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2019-2020年八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题人教新目标版.单项选择(20分)1. _ is important to keep healthy. A. This B. That C. It D. He 2. . Lucy is a good student. She is_ late for class.A. usually B. hardly ever C. sometimes D. never3.Tom watches TV four _ five _a week.A. and, times B. or, time C. or, times D. and, time4. I want to buy _ for my mothers birthday.A. something special B. special somethingC. anything specialD. special anything5. Lucy_gotothemovies.ShewatchedTVathome.A.isnt B.didnt C.wasnt D.doesnt6. Itisraining hard,soJohndecides_athome.A.stay B.tostay C.stayed D.staying7. IdidntgotoPenangHill_thebadweather.A.so B.because C.becauseof D.but8. Ienjoy_mybicycleinthemountains. Its not always easy but exciting. A.ride B.rode C.riding D.toride9. Didshe_tothemovies?-No,shewenttotheparty.A.goes B.go C.went D. going10. How_yourvacation?-Itwasprettygood.A.was B.were C.did D. be11. How about_ apples? -OK.A. to have B. had C. have D. having12.My mom wants me_ milk every day .A. to drink B. drink C. drinking D. drank13. We usually do some cleaning _ weekends.A. for B. on C. over D. in14.Where did you go_vacation? I went to Sanya. A. in B. to C. on D. of15._ he has a lot of money, _ he isnt happy. A. Although; but B. Although; / C. /; / D. But; although16.Can you help me the housework? -Of course. A. in B. to C. on D. with17.Dont stay up . Go to bed . A. late; early B. lately ; early C. lately; late D. late; late18.He is a little _ than you, but he is as _ as you.A. thin; stronger B. thinner; stronger C. thinner; strong D. thin; strong19.My life habits are the same _Jacks but different _Marys. A. as, as B. from, from C. from, as D.as, from 20.A true friend should learn to_other persons when they have problems. A. keep serious B. care about C. laugh at D. share with.完形填空(15分)21 American families like to have a vacation in summer. Summer is a good season for vacation. It is often hot in July and August.22 do not go to school in those two months. Some people like 23 at home, read books, or watch TV. Many 24 take their lunch to eat at a place _25_ many trees or a nice lake.Some people have 26 time and money to travel to other countries _27_ France, Japan and Australia. They usually fly to these countries. Many families travel by car or train to see 28 places in their own countries. Their 29 cities are New York, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles.Not everyone 30 to go to busy cities. Some families travel to mountains or beautiful valleys(山谷).21.A. MuchB. A littleC. A lotD. Most22.A. ChildB. ChildsC. ChildrenD. Childrens23.A. stayB. stayedC. staysD. staying24.A. familyB. familysC. familiesD. familyes25.A .have B. with C. has D .haves 26.A. manyB. enoughC. a fewD. a lot27 A. like B. likes C. as D. look like28.A. interestingB. interestedC. interestD. interests29.A. likeB. dislikeC. favoriteD. favorites30.A. likeB. likingC. likesD. Liked.阅读理解(40分)ADear Susan,We went to Thailand for vacation last year. We were very excited. It was our first time to go there. Thailand is a really beautiful country. The sky is blue. The trees are green. The buildings are fantastic. We spent seven days in Bangkok(曼谷). Of course, we got a boat to the floating market(水上市场). We bought some delicious fruit there. We went to a very interesting temple called the Temple of the Emerald Buddha(玉佛寺). We also visited some other temples. Everything was great. The best thing about the trip was food. Yours, Sonia31. It is the _ time for Sonia to Thailand. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth32. They stayed in Thailand for_. A. a day B. a week C. a month D. a year33. How did they go to the floating market? A. They took the boat. B. In their car. C. They went there by train D. They walked there34. Which one is RIGHT(正确的)?A. They bought some vegetables in the Temple of the Emerald Buddha.B. They bought some vegetables on the floating market.C. The buildings are very tall, but not fantastic.D. The air in Thailand is very clean.35. How was the food in Bangkok? A. It was awful. B. It was just so-so. C. It was very delicious.D. They didnt like it.BThere are four people in my family. Theyre my grandfather, my parents and me. My grandfather exercises every day. He never uses the Internet. He eats vegetables three times a day, but he hardly ever drinks milk. And he watches TV every night. My father is a taxi driver. Hes very busy. He never exercises, but he sometimes uses the Internet. He watches TV on Saturday and Sunday evening. He often eats vegetables and drinks milk. My mother is a housewife(家庭主妇). She watches TV twice a day. She never uses the Internet. She sometimes eats vegetables, but she drinks milk three times a week. Exercise? Of course she does. She exercises every day by doing housework.Im a middle school student. