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2019-2020年九年级第一次检测(一模)英语试题英 语 xx.04 注意事项:1.本试卷共8页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。2.请将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡上。3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其它位置答题一律无效。选择题 (共40分)一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. No one can make great achievements hard work. A. amongB. betweenC. alongD. without 2. Ive just bought some cakes in the supermarket. Would you like to have ?No, thanks. Im full now.A. noB. someC. anyD. none3. Millie does well in her lessons. But she never shows off.I cant agree more. She is quite . A. modestB. modernC. gentleD. polite4. It is about two months since the earthquake happened in Taiwan.Exactly, lots of people their lives. We cant forget it. A. lostB. loseC. will loseD. were losing5. Amy always wins high from both her teachers and classmates because of her creative thinking. A. priceB. prizeC. praiseD. pride 6. Have you ever seen Tom recently? . He often goes on business in Canada.A. SeldomB. UsuallyC. AlwaysD. Often7. Cherry blossom(樱花) in Jiming Temple is as as that in Japan. A. more beautifulB. beautifully C. beautifulD. more beautifully8. The xx Olympics is ing this August. Do you know it takes place? Every four years.A. how long B. how soon C. how many D. how often9. Bob, dont forget to the lights when you leave the room. OK, Mum. A. take offB. put offC. turn offD. knock off10. Tom, where is Kate?She be in the garden. She sometimes plays with her dog there. A. mustB. needC. shallD. may11. You cant play puter games you finish your homework. A. becauseB. unlessC. ifD. since12. We often have dinner at this restaurant because it delicious food and good service. A. preventsB. producesC. protectsD. provides13. Im glad to know that Nanjing Metro Line 4 next year. A. is builtB. was builtC. will be builtD. built14. I failed the Maths exam again. Im going to give it up. It was just a test. I am sure you can do better next time. A. Thats right.B. Cheer up! C. My pleasure.D. You are wele.15. The charity show is a big success. We have raised a great deal of money.Great! . A. Life begins at fortyB. Many hands make light workC. Peace all year roundD. The early bird catches the worm 二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“The only thing holding you back is yourself. Never say never”, said a 16 17-year-old singer, Justin Bieber, who was just an ordinary boy in Canada a few years ago.After the accident of falling from the 18th floor and 17 in the snow for three hours, my hands were frozen and my spinal cord(脊椎) was seriously injured. All the doctors in the famous hospitals in Beijing told me that there was little chance for my 18 and my body to recover(康复).After half a year of medical treatments and recovering exercises, I could not make any more progress. What was 19 , I suffered a lot from insomnia(失眠). 20 , mom and I came back to my hometown. At that time, I thought that I would never be able to recover and earn 21 a penny. I couldnt repay the kindness I 22 from my parents and many nice people. Life was meaningless.Now two years has passed. My hands are 80% recovered. I can even type faster than a healthy person! Up to now, I have worked for half a year already for the food and clothes I need. And I even can buy thanksgiving presents for my parents and my boyfriend. Many people get to know me and like me 23 my blogs. I can bring happiness to them and 24 those who are still suffering from depression and the pains of illnesses by chatting with themYou see, I am living a meaningful life and I am happier than ever I could have dreamed.So, my friends, never say never. As long as you are alive, there is always 25 and possibilities. It is never too late to take action to realize your dreams.16. A. curious B. practical C. generous D. popular17. A. laying B. lying C. tying D. dying18. A. arms B. hands C. feet D. legs19. A. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst20. A. Hopeful B. Hopefully C. Hopeless D. Hopelessly21. A. even B. still C. ever D. never22. A. put B. made C. got D. found23. A. to B. of C. through D. at24. A. help B. leave C. catch D. send25. A. health B. hope C. money D. beauty三、阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分) Read the table of contents of this book and answer the questions.Table of Contents Lesson 1 Listen - 2 Lesson 2 Speak it Right - 35 Lesson 3 Enjoying Reading - 76 3.1 Use a Dictionary - 88 3.2 Learn New Words - 102 Lesson 4 Start to Write - 131 4.1 From Sentence to Paragraphs -153 4.2 Write with Your puter - 177阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。