2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 书面表达选编(1)(I).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 书面表达选编(1)(I)书面表达训练右面这幅图片描绘了中学生交往过程中的一种现象。请根据你对这幅图片的理解用英语写一篇短文,给某英语报社投稿。你的短文应包括以下内容:1. 描述图片内容,如情景、人物、动作,等等;2. 结合漫画,谈谈你的友谊观;3. 结合自身实际,举例谈谈你自己的做法。注意:A. 可参照图中的文字及下面文章开头所给提示,作必要的想象。B. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 Sometimes how to make friends is not an easy task for students. _ _ 【参考范文】Sometimes how to make friends is not an easy task for students. From the picture we can see a boy is offering a girl one hundred yuan in an attempt to make friends with her. Apparently in his eyes, money can buy friendship. Contrary to what the picture conveys, I firmly believe powerful as money seems, it can never buy friendship. Undoubtedly, friendship is supposed to be based on shared interests and activities. Friendship means having someone I can rely on, with whom I can share my happiness and sorrow. Friendship also means being devoted to others, which involves me supporting my friends whenever they are in trouble. Judging from my own experience, the role that friendship plays in my life can never be ignored, so I do treasure my friendship. For example, however occupied with my studies I am, I never fail to keep in touch with my friends. Most importantly, whenever my friends are stuck in a certain difficult situation, I will surely be the first one to give him or her my helping hand. In a word, so long as you can treat your friends with respect and care, you will enjoy a harmonious relationship with your friends even if you are the poorest person in the world.书面表达训练xx年春晚小品扶不扶的原型事件有了新的进展,2015年8月22日,四川达州,3名曾在xx年因扶老人被讹诈为“撞倒”的孩子获得5000元“委屈奖”。当事人蒋某处以行政拘留7日的处罚(因年满70周岁,依法决定不予执行),其子龚某给予行政拘留10日、并处罚款500元的处罚。下图是一幅关于这一事件的一幅漫画。请你根据对这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文。你的短文应包含以下内容:1. 这幅漫画想要告诉我们什么;2. 如果你遇到同类情况,扶还是不扶?并说出你的理由。注意:1. 词数100个左右。2. 提示词: grievance award委屈奖 racketeer v / racketeering n敲诈勒索 detain v /detention n拘留 help up 扶3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。【参考范文1】Version oneIn the picture, 5000 yuan is given to three children who help an old woman up as a grievance award. Meanwhile, the old woman is sentenced to seven days in prison because she has racketeered others.The cartoon tells us that an act of kindness should be praised and, quite oppositely, bad behavior need be punished to keep the society peaceful and fair.If one day, an old man falls down in front me, I will help him up without any hesitation even if likely suffering from grievance. Though the world is filled with distrust, we are supposed to believe that our small act of kindness will make a big difference to others. (113 words)【参考范文2】Version twoIn the picture, 5000 yuan is given to three children who help an old woman up as a grievance award. Meanwhile, the old woman is sentenced to seven days in prison because she has racketeered others.The cartoon tells us that an act of kindness should be praised and, quite oppositely, bad behavior need be punished to keep the society peaceful and fair.If one day, an old man falls down in front me, I will help him up without any hesitation even if likely suffering from grievance. Although it may hurt my feelings, there are always more goodness of life. As a famous writer says, the worse the world is, the better I will be.Though the world is filled with distrust, we are supposed to believe that our small act of kindness will make a big difference to others. (141 words)书面表达。假如你是新华社的记者, 请根据下面提供的信息, 用英语写一篇新闻报道。时间: 4月2日清晨地点: 中山超市经过: 风大、火势蔓延快, 消防人员花了两个多小时才将大火扑灭。结果: 整个超市被毁, 两名妇女死亡, 十多人受伤, 直接经济损失达一百多万元, 附近的银行也遭到破坏。原因: 不明, 警方正在调查之中。注意: 1. 词数: 100个左右; 2. 使用必要的连接词, 使行文连贯, 完整。_【参考范文】A big fire broke out in Zhongshan SupermarketXinhua NewsOn the early morning of April 2, a big fire broke out in Zhongshan Supermarket. Firemen came immediately and rushed to the building to put out the fire. But the wind was blowing hard and the fire was spreading quickly. The fire lasted for more than two hours before it was finally put out. As a result of the fire, the whole supermarket was destroyed and a bank nearby was also damaged. Two women died and over ten persons were injured. And the immediate economic loss added up to more than 1, 000, 000 yuan. So far, the cause of the fire is still unknown and the police are looking into it. 书面表达。下面这幅漫画展现了人生的一个道理, 请根据你对这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文。你的短文应包含以下内容: 1. 描述图画内容, 如图中人物的行为和心情等; 2. 揭示图画所要表达的人生哲理; 3. 结合自身实际, 谈谈这一漫画给你的启示。注意: 1. 词数100个左右。开头已经写好, 不计入总词数; 2. 文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。3. 参考词汇: 挖土cut earth钻石diamondMany people fail in life because they do not realize how close they are to success when they give up. In this picture, we can see_【参考范文】Many people fail in life because they do not realize how close they are to success when they give up. In this picture, we can see a man is cutting earth in a tunnel, hoping to find some diamonds. He works hard. However, after a long time of pains without gains, he gives up. With one or two more attempts of cutting, he would have seen those diamonds. This story tells us a very simple but important piece of truth: we should be confident in what we have chosen to do and never stop our efforts until we succeed. As a student, I should learn a lesson from the man. Just like the diamonds in the picture, success is just waiting for my last efforts. I have been cutting earth for so many years, so I will not give up until I succeed.


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