months4AIts a quarter past eightBIn AprilCApril eighth5ANo,you may notBThis is Betty speakingCWho are you?6ASo I amBNeither am ICSo am I第二节:对话理解。(每小题1.5分, 共9分) 听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7AA studentBA teacherCA doctor8A7:l5B6:45C7:009A3345697B3354796C334579610AA cook bookBA story bookCA picture book11ASchoollifeBShoppingCSummer holiday12AHe is a child BHe likes the story very much CHe thinks the story is boring第三节:短文理解。(每小题15分,共12分) 听两遍,根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A13Why did the two men walk in the street one evening? AThey wanted to steal something BThey would like to take a walk CThey couldnt fall asleep14Whats the time then? AEleven at nightBTwelve at nightCTen at night15Why did the dog run out of the house and bark at them? AIt found someone outsideBIt knew themCIt understood English16What was the result? AThe two young men were bitten by the dog BThe two young men stole something expensive CThe two young men stole nothingB17What did he go to Russia for? AHe went there on business BHe went there for holiday CHe went to visit his friends18How long did he stay in Russia? AFor a few daysBFor a few weeksCFor a few months19Why Was he almost knocked down? ABecause the street was too busy BBecause he was walking in a hurry CBecause he forgot the traffic rules there20What did the old man mean? AHe wanted to help Jack BHe told Jack where he was CHe wanted to sell maps to Jack笔试部分(共120分)I单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上相应题目的答案标号涂黑。21- Is there anything important in todays newspaper?- Yes,heres some _ about Mandelas (曼德拉) deathAinformationBnewsesCmessagesDknowledges22Although Mary is _ woman,she is happy all day Aa 80-years-oldBa 80-year-oldCan 80-year-oldDan 80-years-old23All the dogs are ill _ the black oneThis one still works _ the police Afor;forBexcept;forCbesides;forDto;from24Many flights in Kunming were put off _ the snowstorm last monthAbecauseBthoughCbecause ofDbut25New Year is ingAngela wants to have the windows _ and get the dirty clothes _,too Aclean,washed Bcleaning,washing Ccleaned,washing Dcleaned,washed26My hometown Chongqing is one of _ in China A1iveliest city Bthe liveliest cities Cthe liveliest city Dmost lively cities27I am _ busy preparing for the final exam,so Im afraid I dont have _ time to look after my daughter Atoo much;much tooBso much;much too Cvery too;very muchDmuch too;too much28By the time I got to the cinema,the film No Mans Land _ AbeganBhas beganCwas beginningDhad begun29This machine _ washing clothes,so we call it “washing machine” Aused toBis used toCgets used toDis used for30Mr. Gao isnt hereHe _ Beijing on businessHe _ back in three days Awent to;will be Bhas gone to:will be Chas been to;is Dwill go to;has been31- Some children wont go to bed until the TV program “Where are we going,papa?” _ over on Fridays- Neither _ IAwill be;willBis;willCis;amDwill be;am32How long do you think _ ? Awould she stay here Bwill they be here Che will leave here Dshe would be away33- Your hair is so long that you _ to the barbers shop- I know, and I think yours also _ Aneed to go;needs cuttingBneeds going;needs to cut Cneeds going;needs cuttingDneeds to going;needs cutting34Our food in the fridge has _,and half of our money has also_ Arun out;used upBbeen run out;used up Crun out;been used upDbeen run out;been used up35The book “A City written by Guo Jingming is _ for most young people,but Im not _ in it Ainteresting;interestingBinterested;interested Cinterestin9g;interestedDinterested;interesting36- Is Oliver in the classroom?- Well,I saw him _ out with some books just now AgoesBgoingCgoDwent37- This book is a bit difficult_ read some easier ones?- All rightAWhy not toBWhy dontCWhy not youDWhy not38She _ sing this song all the time,so she must like it very muchAis heard toBis heardCwas heard toDwas heard39- Will you have a good winter vacation?- _ . I will spend my holiday with my family in Dubai(迪拜) AIm afraid soBIm not sureCOf courseDI hope not40- You know,a number of schoolfellows (校友) _ planning to join in the 80th anniversary (周年纪念) of our school - In factthe number of them _ beyond our imagination Aare:isBis:areCare;are Dis:isII完型填空(每小题2分, 共20分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上相应题目的答案标号涂黑。Do you sometimes try something new and expect to be successful the first time? Are you angry with yourself if you arent?Do you know a baby how to learn to walk? When a baby falls,the loving parent 41 her, “Thats OKTry again” Can you imagine if after many falls,the parent 42 the baby and said,“Well,I guess youll 43 be good at walking,” and didnt let the child continue to try ?Remember the first time you 44 your bike? I doI didnt lose my confidenceBut I went back and tried againDidnt you?When I was a kid,my dad told me,“You know, I invented 4 UP (一种汽水饮料),but it wasnt very good,I went back to the lab and 45 5 UP and still,it wasnt rightFinally I tried 6 UP,but it didnt sellSo I stoppedIf I went on 46 ,maybe 7 UP would be the hit!” He told meTime after time,he said,he 47 too soonHe told me“ 48 I had tried one more,I could have been a rich man”Thomas Edison failed over 49 times before he found the one filament (灯丝) material that would make an electric light bulb shine (发光) 50 we try something new, we need practiceNo matter how well we plan,there are times unexpected problems developFailure really is not an option (选择)It is a chance only for those who try41AobeysBbeatsCencouragesDhates42Apicked upBdressed upCcleaned upDlooked up43AnearlyBalwaysCneverDalmost44Afell offBfell downCfell fromDfell over45A started withBcame up with C100ked forward toDstopped from46AtryingBto tryCto tryingDtried47Agave outBgave upCgave awayDgave in48AIfBAlthoughCButDBecause49Aa-thousandBa thousand ofCa thousandDthousand of50AWheneverBWhateverCHoweverDWhichever阅读理解 (每小题2分, 共30分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上相应题目的答案标号涂黑。