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2019-2020年中考英语模拟试卷(四)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1 exciting news it is! Our government is doing something to stop the haze(雾霾) AWhat BWhat an CHow DHow an( ) 2Johnson was the first on the list of the famous stars because he was the richest them Awith Bin Cto Damong( ) 3 of the surface of the earth covered with water ASeven-tens;are BSeven-tens:is CSeven-tenths;is DSeven-tenths;are( ) 4The shop until 9 oclock p.m Aremains opened Bremains open Ccontinues opened Dcontinues open( ) 5With the help of the Internet,news can every corner of the world Aget Barrive Creach Dreturn( ) 6You dont know 1 want to see you againIts a year since I last saw you Ahow soon Bhow long Chow often Dhow much( ) 7Didnt yourbrother go to school by bike? Yes,he didBut he walking to school now Aused to;used to Buse to;used to Cused to;is used to Duse to;is used to( ) 8Wlw not your teacher for advice when you dont know the problems? Aask;what to do with Bto ask;how to deal with Cask;what to deal with Dto ask;how to do with( ) 9一Do you know much about the city? Yes,I there three times Awas Bhave gone Cwent Dhave been( )10I do not doubt win in the race Awhether he will Bwhether will he Cthat he will Dthat will he( )11一How cool the iPhone 6 is! 一In our shop it very well nowGet one before it outAsells;sells Bsells;is sold Cis sold;is sold Dis sold;sells( )12一To achieve our dream,we should study hard keep fit 一I agree with you Anot;but Bnot only;but also Cneither;nor Deither;or ( )13一How about climbing the hill? I would rather along the river than the hillIm a bit tired Awalk;climb Bwalking;climbing Cwalking;to climb Dwalk;to climb( )14Bob often says that swimming is than hiking in reducing weight,but he always spends more time on swimming Amore useful B1ess interesting C1ess useful Dmore interesting( )15一Would you mind my opening the window? A1 would B1m afraid its too windy CYes,please go ahead DSureIm going to close it soon二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Some years ago,on a hot summer day in south Florida,a little boy decided to go for a swim in the river in front of his house He ran out through the back door,leaving behind his shoes and shirt as he wentHedived into the water,not 16 that an alligator (鳄鱼) was swimming toward himHismother was looking out by the windowIn great fear,she rushed out of the house and17 toward the water, 18 to her son as loudly as she could Hearing her voice,the little boy became alarmed (惊吓) and made a 19 to swim tohis motherIt was too 20 Just as the mother reached her son,so did the alligator From the bank,the mother caught the boy by the 21 while the alligator snatchedhis legThe alligator was much 22 than the mother,but the mother wouldnt give up A farmer happened to drive byHe raced from his truck,took aim (瞄准) and shot thealligator After weeks and weeks in hospital,the little boy was in good health againBut on his legs there were scars (伤疤) 23 by the animal and,on his arms,there were also scars left by his mother in her effort to hold on to the son she loved A newspaper reporter asked the boy 24 he would show his scarsThe boy lifted his legsAnd then,with clear 25 ,he said to the reporter,“But look at my arms,I havegreat scars on my arms,tooI have them because my mother wouldnt let go”( )16Ahearing Bunderstanding Cfeeling Drealizing( )17Aran Bwalked Cjumped Dmoved( )18Asmiling Bshouting Ctalking Dnodding( )19Achange Bmistake、 Cface Dturn( )20Adangerous Bclose C1ate Dearly( )21A1egs Barms Chands Dfeet( )22Afaster Btaller Cbigger Dstronger( )23Afollowed Bwritten C1eft Dbroken( )24Awhere Bhow Cwhen Dwhether( )25Asadness Bpride Cpurpose Dservice三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 ABetter Time for Teenagers to Keep Healthy( )26Teenagers often go to bed hour (s) later than the time the experts suggest Aone Btwo Cthree Done and a half( )27 and are helpful to keep teenagers strong according to the information above ADrinking milk;eating fruits BGoing to bed brushing teeth CEating fruits;going to bed DBrushing teeth;eating fruits( )28Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above? ASome experts suggest washing fruits carelessly before meals BTo brush the