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2019-2020年七年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(V)姓名: 班级: 考号:一、选择(25)( )1 That is _ key. A. my a B. a my C. me D. my( )2 Whats this in English? -_. A. Its red B. Its a key C. Its a green D. Im OK.( )3 Its _ orange. Its _ yellow orange. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, the D. a red, a red( )4 My pen is _. Its _ pen. A. a red, red B. red, a red C. red, red D. a red, a red( )5 What _ that? -Its a map. A. is B. are C. am D. be( )6 -Whats your _ name? -Brown. A. first B. family C. nice D the ( )7 Whats his phone number? -_ 257-6890. A. Its B. Thats C. Its D. His ( )8 Jack is a boy, _ last name is Brown. A. hes B. my C. his D. he( )9 Are you Linda? -Yes, _. A. Im B. Im not C. I am D. I amnt( )10 Hello, My names _. A. Li DeHua B Li De Hua C. Li Dehua D .Li De hua ( )11 Good morning, Miss Gao! -_. A. Good morning, Nick B. Good afternoon, Nick C. Good night, Nick D. Good evening, Nick( )12 Your school is nice. -_-. A. Thank B. Thanks C. OK D. Thanks you ( )13 Please call me _ 467-5689. A. in B. on C. at D. with( )14 His keys are _ the lost and found case. A. on B. in C. with D. at ( )15 -_? -P-E-N. A. Is this your pen B. Is that a pen C. Whats this D. How do you spell pen( )16 What color is your backpack? -_. A. Its black color B. Its a red C. Its yellow D. Thats yellow ones( )17 Is that _ pencil case? A. him B. her C. shes D. hes ( )18 They are my _. A. sister B. brother C. mother D. parents( )19 Is he your brother? -No, _. A, she isnt B. he isnt C. she is D. he is ( )20 _ his brothers. A. This is B. Thats C. These are D. Thats isnt( )21 Is she your aunt? Whats _ name? A. his B. her C. she D. he ( )22 Is this your sister? -Yes, _. A. it is B. its C. shes D. she is ( )23 This _ my brother. _ is my friend. A. is, She B .isnt, He C. isnt, She D. are, He( )24 Kate and I _ sisters. A. is B. am C. are D. am not( )25 Is this _ eraser? A. a B. an C. the D. /三、补全对话(10)A: Hello! Whats your name?B:My_1_ Jack Green.A:_2_Lucy Smiths. _3_ are you?B ;Im fine ,thanks And you?A; Im fine too. And this is my sister, Lily.B:_4_ to meet you A:Nice to meet you ,_5_.( ) 1 A Im B names C names D my names( ) 2 A Im B names C My name D names( ) 3 A How B What C What color D Who( ) 4 A This B That C Nice D nice( ) 5 A to B two C too D tow四、完形填空(10分)This boy is Peter Smith. His 1 name is Peter. His 2 name is Smith. This is 3 school. His school _4_ number is xx8567. His teacher is Miss White. Miss White is _5_ good teacher. Li Min is a Chinese boy. 6 is his good _7_at school. Look! _8_ a pencil sharpener. 9 it his pencil sharpener ? Lets_10_ Li Min at 495-6548.( ) 1.A.first B. family C. last D. one ( ) 2. A. first B. good C. last D. this ( ) 3. A. you B. that C. his D. it( ) 4. A. puter B. name C. phone D. ID card( ) 5. A. a B. the C./ D. an( ) 6. A. He B. It C. She D. Her( ) 7. A. father B. friend C. boy D. class( ) 8. A. Whats B. This s C. Thats D. The names( ) 9. A. Are B. Is C. Am D. is( ) 10. A. spell B. isnt C. am not D. call五、阅读理解(30)ALook! Im Tom. This is a pencil case. Its orange. Its my pencil case. Whats in the pencil case? A ruler is in the pencil case. It is my ruler. The ruler is blue and red. That is a pencil. It is black and white. It is not my pencil. Look! That girl is Lucy. It is her pencil. That boy is Tim. I found his green pen in the pencil case. I call Tim at 7890003. It is his telephone number.( ) 1. What color is the pencil case? A. Its orange. B. Its blue and red. C. Its green.( )2. I am Tom. That is not my_. A. pencil B. pencil case C. ruler( )3. _ has (有) a pencil. A. Tom B. Lucy C. Tim( )4. _ found the pen in the lost and found case. A. Tom B. Lucy C. Tim ( )5. Is Tims (蒂 姆的)telephone number 7890003? A. Yes. B. No. C. OK.B.Lost Found1.Found:Is this your puter game?Please call JimPhone # 512-8843.2.Lost:A set of keys.My name is Henry Cooper.Please call Henry at 476-3539. 4.Found:Is this your notebook ?Please call Sam at 555-0287. 3.Lost:A blue watch. My name is Peter. My phone number is 680-7432. ( )1.what color is the watch? A. green B. red C. blue D. black( )2.whats Sams telephone number? A. 512-8843 B. 467-3539 C. 680-7432 D. 555-0287( )3. found (找到) the puter game. A. Sam B. Peter C. Henry D. Jim( )4. lost a set of keys ? A. Jim B. Henry C. Peter D. Sam( )5. Sam found a ? A. puter game B. notebook C. watch D. a set of keysCThere are four hats. They are red, yellow, green and white. They are Mikes, Bills, Toms and Johns. Toms hat is not yellow, green or red. Johns hat is not green. And Mikes hat is not yellow or green. What color are their hats?( ) 1. Mikes hat is _.A. redB. yellowC. whiteD. green( )2. _ hat is green.A. MikesB. BillsC. TomsD. Johns( ) 3. Is Toms hat white or green?A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt.C. It s white.D. Its green.( ) 4. Is the yellow hat Johns or Toms?A. Its Johns.B. Its Toms.C. Its Mikes. D. Its Bills.( ) 5.How many kinds of colors about their hats?A. Two.B. Three C. Four.D. Five.九根据汉语意思完成句子。每空一词。 (10分)53.-这把尺子是什么颜色的? -它是绿色的。-What_ is the ruler?- Its _.54. 他是杰克吗? - _ _ Jack?55. 她姓什么? - _ her _ name?56. 我在第五中学. - I am in No.5_ _.57. 四加三等于七。- Four and _ is_.十、写作(15)假设下面是你的身份卡,介绍你自己的情况。First name: LindaLast Name: CooperFather: Colin Mother:JuneFriend: AmyAge(年龄):nineTelephone number:153-3685 _

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