2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解寒假选练(1).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解寒假选练(1)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。An estimated 80 percent of American adults think music lessons, though at times boring and challenging in the eyes of some kids, improve childrens ability to learn or their performance in school. They say that the satisfaction for learning to play a new song helps a child express creativity.Researchers at Harvard University , however, have found that theres one thing musical training does not do. Samuel Mehr, the leading researcher of the new study, said it is wrong to think that learning to play a musical instrument improves a childs intellectual development. The evidence es from studies that measured the mental ability of two groups of 4-year-olds and their parents. One group attended music class; the parison group went to a class that places importance on the optical arts-arts that can be seen.“We found no evidence for any advantage on any of these tests for the kids participating in these music classes,” said Mehr.Samuel Mehr says researchers have carried out many studies in an effort to learn whether musical training can make children smarter. Only one study seems to show a small percentage increase in IQ, intellectual scores among students after one year of music lessons.He does not believe that IQ is a good measure of a childs intelligence. Therefore, the researchers in his study pared how well children in the musical training group did on mental processing tasks, then the results were pared to those of children who did not take lessons.Music lessons may not offer children a fast easy way to gain entry to the best schools later of their life, but the training is still important.Mr Mehr notes that the works of writer William Shakespeare are not taught , so the children will do better in physics. He says Shakespeare is taught because it is important for cultural reasons.“And I dont think music needs to be any different than that.”21. What attitude do most American grown-ups have towards music lessons?A. Approving B. UninterestedC. DoubtfulD. Uncertain22. The underlined word“optical”in Paragraph 2 probably means .A. colorful B. visualC. traditionalD. serious23. How did Samuel Mehr draw his conclusion in the new study?A. By studying previous research resultsB. By measuring the IQ of the kids.C. By referring to some documentsD. By paring two different groups24. The study shows that .A. early music training has negative effectsB. musical lessons should be stopped at schoolC. playing musical instrument makes kids more creative D. musical training doesnt improve kids intelligence参考答案A)ABDD 【题文】BSelling fruit may not seem like a job that requires much skill . But Xu Jia disagrees. The former technician, who earned a huge salary working for a Beijing-based IT group, believes fresh fruit is an even more promising industry than IT. So the 27-year-old quit his job and began to sell fruit and bee an online sensation(网络红人).But to Xu, it is only a story where a young man does what he loves and bees happy every after, simple as this.One of his friends posted a photo parison online. One photo is of Xu as an IT technician-with most of his hair having fallen out and looking pale; the other is of Xu selling fruit with sparkling eyes, his hair all grown back and most importantly, a happy look on his face. All of a sudden , the photo parison went viral, appearing on micro blogs to major news portals(门户网站).He was rewarded for his hard work over those years as a technician, but he was exhausted. Thinking about what he really likes doing; eating fruit came to his mind. He quit his job early this year and returned to Chongqing to build up an electronic merce platform for fruit selling.Before he made the change, Xu consideren his options carefully and made some preparations. Xu started his business with five young employees. One of his friends was in charge of the real store and Xu managed the online store.He promoted the cherries on his micro blog and many citizens visited his online store to support him. Some plained the cherries got spoiled during transportaion and some said the packaging smelled bad.Xu answered the suggestions honestly. This was an important step for the young man to pursue his “fruit dream”“Some websites selling fresh produce have closed. Im worried about the future, but I still have confidence”, says Xu.