tongue after meals is good for a deep sleep. CTeenagers with a stomachache had better not drink milk DThe earlier people go to bed,the healthierthey will be B “On a spring night,we offer book lovers a desk and a lightYou can stay here as long as you want to”This is the slogan (宣传语) of Sanlian Taofen Bookstore in Beijing Earlier this month,Sanlian Taofen Bookstore became the first 24-hour bookstore in the cityIt hopes to encourage more people to read books Bookstores are the brain of a cityAlthough many people can now buy books online,many readers still like the feeling in bookstoresThey can touch the books and smell the print In China, most cities are home to at least one bookstoreSome have special themesPopular Holdings (大众书局) in Shanghai is a film-themed bookstoreThere are film books and posters (海报) insideOther bookstores have colourful activities Eslite Bookstore (诚品书店) in Taiwan has activities like talks with famous writers as well as holding gallery shows (画展)People e here not only for reading but also to municate with others( )29Popular Holdings in Shanghai is one of the bookstores with . Aa small gallery Bcolourful activities Ca special slogan Da special theme( )30Which of the following can best describe peoples feeling in bookstores? ABeing the brain of the city BTouching the books and smelling the print CStaying inside as long as possible DBuying books online with enjoyment( )31Whats special about Sanlian Taofen Bookstore in Beijing? AIt allows readers to stay there only at night BIt offers readers a desk and a light CIt is the first 24-hour bookstore in the city DIt hopes book lovers will read there( )32The best title to explain the main idea of the text is“ ”. ABuying Books in Bookstores BWarm Places for Reading CA New Bookstore in China DGreat Bookstores Online C Maaseik,a city in Belgium,has opened an exhibition of about 200 relics (文物) andtreasures of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907),showing Chinas golden age of ancient civilization (文明) The exhibition,which opened on May 11,continues until Oct 20,is part of the cityseffort to create a center of Chinese cultureBelgian Princess Mathilde announced the beginning of the exhibition,titled“Chinas Golden Age:Treasure from the Tang Dynasty” The itemsincluding gold plate and silver wares (器) for royal families (王室) and the paintingsand figurines (雕像),have recently been on exhibit in the Dutch city of Assen。 All of the exhibited items are from Chinas Shaanxi province and its provincial capital Xian,the city with the largest population in the world at the time and once the capital of the Tang DynastyThe Tang period is generally considered as a high point in Chinese civilization-equal to,or better than that of the earlier Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220),a golden age of Chinese culture Several years ago,said Dirk Verlaak,vice-mayor (副市长) of Maaseik,his city and Assen teamed up to host history and culture exhibitions of Chinas first two wonderful dynasties,the Qin (221-206 BC) and the HanThe Chinese relics and treasures attracted 350,000 visitors in Assen and 190,000 in Maaseik “Westerners dont know much about Chinas ancient civilization and history,and we get to believe the new exhibition in Maaseik can attract more visitors,”said Verlaak( )33How long will the exhibition last? AAbout 3 months BAbout 4 months CAbout 5 months DAbout 6 months( )34Maaseik held the exhibition in order to Amake money Beducate people Cattract foreign visitors Dspread Chinese culture( )35Whats Dirk Verlaaks attitude (态度) towards the exhibition? ADoubtful BConfident CWorried DExcited( )36Which of the following statements is NOT true? ADirk Verlaak is interested in Chinese history BAll the items in the exhibition are from China CA sen attracted more visitors than Maaseik several years agoDThis is the first time that Maaseik has held such an exhibition D A team of US psychologists (心理学家) have found that talking to another person for ten minutes a day helps with memory “Socializing (交际) is just as useful as more traditional exercise in boosting memory and intellectual performance,” Oscar Ybarra,a psychologist at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research said In one survey,they