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2019-2020年高三英语上学期期末考试试题A卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第1节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1When will the woman most probably meet the man ? AAt 6:00 BAt 6:1 5 CAt 6:302Where does this conversation most probably take place? AIn a theatre BIn an office CIn a restaurant3Why did so many old people die last month? AIt was too hot BIt was too cold C. They were too old4What will the man do first? ARead the operation manual(说明) BTry the buttons one by one CHave the machine repaired 5What do we know about the woman ? A。She used to work in a car pany BShe wishes to have a different kind of job CShed like her managers opinion on her work第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答6至8题。6What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers? AGuard and worker BDriver and passenger CEmployer and employee7Why is the man often late for work? AHe cares for his aunt BHe gets caught in traffic CHe doesnt like his work hours8What might the man think of the woman ? AShe is unfriendly BShe is unreasonable CShe is understanding听第7段对话,回答第9至1 O题。9What is a special feature of New Orleans? AIts narrow streets BIts French Quarter CIts shops and restaurants1 0Why do the cars in San Francisco need good brakes? AThere are hills in the city BThe city has strict traffic rules CThere are many travelers in the city 听第8段对话,回答第11至1 3题。1 1Where is the man now? AAt a radio station BIn a downtown area COn the scene of an incident12What is the main aim of the latest attack? AThe living areas of the citizens BThe present site of city leaders CThe main lines of transportation13What is the main problem as a result of the war so far? ALack of food BA shortage of clothing CCatching diseases听第九段材料,回答第14至16小题 14What does the man notice about the woman ? AShe is acting tired ; BShe has gained weight CShes in good physical condition1 5What do we know about a total body workout? AIt works all the muscles BIt takes place outdoors CIt is mainly for adults1 6How does the woman continue the exercise after the snow melts ? AShe takes up a new sport B. She uses an exercise machine CShe does another type of exercise听第1 0段独白,回答第l 7至20题。1 7What is the speaker mainly telling the listeners about? AVacation arrangements BCollege facilities CDormitory management1 8How long will most of the dormitories be closed ? AFor about 5 days。 BFor about 10 days CFor about 15 days19What will remain open as usual ? AThe post office and the college office BThe library and the puter center CThe college store and the dining-halls20What do we know about the speaker? AHe is president of the college BHe normally lives in Butler Hall CHe is in charge of general affairs第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AStill seeking a destination for your weekend break? There are some places which are probably a mere wall away from your college.Kings Art CentreA day at the Centre could mean a visit to an exhibition of the work of one of the most interesting contemporary artists on show anywhere. This weekend sees the opening of an exhibition of four local artists.You could attend a class teaching you how to learn from the masters or get more creative with paint free of charge.The Centre also runs two life drawing classes for which there is a small fee.The Botanic GardenThe Garden has over 8,000 plant species; it holds the research and teaching collection of living plants for Cambridge University.The multi-branched Torch Aloe here is impressive. The African plant produces red flowers above blue-green leaves, and is not one to miss.Get to the display house to see Dionaea muscipula, a plant more monly known as the Venus Flytrap that feeds on insects and other small animals.The Garden is also a place for wildlife-enthusiasts. Look for grass snakes in the lake. A snake called Hissing Sid is regularly seen lying in the heat of the warm sun.Byrons PoolMany stories surround Lord Byrons time as a student of Cambridge University. Arriving in 1805, he wrote a letter plaining that it was a place of “mess and drunkenness”. However, it seems as though Byron did manage to pass the time pleasantly enough. Im not just talking about the pet bear he kept in his rooms. He spent a great deal of time walking in the village.It is also said that on occasion Byron swam naked by moonlight in the lake, which is now known as Byrons Pool. A couple of miles past Grantchester in the south Cambridgeshire countryside, the pool is surrounded by the fields. The cries of invisible birds make the trip a lovely experience and on the way home you can drop into the village for afternoon tea. If you dont trust me, then perhaps youll take it from Virginia Woolf ,a famous writer,over a century after Byron, she reportedly took a trip to swim in the same pool.21.The main idea of the passage is _.A. interesting stories of Lord. ByronB. an approach to being creative in artC. the colorful life in the countrysideD. some places for weekend break22.If you are a wildlife enthusiast, youd better go to_. A. Byrons Pool B. the Botanic Garden C. Kings Art Centre D. Cambridgeshire23.According to the passage, the following statements are wrong except _.A. There is a small charge for attending the masters classB. Byron liked swimming naked in the lakeC. Byron seemed to like keeping pet bearsD. Hissing Sid and Flytrap are impressive animals24.The authors purpose in mentioning Virginia Woolf is to show_. A. she was a famous writerB. she was keen on swimmingC. she was Byrons admirer D. Byrons Pool is a pleasant place BDo you like shopping? Or does the thought of wandering around the shops fill you with terror? For some of us, shopping is an enjoyable way of spending our spare time and our money. For me, its something I would rather avoid. Thank goodness for the Internet! Its more convenient to buy CDs, electrical items, even food from the fort of your sofa. But thats not the only reason: price is an important factor. We can buy goods and services cheaper online. But sometimes the problem is knowing what to buy. This has led to a type of shopping called “showrooming”.Showrooming