“My dream is to bring fresh fruit to the table of every family in the country, from north to south. Im really happy to make this my career.” He says.25. Why did Xu Jia quit his former job as a technician?A. He thinks fresh fruit more promising. B. He earned little money in the IT group. C. He is not suitable to be a technician. D. He can bee a millionaire by selling fruit.26. How exactly did Xu bee an online sensation?A. He quit his job which gave him a huge salary.B. The photo parison online made him bee popular. C. The photo of Xu selling fruit online went viral.D. He does what he loves and bees happy.27. Whats the most important reason for Xus success of career change?A. He made enough preparations. B. He considered his options carefullyC. He does what he really likes doing. D. His five young employees helped him. 28. The underlined word“This ”probably refers to .A. Xus answering the plaints B. some citizens plaints C. Xus worrying about the future. D. Xus having confidence参考答案B)ABCA 【题文】C If youre ever in central London between Covent Garden and Holborn, look up. You might spot three letters somewhere between the Starbucks angels and the pub signs: “LSE”. They may not look much. But these three letters wele you to one of the worlds leading universities for social and political sciences.The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) offers more than just economics. You can study all sorts of things, from history to mathematics to psychology. The university was founded in 1895. It has always set very high standards for its students. Today, it accepts fewer students every year than any other British university. Its not surprising that 17 Nobel Prize winners and 34 world leaders went to LSE including John F. Kennedy. Those who do get a place can enjoy teaching from LSEs top-class staff. Students have the chance to learn in the universitys great facilities(设施). The LSE has the worlds largest social and political sciences library, its own theater, and many other lecture theaters. These host lectures and debates for both students and the public. Some of the most important people in the world e to speak. Recent speakers have included former UN SecretaryGeneral Kofi Annan, former US President Bill Clinton, and even controversially Colonel Gaddafi. In xx, the LSE started “LSE Live”, a series of live online lectures.Theres still time for fun at LSE. Students can join up with the LSE student union to take part in sports, arts and drama clubs. They can also join up with other London universities. Whats more, LSE is big on China. The university has a strong link with Peking University. A two-week LSEPKU summer school takes place every year. The course covers economics, management, international relations, media and law, all with a focus on China and Asia. Hows that for strengthening East-West relations?29. What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?A. The sign of LSE is hidden among other signs.B. LSE students often go to Starbucks or pubs.C. LSE is a top university for natural scD. LSE may not be eye-catching at first sight.30. Why does the author mention Kofi Annan, Bill Clinton and Colonel Gaddafi?A. To provide examples of famous speakers.B. To promote the program of “LSE Live”.C. To introduce LSEs outstanding graduates.D. To show the influence of the university.31. What can students at LSE enjoy according to the text?a. a large campus b. first class staff c. a large libraryd. good drama classes e. good facilities f. good lecturesA. a, b, d, eB. b, c, e, fC. a, c, d, fD. b, d, e, f32. What can be learned from the last paragraph?A. LSE courses focus a lot on East-West relations.B. LSE has more arts courses involved in China.C. LSE has attached great importance to China.D. LSE sets a higher goal for Chinese students.参考答案C)DABC 【题文】DWhen I was 12, I got a part-time job on a dairy farm, milking cows. We milked 65 cows twice a day. One day, I plained to my father about having to go milk those cows, saying it was tiring. He said, you know, boy, to work is a blessing. I looked at the men whod worked harder. I had a feeling I had been told something really important, but it took many years before it sunk in.Back then, going to college was a rare privilege. My father told me if Id picked something to study that I liked doing, Id always look forward to my work. But he also added, even having a job you hate is better than not having a job at all. I wanted to be a farmer, but I joined a military program to help pay for college. And what started out as an obligation to the Army became a way of life that I stayed mitted to for 37 years.In the late 1980s, during a visit to Bangladesh, I saw a woman with her baby on her back, breaking bricks with a hammer. I asked a local officer why they werent using a machine to make the work easier. He told me a machine would put that lady out of work. And as bad as that womans job was, it was enough to keep a small family alive. It reminded me of my fathers words: to work is a blessing.After seeing a lot of people like that woman in Bangladesh, Ive e to believe that people without jobs are not free. Theyre victims of crime, poor health, and depression. People who have jobs can have a home, send their kids to school, develop a sense of pride, contribute to the good of the munity and even help others. When we can work, we are free. We are blessed.33. Which can be the best title of the text?A. My chosen way of life B. To work is a blessingC. Why should I work D. Inspiration from a woman34. The writer joined a military program because _.A. his parents forced him to do so B. he intended to find a lifetime jobC. he couldnt afford his college education D. he could travel abroad with the army35. What does the writer intend to say through the last paragraph?A. People without jobs could achieve more. B. Freedom is not always free for people.C. Rich people should help those in need. D. We should feel fortunate to have a job.参考答案D)BCD

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