researched on 3610 people,aged 24 to 96 They found that the higher their level of social munication,the better their cognitive (认知的) workingSocial munication includes getting together or having phone chats with relatives,friends and neighbors In another experiment,the researchers carried out laboratory tests on 76 college students,aged 18 to 21,to evaluate (评估) how social munication and intellectual exercises influenced the results of memory and mental performance tests The students were divided into three groups:the social munication group had a discussion of a social matter for 10 minutes before taking the tests;the intellectual activitiesgroup pleted three tasks (including a reading prehension (理解) exercise and a crossword puzzle (填字游戏) before the tests;and a control group watched a 10-minute film of the Seinfeld television show “We found that short-term social munication lasting for just 10 minutes improved membersintellectual performance as much as engaging in (从事) so-calledintellectualactivities for t he same amount of time,” Ybarra said The study was expected to be published in the February issue of the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin( )37What does the underlined word“boosting”in the second paragraph probably mean? AImproving BReducing CPreventing DTraimng( )38Which is not included in social munication? AHaving a talk with a neighbor BAttending a birthday party CWatching TV at home alone DCalling your classmates( )39Whats the purpose of the experiment on 76 college students? ATo find out the influence of social munication on memory and intelligence BTo find out what is real social munication CTo learn how much time is needed for social municationDTo show the importance of peoples cognition( )40Whats the main idea of the passage? AIntellectual exercises make your memory better BDifferent people have different ways of munication Cmunicating with others keeps you healthy DSocial munication makes you smart四、词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子所给汉语注释或通过上下文,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。41I think one of the (有利条件) of living in the countryside is not too much noise42What bad weather! Im afraid the outdoor activity will be (取消)43If you find (你们自己) lost in the forest,boys and girls,you should keep calm first44Have you ever watched the (升高) of the national flag at Tiananmen square?45Some young people like reading novels on their mobile phones but it is (有害的)to their eyes46About eleven (十二) of the wall was painted grey47She is one of the excellent (演员) loved by people forever48一Did you really steal your classmatesmoney? 一Trust me,mom! I have to do with the theft49I feel so sorry for the guy living under the bridge 一Dont have on that manHe is just lazy50一Mum,can I get something to drink? Im really 一There is some juice in the fridge五、句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)51孩子们不允许独自一人在河里游泳。 52这套房子如此贵,很少有人能买得起。 53当我们到达机场时,天正下着大雨。 54这些中国结都是手工制作的。 55你说的话已经影响了我的心情。 六、书面表达(共1题;满分20分) 读书能影响人的一生,自古就有“读万卷书,行万里路的说法,但对于二者孰轻孰重,同学们各有观点。请你根据下列表格,以“Reading or Traveling”为题写一篇短文。词数不少于90字。 Reading or Travelling 参考答案一、15 ADCBC 610 DDADC 1115 BBACB二、1620 DABDC 21一25 BDCDB 三、2630 BACDB 31一35 CBCDB 3640 DACAD 四、41advantages 42cancelled 43yourselves 44raising 45harmful 46twelfths 47actresses 48nothing 49pity 50thirsty五、51,Children are not allowed to swim in the river aloneby themselves 52The house is so expensive that few people can afford itto buy it 53It was raining heavily when we arrived atreachedgot to the airport 54These Chinese knots are all made by hand 55Wlat you said has influenced my moods六、 Some students think reading is more important because reading not only makes our life colourful but also helps us get more knowledgeAt the same time,they think many great people share their feelings and experiences with us in booksHowever,some other students prefer to travel outsideThey think travelling can help us experience the world on our own. Whats more,we can feel different cultures by travellingFinally,travelling can also improve our daily living abilinties I think both reading and travelling are importantWe should keep a balance between reading and travelling


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