AWe can find ads everywhere . Here are four ads . Please read them carefully . WAITER WANTEDAre you hard-working ? Do you like to meet people ? If your answer is “ Yes ” , then we have a job for you as a waiter . REPORTER WANTEDDo you like to talk with people ? Do you like to write stories ? If you want to work for ourmagazine as a reporter , please call Karen at 8668366 . HELP WANTEDDo you like babies ? Can you look after one baby for two days ? If you are sure to take good care of it , call us at 8766588 . $ 80 or more . Today ! Hurry ! CLEANER WANTEDCan you make a large house clean and tidy ? If you hope to get the job paid at $ 20 once , call us this evening 18:00 20:00 . Tel : 8633800 .51If you like children and have two-day free,you can call at _ for a job .A8556779B8558366C8766588D863380052If the owner of a large house asks a cleaner to tidy his house once a day, how much will the cleaner get in a week? A$120B$140C$160D$56053If youre a college student of English who enjoys writing,during your summer holidays you may be more interested in the job in _ .Aad(1)Bad(2)Cad(3)Dad(4)BIn Britain every town has a public library and there are branch (分支) libraries in many villagesAnyone can borrow books,and it costs nothing to borrow themIn some places you may borrow as many books as you want,but in others you are limited to a certain number of books including some novels (小说)You may keep the books for several weeks so that you can have enough time to finish all the books youve borrowedThe latest novels are always in great need,and nonfiction books,such as books on history, science and gardening,are well-loved,tooIt the books you need are out,you may ask for them to be kept for you when they returned,and lf you pay the cost of sending a postcard,the librarian will let you know when the books are back and are ready for youMost public libraries also have a reading-room and a reference (参考书目) libraryIn the reading-room,there are tables and desks at which you can sit and read the daily newspapers and all the other important periodicals (期刊) (the weeklies,the monthlies and the quarterlies)In the reference library there are encyclopedias (百科全书),dictionaries,books of maps and other useful booksBut you can only use these books thereYou cannot take them out54Anyone in Britain can borrow the books _Aif you pay some moneyBif you only have to pay a little moneyCfor freeDif you give some money to the librarian55“you are limited to a certain number of books means _Ayou are allowed to borrow only a certain number of books at a time Beach time you can borrow as many books as you likeCevery time you can borrow only two or three books Dyou can only borrow the limited books which are in the library56The underlined word “daily” in the last paragraph may mean _Atime between sunrise and sunsetBing out every day Cing out every other dayDing out on a certain day of the week57When the books are back and ready for you,_ will let you know Athe book storeBthe librarian Cyour friendDthe newspaper managerCWe are living in a “micro” era (时代)After the popularity (流行) of micro blogs and micro novels,online micro films are growing bigger nowA petition between micro films and traditional films has begunThe latest micro film is the l0-episode (集) short series LoveThis micro film has got more than l2 million clicks since February 6thMicro films are the product of the bination of traditional films and online videosIn fact,“micro” is the main characteristic (特点),and the length of a micro film can be anywhere between three minutes to half an hourUsually, its very cheap to make a micro film and this kind of films can be pleted in a few weeksThe making of a micro film doesnt require much:a digital video camera, a director, a cameraman,and a few actors“Because its cheap and easy to make micro films,many grassroots (草根) artists are given the opportunity to make micro films,”said Yin Hong,professor at Tsinghua Universitys School of Journalism and munication,in an interview with China DailyYin says the starting point for micro films popularity was xxs Old Boy,a story about two ordinary (普通) people trying very hard to bee musiciansSome stars and professional filmmakers have also joined in the new trendIn the past few months,Fan Bingbing,Jiang Wen,Guo Jingming and so on,have all had their micro films made,either directing,producing or playing a character“Nowadays our time spent on relaxation is limited,”Jiang Wen,who directed his first micro film Football Game last year,told Xinhua News Agency“Micro films saved usIt has good stories as traditional films but much shorter,which is the amount of time we can afford for entertainment”58Which of the following is the starting point for micro films popularity? ALoveBOld BoyCFootball GameDTitanic59What