2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空训练(5)(II).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空训练(5)(II)完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。记叙文型完形填空(二)One of my fathers favourite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!” I couldnt say I didnt like _1_, whatever it might be, _2_ I tried it. Over the years Ive e to _3_ how much of my success I owe to my _4_ of those words as one of my values. My _5_ job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I _6_ what I wanted to do as a career(职业). _7_ I believed I would work for a few years, get married, stay home and raise a family, so I didnt think the job I took _8_ that much. I couldnt have been more _9_. I mastered the skills of that beginning level position and I was given the opportunity(机会)to _10_ through the pany into different _11_. I accepted each new opportunity with the _12_,“Well, Ill try it; if I dont like it, I can always go back to my _13_ position.” But I was with the same pany for the past 28 years, and Ive _14_ every career change Ive made. Ive discovered I _15_ a large number of different talents(才能)and skills that I never would have thought were within me,had it not been for my being _16_ trying new opportunities. Ive also discovered that if I _17_ what Im doing and work hard at achieving my _18_, I will succeed. Thats why Im so _19_ to be a part of CareerFables. . I think _20_ has e and I am determined to make it a success.1. Aeverything BsomethingCeverybody Dsomebody2. Auntil after Bever sinceCso that Dlong before3. Aconsider BargueCinclude Drealize4. Asuggestion BexplanationCacceptance Ddiscussion5. Ahard BbestCextra Dfirst6. Adetermined BexaminedCexperienced Dintroduced7. AActually BGraduallyCFinally DUsually8. Ahelped BrequiredCexpressed Dmattered9. Acareful BmistakenCinterested Dprepared10. Alook up Btake upCmove up Dput up11. Asituations BchoicesCdirections Dpositions12. Athought BreplyCaction Dadvice13. Aeasier BnewerCearlier Dhigher14. Apermitted BcountedCorganized Denjoyed15. Ashow BpossessCneed Dgather16. Alucky for Bslow atCopen to Dafraid of17. Athink of Bgive awayCbelieve in Dturn into18. Abusiness BgoalCfortune Dgrowth19. Aexcited BcuriousCsurprised Dhelpful20. Adream BtimeCpower Dhonour(一)【要点综述】本文是一篇励志记叙文,描述了父亲常说“Try it!”及这句话对自己的影响。1B根据whatever it might be可以排除C、D项。本句表达“在我尝试一些事情之前,(我)不会说不喜欢。”everything用词不合适。2A根据句意可知A项正确。3D这么多年来,“我”开始意识到“我”的成就大多归功于父亲的话。4C根据前文解释可知,“我”的成功源自对父亲那些话的“接受”。oweto把归功于。5D这里开始介绍作者的工作经历,故应是第一份工作。6A通过下文可以看出,作者在从事第一份工作时的态度只是想先试试看,但如果遇到热衷的、想当成自己固定职业的工作时,还是会离开的。7A这里作者在表明自己的态度。事实上,作者自认为自己会工作几年之后就结婚,建立家庭8D根据前文可知,作者并没有把第一份工作看得特别重要。matter vi.有关系,要紧。9B根据下文可知,作者本不具有的一些生活技能居然在经历各种尝试后养成了,也就是说,作者开始的想法是错误的。“not 比较级” 表示肯定的意义。10Cmove up “上升”,这里指工作上得到了提升。11Dposition 指“职位,岗位”。下文也有提示。12Awith the thought带着想法;认为,思考。“我”每一次得到一个新机会,总有那种想法:如果“我”不喜欢这个新的岗位,“我”可以回到原来的那个岗位。13C根据前一空解释可知C项正确。earlier早些时候的。14D通过but可以看出作者态度发生了变化,在过去的28年中,作者一直待在同一个公司,并且每次的工作变化作者都很享受。15B直到此时作者才发现其实自己拥有(possess)很多才能。16C要不是作者愿意尝试新的机会,就不会拥有这么多的才能。be open to 对开放、开明。had it not been for if it had not been for要不是。17C作者还发现,如果相信自己并且一直努力去做,就一定能够达到目标。believe in相信,信任。18Bachieve ones goal达到目标,实现目标。19A作者领悟到父亲的话的真谛,因此对作为CareerFables的一员感到“兴奋”。20B作者认为时机(time)已到,所以决心一定要取得成功。【由浙江省金华十校xx高考英语模拟试题改编】完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将选项标号涂黑。 How far would you walk to learn about something that interested you? When he was young, Jacob Lawrence often walked more than sixty 1 from his home in the Harlem section of New York City to the Metropolitan Museum of ArtJacob wanted to be a(n) 2 ,and he believed that studying the famous paintings 3 in that museum would help himIt was 1930,when many people were out of work, money was 4 and people suffered a lotStill the streets were 5 with energy and colorAs he walked through Harlem, Jacob looked hard at the people, the churches, and barbershops and so onHe 6 those images in his mind, along with the images of paintings he saw in the 7 Jacob came from a poor familyHis mother believed there was little chance 8 her son could grow up to be a successful painterShe wanted him to aim for something more 9 But Jacobs teacher, Alston, in an art program saw that he was talentedAlston 10 him how to use paints to make stage setsAs time passed, Alston let Jacob rent work space