2019-2020年中考英语(人教版)考点跟踪突破44 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语(人教版)考点跟踪突破44 含答案(一)(xx,天津)根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A:Hi,Tom!You look very happy today.B:Oh,yes.Guess what?My best friend Ben is ing.A:Oh,really?1._C_B:Tomorrow.I cant wait to see him.A:2._A_B:For two weeks.A:3._E_B:He is really friendly.Im sure you will like him when you see him.A:What does he look like?B:4._F_A:Could you introduce him to me?B:5._B_AHow long will he stay?BOf course.CWhen is he ing?DWhat is it?EWhat is he like?FHe is tall and strong.GHow often does he visit you?(二)(xx,重庆)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A:Hello,this is Guotai Cinema.What can I do for you?B:6._F_ My booking card number is 879623059.A:Could you tell me what movie youd like to watch?B:My Old Classmate.A:OK.We have My Old Classmate at 1:00,3:00 and 5:00.7._A_B:Id like the movie beginning at 3:00.A:All right.8._D_B:Two.A:We have only 10 seats left now.They are in Row One and Row Four.B:Let me see.9._B_ What are the numbers?A:They are No.3,Row Four and No.5,Row Four.B:OK.Thats it.A:So,well leave the two tickets for you.Please remember to take the tickets half an hour before the movie begins.B:No problem.A:10._C_ See you.B:See you.AWhat time would you choose?BId like the seats in Row Four.CThanks for calling.DHow many tickets do you want?EYes,sure.FId like to book (预定) movie tickets for tomorrow afternoon.GHow much are they?(三)(xx,兰州)阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句意完整、符合逻辑。(其中有两项为多余选项)A:Wanda Cinema booking line.11._C_B:Hello.yes.Id like to book two tickets for the latest XMen,please.A:Certainly.When for?There are showings at 5:30 pm.,8 pm.and 10:30 pm.every day.B:In that case,I think the 5:30 one on Friday,please.A:Ill just check.Sorry,that showing is fully booked.12._B_B:Er.yes,please.If you could.A:Yes,there are seats for the 8 oclock showing.Do you want them?B:Yes,please.A:13._D_B:Jecob Black.Its 63587102.14._E_A:You can collect your tickets from the box office any time from 5 pm.today to ten minutes before the start of the film on Friday.B:Thank you.A:15._G_ Goodbye.AOf course.BWould you like me to try the later one?CCan I help you?DCan I take your name and telephone number,please?EWhen can I get my tickets?FHow do you like Xmen films?GYoure wele.(四)(xx,安徽)Brian:Hi,Cindy.16._B_Cindy:Hi,Brian.It is nice to see you and so many old classmates.Brian:So it is.17._F_Cindy:Youre right.Its really a long time.Brian:Did you see the old photos on the wall?Cindy:I sure did.18._E_Brian:But those are some great memories.Cindy:Hey!19._D_Brian:Yes,it is.I remember he used to stay up all night studying.Cindy:20._G_Brian:Yes.He was the only one left in the class when he woke up.Cindy:That was really funny.AWhat happened?BLong time no see!CWho took these photos?DIsnt that John over there?EWe looked so funny in them.FI cant believe its been ten years.GAnd then he would fall asleep in class.(五)(xx,福州)阅读下面对话,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。(其中有两项多余)A:Hi,Li Jun.21._E_B:Yes,the first National Youth Games will be held in Fuzhou.A:Great!22._A_B:Itll start in October,xx.Look,here is a photo of the main stadium.A:Wow,it looks grand.23._B_B:Fuzhou Strait Olympic Game Center.A:Really nice.What else about the Games?B:Thirtyone thousand volunteers are wanted.24._C_A:Sure!Its an honor to serve the players and visitors.B:So it is.25._G_A:Lets look forward to this big event.AWhen will it be?BWhats the name of it?CShall we be volunteers?DWhats in todays newspaper?EAnything new in todays paper?FHow can we bee volunteers?GEveryone is supposed to make contributions.(六)(xx,玉林)从方框中选择恰当的句子补全下面对话。(其中有两项是多余的选项)A:Hi,Eric!B:Hi,David!A:26._B_?B:Mm.I think it means some personal qualities between friends.A:Then,what are the two most important things for being good friends?B:Thats a really difficult question,David.I could hardly answer it right now.A:I see.But 27._E_Im sure you can.B:Well,the most important thing is to be honest.A:28._G_?B:OK.If your best friend asks you whether his haircut is cool,but it isnt,29._F_A:Cant we just say something good not to hurt his feelings (感情)?B:Never.If friends cant be honest with each other,then who can?A:30._C_?B:Its to help your friends whenever they are in trouble.A:So you are helping me now,right?B:I think so.AShall we talk about friendshipBWhat do you think of friendshipCWhats the second thingDYou can give it upEyou are so cleverFyou have to tell the truthGCan you give me an example(七)(xx,黔南)根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。