is something Ive done. I will go to a shop to see, touch and try out products but then go home and buy them online at a knock-down price. Im not alone in doing this. Research by a pany called Foolproof, found 24% of people showroomed while Christmas shopping in xx.Amy Cashman, head of Technology at TNS UK, says the reasons for this new shopping habit are that “people are lacking time, lacking money and they want security about the products they are buying ”. She explains that consumers are not only shopping online at home but they are using the Internet in store or on their smartphones to shop around.But does this mean technology will kill shops? Certainly shops will change. They will have to offer more petitive prices or encourage people to buy more by giving in-store discounts or free gifts.We mustnt forget that buying in a shop means you can get expert advice from the sales assistant and you can get good aftercare. Its good to speak to a real human rather than look at a faceless puter screen, but at least by showrooming, you get the best of both worlds!25. The two questions in Paragraph 1 are raised to _. A. introduce the topic B. give two examples C. pare different opinions D. get answers from readers26. According to Amy Cashman, which is not the reason for showrooming? A. The lack of time. B. The fort of the sofa. C. The shortness of money. D. The security of the product.27. The authors attitude towards showrooming is _. A. critical B. neutral C. casual D. supportiveCWhen the sand began kicking up and hitting our faces, I started to worry that maybe we had made a mistake.That afternoon, my dad had stood on the deck (露台) of our home and laughed as our neighbors packed up their cars and headed inland. They left to spend the night in motels or at friends homes that were out of range of approaching summer storm.Challenging the weather that threatened to damping our spirits, we lit a fire on the beach. Dad told jokes and we had a good time. When it was 6:30 p.m., all laughter disappeared. Our eyes were drawn to the sky. A tornado (龙卷风) was headed straight for us! In a flash, we were all on our feet. The wind started screaming and now we were running to the cottage. My mom stopped next to the front door. “Where can we go?” She shouted at my dad.Most cottages on this part of Lake Michigan had been built without basements. Ours was no exception. The huge windows and the cottage itself wouldnt offer safety from high wind.“Follow me!” my dad yelled. We crawled (爬) beneath the deck, pressing ourselves against the foundation of the cottage. Between the deck supports, we watched the approaching storm in silent terror.My dad shouted, “Hold on!” and something else I couldnt hear over the screaming wind. I think he was praying. By the time it reached our cottage, it was nothing more than a strong wind. The rest of the storm lasted for an hour and then simply blew away.“Next time, well stay inland at Grandmas. Okay?” my dad said.28.What did the family do before the storm came?A. They left the motels. B. They stayed on the beach.C. They packed up the cars. D. They visited their neighbors.29.What was the familys immediate action when they saw the tornado approach?A. Running away at once. B. Praying in silent terror.C. Crawling on the ground. D. Closing their eyes tightly.30.Where did the family stay in the storm?A. Inside the car. B. In a basement.C. Under a deck. D. Behind a door.31.What can be the best title for the text?A. Life on the beach B. Surviving a Storm C. An Unusual Cottage D. My Admirable Family DI always believed that my parents had a good marriage, but just before I, the youngest of four children, turned sixteen, my belief was painfully tested. My father, who used to share in the chores around the house, gradually started being downhearted. From the time he came home from his job to the time he went to bed, he hardly spoke a word to my mom or us kids. The strain on my mom and dads relationship was very evident. However, I was not prepared for the day that Mom told us that Dad had decided to leave. All that I could think of was that I was going to bee a product of a divorced family. It was something I never thought possible, and it grieved me greatly. I kept telling myself that it wasnt going to happen, and I went totally numb when I knew my dad was really leaving. The night before he left, I stayed up in my room for a long time. I prayed and I cried and I wrote a long letter to my dad. I told him how much I loved him and how much I would miss him. I told him that I was praying for him and wanted him to know that, no matter what, Jesus and I loved him. I told him that I would always and forever be his Krissie.his Noodles. As I folded my note, I stuck in a picture of me with a saying I had always heard: “Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a daddy.”Early the next morning, as my dad left our house, I sneaked out to the car and slipped my letter into one of his bags.Two weeks went by with hardly a word from my father. Then, one afternoon, I came home from school to find my mom sitting at the dining room table waiting to talk to me. I could see in her eyes that she had been crying. She told me that Dad had been there and that they had talked for a long time. They decided that there were things that the both of them could and would change and that their marriage was worth saving. Mom then turned her focus to my eyes.“Kristi, Dad told me that you wrote him a letter. Can I ask what you wrote to him?”I found it hard to share with my mom what I had written from my heart to my dad. I mumbled a few words and shrugged.A few days later my dad was back. We never talked about the letter, my dad and I. I guess I always figured that it was something that was a secret between us.32. What happened to the authors parents when she was sixteen?A. They left her alone.B. They got divorced.C. They shared in the chores together.D. They had a good marriage.33. What is the meaning of the underlined word “grieved” in Para.1?A. made sb. angry B. made sb. delighted C. made sb. sad D. made sb. greedy34. What can we learn from the passage?A. The author handed the letter directly to her father.B. Her father wrote back to the author when he finished reading the letter.C. The authors letter made a difference to her father.D. The author shared what she wrote with her mother.35. What might be the best title for the passage?A. A Promise KeptB. A Letter C. A Broken Family D. A Great Daddy第二节:(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) The traditional American school year begins in late August or early September.It ends in May or June, followed by summer vacation. 