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2019-2020年九年级上学期第一次检测英语试卷 一、听力(共15小题,满分25分) 第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。回答问题。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)( ) 1. What did the girl do last night?A. stayed at home B. visited the museumC. went to the concert( ) 2. When will they go to the library?A. Next Tuesday.B. Next Monday. C. Next Thursday.( ) 3. What was Sam doing?A. He was cleaning the floor.B. He was playing football.C. He was drawing on the wall.( ) 4. What kind of music does Linda like?A. Rock music.B. Country music. C. Light music.( ) 5. What does the mans answer mean?A. The woman cant sit beside him. B. The woman can sit beside him.C. Someone else will sit beside him.第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。回答问题。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)听下面一段较长对话,回答6,7两个问题。( ) 6. What color does the mans daughter like best?A. Yellow. B. Blue. C. Red.( ) 7. Which coat does the man choose in the shop?A. The 150yuan one.B. The 80yuan one.C. Neither.听下面一段较长对话,回答8-10三个问题。8. Why is John so excited? A. Because his parents will take him to his uncles home. B. Because his parents will take him to England. C. Because he will meet his friends at the airport from London.9. When and where are they going? A. To London in two weeks. B. To the USA next Friday. C. To England next week.10. When are they ing back? A. At the end of July. B. In the middle of July. C. On July 5th.第三节:听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成下面的信息记录表。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)Information CardTime now6:00 amWeather informationSnow has been falling since 11 Suggested ways of transportation 12 Influence to the schoolSome schools in the countryside are 13 More information about the weather 14 will last for at least two more days.Time for the next 15 In two hours( )11. A. Today( )12. A. Drive a car( )13. A. closed( )14. A. Wind( )15. A. musicB. yesterday afternoonB. WalkB. open as usualB. SnowB. weatherC. last nightC. Take a busC. brokenC. CloudC. news第二部分 笔试 (95分)二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 It is December 25th ,2151. the people in the city are all celebrating 16 . Im mayor (市长) of our city. My citizens and I are holding a big party under the sea., 17 you wouldnt believe it. But please do not feel excited, you should feel sad because we have to live under the 18 . Because of the pollution, the earth has been pletely 19 , from top to bottom. The atmosphere has no oxygen(氧气) or moisture(水分). As a result, the 20 are burned by the intense(强烈的) sunlight with a great number of 21 rays. Of course, none of them are alive. Not only no green, but also the temperature reaches about 121c all day even in winter 22 there is too much CO2 circling the earth. On the land, there is no life. 23 , the sea is not destroyed by humans. Therefore, we have to move into the sea. At the bottom of the water, people have built many new cities, including 24 . there is a lot of advanced equipment in each city. puters are 25 to control (操控) all the machines, even the peoples life. We can also 26 the seawater into fresh water. There are two machines making oxygen,. If they 27 working for only one minute, more than 10 million people will die. The population of our city is over 30 million and, of course, it is quite 28 . We have lots of high buildings and overbridges. The roads are wide, too. Our vehicles are miniature(微型的) UFOs. Dont be 29 . It is true. At the bottom of the sea you cannot 30 anything, because there is no light from dawn till dusk. However , we have advanced lighting equipment so that we can see the “sun” under the sea.16. A. New Years Day B. ChristmasC. Teachers Day D. National Day17. A. though B. so C. or D. and18.A. sun B. building C. sea D. tree19. A. protected B. used C. built D. destroyed20. A. plants B. animalsC. houses D. roads21. A. colorful B. usefulC. helpful D. harmful22. A. and B. so C. but D. because23. A. Suddenly B. CarefullyC. Luckily D. Wonderfully24. A. we B. us C. our D. ours25. A. bought B. sold C. used D. borrowed26. A. bring B. take C. make D. let27. A. like B. start C. decide D. stop28. A. crowded B. quiet C. free D. busy29. A. excited B. surprised C. sad D. interested30. A. hear B. Feel C. smell D. see三阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AA On a Quiet Night Tang Li BaiI saw the moonlight before my couch, And wonder if it were not the frost on the ground,I raised my head and looked out on the mountain moon, I bowed my head and thought of my far-off home.B Homesickness- by