其中有两项为多余选项。A:Hello,Dave speaking!B:Hi,Dave.Its Jacky!31._E_A:Tomorrow is Dans birthday.32._G_ You know,her parents are working in Guangdong and shes alone.B:Thats a good idea!You are so kind.A:33._D_B:Yes,Id love to.34._A_A:At five oclock in the afternoon.B:OK.Ill get to your house on time.A:35._C_B:I will.Bye.A:Bye.AWhen will it start?BWill you be free tomorrow?CRemember to tell Betty!DWould you like to e to the party?EWhats up?FWhat would you like to drink?GI want to hold a party for her.(八)(xx,贵阳)从所给的选项中选择五个选项填空,使对话完整。A:How was your day off,Lucy?Did you have a good time?B:Oh,no!36._C_A:Really?What happened?B:Well,we went camping and the weather was terrible.37._G_A:Oh,thats too bad.B:Ugh!Because the weather was so bad,we went for a drive.38._A_ It was really boring.A:Sounds terrible,Larry.B:How about your day off,Tony?A:It was terrible!I studied very hard for my math test last week.39._F_ When I woke up,it was already 12 oclock.I got up and went to my friend Daves house,but he wasnt there.40._D_B:So what did you do then?A:I helped my mom and dad clean the yard.B:Sounds like a busy day off.ABut I dont like driving.BThere were many people there.CIt was quite awful.DHe was at the beach.EI felt really excited.FSo I slept late.GIt rained and rained all day long.(九)(xx,永州)根据你的实际情况,完成以下调查访谈。Reporter:Hi,Im a reporter.Can I ask you some questions?You:Of course,please.Reporter:I know youre a student in this school.Do you live in the school or at home?You:41._Reporter:What do you think of your school life?You:42._Reporter:What do you usually do in your free time?You:43._Reporter:When do you do your homework?You:44._Reporter:How do you get along with your classmates?You:45._Reporter:Thank you.You:Youre wele.(十)(xx,毕节)Tim:Hello,this is Tim speaking.Is that Jeff?Jeff:Hello,this is Jeff.Whats up?Tim:Jeff,there will be a school sports meet this Sunday.Would you like to go with me?Jeff:Good idea.46.What_will_we_take?Tim:Well take some sports clothes and sports shoes.Jeff:47.Can_I_take_some_photos?Tim:Yes,you can take your camera.Jeff:48.Will_anyone_else_go_with_us?Tim:Yes,Ann will go with us.Jeff:49.When_will_we_meet?Tim:Lets meet at seven oclock.Jeff:50.And_where_will_we_meet?Tim:At the school gate.Jeff:All right.See you.Tim:See you.(十一)(xx,孝感)A:Hi,Tina.What are you going to do this weekend?B:51.Im_going_to_a_concertA:A concert?What kind of concert is it?B:A piano concert.It is held for charity.A:52.Are_there_many_famous_musicians?B:Yes,there are many famous musicians,such as Li Yundi,a wellknown Chinese pianist.53.Would_you_like_to_go_with_me?A:Certainly,Id like to.Li Yundi is my favorite musician.54.How_much_is_the_ticket?B:120 yuan.A:Oh,its too dear.I cant afford it.B:I dont have so much money,either.I plan to sell newspapers to raise money.A:55.Thats_a_good_idea/Good_idea.Can I join you?B:No problem.(十二)(xx,绥化)根据对话内容,用适当的短语或句子将对话补充完整。SSusanLLi TaoS:What are you going to do on vacation,Li Tao?L:Oh,Susan,56.Im_going_to_Britain/I_will_(shall)_go_to_Britain/I_want_(would_like/plan)_to_go_to_BritainS:Britain!Are you kidding?Its so far from here.L:That true,but I want to have a try.S:Of course.Youll be fine.57.When_will_you_go_there/When_are_you_going_to_go_there/When_would_you_like_to_go?L:Next week.S:Are you going alone?L:No,Im going with my mum.S:What places will you visit?L:Well visit many interesting places,such as the Big Ben,British Museum and so on.S:Sounds great.58.How_long_will_you_stay_there?L:About two weeks.59.How_(What)_about_you/Where_are_you_going/What_are_you_going_to_do?S:Im going to take part in a summer camp in Harbin.L:Sounds interesting!60.I_hope_youll_enjoy_it/Have_a_good_(great/wonderful)_time/Have_fun/Enjoy_yourself!S:Thanks!(十三)(xx,昆明)根据对话内容,在空白处写出恰当的句子,使对话意思连贯完整。所写句子应与所给的标点符号一致。A:Hi,Alice.Would you like to help save the environment?B:Id love to.But I dont know how to do it.A:First,you can start by turning off the lights.B:61.OK/Sure/No_problem/Thats_easy.Ill do it from now on.Whats next?A:Well,62.can_you_ride_a_bike?B:Yes,I can.I ride a bike to school every day.A:So second,ride a bike or walk.63.Dont_drive_a_car/Dont_take_a_car/bus/taxi/Youd_better_not./You_shouldnt.The traffic is too heavy.B:I think so.What else?A:Third,you can save water.B:64.How_can_I_save_water/How_do_I_save_water/What_should_I_do_to.?A:Thats easy.Turn off the shower when youre not using it.B:You are an environmental protector.Ill learn from you!Thanks a lot.A:65.You_are_wele/Its_my_pleasure.


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