is the meaning of the underlined word “trend” in Paragraph 7?A理想B娱乐C趋势D节日60According to the textwhich sentence is true? AMaking micro films costs too much BIts very difficult to make micro films CMicro films are different from the traditional ones only in length DMany professional film makers also started to make micro films61We can infer from the text that _ Anow people only see micro films Bmost people still like going to the cinema Cneither traditional movies nor micro movies is popular Dpeople dont have too much time to spend on entertainmentDOne summer holidays I was in the forest by myselfI went down to fish in the riverSoon I got a big fishThen I heard a great noiseThere,right behind me,sat a big black bear! Wild animals are afraid of any quick moveSo I move very slowlyThe bear watched meBut he sat stillI took the fish and threw it to himHe ate it at onceNow what was I going to do? Id better go on fishing,I thoughtThe bear thought so,tooSoon I got another fishI went over to him and put the fish into his big red mouthI fished and Fishedall for himAt first I was afraid to stopThen I began to like doing itHe was so friendlyWhen evening came,the bear stood up and turned away from me62One day I went fishing in the forest _ . Aby bikeBaloneCwith my friendDwith the bear63I was frightened when the big black bear _ . Acaught meB1eft the forest Csat behind me on the groundDappeared in front of me64I _ move very slowly in order not to frighten the bear .Ahad toBmustntCcouldntDmight65In factthe bear was _ me Aafraid ofBfriendly to Cangry with Dfishing for第二卷 (共50分)任务型阅读 (每小题2分,共6分)阅读下文,并回答问题。There is a fish called angelfish (神仙鱼),which can change from female to maleNo,it cannot do it by simply wishing to bee maleThe change happens for a specific reasonThey live in groupsAnd each group has one male fish,which is blue in color, and four female fish,which are yellow in colorThe male angelfish is the strongest and largest member of the groupWhen the male dies,the largest female fish in the group first begins to change its looksAnd then she begins to grow larger in sizeAfter a week,she starts changing color, from yellow to blueSlowly, she begins looking like a maleTwo weeks later, black strips (条纹) appear on her bodyShe is now really maleThe angelfish are among the most brightly colored fish of the seaPeople like to keep them because of their good lookingOften,the young ones are different from the old ones in colorAt night their colors may change66How many angelfish are there in a group?_67What does the largest female angelfish first begin to change? _68How long does it take the largest female angelfish to change from female to male?_V完成句子(每空l分,共8分)69My classmate Lin Tao put up his posters on the wall during our school art festival(变否定 句)My classmate Lin Tao _ _ up his posters on the wall during our school art festival70We have been friends since we became middle school students(对划线部分提问)_ _ have you been friends?71Jenny would rather go out for a walk than stay at home on festivals in the past(改为同义 句)Jenny_ to go out for a walk _ than stay at home on festivals in the past72最后班长想出了一个好办法。(完成译句) Finally the monitor _ _ a good ideaVI全对话(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A. What will you do to help save the environment ?B. you can start by turning off the lights .C. Then you can ride a bike .D. You must like riding a bike to school .E. Would you like to help save the environment ?F. Try to recycle paper .G. And also you can take a bag when you are shopping .A: Hi , Marry . 73 ?B: Yes , Id like to , but what can I do ?A: Well , first , 74 .B: Oh , thats easy . Whats next ?A: 75 . Dont take a bus or a taxi if you dont have to .B: That will save money , too . What else ?A: 76 .B: Mm , newspapers , magazines , mail We get a lot of paper at home . Good idea .A: 77 . Dont use plastic bags .B: OK . My parents do most of the shopping . Ill tell them .短文填空(每空2分,共16分)The holiday season can be a wonderful time to get together with family and enjoy delicious meals But during the holiday, you may feel lots of stressExercise is a good way to make 78 feel better,but who has the time? Between traveling 79 making many other preparations (准备),exercise and eating well often bee impossible Here are some holiday 80 that will help you save time for making holiday plans and help you stay active !Make time for a daily walk:take the 81 of waiting for the elevatorIf you drive your car to the supermarket,park the car farther away instead of waiting for a parking place near the entranceMake time for breakfastEven a quick,simple breakfastfruit or juice,bread and milkcan make you feel better all day 82 at least eight glasses of water a dayIt can 83 you from feeling hungry and tired .Eat fruit and vegetables at least five 84 every dayIf you want a between-meal snack,eat some fruit . Eat slowly during big family mealsAlso,try 85 to eat too 0flen between mealsWe wish all of you a very healthy and happy holiday season书面表达 九年级学生面临升学的压力,每天作业也很多,学校为达减负提质的目的,让学生们作了一个关于九年级学生的学习状况的调查。通过调查,发现以下问题:ProblemsReasonsStrategies1. too much homework2. not enough exercise3. little munication among students1. _2. _1. _2. _ 请你用英语写一份调查报告,简单分析这些问题和产生的原因,并提出相应的提高学习效率的建议。 要求:1开头已经为你写出,你只需接着写: 2所写内容必须包括所给问题和你自己的见解; 3词数不少于80字; 4文中不能出现自己的真实姓名和班级。


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