Yu GuangzhongIn my childhood,Homesickness was a small stamp.I was here.And my mother was over there,When I grew up,Homesickness was a narrow ship-ticket.I was hereAnd my bride was over there:And then Homesickness was _32_.With me outsideAnd my mother inside:But now,Homesickness is a shallow strait.I am on this side.And the mainland is on the other side31. Poem A was written by in Dynasty.A. Du Fu, TangB. Bai Juyi, Tang C. Li Bai, Tang D. Sushi, Song32. Choose the best phrase to fill in the blank.A. a big rockB. a huge mountain C. a small tomb(坟墓) D. a long river33. Whats the theme of the two poems?A.Missing hometown B.Talking about friendshipC. Missing mother D. Talking about cityB The word science means “knowledge”, or “ information”. Scientists are people who study the world to get knowledge or information. Scientists ask how things work. They use their senses to get knowledge. They think about what they learn. First, scientists ask questions . then ,they look for answers to questions. Where do the colors of a rainbow from? There are many colors in a rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Light doesnt look like it has color. Yet, rainbows have the colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. What happens to the colors when the rainbow goes away? When you ask questions like these, you are thinking like a scientist. Scientists study the world to get information. Then, scientists take notes about what they learn. They take notes with pictures and numbers, not just words. Scientists who study the colors in sunlight might write about the colors they see. They also might write about the colors they dont see. Scientists use their notes to see what is the same and what is different about things. Scientists have found that the colors in a rainbow can be seen through a three- sided piece of glass called a prism. When sunlight passes through a prism, the sunlight es out as bands of color. Scientists use their notes about color to learn more about sunlight.34. , you are thinking like a scientist. A. If you can answer all kinds of questions B . If you always read science fictions. C. If you sees the colors of a rainbow. D. If you ask questions about how things work. 35. Scientists usually take notes by . A. putting down pictures and numbers. B. putting down words only. C. putting down what is the same and what is different. D. putting down pictures , numbers as well as words.36. The last two paragraphs mainly tell us . A. how scientists take and use notes. B. how scientists draw pictures. C. where scientists get ideas D. what scientists say 37. How have scientists found the colors in sunlight? Put the following in the right order. a They took notes about the colors seen through the prism. b. Tater they found that the colors in a rainbow could be seen through the prism. c. They asked where the colors in a rainbow came from. d. One day they saw the colors in a rainbow. e. They used the notes to study the colors in sunlight and to learn more about sunlight.A . d-c-e-b-a B. d-c-b-a-e C. a-b-d-e-a D. b-a-e-d-cCJohn and Bobby joined the same pany together just after they pleted their university studies the same year. Both of them worked very hard. Several years later, however, the boss promoted(提拔) Bobby to manager but John was still a worker. John could not take it, and gave his resignation(辞职书) to the boss. He plained that the boss did not think much of those who were hard -working, but promoted only those who flattered him.The boss knew that John had worked very hard for the years. He thought a moment and said, “Thank you for what you said, but I hope you will do one more thing for our pany before you leave”John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he had found a man selling watermelons. The boss asked how much they cost every kilogram. John shook his head and went back to the seller to ask and returned to tell the boss $1.2 every kilogram.The boss told John to wait a second, and he called Bobby to e to his office. He asked Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. Bobby went and returned, saying, “Boss, only one person is selling watermelons. $1.2 every kilogram, and $10 for 10 kilograms. The seller has 340 melons. On the table there are 58 melons, and each weighs about 2 kilograms. They were brought from the South two days ago. They are of good quality.”Hearing what Bobby said, John realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided to stay and learn from Bobby.38. How did John feel when Bobby was promoted to manager? A. Angry.B. Nervous.C. Unlucky.D. Helpless.39. The