36_ Because long ago, young people had to help their families harvest summer crops, At least this is what people today may think.37_ A recent report from an education policy center at Indiana University explored the historical roots of the traditional school calendar.In the early days of the United States, children were not required to attend school School calendars depended on local needs. 38_ They worked on family farms during the other months, City schools were often open much longer, some for eleven months of the year.After the Civil War, more and more people saw the need for a system of required education._39_Many city schools wanted a shorter year and a longer summer break, The schools were often crowded. There was no modern air conditioning. Hot days would make it difficult to learn. Many rural educators, however, pushed for a longer school year. They thought it would keep children safe from industrial dangers when there were few child-labor laws.So the traditional school calendar was a promise (折中). The average school year used to be one hundred and seventy days. Times have not changed much. 40_ But some experts think the traditional school calendar needs to change because the needs of the nation have changed. This thinking has led some schools to keep students in class longer.A. Why such a long break?B. Today the mon average is one hundred and eighty days.C. Americans think highly of their traditional school calendar.D. Most schools had similar school calendars.E. But the reason has more to it.F. Students in rural areas went to school for no more than six months of the year.G. But they had different ideas for the calendar.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) I was in desperate need of a break. The “witching hour” was upon us once again, dinner was burning on the stove, and fights were 41 between my two children. The crying was never- ending and I was 42 the end of my rope. But I was holding down the fort until way after bedtime.I 43 a friend who has four children the same ages as mine, and she was in a similar 44 . Our husbands were 45 the same meeting that night. I could hear the screaming in the 46 , interrupted by Jens shouting. She kept 47 the phone to pick up the baby because he was crying. It seemed as if we were all suffering 48 . Couldnt there be a way for us to break up the sameness? 49 !The first play date was at Jens house the following Wednesday at 4:00 pm. My daughter 50 into the basement playroom with the other children. Jen and I sat just 51 some adult pany.We ordered a pizza and salad, and all of the children actually ate their dinner. My kids arent big salad fans, but if other kids are eating it, 52 its cool. The entire large pizza was eaten up rapidly. Jen and I did the 53 together. When we were done, we invited them back and they all danced to a music DVD 54 it was time to go. My kids went 55 to bed when we got home. I felt rejuvenated(恢复活力的). The e-mail from Jen the next morning 56 her similar feelings. We were on to something and it had to 57 .The following Wednesday play date was at my house, and it was 58 the same. The kids had a great time 59 . Watching kids play together without fighting is a truly great thing. Wednesday night gives me a chance to sit and really 60 my children as little people.41. A. breaking upB. dying downC. fading awayD. breaking out42. A. atB. in C. on D. by43. A. metB. calledC. invitedD. visited44. A. conditionB. situationC. consideration D. stage45. A. attendingB. holding C. participateD. join46. A. environmentB. atmosphereC. consequenceD. background47. A. droppingB. holdingC. throwingD. talking48. A. differentlyB. regularlyC. equallyD. slightly49. A. pletelyB. AbsolutelyC. PerhapsD. Maybe50. A. hidB. fellC. disappearedD. dragged51. A. appreciatingB. expecting C. imagingD. enjoying52. A. apparentlyB. surprisinglyC. similarlyD. oppositely53. A. cleaningB. washingC. cookingD. dancing54. A. whenB. unless C. untilD. before55. A. slowly B. actively C. unwillinglyD. right56. A. announcedB. explainedC. confirmedD. delivered57. A. improveB. continueC. stopD. start58. A. usuallyB. exactly C. generally D. accurately59. A. making themselves up B. wearing themselves out C. setting themselves apartD. giving themselves away60. A. understandB. noticeC. observeD. realize第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 The dating world is cruel. No matter how much we stress the importance of inner beauty, looks are undoubtedly 61advantage in the dating game. That the 62(excellence) woman he admires will realize her error in judgment after having been rejected by a handsome fellow and notice him 63(be) the dream of every average-looking guy. Well, such a dream is highly unlikely, according to newly 64(publish) research. The study,65focused on the responses of 126 female undergraduates after romantic rejection, 66(lead) by psychologist Geoff MacDonald. Researchers found womens distancing 67an unattractive man even when that unattractive man offered acceptance was also a 68(consequent) of rejection by an attractive man. In other words, after being refused by a handsome fellow, women were found to be more likely to reject a less attractive man, thus 69(make) the pain caused by the initial rejection even worse. The indication here is obvious: Looks are70(close) associated with status, at least in the dating world.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 短文改错(共10小题:每小题2分,满分20分)71.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() 并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改

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