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120 听力,略.2、 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分25分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下列各题,从各题所给的A、B、C项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Thank you for invitation. I am looking forward to that party. A. a B. an C. the答案:C.简析:由后文中的that party可知,此处的邀请invitation为双方共知,表示特指,故用the.本题的考察点是冠词,学生看到Invitation后易忽略后文而错选为B。难度:a.22. Its impolite to talk your mouth full during a meal. A. for B. with C. without答案:B简析:本题考查固定搭配talk with sb.(与某人交)难度:a23. I am writing to you Im afraid to talk about it face to face. A .because B. though C. until答案:A简析:由句意可知是表示因果关系,因为害怕与你面对面的讨论,所以我会写信给你。在所给的连词中because表示因果。难度:a24. Many students think it to learn English by using news. A. interest B. interesting C. interested答案:B简析:interesting/interested 是interest的两种形容词形式,区别在于-ing形式的逻辑主语为物,-ed形式的逻辑主语为人。在本题中,it作主语,指代通过新闻学习英语这件事,故用-ing.而A项中的interest是动词形式,意为使对感兴趣难度:b25. You can do lots of things in a science museum, but you obey the rules. A. can B. may C. have to答案:C简析:由句意可知,“你在科学博物馆可以做很多事情,但是你必须得遵守规则。”只有have to 表示“必须,不得不”.A项中can 表示“能够”;B项may表示“可能”。本题考查情态动词的意义辨析难度:a26. Deng Ziqi won lots of fans for through the TV program I Am a Singer. A. she B. her C. herself 答案:C简析:根据句意“邓紫棋通过电视节目我是歌手为她自己赢得了大量粉丝。此处考查反身代词,所以用herself难度:a27. Batman and Spiderman are of the most famous American cartoons. A. two B. second C. the second 答案:A简析:two of the 表示“中的两个”.句意为蝙蝠侠和蜘蛛侠是众多美国卡通人物中最出名的两个。而序数词second表示“第二”。难度:a28. seriously ill the poor old monkey is! A. How B. What a C. What 答案:A简析:本题考查感叹句。感叹句一般有what和how来引导。感叹句句式:How+ adj./adv; what + a/an +adj.+ n.难度:a29. The 17th Asian Games in South Korea this September. A. hold B. will hold C. will be hold答案:C简析:首先,由句意“今年9月第十七届亚运会将在韩国举办”可知表示将来,要用将来时,排除A;然后亚运会的举办要用被动式,所以选择C。本题考点是将来时与被动式难度:b30. - can we learn from the film Frozen? -True love, I think. A. Who B. What C. Which 答案:B简析:直接根据句意:“我们能从电影冰雪奇缘中学到什么?”可以选出答案。A中的who表示人;D中的which表示哪一个难度:a31. A British high school is going to allow students lessons in the afternoon. A. start B. starting C. to start 答案:C简析:考查短语“允许某人做某事”用allow sb. to do sth.难度:a32. We lost the way in the forest, and we didnt know . A. where we get back B. when did we get back C. how we could get back答案:C简析:本题考查宾语从句的语序与时态。宾语从句中要用陈述语序,排除B;另,主句为过去式,从句与主句的时态要一致,所以选C.或者,根据句意,“我们在森林里迷路了,不知道该怎么返回。”选C难度:b33. There many small things we can do to make the world a better place. A. are B. is C. have答案:A简析:考查there be句型,后面things为可数名词复数形式,故be要用are难度:a34. -Why are the boys so excited? -Because the team Miami Heat the first place for the last two seasons! A. gets B. got C. has got答案:C简析:“迈阿密在上两季中都拿了第一”此事件对现在仍有影响,即“男孩现在很兴奋”,所以是现在完成时,选C难度:b简析:35. It is said that Shanghai students have scored the in an international test. A. high B. higher C. Highest答案:C简析:最高级前面要用定冠词the难度:a 第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。On Thursday, Richard arrived at school with a big smile on his face.“Why are you so 36 ?” asked David.“Tonight my dad is going to bring home my new dog,” answered Richard.“What are you going to 37 it?” asked David. “I dont know yet,” answered Richard.All day long, Richard 38 about dogs names. During the math lesson, he thought about the name “Zero”. During the English lesson, he thought about the names “Mary” and “Jim”. At the 39 of the day, he still did not know what to name his dog. So he was really 40 .As soon as school was over, Richard ran 41 . When he opened the door, a little ball came running toward Richard. Richard 42 the little dog. He held the dog close to his 43 . Immediately, Richard sneezed(打喷嚏), “Ah choo!” And again, he sneezed, “Ah choo!” His nose started to run.“Oh no!” said Richards dad. “You must be allergic(过敏的) to the 44 . He will have to stay at your uncles house.”