in his own studio That was an exciting place for a young black man 11 to bee an artistMany creative people 12 there to talk about art, literature and historyFrom their 13 ,Jacob learned that history books often 14 the acplishments of African AmericansHe decided to paint a sel1es of pictures describing the story of a black heroHe 15 Toussaint, who had helped free his people 16 French rulingMany people admired Jacobs pictures, but he needed 17 admirationTo help his family, he often had to work at jobs that 18 him away from paintingThen something encouraging happenedAn artist named Augusta got Jacob a jobFor eighteen months, Jacob was given a 19 to paint pictures For the first time, he felt like a 20 artist1A stepsB blocksC buildingsD avenues2A artistB tutorC scholarD official3A swingingB existingC hangingD twisting4A blankB looseC toughD tight5A linedB decoratedC associatedD filled6A storedB receivedC createdD remembered7A museumB studioC churchD street8A whetherB whichC thatD when9A preciousB practicalC standardD flexible10A remendedB remindedC providedD showed11A hesitatingB strugglingC marchingD participating12A settledB wanderedC gatheredD rushed13A experiencesB performancesC accentsD conversations14A acknowledgedB accusedC ignoredD witnessed15A choseB acceptedC countedD employed16A againstB fromC forD with17A more thanB rather thanC other thanDless than18A brokeB gaveC permittedD took19A awardB titleC salaryD prize20A permanentB popularC positiveD professional【参考答案】120、BACDD AACBD BCDCA BADCD 【由浙江省xx高考英语模拟冲刺卷改编】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2140 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。I was walking in my school campus from my office to my car at about 9pm. On the way, I ran into a fellow who was _1_ lost. He asked me for directions, saying he needed to get to East Palo Alto. But the _2_ was that he was walking in the plete opposite direction!I _3_ him in the correct direction, but warned him it was a long way off. He didnt speak English very well, and generally seemed without sense of _4_. I quickly felt like helping him. _5_ he was a big guy, I got the _6_ that he was harmless.I sent him on his way, and I walked away towards my car. Just as he was going out of a short way, something _7_ me clicked, and I offered him a _8_. He gratefully accepted, and he offered to show me his ID. I declined, but _9_ my hand and introduced myself. He said his name was Mario. Mario followed me to my car. When I unlocked the passenger door for him, he didnt get in _10_ I assured him it was fine. As we sat in the car together, I suddenly got _11_. “If this guy wanted, he could hurt me and take my car”, I _12_ calling my brother as a safety precaution (预防措施), but then I felt determined not to feel scared. Mario and I got into some _13_. He told me about his family in Mexico, how he works _14_ doesnt ever earn enough, how he used to live near Fresno and work on the farms but now _15_ more in the Bay Area. It was good talking to him, though I couldnt shake the nervousness pletely. I kept asking him questions that would give me clues as to _16_he was being truthful.When we got into East Palo Alto, I pulled into a gas station and told him it was as far as I could take him. He quickly got out and _17_ me several times, saying he _18_ find his way home from there.Thinking back on it, I am glad to give a ride to Mario. Although it was risky, I think such things should be done without _19_, or not at all. I wouldnt say Id _20_ a hitchhiker(搭车人)again, but I know that if I did, I would make sure I could offer more love and less fear.1. A. eventuallyB. obviouslyC. naturallyD. casually2. A. problemB. chanceC. cause D. effect 3. A. approved B. expressedC. pointedD. announced 4. A. humourB. directionC. responsibility D. safety 5. A. ThoughB. Since C. As D. When6. A. impression B. colleague C. fact D. choice 7. A. in B. over C. about D. through 8. A. greetingB. present C. suggestionD. ride 9. A. put upB. turned outC. looked upD. held out 10. A. whenB. after C. until D. since 11. A. nervousB. generous C. distant D. familiar12. A. suggested B. imagined C. consideredD. appreciated13. A. friendship B. conversations C. instructions D. cooperation 14. A. andB. or C. but D. so15. A. earnsB. devotesC. supports D. sponsors16. A. whyB. how C. what D. whether17. A. praised B. encouragedC. warnedD. thanked18. A. mustB. needed C. could D. dared19. A. prideB. fear C. trust D. courage20. A. turn againstB. leave outC. pick up D. believe in【参考答案及解析】1. B. obviously明显的。