2019-2020年高一下学期第一次调研考试英语试题 缺答案.doc

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2019-2020年高一下学期第一次调研考试英语试题 缺答案第一部分 听力(共两小节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)1. What is the boys problem?A. He has a toothache.B. He has a headache.C. He has a stomachache.2. How long is the museum open each day?A. For six hours B. For eight hours C. For ten hours3.What have they bought already?AApples B. Butter C. eggs 4.How is the girl feeling now ?A .Cool B. Hot C. Cold 5.Where does the man want to do ?A. To a bus stop B. To New York C. To Paris第二节 (共15小题,每小题1分, 满分15分)听第6段材料,回答第6,7题6. What will the boy do tonight ?A. Watch a soccer game B. Do his homework C. Finish a report7.Where are they talking now ?A. In a lab B. At Damons home C. In a hospital听第7段材料,回答第8, 9题8.What is Susan busy doing ?A. Looking after her sister B. Preparing her final paperC. looking after her niece.9.When will they meet probably?A. This Saturday.B. Tonight C. Next week 听第8段材料,回答第10 至12题10.What does the man want to have?A. coffee B. Juice C. Oranges11.What does the woman do probably?A. An editor B.A photographer C.A designer 12. What does the woman want the man to do ?A. Design the cover of the magazine B. See the photos of the magazine C. Take photos for the magazine听第9段材料,回答第13 至16题13.What is Jennys mother like ?A. Serious B. Gentle C. Humorous14.What can we learn about Jennys father?A. He has a hot temper B. Hes outgoing C. Hes in poor health.15. How often does Jennys brother visit his parents?A. Once a year B. Once a month C. Twice a month16. What is Jennys height?A.173cm B.172 cm C. 175cm听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17. What do we know about the English lessons?A. Each takes half an hour B. They can be downloaded.C. They are designed for students.18. How many things can you learn in these lessons?A. Three B. Four C. Five19. What is the speakers idea about learning English ?A. Learning a little each day .B. Remembering too much each day.C. Remembering a little quickly.20. How can people give advice on the speakers website?A. By sending emailsB. By writing letters C. By making phone calls.第二部分 英语知识语言运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21. My English teacher has _rich experience in teaching and we all think she is _experienced teacher. A. a;an B. 不填;the C. a;the D. 不填;an22. If it is quite _ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday. A. convenient B. fair C. easy D. fortable23. According to the survey, two thirds of the area _ covered by trees now and 90% of the population _ contributions to the Greening Project in the city. A. is; has made B. are; have made C. is; have made D. are; has made24. Oh, you havent read my e-mail? Sorry, I havent had any _ to the puter these days. A. access B. attitude C. attention D. approach25. As far as I am _ , I agree with what you said. A. concerning B. concerned C. faced D. known26. Mary,would you please tell us something about the Group of Eight? Well, the G8 is an international organization _ the richest countries of the world. A. making up of B. consisted of C. consisting of D. made of27. I am wondering _ this happened to him. Its unfair. I understand, but _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. A. why; what B. what; that C. that; the fact D. how; which28. What kind of conclusion can we _ after having discussed for such a long time? A. arrive in B. bring up C. lead to D. e to29. I dont know what the signal “X” _ on the road. Could you tell me? A. stands out B. refers to C. sticks to D. stands for 30. The questions the reporter asked sometimes were _ and they made me _. A. embarrassed; embarrassing B. embarrassing; embarrassedC. embarrassed; embarrassed D. embarrassing; embarrassing31. The house hasnt been _ by anyone for a few months. A. employed B. hired C. occupied D. rent32. The doctor thought that _ would be good for you to have a holiday. A. this B. that C. one D. it33. _surprised us very much that Tom should have left without a word. A. He B. It C. This D. That34. Mr. Smith has retired. Who can_ him as our English teacher? A. replace B. take place C. instead of D. in the place of 35. At what age do men want to get married and_ in a place? A. calm down B. set downC. settle down D. e down第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But 36 a few of them are very 37 . English is one of these. Many people use it, not only in England and the US, but also in other parts of the world. About 200, 000, 000 people speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a 38 language. Many millions are 39 to do so. Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different 40 . Have you ever 41 the ads of this kind in the newspapers or magazines? “Learn English in six weeks, or your 42 back. . . ” “Easy and funny? Our records and tapes 43 you master your English in a month. 44 the first day your 45 will be excellent. Just send. . . ” Of course, it never 46 quite like this. The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. We should 47 that we all learned our own language well when we were 48 . If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. 49 what a small child does. He listens to what people say. He tries what he hears. When he is using the language, talking in it, and 50 in it all the time, just imagine how much 51 that gets! So it is 52 to say that learning English 53 upon lots of practice. And practice needs great effort and 54 much time. Good teachers, records, tapes, books, and dictionaries will 55 . But they cannot do the students work for him. 36. A. not B. quite C. only D. very37. A. difficult B. important C. necessary D. easy38. A. native B. foreign C. useful D. mother39. A. learning B. enjoying C. trying D. mother40. A. questions B. problems C. ideas D. answers41. A. heard B. watched C. noticed D. known42. A. knowledge B. time C. money D. English43. A. encourage B. help C. get D. allow44. A. From B. On C. Since D. After45. A. experience B. action C. habit D. pronunciation46. A. happened B. looked C. seemed D. felt47. A. appreciate B. remember C. search D. think48. A. students B. children C. babies D. grown-ups49. A. Look for B. Find out C. Believe in D. Think of50. A. using B. thinking C. trying