2019-2020年高中英语阅读理解 第三部分 名人故事(四)练习.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语阅读理解 第三部分 名人故事(四)练习亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔,美国著名发明家和企业家。他发明了世界上第一台可用的电话机,创建了贝尔电话公司,被誉为“电话之父”。他出生在苏格兰的爱丁堡,并在那里接受了早期的教育。除了发明电话外,他还研制了助听器,改进了爱迪生发明的留声机。他对聋哑语的发明贡献甚大。从1875年到1922年间,他从美国政府那里就取得了三十项专利权。Today, as we look up over our bead at the telephone wires that carry our words from one place to another, we cannot help thinking of Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone.Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland, but when he was young his family moved to Boston, USA. His mother was almost deaf, so Alexander became interested in helping deaf people municate and in deaf education. This interest led him to invent the microphone.Bell never set out to invent the telephone and what he was trying to design was a multiple telegraph. This original telegraph sent a message over distances using Morse code. But only one message could go at a time. Bell wanted to improve it so that it could send several messages at the same time. He designed a machine that would separate different sound waves and allow different conversations to be held at the same time. But he found the problem difficult to solve. One day as he was experimenting with a straw joined to a deaf mans ear, Bell noticed that when he spoke into the ear, the straw drew sound waves on a piece of smoked glass. Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration. If sound waves could be reproduced in a moving electrical current, they could be sent along a wire. In searching to improve the telegraph, Bell invented the first telephone!On March 10, 1876, Bell and his friend Thomas Watson were at their posts several rooms apart, ready to begin another experiment. While working, Bell got his leg hurt, and he cried for help. “Mr. Watson, e here, I want you!” and Watson heard Bell crying over his receiver! That was the first sentence ever spoken over a telephone.That night Bell wrote to his mother: “This is a great day with me. I feel that the day is ing when the telephone wires will be laid on to houses just like water or gas, and friends will talk with each other without leaving home.”Two years later, telephones were installed in many cities in the United States. The number of telephones in use kept going up very fast year after year, and in 1922 there were over 20 million telephones in the United States only. C. he was almost deaf. D. his mother was almost.2. Bell invented the telephone _ A. because he had a deaf mother. B. but he had never intended to do so in the beginning. C. because he had made up his mind to realize this dream. D. so that he could talk to his assistant, Mr. Watson.3. The first sentence ever spoken over a telephone was _A. said by Bell.B. to ask for help.C. to ask Watson to e to Bells place.D. all mentioned above.4. The original telegraph had a disadvantage because _ A. it could send several messages at the same time. B. only one message could go at a time. C. it sent a message over distances using Morse code. D. it separated different sound waves and allow different conversations to be held at the same time.5. During Bells funeral, all the telephones in North America were silent _ A. because there was an electricity failure. B. in order to show respect and admiration of the people to the great inventor. C. to celebrate the invention of the telephone. D. remember the day of Bells death.(DBDBB)亚历山大弗莱明青霉素的发现者青霉素(也叫盘尼西林)的发明者亚历山大弗莱明,于1881年出生在苏格兰的洛克菲尔德,英国著名细菌学家。弗莱明从伦敦圣马利亚医院医科学校毕业后,从事免疫学研究。1928年弗莱明发现了青霉素。如今,青霉素已经救活了数以百万计的人们的生命,而且将来肯定还会救活更多的生命。doing any harm to man.Fleming wrote a paper in which he described penicillin in details. The paper was published in 1929. Because of the lack of enough means, he could not get enough quantity of penicillin to be used for man. It was only 12 years later that two other scientists succeeded in getting enough penicillin for the doctors to use in hospitals.In his lifetime, Alexander Fleming received a lot of awards for his achievements. For his discovery of penicillin, he won the Nobel Prize in 1945.prehension Questions:1. Fleming began his search for such a substance as penicillin _A. while studying at college.B. as soon as he graduated from college.C. during the First World War.D. when World War I ended.2. Penicillin _A. can cure any patient.B. can kill the dangerous germs without doing any harm to man.C. is only used on wounds.D. was widely used in the 1920s.3. Penicillin was first used in hospitals _A. in 1928. B. in 1929. C. in 1950. D. in 1941.4. Fleming became world-famous for _A. his experiments in the laboratory. B. a lot of awards he had received. C. his discovery of penicillin.D. the paper in which he described penicillin in details.5. The passage mainly _A. gives us a brief introduction of Alexander Fleming.B. tells us how penicillin was discovered.C. gives us a brief introduction of penicillin.D. describes the uses of penicillin.(CBDCA)对人类认识自我有着巨大的启发与推动作用。