A. eventually最后,C. naturally自然的,D. casually随便的。2. A. problem问题是。B. chance机会,C. cause原因,D. effect影响。 3. C. pointed指路。A. approved赞成, B. expressed表达,D. announced 通知。4. B. direction方向感。 A. humour幽默,C. responsibility责任,D. safety安全。 5. A. Though虽然。B. Since由于。6. A. impression留下印象。B. colleague同事, C. fact事实, D. choice 选择. 7. A. in在我心里。B. over上面,C. about关于,D. through 通过。8. B. ride给人搭车。A. greeting问候,B. present礼物,C. suggestion建议。 9. D. held out伸出手。A. put up举手,B. turned out证明,结果,C. looked up抬头看10. C. until直到。A. when当-时,B. after在-以后D. since 自从-11. A. nervous感到紧张。B. generous慷慨的,C. distant有距离的,D. familiar熟悉的。12. C. considered考虑。A. suggested建议,B. imagined想象,D. appreciated感激。13. B. conversations 谈话。A. friendship友谊,C. instructions指导D. cooperation合作。14. C. but转折。15. A. earns挣钱。B. devotes奉献,C. supports 支持, D. sponsors赞助。16. D. whether 是否。 17. D. thanked 感谢。A. praised表扬,B. encouraged鼓励,C. warned提醒。18. C. could能。 A. must必须,B. needed需要,D. dared敢。19. B. fear害怕。A. pride自豪,C. trust 信任,D. courage勇气。20. C. pick up接人。 A. turn against背叛,B. leave out遗漏,D. believe in相信。【由浙江省金丽衢十二校xx高考英语第二次联考改编】完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1一20各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Sometimes pleasures of life are so simple that I take them for granted, things that Iveconsidered as my right, instead of a blessing. I 1 this after a friend of mine, who servedthere. as a volunteer, invited me to pay a visit to Honduras. The night before I set off, I decided a warm bath would help calm my 2 nerves andhelp me sleep. So I3 the. hot water handle on the tub(浴盆)and waited. . . and waited. Ittook forever for the hot water to work its way through the pipes,so I 4 the bath late atnight. What an 5 experience! On the five-hour drive to my friends home, I 6 the beautiful countryside. On myarrival, she took me to some families, who were in great 7 ,living in stick-and-mud housesand sleeping on dirt floors. 8 ,even in these terrible conditions,everyone I met had a smileon their face. They were so nice as to 9 we stay for coffee. Among them were two womenbeside a dirty pond. One pushed dirt back with a stick 10 the other dipped the water into abucket. I shot a 11 toward the heavens,“Dear Lord, please dont let them offer coffee,Suddenly,one little girl ran towards us, 12 a mango(芒果)in each hand. The one in her lefthand was half eaten 13 had mixed with the dirt on her skin and small streams ofmango-mud ran down her wrist. She held out her 14 hand and offered me the other mango,which I 15 accepted. Her eyes danced and joy spread into a smileWhen we left, my friendpointed at a small stream beside their home and said,“That is where they 16 It is alsowhere the animals drink and defecate(排便)”I have to s盯I had never been so 17 The evening I returned home, I went into my bathroom. The image of that poor little girl 18 my mindHer bath would only take place in the cold, dirty. water in the stream. I easedinto my tub filled with warm water, enjoying this simple pleasureClean water wasnt my 19 ;it was a blessing, one I. was determined to 20 with others1A. accepted B. realized C. imagined D. proved2. A. worried B. disturbed C. excited D. delighted3 A. touched B. twisted C. opened D . removed4 Abroke through Bran through Clooked through Drushed through5 A. awful B. interesting C. amazing D. unusual6. A. took up B. took in C. took out D. took over7. A. debt B. pain C. pleasure D. poverty8 A. Still B. Rather C. Besides D. Thus9. A. mand B. suggest C. insist D: remend10. A. after B. when C. until D: while11 A. dream B. whisper C. prayer D. glance12. A. holding B: taking C. pressing D. liftin13,A. Sweat B. Water C. Juice D. Coffee14. A. right B. left C. dirty D. clean15,A. unwillingly B. gladly C. cautiously D. coldly16. A: play B. drink C. swim D. bathe17; A. angry B. happy C. sad D. calm18.A. crossed B. inspired C. slipped D. changed19. A. treasure, B. right C. possessi D. favor20. A. share B. meet C. bine D. provide【参考答案】120、BCBDA BDACD CACAB DCABA


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