D. practising51. A. time B. money C. language D. practice52. A. hard B. easy C. funny D. silly53. A. depends B. tries C. has D. takes54. A. uses B. takes C. gets D. costs55. A. do B. work C. help D. master第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)About 21, 000 young people in 17 American states do not go to classes in school buildings. Instead, they receive their school education by working at home on puters. The Center for Education Reform says the United States has 67 public “cyberschools” and that is about twice as many as two years ago. The money for students to go to a cyberschool es from the governments of the states where they live. Some educators say cyberschools receive money that should support traditional public schools. They also say it is difficult to know if students are learning well. Other educators praise this new form of education for letting students work at their own speed. These people say cyberschools help students who were unhappy or unsuccessful in traditional schools. They say learning at home by puter ends long bus rides for children who live far from school. Whatever the judgment of cyberschools, they are getting more and more popular. For example, a new cyberschool called mon-wealth Connections Academy will take in students this fall. It will serve children in the state of Pennsylvania from ages five through thirteen. Children get free equipment for their online education. This includes a puter, a printer, books and technical(技术的) services. Parents and students talk with teachers by telephone or by sending emails through their puter when necessary. Students at cyberschools usually do not know one another. But 56 such students who finished studies at Western Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School recently met for the first time. They were guests honor at their graduation. 56. What do we know from the text about students of a cyberschool? A. They have to take long bus rides to school. B. They study at home rather than in classrooms. C. They receive money from traditional public schools. D. They do well in traditional school program. 57. What is a problem with cyberschools? A. Their equipment costs a lot of money. B. They get little support from the state government. C. It is hard to know students progress in learning. D. The students find it hard to make friends. 58. Cyberschools are getting popular because_ . A. they are less expensive for students B. their students can work at their own speed C. their graduates are more successful in society D. they serve students in a wider age range(范围) 59. We can infer that the author of the text is_ . A. unprejudiced(无偏见的) in his description(描述) of cyberschools B. excited about the future of cyberschoolsC. doubtful about the quality of cyberschools D. disappointed at the development of cyberschools60. According to the text, we know_. A. children at cyberschools need a puter, a teacher and booksB. traditional public schools will provide money for cyberschoolsC. students at cyberschools may municate with teachers face to faceD. students at cyberschools rarely meet one another(B)Here are a few tips weve put together to help you learn English well. Speak, speak, speak! Practise speaking as often as you caneven speaking to yourself is good practice. Try recording yourself whenever you can. pare your pronunciation with the master version, see how you can do better and have another try. If you do this several times, you will find that each version is better than the last. Why not learn with someone else? It helps if you can learn with someone else. If you can persuade a friend or family member to study with you, it will make you keep working. Arrange times to meet and set goals for the week, and test each other regularly. Dont get stuck (卡住)by a word you dont know. Practise improvising (即兴的) ways of getting your meaning across while speaking spontaneously (本能), even if you dont know the exact words or phrases. Think of things you might want to say whenever you have spare time. A basic example is the use of tenses. If you dont know the past tense but want to talk about yesterday, use the verb in the present tense and use the word for “yesterday”. Use facial expressions, hand movements, anything to get your meaning across. Language learning is also about intuition (直觉). Guesswork is important in learning a new language. When listening to recorded material, you arent expected to understand everything first time round. If you play the same piece several times, you will most probably understand something new each time. Learn to make maximum use of all the clues you can pick up. For example, what do the speakers sound like? Happy? Angry? Calm? Etc. Build up your vocabulary. A wide vocabulary is the key to successful language learning but dont try to learn too much at once. Its best to study frequently, for short periods of time. Take a maximum of six or seven items of vocabulary and learn them. Put them into sentences to fix them in your mind, then e back to them later. Much of the vocabulary in the course is presented by topic. And above all, have fun! 61. Why should one have himself recorded when practicing speaking? A. To encourage others to start. B. To record his own progress. C. To improve his speaking. D. To pare himself with others. 62. Which of the following is the most important in learning English? A. Speaking. B. Pleasure. C. Intuition. D. Vocabulary. 63. It is important in Tip 3 that _ is helpful when you are learning English. A. body language B. a good memory C. a good friend D. a proper dictionary64. How many tips are given to learn English in the passage? A. 5. B. 2. C. 6. D. 4. 