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I often exercise. But on Saturday and Sunday, I dont exercise because I have too much homework to do. I watch TV only on Sunday evening. But I use the Internet twice a week. I drink milk every day, but I dont like vegetables. My mother often says to me, “Why do you eat so much meat, Mike? Its not good for your health.” But I like it very much. 36. _ sometimes use the Internet in his family. A. Mike and his father B. Mike and his mother C. Mikes parents D. Mikes father and grandfather 37. _ watch TV every day in his family. A. Mike and his grandfather B. Mikes mother and grandfather C. Mikes parents D. Mikes father and grandfather 38. What does Mikes father do? A. He never eats vegetable. B. He uses the Internet every day. C. He is free. D. He is a taxi driver. 39. Why dont Mike exercise on Saturday and Sunday? A. Because he wants to uses the Internet. B. Because he wants to watch TV. C. Because he has too much homework to do. D. Because he has to go to school. 40. Mike likes eating _ very much. A. meat B. vegetables C. fruit D. milk CMy names Mona. Im at the age of 14. I am a heavy and tall girl with long hair. I wish to have friends who are different from me. My best friend is Wang Ying. She es from China. She is shorter than me. And she has longer hair than me. She is more outgoing than me. She often tells jokes(讲笑话). Her favorite thing is reading books. My favorite thing is playing chess. But we have one thing in mon. We both like using the Internet on weekends . She often helps others and I love doing the same thing as her.41. Mona is _years old.A. fourth B. fourteen C. forty D. fourteen42. Mona likes to have friends who are_her.A. taller than B. the same as C. friendlier than D. different from43. Wang Yings hair is_ Monas.A. shorter than B. longer than C. the same as D. darker than44. Wang Ying likes _best.A. playing basketball B. drawing C. reading books D. singing45. They both like to_.A. help with something B. use the Internet C. play chess D. tell jokesDThe Dover Club together with Skyhawks Sports Centre is offering(提供) new sport camps for children this summer.46. Children can learn how to play t-ball in _ . A. Mini-Hawk Camp B. Roller Hockey Camp C. Multi-Sport Camp D. Fishing Derby Camp47. Roller Hockey Camps fee is _ . A. $15 B. $78 C. $88 D. $10248. Fishing Derby Camp is held at _. A. Skyhawks Sports Centre B. Dover Stadium C. Butterfield Gym D. Willand Pond49. What does the underlined word “skills” mean? A.技巧 B.熟练 C.巧妙 D.影响50. The passage is from _. A. an ad (广告) B. a movie magazine C. a diary D. a TV newspaper第卷 非选择题部分(共50分).根据句义选择正确的短语并用其适当形式填空(10分)be similar to, stay at home, hardly ever, be good at, have a rest, play the guitar , because of, walk up, as long as, something special51.Yesterday I _ and didnt go anywhere.52.Keep _, and you will e up to the top of the hill.53. - I feel tired and sleepy. - Why not stop_ for a while?54. I dont like swimming at all, so I _ go to the swimming pool.55. I practice _ on Tuesday and Friday.56. _ the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.57. Is there _ in todays newspaper?58. My best friend _ me, both of us are hard-working.59. I _ math than Tom.60. Your dream will e true _ you work hard.完成句子(10分)61. 我和我的家人在美丽的乡村度过了一段时光。I _ some time _ my family in the beautiful countryside.62. 他擅长让他的学生们把最好的一面展示出来。He is good at _ _ the best in his pupils.63. 王老师总是让我们做很多家庭作业。Mr. Wang always makes _ _ lots of homework.64. 他们最好的两个朋友都来自美国。Their best friends _ _ from America.65. 很多人认为英雄离我们很远。实际上,英雄就在我们身边。 Many people think heroes are far from us. _ _,heroes are around us. 综合填空(15分)阅读下面短文,根据首字母,音标以及语境的提示在每个空格内填入适当的单词(1个单词);或根据汉语意思的提示,在空白处填入适当的短语,是短文语意连贯,意思完整。Gray is a 17-year-old high school student in China. He has lots of (66)_ habits. He likes to use the Internet for fun at night, and he usually (67)_ (熬夜)late. When he feels sleepy(瞌睡), he drinks some (68)_ / kf /. (69)_ he goes to bed late, he usually gets up late the next morning and (70)a_ at school late. But his twin brother Larry is (71)d_ from him. Larry is (72)_ (更努力) than Gray. And Larry likes doing sports, too. So Larry is much (73)h_ , (74)_ he is as (75)_ as Gray.Last summer they went to Mount Tai for a (76)v_ . It was warm and they (77)d_ to walk up to the top. It took them about six hours to (78)_ (爬到山顶) . When they stood at the top, they felt very (79)e_, but Gray was also very tired . He said,“Ill (80)_ stay up late.” . 书面表达(15分)假如Mary是你的好朋友,请根据表格提示,介绍一下她的日常生活状况,并谈谈你的看法。要求要点齐全,语言通畅,可适当发挥,词数不少于60字。ActivitiesHow oftendo homeworkfor about an hour a daywatch TVonly on the weekendsexerciseevery morningstay up lateneversleep for 8-10 hoursevery dayeat junk foodhardly evereat much fruit and vegetablesevery dayMarys lifestyle (生活方式)Mary is my good friend.


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