2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Listening,Speaking and Writing教案1 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 Listening,Speaking and Writing教案1 新人教版必修21. Teaching important points:A. Improve students ability of extensive reading.B. Improve students a skills of listening.2. Teaching difficult points:A. How to finish the task in limited time.B. How to get the accurate information while listening.3. ProcedureStep 1. GreetingStep 2. Daily reportStep 3. RevisionCheck the answers to the exercises done yesterday. Step 4. Extensive reading1. Ask students two questions before listening to the tape, and then listen to the recording of the text:A. When did dinosaurs live on the earth?B. Why did they die out?2. Explain the following language points: long before 很久以前before long 不久之后Dinosaurs do live on the earth long before.Before long dinosaurs die out from the earth. on the earth- in the worldon earth 究竟What on earth do you want?Step 5. Listening 1. Explain the following difficult words to the students before listening: once upon a time 曾经;很久以前 curious adj. 好奇的 wing n. 翅膀 trap n. 陷阱 spear n. 矛2. Listen to the recording of Dodos Story.3. Finish Ex 1 on p30.4. Check the answers (C D B C)5. Listen to the tape again and finish ex2 on P30Step 6 Homework1. Finish Ex. 21-55 on English Weekly 15th 2. Review the language points in this unit.小结:这篇泛读的难度不大,学生基本上都能理解而且能得到练习的答案,听力效果还不错。但不难看出新单词依然是学生听力的拦路虎,所以以后要着重训练他们猜词的技巧,以便他们更好的完成信息获取。2nd Period1. Teaching important pointsA. How to use what their learnt in this unit.B. To express their opinions freely in the speaking task.2. Teaching difficult pointHow to write a letter.3. ProcedureStep 1. GreetingStep 2. Daily reportStep 3. RevisionReview the language points learnt in the former periods. Step 4. Speaking Group work to finish discussion about the topic on P 31Then invite some students to present their workStep 5. WritingPair work to discuss the topic of writing on P 31Give them 20 minutes to write a short letter Step 6. HomeworkFinish reading task on P 65小结因为学生对讨论的话题比较感兴趣,所以整堂课气氛都很热烈。但由于他们基础薄弱,所以许多句子语不达意。针对这一点,今后会加强写作训练。

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