65. Which of the following seems NOT to be true in learning a language? A. Practice makes perfect. B. A good beginning is half done. C. Rome is not built in a day. D. Dont run before you can walk. (C)Roslyn High School on Long Island recently started a pilot program using iPads in some classrooms.A growing number of schools across the U. S. would like to use the iPads as the latest tool to teach Kafka in multimedia, history through games and math with step-by-step cartoon of plex problems. As part of a pilot program, Roslyn High School handed out 47 iPads on Dec. 20, xx to the students and teachers in two humanities(人文学科)classes. The school district hopes to provide iPads eventually to all 1, 100 of its students. The iPads are to be used in class and at home during the school year to replace textbooks, allow students to correspond with teachers and turn in papers and homework tasks, and preserve a record of student work in digital files. “It allows us to extend the classes beyond these four walls, ” said Larry Reiff, an English teacher at Roslyn who now posts all his course materials online. But educators are still divided over whether practices to give every student a laptop have made a difference academically. “There is very little evidence that kids learn more, faster or better by using these machines, ” said Larry Cuban, a retired professor of education at Stanford University. “IPads are excellent tools to attract kids, but then the freshness wears off and you get into hard-core problems of teaching and learning. ”But school leaders say the iPad is not just a cool new toy but rather a powerful and multifunctional tool with a number of applications, including thousands of educational uses. “If there isnt an application that does something I need, there will be sooner or later, ” said Mr. Reiff, who said he now used an application(应用程序) that includes all of Shakespeares plays. 66. The passage mainly wants to tell us_ . A. iPads will be used in more and more schools in the USB. students have achieved a lot after using iPadsC. teaching will bee less important with the help of iPadsD. a program of a school to allow students to use iPads in the classroom67. The program of using iPads in class is _. A. widely accepted by most schools in the United StatesB. encouraged and organized by the iPad panyC. carried out by the US governmentD. only an experimental one carried out in some schools 68. We can use iPads to do the following at school except_ . A. judging the teachers teaching B. keeping digital record of homeworkC. replacing the school textbooks D. municating with teachers69. The underlined part “these four walls” in Paragraph 5 refers to_ . A. school dormitory B. school classroom C. teachers office D. school campus 70. According to the passage, who are in favour of the program? A. The school leaders and the writer. B. Larry Cuban and Larry Reiff. C. The school leaders and Larry Reiff. D. Larry Cuban and the school leaders. 第二卷 (非选择题部分 共35分):任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)注意: 每个空格只填一个单词。When you are in a place where you are hunting for a new job or career, you will find that there are several things that you should pay attention to. Jobs and careers are fewer than you expect, especially when satisfying employment is something you need to seriously think about. How are you going to find the job that you want and what should you avoid(避免) on your way? When you want to make use of your job search, take a moment and think about the things that you must avoid at all costs. One of the most important rules is never to promise(妥协) on the things you ask for or desire or it will badly affect your life and peace of mind. Keep in mind your basic expectations of a dream job. They might be something about monetary pensation or you might find they have something to do with time off. Whatever they are, make sure that you do not accept a job without them. Your requirements might not be easy to meet, but you have the right to try and achieve them. Whats more, dont shy away from odd (临时的)jobs that might actually take you to the place that you want to be in. Sometimes, finding the right job is a matter of luck and chance after you have been searching and putting in a lot of effort. And if something unexpected happens, remember that taking the chance is of great importance and is something you might want to seriously consider. As long as you keep your goals in mind , you are going to be doing much better than other people during the job search. If you are looking for the right job, another thing that you can do to make sure that you get the right kind of employment is to market yourself. When you do nothing to push yourself forward, you will be the one suffering for it. If required, give enough encouragement to yourself and try to confidently look at all that you have. Make sure that you can show your skills and abilities. If the jobs that you have set your sights on are challenging, set goals for yourself and work hard at them. The more efforts you put in marketing yourself, the more your chances of obtaining the job you like will be. Remember that when you are working on a job search, you should not short-change yourself. This is because you will only harm yourself by setting low goals. TitleWhat to avoid during your job searchBrief introductionSatisfying jobs are fewer than (1)_. When youre hunting for a job, there are some related things that need your (2)_.Important(3)_Remembering your expectations. Dont promise on your requirements or it will have a(n) (4)_effect on your life. Although your requirements are (5) _to meet, you should try hard.Taking the chance. Take some odd jobs and this might help you (6)_ your goal finally. When something unexpected happens, taking the chance is a very (7)_ thing that you should consider seriously.Marketing yourself. Positively look at all that you have and (8)_ yourself. Show your skills and abilities. If the job that you want is a(n) (9)_, set your goals and work hard.ConclusionDont short-change yourself because (10)_goals may harm you.、完成句子(每空0.5分,满分10分)请注意时态1、In the 1980s, China _ _(经历) many huge changes.2、British English _ _ (不同于) American English. 3、Despite the fact, French still_ _ _ _(对-有影响)the English language.4、By the latter half of the 14th century, English had _ _ _ _(广泛使用)all classes in England.5、Many things made _ _ (贡献)the _ (发展)of the Internet.6、Traveling to Beijing_ _(占用了) a lot of time.7、_ _(并非所有的)characters are used to describe objects.8、The Chinese language differs from many Western languages_ _(因为)it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.书面表达(共1题,满分15分)不同的人有不同的幸福观,你校学生会对部分同学进行了“幸福是什么?”的调查, 调查结果如下表所示: 部分学生金钱可以购买任何东西部分学生健康享受生活部分学生


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