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2019-2020年九年级毕业会考英语试题本试卷共8页,共6道大题,满分90分,考试时间60分钟。知识运用(共30分)一、单项填空(共20分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Lily and I are good friends, often help each other. A. You B. We C. They D. She 2. Do you want something to drink? Yes. , please. A. Some bread B. Some tea C. A hamburger D. Some rice 3. March is month of the year. A. third B. three C. the three D. the third 4. My father will be back May. A. in B. at C. on D. from 5. Nina, you look much than when I saw you last year. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest 6. is your little brother like? Hes lovely. A. What B. Where C. Who D. Which 7. There isnt meat in the fridge. A. some B. few C. many D. any 8. When shall we go to the museum, today or tomorrow? are OK. A. Both B. All C. Either D. Neither 9. I many new friends since I came here. A. make B. was making C. will make D. have made 10. Get up early, youll miss the bus. A. so B. and C. but D. or 11. My grandfather doesnt know to use a puter. A. what B. who C. how D. which 12. Please tell him dinner with us. A. have B. to have C. having D. had 13. Mum, can I watch TV now? No, you . Its too late. A. cant B. neednt C. wont D. wouldnt 14. What shall we do tomorrow? How about trees? A. planting B. to plant C. plant D. planted 15. your coat. Its cold outside. A. Look at B. Take off C. Put on D. Hang up 16. We a party next weekend. I hope you can e. A. have B. will have C. had D. would have 17. I enjoy basketball after school. A. play B. played C. playing D. to play 18. What a nice watch it is! Its my birthday present. It in America. A. make B. makes C. is making D. is made 19. What are your students doing now? They football. Lets go and have a look. A. are playing B. will play C. is playing D. were playing 20. Wheres the bus stop? Its over there. A. Thank you B. Excuse me C. All right D. Sorry二、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 One afternoon, Tommy was on his way home from school. When he was passing by his neighbor, Mr. Adamsons house, he found thick 21 ing from the window of the house. He was 22 . He thought the house must be on fire and it might be burnt down. He didnt know whether Mr. Adamson was in the house, 23 he knew he must put out the fire at once. So he ran to his own house, rushed into the bathroom and 24 a big barrel(桶) with water. He was in such a hurry that he forgot to 25 the water before he ran back to Mr. Adamsons house. When he reached the window where the smoke was still ing out, he threw the water 26 the house by the window without looking for where the smoke was. The smoke stopped immediately. But at the same time, there was an angry cry from inside the house. 27 was Mr. Adamson. He was standing by the window with so big a pipe (烟斗) in his hand looking at Tommy 28 . Tommy then understood that it must be the pipe. He stood there, and could not 29 a word. Tommy was very sorry for it. He helped Mr. Adamson clean the floor. However, worst was yet to e. When he went home later, he found his own 30 was flooded (淹没).21. A. waterB. smokeC. windD. fire22. A. afraidB. sadC. excitedD. happy23. A. sinceB. orC. butD. because24. A. filledB. coveredC. livedD. left25. A. turn upB. turn downC. turn onD. turn off26. A. outB. awayC. intoD. up27. A. ThisB. ItC. OneD. Who28. A. angrilyB. quicklyC. lazilyD. happily29. A. tellB. writeC. sayD. talk30. A. schoolB. windowC. carD. house阅读理解(共30分)三、阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分) 阅读短文,从下面各题所给出的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AHappy Childrens PalaceMONDAY19:0020:30English LearningProf. G. WhiteWould you like to improve your English? This is for middle school students.(1 week)TUESDAY19:0020:30PaintingMiss Yang JinWould you like to learn painting?It is for beginners only.(16 weeks)WEDNESDAY15:0016:30Cambridge Young Learners EnglishProf. J. BrownThis course is for the children at primary school.(20 weeks)THURSDAY10:0011:00Swimming ClubCoach: Liu XinWant to keep fit? Want to swim as fast as a fish? e to the club.(9 weeks) 31. What can students learn on Monday at Happy Childrens Palace? A. Painting. B. Swimming. C. English. D. Dancing. 32. When does the swimming lesson begin on Thursday? A. At 10:00. B. At 15:00. C. At 18:00. D. At 19:00. 33. Who teaches children English on Wednesday? A. Prof. G. White. B. Miss Yang Jin. C. Liu Xin. D. Prof. J. Brown. 34. How long does the painting course last? A. 9 weeks. B. 10 weeks. C. 16 weeks. D. 20 weeks.B Dogs can also go to school to learn how to help people who cannot hear. If a person cannot hear, we say he or she is deaf. Dogs who help deaf people must learn many different sounds. Then they must be able to show the deaf person what is making the sound. When they hear a visitor at the door, dogs learn to walk to the deaf person and then walk to the door. And if a telephone rings, they walk to the deaf man or woman and then walk to the telephone. These dogs can also help deaf mothers. If a baby is crying in another room, dogs walk to the mother and then to the baby. These dogs wear a yellow coat to show that they are special dogs that are helping a deaf person. There have been many times when these dogs have saved a life. You may see in a newspaper that a dog heard a fire alarm and lay down near the deaf persons feet. That is the sign for danger. The person knows that something is wrong and can go away from the fire. Special dogs can also help people who are disabled in various ways. For example, dogs can pull off their gloves or socks! Think how difficult your life would be if you were blind, deaf or disabled! But if you had a special dog like this to help you, your life would be much easier. 35. Dogs who help deaf people must learn A. different sounds B. different languages C. different colors D. different faces 36. According to the passage, the special dogs can NOT A. care for babies B. talk to people C. realize the danger D. pull off socks 37. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Special dogs can do what people cannot do. B. Special dogs can only help people who are deaf. C. Special dogs can help people in every part of their life. D. Special dogs can make some peoples life much easier.CWorking Christmas Day It was unusually quiet in the emergency room (急诊室) on December 25. I didnt think there would be any patients, plaining about having to work on. Just then five people showed up at my desk, a pale woman and four small children. Are you all sick? I asked doubtfully. Yes, she said weakly and lowered her head. But when it came to descriptions of their problems, things got a little unclear. Two of the children had headaches, but I couldnt find any normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still. Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was hurting. The mother plained of a cough but seemed to work to produce it. Something was wrong, but I didnt say anything but explained that it might be a little while before a doctor saw her. She replied, Take your time; its warm in here. I checked the form after the admitting clerk had finished her work with the family. No address they were homeless. The waiting room was warm. I looked out at the family standing by the Christmas tree. The youngest one was pointing at the television and shouting something to her mother. The oldest one was looking at the colorful Christmas tree. I went back to the nurses station and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room. The nurses, plaining about working Christmas, turned to pity for a family just trying to get warm on Christmas. The team went into action, much as we do when theres a medical emergency. But this one was a Christmas emergency. We were all offered a free meal in the hospital dining hall on Christmas Day, so we prepared a big one for our Christmas guests. We needed presents, too. We put together oranges and apples in a basket. We collected from different departments candies, crayons and other things that could be presents. As seriously as we met the physical needs of the patients that came to us that day, our team worked to meet the needs, and beyond the expectations, of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas Day. Later, as the family walked to the door to leave, the four-year-old came running back, gave me a hug and whispered, Thanks for being our angels today. 38. Why did the family e to the hospital? A. They were sick. B. They were cold and hungry. C. They wanted to visit friends. D. They got all their money lost. 39. How did the writer and her workmates help the family? A. They offered a free meal to them. B. They bought some presents for them. C. They sent for a doctor for them. D. They asked them to stay overnight in the hospital. 40. What can we learn from the passage? A. The mother was seriously ill. B. The family were driven out of the hospital. C. The writer and her workmates always liked to work on Christmas. D. The family thanked the writer and her workmates for their kindness.四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共l0分,每小题2分) These days when you go on vacation, you spend most of your money just getting there. Travel is expensive, but dont stay home only because you are short of money! Here is some advice: * Travel during off-season if possible. Flights and hotels are very cheaper when tourism is low. * Choose a hotel thats a little farther from popular attractions. If youre staying several days, check out prices on vacation homes it can end up being cheaper than a hotel. * Take public traffic, such as buses or subway, instead of taking a taxi. * Plan your meals, and eat like locals. Dont waste money at expensive hotel restaurants orfast-food chains. Depending on where you stay, it may be cheaper to make food on your own. * Check online for special discount (折扣) if youre a student, the old or the parents traveling with children, you could get discounts! A little research could save you a lot of money. Whether youre backpacking alone or going on a family vacation, your trip doesnt have to break the bank. The key is to plan ahead and write down what you spend. Then put the money you save toward your next trip! 41. Is travel expensive now? 42. How many suggestions are given to save money? 43. Which is cheaper, staying at a hotel or a vacation home? 44. Who could get discounts? 45. What is the passage mainly about? 书面表达(共30分)五、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)46. 别担心,我一到上海就给你写信。 Dont worry. Ill write to you I get to Shanghai.47. 加强锻炼有益于你的健康。 It your health to take exercise. 48我经常帮助杰克学英语。 I often Jack his English. 49昨晚直到父亲回来我才睡觉。 I my father came back last night. 50. 学生们花了一个小时才算出这道数学题。 It the maths problem.六、文段表达(20分) 51. 根据中文和英文提示,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出,其词数不计入所要完成的回信内。所给的英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 假如你是Mike,远在美国的妈妈想了解你在中国最好的朋友的情况。请你给妈妈写封邮件,介绍你在中国最好的朋友。请你根据妈妈的问题回复邮件。提示词语:interest, know each other, help, kind, friendly1. Who is your best friend?2. What does your best friend look like? 3. Why is he/she your best friend?Dear Mum, How are you? Everything is fine in China. You want to get to know my best friend and I will tell you about him / her. Best wishesMike【试题答案】知识运用(共30分)一、单项填空(共20分,每小题1分)1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. D11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. B二、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)21. B 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. D阅读理解(共30分)三、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。(共20分,每小题2分)31. C 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. A 36. B 37. D 38. B 39. A 40. D四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)41. Yes, it is.42. 5.43. A vacation home.44. A student, the old or the parents traveling with children.45. Its about some suggestions on how to cut travel costs. / Its about how to save money on the trip.书面表达(共30分)五、完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 46. Dont worry. Ill write to you as soon as I get to Shanghai. 47. It is good for your health to take exercise. 48. I often help Jack with his English. 49. I didnt go to bed until my father came back last night. 50. It took the students an hour to work out/solve the maths problem.六、文段表达(20分)Dear Mum, How are you? Everything is fine in China. You want to get to know my best friend and I will tell you about him / her. My best friends name is Li Hao. He is tall and thin. He has short black hair with big eyes. He is a lovely, smart and helpful boy. He studies hard and has a good relationship with our classmates. We both take an interest in playing basketball and reading books. I think that is the reason why we have bee good friends. Sometimes we talk about the novels that we read together and share our opinions. After school or at the weekend, we often play basketball with our classmates. I have a lot of fun with him. I enjoy my school life in China. I hope he is my best friend forever.Best wishesMike

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