boss gave John a task because_. A. he wanted John to do more for his pany B. he wanted John to learn more about himself C. he wanted to punish John for what he said D. he wanted to prove what John said was right40. We can infer from the passage that_. A. Bobby was unselfishB. John was lazy C. the seller was dishonestD. the boss was wise41. What can we learn from the passage? A. The boss should treat all his workers in a fair way. B. The boss should not promote one who flatters him. C. One should not only work hard but also use his head. D. One should try to get every detail of watermelons.DMr Jones woke early one morning , before the sun had risen,. It was a beautiful morning, so he went to the window and looked out. He was surprised to see a neatly dressed professor, who worked in the university just up the road from Mr Joness house, ing from the direction of the town. He was carrying an umbrella, a morning newspaper and a bag. Mr Jones thought that he must have arrived by the night train and decided to walk to the university instead of taking a taxi.Mr Jones had a big tree in his garden, and children had tied a long rope to it so that they could swing (荡秋千) on it.Mr Jones was surprised to see the professor stop when he saw the rope, and look carefully up and down the road. When he saw there was nobody in sight, he walked into the garden(there was no fence), put his umbrella, newspaper, and bag neatly on the grass and took hold of the rope. He pulled it hard to see whether it was strong enough to take his weight. Then he ran as fast as he could and swung into the air on the end of the rope. Backwards and forwards he swung, enjoying himself very much.At last the professor stopped, bed (梳理) his hair carefully , picked up his umbrella, newspaper and bag, and continued on his way to the university, looking as quiet and correct and respectable as one would expect a professor to be.42.The university was . A. near Mr Joness house B. far from Mr Joness house C.in front of Mr Joness house D. behind Mr Joness house43. Which of the following is TRUE? A. When Mr Jones woke up, it was still dark. B .Mr Joness garden was protected by a fence. C. The professor was carrying an umbrella because it was raining. D. The professor looked like someone who cared a lot about dress.44. The professor stopped by the rope because . A. he thought that it was dangerous for the children B. he wanted to untie(解开) it from the tree. C. he wanted to play with it. D. he had never seen so long a rope before.45. Which is the best title for the story?A.A Beautiful Scence B.A Funny TeacherC.Mr Joness Neighbour D.Mr Joness Garden四、词汇运用(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。use go through discuss nine invent46.Lets have a about this project.47.The month of a year is September.48.Cars are not allowed to the city centre.49. The Internet is very for us. We can easily find information on it.50. What do you think is the greatest of the twentieth century?B阅读下面短文,根据所给中文正确拼写单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。(10分)Here are some Chinese traditional festivals. Lets share them together. Qingming FestivalIt often falls on April4-6 each year. People often 51 (提供)their favorite food to their ancestors(祖先) and the tombs of the dead. Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served. People also enjoy hope of spring on this day. The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun 52 (照耀)brightly, the trees and grass bee green and nature is again lively. So people love to fly kites. Lantern FestivalIt is the first 53 (传统的)Chinese holiday after the Spring Festival. And it often es on the 15th in Chinese first lunar month. People often perform(表演)dragon dances during the day and hold lantern 54 (展览) and guess lantern riddles谜语that night. The full moon of the night stands for the hope of all the Chinese for the 55 (整个的)year. Mid- Autumn FestivalIt falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. The festival has a long 56 (历史) . Theres also a love story about Change and Houyi in the festival. Today people will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day. Also, all family 57 (成员) or friends meet outside, putting food on tables and looking up at the sky 58 (当时候) talking about life. Double Seventh FestivalIts on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, it is a traditional festival full of romance. There are many Chinese folk tales (民间传说) about love and one of the most famous is Niu Lang and Zhi Nu. Chinese girls 59 (准备)fruits , melons and incense(香) for their lovers. In the evening, people sit outside to observe the Mars and Chinese grannies often tell 60 (故事)五、语法填空(共10小题:根据短文每空填一词或用以所给词的适当形式填空。