(A) 26. What is this book about? A. Learning a language.B. Solving puter problems. C. Telling stories to children. D. Taking a trip with your family.27. “You can understand a story without knowing every word. You can even learn what the new words mean from other sentences.” In which lesson will you most likely find these two sentences?A. Lesson 1. B. Lesson 2.C. Lesson 3.D. Lesson 4.(B)When Leonardo DiCaprio stepped onto the stage to accept the Academy Award for Best Actor on February 28, he received a rare standing ovation(鼓掌欢呼).After five acting nominations and 22 years of disappointed hopes since his first nomination(for Whats Eating Gilbert Grape in 1993), the 41-year-old actor finally won his first Oscar for his effort in the film The Revenant, which hit Chinese cinemas on March 18.DiCaprios career took off when he played the romantic lead in Titanic(1997). However, the film also gave him the name “pretty boy”. People pay more attention to his face than his acting. DiCaprio has been known as one of the pickiest actors in Hollywood. Instead of winning hearts in romantic films, he chose to work with more challenging productions.For the role of Hugh Glass, an 1820s fur trapper in The Revenant, DiCaprio wore 47 different prosthetics(特效假体), slept in dead animals, and ate a bison liver. For over half the film, he crawled(爬) on the ground. An article in Life Week wrote, “pared with DiCaprios terrible experience in The Revenant, Robinson Crusoes seems as easy and fortable as a vacation.”His effort was accepted by the Academy. After he has finally earned the US top acting award, DiCaprio is now working harder, turning to different challenges.28. How many acting nominations did Leonardo DiCaprio win?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.29. In which film did Leonardo DiCaprio win the Oscar for Best Actor?A. Titanic.B. Robinson Crusoe.C. The Revenant. D. Whats Eating Gilbert Grape.30. What can we learn from the passage?A. The film was first shown in China on February 28, xx.B. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the pickiest actors in Hollywood.C. Leonardo DiCaprio wants to be a supermodel in the near future.D. Robinsons experience is more terrible than DiCaprios in The Revenant.(C)(One day, Gulliver was caught in a storm and his ship hit a rock, then damaged. He was washed to the beach by sea wave. He walked and walked to find a city, but he was too tired and felt asleep. When he woke up, he found himself in Lilliput and a lot of tiny people were around him)The Emperor spoke in a high voice but I could hear all the words clearly. His followers and all the ladies wore rich and beautiful clothes. The ground where they were standing looked like gold and silver cloth.His Majesty and I often spoke to each other but neither of us understood a single word. I tried words from many languagesDutch, French, Spanish, Italian and Latin. No one could understand my words, not even the cleverest of the Emperors followers.After about two hours the Emperor left. His wife, children and their servants went also. There were strong guards around me. This was to stop the crowd of people from hurting me. An officer told the guards to hold six men who made me angry. These men were given to me and I had to choose their punishment. I put five of them in my pocket. Then I pretended(假装) to eat the sixth man.The poor man screamed terribly. The guards were worried when they saw my knife in my hand. Was I going to cut up the man? But I only cut the binding(捆绑物) round his hands. Then I put him on his feet and let him go. I lifted the other five men out of my pocket and put them gently on the ground too.The people and the soldiers were very pleased with my great kindness. They told the Emperor about it immediately. Emperor ordered his men to make a bed for me and they had to join six hundred of their little beds together to make one bed for me.At the same time the Emperor asked all his advisers for their advice on how to deal with. They were very worried. If my binding was cut I might be dangerous. I was eating so much food that soon all the people would be very hungry. The farmers could not grow enough food to feed all of us.The wise men thought that they should kill me. But they would not be able to bury(埋葬) me. My dead body would smell. This might cause much illness all over the country. 