2019-2020年中考英语复习考点跟踪突破26 动词和动词短语.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语复习考点跟踪突破26 动词和动词短语.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年中考英语复习考点跟踪突破26动词和动词短语1Do you think our basketball team will win the match?Yes,we have better players.So I _C_ them to win.(xx,华县模拟)AhopeBhelpCexpectDexchange2It will _A_ only about 50 minutes to travel to Mount Wuyi by highspeed railway.Wow,how exciting!I cant wait.(xx,横山模拟)Atake Bspend Ccost Dpay3Its wellknown that learning English well _A_ time and efforts.(xx,清涧模拟)Arequires Bwastes Ctakes Dimproves4Do you know the song Where has the time gone?Sure.It _C_ beautiful.I like it a lot.(xx,鄂州)Asmells Btastes Csounds Dlooks5You have to be a fairly good speaker to _A_ listeners interest for over an hour.(xx,包头)Ahold Bmake Cimprove Dreceive6In America,you can open your presents immediately.You dont have to _B_!(xx,大连)Apay Bwait Ccheck Dprepare7Mary,stop talking online._C_ your time.You have much work to do.OK,Mom.Ill stop in a minute.(xx,蓝田模拟)ASpend BWaste CValue DUse8Which Tshirt would you like?The cotton one.It _C_ soft and fortable.(xx,千阳模拟)Asmells Btastes Cfeels Dsounds9Ill pick you up at the stop sign where 50 meters ahead the two roads _B_(xx,武汉)Afit Bmeet Cface Dreach10The librarian told me that I could _C_ these magazines for three days.(xx,盐城)Aborrow Bbuy Ckeep Dreturn11The money _B_ real.In fact,its not.(xx,商南模拟)Ais Blooks Cmust be Dare12Must I practice the violin now,Mom?No,you _D_You can go out for a walk.(xx,六盘水)Amustnt Bshouldnt Ccant Dneednt13I think we need to sit down and have a talk.I _B_ agree more.Lets take the bench over there.(xx,无锡)Acould Bcouldnt Cshould Dshouldnt14Do you have any plans for this summer vacation?Im not sure.I _C_ take a trip to Taiwan.(xx,盐城)Amust Bneed Cmay Dshould15I have a serious headache._A_ I go to school?No,you neednt.(xx,黄石)AMust BCan CShould DMay16Who will give us the speech on public manners?Mr. Brown _D_,but Im not sure.(xx,常州)Acan Bneed Cmust Dmight17Jack _C_ be in the office now.I saw him on the street just now.(xx,府谷模拟)Aneednt Bmustnt Ccant Dshouldnt18Whose is that red coat?It _C_ be Johns.His is yellow.(xx,抚顺)Amust Bmustnt Ccant Dcan19Where is my key?I _B_ find it.Dont worry,Mom.It must be somewhere in your room.(xx,子洲模拟)Acan Bcant Cmay Dmustnt20Unless you try your best,you _D_ have a chance to succeed.(xx,辽阳)Aneednt Bcouldnt Cmustnt Dcant21Alice,dont put your things here,_C_OK,I will.(xx,铜仁)Aput away them Bput on themCput them away Dput them on22Your mother always _C_ in you,right?(xx,南充)Atake pride Btake proudCtakes pride Dtakes proud23Girl:Im _D_ the trip which we can go whenever we want to go.(xx,大荔模拟)Boy:Youll take me,and Ill take the money.Ataking part in Btaking care ofClooking back at Dlooking forward to24This food is free.You dont have to _B_ it.(xx,河北)Alook for Bpay for Cask for Dwait for25What should we do for the disabled children in the Childrens Home?Youre supposed to _C_ a study group to help them.(xx,黄冈)Atake up Bfix upCset up Dstay up26You say you are short of money.Why not sell your old gold watch for some money?(xx,襄阳)Oh,I cant,because it was a gift from my wife.I promised her I would never _D_ it.Acare about Blook afterCstick to Dpart with27I hope to be a volunteer on weekends.(xx,鄂州)You could help to _D_ the city parks.Acheer up Bmake up Ctake up Dclean up28We _D_ pay to get into the concert.Its free.(xx,米脂模拟)Acant BmustntCmight not Ddont have to29The volunteers _B_ many signs to remind people to protect the environment.(xx,云南)Aput on Bput upCput down Dput off30Life is a journey with trouble,but with care and wisdom you can _A_ any problem you face.(xx,常州)Awork out Bhard outCfind out Dput out31Waiter,I ordered beef noodles,but I cant see any beef in the noodles!(xx,昆明)_C_ your glasses and you can see the beef.APut off BPut upCPut on DPut into32Its reported that Ma Yun has _C_ the biggest Internet pany in China.(xx,黄陵模拟)Afixed up Bcut upCset up Dlooked up33No matter how hard it is,dont _B_Things will be better in the future.(xx,吴起模拟)Agive out Bgive upCgive away Dgive back34Dear sister,does the TV show Dad es back _C_ our father?(xx,定边模拟)Sure.Dad has been away for about ten years.Alet you down Bhelp you outCremind you of Dcheer you up35Youd better _D_ the test paper before handing in it.(xx,宜宾)Ago ahead Bgo on Cgo off Dgo over36Tommy,dont make a noise!If you have any questions,please _B_ your hands.Sorry,Mr. Smith.I wont do it again.(xx,达州)Aput on Bput up Cput off Dput out37Do you know our new manager?Yes.He _C_ to be a friend of my brother.(xx,苏州)Aturns up Bturns onCturns out Dturns off38MERS (中东呼吸综合症) is a terrible disease.What should we do?Dont be nervous.Scientists are trying their best to _A_ ways to treat it.(xx,丹凤模拟)Afind out Blook forward toCtalk about Dset up39Dont _A_ her invitation.She will be disappointed.(xx,富县模拟)Aturn down Bpull downCtake down Dwrite down40I forgot to bring my dictionary.Could I use yours?Yes,you _A_(xx,安徽)Acan Bmust Ccould Dshould41If you _C_ smoke,please go outside.(xx,杭州)Acan Bmay Cmust Dmight42It _A_ about eight minutes for sunlight (阳光) to travel from the sun to the earth.(xx,临沂)Atakes Bspends Ccosts Dpays43This is quite a new phrase.Right.It has already _C_ the language.Aspoken Bused Centered Dcovered44Recycling is good,so dont _D_ bottles or newspapers.(xx,江西)Afind out Bhand inCuse up Dthrow away45iPhones and iPads are so popular these days.Yes,they can _B_ our eyes to the outside world.(xx,乌鲁木齐)Aturn up Bopen up Ccall up Dthink up46Who reached the station on time?I _C_!In fact,I arrived there 5 minutes earlier.Awas Breached Cdid Ddo47Choosing the right circle of the friends will _A_ us a lot of troubles,heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret.Asave Bshare Ckeep Dbring48Do you like swimming in winter?Of course.The water _A_ a bit cold at first,but then I am warm and full of energy.Afeels Btastes Csmells Dlooks

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