每题1分,满分10分) A young British woman arrived in Hong Kong for the _ (one) time. She knew little about the Chinese culture. One day she went _ (visit) a friend and was given a cup of tea. She was not thirsty at all, _ she felt she should drink it up. So she started drinking as much as she _ . But as _ as her cup became half-full, the host insisted on _ (fill) it up. She told the host that she had had _, but her cup kept being filled, and she went on drinking. She drank twelve_ of tea altogether! _ (late) she came to know that she should have just stopped drinking to show that she had _ (drink)enough.六、任务型阅读 (每小题1分, 共5分)阅读下面短文,从方框中找出每段的中心句,与每一段落匹配起来。Maybe you think of yourself as a good friend, but are you really? If youre not sure, its time to think about what makes a true friend._71_. A good friend is busy but still manages to make time for your friends. He does not see friendships as a waste of time, or something to pay attention to only when he needs a favour._72_. Always be ready to listen to what the other person is telling you, even if sometimes it makes you unfortable._73_. Nothing ends a friendship faster than abandoning (抛弃) a friend in need._74_. When it seems like no one in your life will tell you the truth, your friend will have your back._75_. A true friend doesnt gossip(说闲话) behind your back. When he doesnt agree with you, its done in a respectful way that is meant for you both to e to an understanding.A. Be respectful.B. Be ready to listen.C. Be honest.D. Be there when your friend needs help.E. Make time for friends.七.书面表达。 76.大作文(本题20分)某学校要求学生每天早晨跑1500米, 家长对此持不同的意见。请根据以下提示写一篇短文, 介绍家长的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。赞成的理由(1) 增强体质;(2) 帮助放松;(3) 有助于智力发展;反对的理由(1) 每天上课,还有许多作业要做;(2) 部分学生身体不能承受;你的看法 要求:(1)须包括表格中全部内容;(2)词数:100字左右。 Should students run 1,500 metres every day?听力材料及参考答案听力材料:第一节听短对话,回答问题。1.M: How was the concert last night? W: It was a waste of time and money. We should have stayed at home.2. M: Shall we go to the library next Monday? W: All right. See you then!3. W: Dont draw on the wall, Sam. M: Pardon? W: I asked you not to draw on the wall. You can help me clean the floor.4. M: Do you like rock music, Linda? W: No, I dont. Its too noisy. I prefer light music.5. W: Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here? M: No, of course not.第二节、听长对话,回答问题。 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6至7两小题。W: May I help you, sir?M: Yes. Im looking for a coat for my daughter.W: These coats are for boys. This way, please.M: Well, that yellow coat is nice. May I have a look at it?W: Sure, here you are.M: How much is it?W: 150 yuan.M: Thats a bit expensive. Do you have a cheaper one?W: The blue one is cheaper. its 80 yuan. M: But my daughter doesnt like this color. She likes red best. Ill go to another shop to have a look.听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8至10三小题。W: John, you look so excited. Any good news?M: Yeah. My parents will take me to England by plane.W: Great! How long are you going to stay there?M: Well, my parents said we were going to stay there for about two weeks.W: I see. So when will you leave? Next week?M: Yes, we will leave on July 1st, next Tuesday.W: Next Tuesday ?Its only in four days time. Oh, have a good time. See you then.M: Thanks, see you.第三节:听独白,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。 Its six oclock in the morning and here is the local news. The bad weather has brought lots of trouble to the local areas. The heavy snow which has been falling since yesterday afternoon has caused great trouble. So please dont drive to town. If you must go to town, take a bus or take the train. As the result of the bad weather, some schools in the countryside are closed. In the city, however, schools are open as usual. Its going to snow all day today, and for at least two more days. Well, thats the news at six oclock. The next news will be in two hours time. Now lets have some music.参考答案:一、 15 CBCCB 610 CCBCB 1115 BCABC二、 16-20 BACDA 21-25 DDCDC 26- 30CDABD三 31- 33 CCA 34-37 DDAB 3841 ABDC 42- 45 ADCB四、46 discussion 47 ninth 48 go through 49 useful 50 invention 51 sweep 52 shines 53 traditional 54 show 55 whole 56 history 57 members 58 while/when 59 prepare 60 stories五 61 first 62 to visit 63 but 64 could 65 soon 66 filling 67 enough 68 cups 69 Later 70 drunk六 EBDCA七 略。 武义县实验中学xx学年九年级第一学期第一次检测 英语答题卷 xx.10 第一部分 听力部分一、听力(共15小题,满分25分) 第一节:听


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