31. To the tiny people, Gulliver was a(an) .A. friendB. enemyC. relativeD. tourist32. Why did the tiny people hurt Gulliver at first?A. They wanted to kill him and got his eye. B. They were afraid of him because he was too big.C. They thought he would attack the king and his people.D. They liked him so much and wanted to make fun of him.33. The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 4 most probably refers to(指) “ ”. A. the guards B. the officers C. the six men D. the soldiers34. Put the following statements in the correct order according to the story.Emperor ordered his men to make a big bed for Gulliver.They couldnt understand each other. The emperor spoke. Gulliver didnt punish the six tiny people and let them go. A crowd of people hurt Gulliver. A.B.C.D.35. Why didnt the tiny people in Lilliput kill Gulliver finally?A. He was so strong that he would work for them.B. He was so big and they didnt have the weapon to kill him.C. The king and his family liked him so much that they didnt agree.D. His dead body would smell and cause much illness in their country.(D)Why would someone decide to stop eating? We know that the body needs food in order to work well. However, many people fast at some time during their lives. Why is this?Some people fast for political reasons. In the early 20th century, women in England and the United States werent allowed to vote. So many women went on fast. They hoped that fasting would bring attention to it. Mohandas Gandhi, the famous Indian leader, fasted 17 times during his life. For Gandhi, fasting was a powerful political tool. In 1943, he fasted to bring attention to his countrys need for independence. For 21 days, he went without food. Another famous faster was Cesar Chavez. In the 1960s, he fasted for three weeks. Why? His goal was to bring attention to the terrible working conditions of farm workers in the United States.Fasting is also a practice in many religions(宗教). Every year during the month of Ramadan, which is a religious holiday, Muslims(穆斯林) fast from sunrise to sunset. Many Indians fast at special time, and there was also a fasting holiday in ancient China.Of course, not everyone fasts for political or religious reasons. People sometimes fast just because it makes them feel better. The American writer Mark Twain thought fasting was the best medicine for mon illnesses. Whenever he had a cold or a fever, he stopped eating pletely. He said that this always made his cold or fever go away. Another American writer, Upton Sinclair, discovered fasting after years of eating too much and headaches. His first fast lasted for 12 days. During this time, his headaches and stomachaches went away. Sinclair said that fasting also made him more alert and energetic.Choosing to go without food can be very dangerous. However, that doesnt stop people from fasting for political, religious, or health reasons.36. The underlined word “fast” in Paragraph 1 most probably means “ ”.A. quicklyB. go on a dietC. refuse to eatD. lose weight37. Mohandas Gandhi fasted in 1943 for .A. a religious holiday for MuslimsB. his countrys need for independence C. the womens voting rights in Great Britain D. the equal rights of the black people in America38. Which fasting is for health reason?A. Upton Sinclair fasted for 12 days.B. Mohandas Gandhi fasted in 1943.C. Cesar Chavez fasted for two weeks.D. Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.39. What can we learn from the passage?A. Women like to go on fasting for politics.B. You will be very famous if you fast for religions.C. Fasting sometimes would be better for your health.D. You neednt take any medicine if you fast when youre ill.40. What may be the best title of the passage? A. Reasons for fasting.B. Ways of fasting.C. Advantages of fasting.D. Results of fasting.非选择题(共50分)四、填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为4145的相应位置上。41. Mr Brown is so funny that he always tells us (笑话). 42. Tom, your bedroom is in a (乱七八糟). Youd better tidy it up now. OK. I will do it right now.43. I stayed up late to plete my homework yesterday evening. So I feel (瞌睡的) in class today. 44. Oh, no! My favourite dog has gone (丢失的).45. The best season to visit Qixia Mountain is (秋季) since we can enjoy many beautiful red leaves. B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为4650的相应位置上。46. Millie spends lots of time (dance) every day.47. You dont need to worry about Amy. She is old enough to look after (she).48. Christmas is one of the most important festivals in (west) countries.49. What happened just now? I dont know. But the big noise made me (feel) scared. 50. He is such a strong-minded person that his (blind) cant stop him from fighting for his dream.C)根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的词或词组填空,使短文内容完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为5155的相应位置上。in a short time; chatting with; exams; after school; are different fromI have an online friend called Suzy. After 51 her on the Internet, I know that American schools 52 ours. Students in America also have many subjects like us but they dont have so many 53 . There are fewer students in an American class than in a Chinese one. They have more activities 54 than we do. They have less homework, so they can finish their homework 55 . Thats really amazing. 