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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习第一部分模块知识Unit1Livingwell微测新人教版选修.单句改错1The film adapted to a true story was very moving._2Her most annoyed habit was eating with her mouth open._3Congratulation to everybody who sent in their ideas._4In other word, she must give up singing._5The student sat at the table, read an interesting novel._【答案】1.tofrom2.annoyedannoying3CongratulationCongratulations4.wordwords5readreading或在read前加and.语境填空ambition,suitable,benefit,absence,annoy,conduct,abolish,resign,congratulate,adequate,approval,handy,panion1This is a very _ tool for opening cans.2We hope our plan will meet with your _too.3The prime minister will _ if the vote goes against him.4She never achieved her _ of being a famous writer.5It can be _ to share your feelings with someone you trust.6These traditions should _, because they are out of date.7I _ you once more; this is the best thing you could have done.8The soldier was _ from his camp for three days without asking for a leave.9Were looking for a very special person,preferably over 40, to fill our Father Christmas _.10If we hadnt made _ preparations, the conference wouldnt have been so successful.11It _me to be kept waiting so long.【答案】1.handy2.approval3.resign4.ambition5beneficial6.be abolished7.congratulate8absent9.suit10.adequate11.annoyed.短语活用in other words,make fun of,cut out,cut in,adapt to,out of breath,out of order,all in all,as well as,sit around,never mind,have access to1Youre not paid _ doing nothing! 2_, her condition is greatly improved.3Its bad manners _ the disabled.4He _ after running for the bus.5My doctor says I must _ smoking and strong drinks.6The children find it hard _ their new school.7Students at the private school _ excellent sports facilities.8Wind is one of our cleanest and richest power sources, _ one of the oldest.9Your performance in the exam did not reach the required standard, _, you failed.【答案】1.to sit around2.All in all3.to make fun of4was out of breath5.cut out6.to adapt to7have access to8.as well as9.in other words.完成句子1我不仅要适应美国的生活方式,而且要帮助他们更好地理解中国文化。Not only will _ the American lifestyle, but also help them understand the Chinese culture better.【答案】I adapt myself to2换句话说,在很多方面他们都是不同的。_, they are different _.【答案】In other words; in many ways3过去步行去上班,但现在我不这样了。I _ on foot but I dont do that now.【答案】used to go to office/work4骑自行车对身体和环境都有益。Cycling _ the environment _ health.【答案】is beneficial to/benefits/is of benefit to; as well as5我们朝目的地进发,一路上又笑又唱。We headed for the destination, _all the way.【答案】laughing and singing


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