Charles Darwin was a world-famous naturalist, who was born in 1809 at Shrewsbury, Britain. After finishing school, he went to Cambridge, where he studied medicine. But he was greatly interested in animals, plants and geology. He took every possible chance for scientific study to enrich his knowledge. Once he made a long journey that lasted for five years, during which he went to different parts of the world and carefully studied the animal and plant life there.After years of careful observation, thought and study, in November 1859, Darwins main work, The Origin of Species, was published. In the book, Darwin stated that different types of living creatures had not been created suddenly, but had been developing over thousands of millions of years. In the struggle for life, some species had failed and died out while others lived on because they could fit in with their surroundings. This was called “the survival of the fittest”.Darwins ideas aroused many arguments. But he did not give up his views because he had scientific proof to support him. Later, more and more people believed his theory. Charles Darwin died in 1882. His great contribution to science was the theory of evolution, which was known as Darwinism.prehension Questions:1. A naturalist is a person who _A. experiments on plants in a laboratory.B. makes experiments on patients in hospital.C. studies medicine.D. studies animals and plants.2. Charles Darwin once made a long journey to study animals and plants abroad because _A. he didnt like to study animals and plants in his own country.B. the plants and animals in other countries were different from those in his own country.C. he wanted to learn more about animal and plant life.D. he wanted to learn exactly how many kinds of animals there were.3. We can conclude that The Origin of Species was published _A. when he was living in London.B. when he was fifty years old.C. before he traveled the different parts of the world.D. thirty years before he died.A. they were not taken good care of by people.B. it was too hot in summer and too cold in winter. C. they couldnt fit in with their surroundings.D. they were killed by people day by day.(DCBAC)19. Marco Polo, Famous Italian Traveler马可波罗意大利著名旅行家马可波罗,1254出生于威尼斯。少年时便与其父亲、叔父开始了他神奇而伟大的旅行横跨欧亚大陆。25年后才回到家乡,著成马克波罗游记。他说:“无论什么种族,什么时代,从没有人看见过或观察过本书中所描述得如此多、如此伟大的事情。”书中描述了波斯中亚等各国风光,中国的敦煌、哈密、酒泉,张掖等许多城镇的风情;记载了元朝的都城建筑、官廷生活,典章礼仪、政治军事马可波罗对于京都的宏大气势,对于苏州、杭州等城市的秀丽多姿,不仅描绘细腻,而且发出了由衷的赞叹。Marco Polo was born in Venice in 1254. He was the most famous westerner to visit Asia during The Middle Ages. His father, Nicolo Polo, and his uncle were wealthy traders who regularly traveled to parts of the East. They visited China and became friends with Kublai Khan, the great Mongol Emperor. It was only when they returned to Italy from China that Marco, who was now 15 years old, first met his father.Marco decided to join them for their next trip. It took them more than three years to travel the 9000 miles to Shang-tu, capital of the Mongol Empire. The great Khan gave them a fine wele and they stayed in a huge marble place. Soon the young Marco became a great favorite of the Emperor and was one of his most trusted friends. Marco quickly learned the language and customs of the Chinese because he traveled around and talked to many people.After nearly 17 years in the East, Marco and his father prepared to return home. Not long after Marco came home, the Genoese caught him during a battle at sea. While he was a prisoner he met a writer called Rustichello who wrote down the long story that Marco told him about his travels.He did not make any more journeys alter the publication of his books, but he had a place in history-he was the first European ever to travel the East and to return with a story to tell.2. We can conclude that Marco began his trip to China from Italy _A. before he was 15 years old. B. after his father and uncle returned home from their first trip to China. C. when he was 35 years old.D. as soon as he was 15 years old.3. Marco Polo learned the Chinese language and customs by _A. traveling around and telling stories to the Chinese people. B. reading and writing Chinese.C. hearing and speaking Chinese. D. talking to many people while traveling around.4. When Marco Polo returned to Italy, he was already _A. 32 years old B. 30 years old. C. at least 35 years old. D. about 42 years old.5. Today we know Marco Polos trip to China very well mainly because _A. Marco himself wrote a travel book. B. some Chinese wrote down the story of his trip. C. someone wrote down the long story based on what Marco Polo had told him.D. many prisoners heard the story and passed it on to us.(ABDCC)20. William Shakespeare, the Greatest English Playwright威廉莎士比亚英国最伟大的剧作家莎士比亚,公元1564年4月23日生于英格兰斯特拉福镇,1616年5月3日病逝。英国著名剧作家、诗人。主要作品有罗密欧与朱丽叶、哈姆雷特、麦克白、李尔王等。莎士比亚在15901612的20余年内共写了三十七部戏剧,还写有二首长诗和一百五十四首十四行诗。他的戏剧多取材于历史记载、小说、民间传说和老戏等已有的材料,反映了封建社会向资本主义社会过渡的历史现实,宣扬了新兴资产阶级的人道主义思想和人性论观点。ten years, Shakespeare wrote his popular plays, including Hamlet, King Lear and Macbeth.In 1613 he returned to Stratford and lived quietly at his home during the last years of his life. He died on April 23, 1616 and was buried in the church of the Holy Trinity, Stratford.Altogether Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. They deal with a great variety of themes, reflecting the spirit of the Renaissance, emphasizing human values. Besides plays, Shakespeare wrote two long poems and 154 sonnets (a sonnet is a poem of 14 lines), love being their main theme.prehension Questions:1. William Shakespeare was born in a _ family.A. poor B. writers C. small D. rich2. Shakespeare got married _A. when he was twenty-two years old.B. as soon as he left home.C. to a woman eight years older than himself.D. when he became known as a playwright. 3. In 1585, Shakespeare left Stratford _A. mainly because he was not satisfied with his marriage.B. and went on a business trip.C. and went abroad for further study.D. probably joined a pany of traveling actors or went directly to London.

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