五、阅读短文(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)A)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第5665小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为5665的相应位置上。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Many people in England are angry that drivers park their cars on the pavements(人行道). Cars that are on the pavement block(堵) people from walking safely down the street. They have to walk into the road to get around the cars. The charity for the blind, Guide Dogs, said blocking the pavement is “inconsiderate and dangerous”. It says its a lot more difficult for blind people to walk around the town if cars are in their way. A spokesman for the charity told the BBC, “It can be frightening for anyone who is forced to step into a road because the pavement is blocked by a truck, a car or other badly parked vehicle. Imagine you have to step into a road where you cant see oning traffic.” A survey on parking in Britain found that 70 percent of people want a ban(禁令) on parking on pavement. A town south of London has already started a system to get drivers to park on the road or in a proper car park. Any motorist who parks on the pavement gets a $115 fine. However, many people say the fines do not work. Local people say car owners dont mind the fine and park where they want. People pushing their children in baby cars and people in wheelchairs are afraid to walk on busy roads where there is heavy traffic. She wants her town to be like London, which has strict rules against pavement parking.The pavement 56 problems Attitudes(态度)In Englandl People are 57 with the drivers who park their cars on the pavements.In 58 l 70 percent of people want a ban on parking on pavement. 59 results l Cars on the pavement block people from walking safely down the street.l Blind people cannot walk 60 around the town because the cars are in their way.l People can be 61 when they have to step into a road where they cannot see the oning traffic.Problem solvingl A town in the 62 of London has already started a system to get drivers to park on the road or in a proper car park.l Any motorist who parks on the pavement has to 63 for fine.l There are strict rules 64 pavement parking in London.Worriesl Many people say the fines do not work. 65 people say car owners dont mind the fine and park where they want.l People pushing their children in baby cars and people in wheelchairs are afraid to walk on busy roads.B)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为6675的相应位置上。What are most 16-year-old boys doing? They are going to school, playing sports with friends and doing their h 66 . But life is much more colourful for the TFBOYS singers.TFBOYS is a singers group started in xx. Its f 67 name is The Fighting Boys. The group i 68 three members, Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan and Yi Yangqianxi. The group leaderWang Junkai, is 16 years old. The other two boys are b 69 15 years old. When most boys of their ages are s 70 their whole day in the classroom, the three young singers present themselves to thousands of people. They have made three albums and w 71 over ten awards. Now the three boys are among the most popular teenage stars in the country.Many people are interested in TFBOYS. After all, its members are s 72 junior high school students. They study at school with their classmates d 73 the weekdays. In weekends and holidays they have singing class, dancing class and other training. In fans e 74 , the group has a healthy and friendly image. Most of their fans are also teens. “We are of similar a 75 ,” one of them says. “They feel like friends to us and we love their songs!”66.h 67.f 68.i 69.b 70.s 71.w 72.s 73.d 74.e 75.a 六、书面表达(满分15分)假如你是阳光中学英语俱乐部的同学,请根据以下问卷,写一份英文倡议书,呼吁文明出游。Visiting habitsDo you have these habits while visiting some places of interest?HabitsOften SometimesNevermake loud noisethrow rubbish everywheretake photos in wrong places Whats your suggestion?注意:1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称; 2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 3. 词数80左右,文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 To be a good touristNowadays, travelling is being an important part of our life. However, some people have bad habits when visiting places of interest. xx年中考模拟试卷(一) 英语参考答案 xx.04选择题 (共40分)一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. D2. B3. A4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. D

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