“Ugh!” said Richard 45 . “I was going to name him Sneezy!”( B ) 36. A. earlyB. happyC. unfriendly简析:由上文的a big smile n the face,可以推断出Richard非常高兴,故选happy( C ) 37. A. give B. describe C. name简析:由下文可知,他们是要给小狗起名字,此处name是动词,意为“命名( A ) 38. A. thoughtB. talkedC. wrote简析:think about,思考,想;由he thought about the names “Mary” and “Jim”.这句可知Richad整天在给小狗想名字。( C ) 39. A. beginning B. bottom C. end简析:at the end of the day(在一天快结束的时候)。由上文可知,他想了一整天,包括上课的时候,所以在一天结束的时候,仍然没有想出来。( A ) 40. A. worriedB.surprisedC. excited简析;因为一整天了都没有想到一个合适的名字,所以他很着急,焦虑;( C ) 41. A. outside B. everywhere C. home简析:根据句意,Richard一放学回家,就跑回家,所以是home( B) 42. A. put downB.picked upC. woke up简析:由后一句hold close to 可以推断出是抱起小狗。Pick up:捡起,抱起;put down:放下;wake up:醒来,起床。( C ) 43. A. heart B. feet C. face简析:由上下文可知,Richard将小狗贴近他的脸,他开始打喷嚏( B ) 44. A. ballB. dogC. nose简析:Richard因为抱小狗打喷嚏,所以他是对小狗过敏;( A ) 45. A. sadly B. cheerfully C. nervously简析:因为小狗要抱到他叔叔家去养,所以他很伤心。三、阅读(共两节,满分30分)第一节 阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。2019-2020年中考英语答案及解析-樊丽萍World Tai Chi and Qigong Day is an event held on the last Saturday of April each year, which promotes(倡导) practices of Tai Chi and Qigong. Especially, followers of Tai Chi and Qigong hope to educate the world about the health benefits(益处) of the two exercises. The World Tai Chi Day website says it is also a day to help put people in touch with teachers and healing(治疗) centres. This event, which started in xx, joins people in over 65 countries. That number grows every year as Tai Chi bees better known. Celebrations include Tai Chi exhibitions(表演) in many cities around the world. The day is recognized by the World Health Organization.Tai Chi is actually a Chinese martial art, also called Wushu. It is not used for self-defence, but is instead practised for health reasons. Doctors say it has benefits for those who have heart and blood pressure problems. Many people who practise it say it makes you live longer. Tai Chi is famous around the world for its followers practise it in parks. A type of Tai Chi with just 42 movements, was a sport in the 11th Asian Games in 1990. There are attempts(尝试) to make it an Olympic event.46. When is World Tai Chi and Qigong Day? A. In the last month of each year. B. On the last day of April each year.C. On each Saturday of the fourth month. D. On the last Saturday of every April.答案:D简析:由开篇第一句话可以得知,”World Tai Chi and Qigong Day is an event held on the last Saturday of April each year,”本题为细节考查题。难度:a47. The event is held to _ Tai Chi and Qigong.A. encourage the development of B. cure people of their illnesses byC. get the world together to practiseD. educate the world to make money from答案:A简析:由第一段第一二句话” World Tai Chi and Qigong Day is an event held on the last Saturday of April each year, which promotes(倡导) practices of Tai Chi and Qigong. Especially, followers of Tai Chi and Qigong hope to educate the world about the health benefits(益处) of the two exercises.”可以得出此活动举办的目的在于促进太极和气功的发展。难度:b48. How is World Tai Chi and Qigong Day celebrated?A. The followers travel to over 65 countries.B. Tai Chi members are recruited on the website.C. There are Tai Chi performances in many cities.D. The World Health Organization hold different activities.答案:C简析:由第一段倒数第二句话“Celebrations include Tai Chi exhibitions(表演) in many cities around the world.”可以看出, 正确答案为C同样 地,本题是细节考查题。难度:a49. What does “self-defence” in the second paragraph mean?A. 自我牺牲 B. 自我防卫 C. 自我欣赏 D. 自我表现答案;B简析:本题为根据上下文猜测单词词义。由第二段第一句话可以知道,太极是源于中国,在中国又被称为“武术”,而武术一般都是用于自身防卫的,故本题选择B难度:b50. Which of the following is TRUE about Tai Chi?A. It is being better and better known in the world.B. It is only good for those people who have heart problems.C. It has been a sport in Asian Games since 1990.D. It is now one of the events in the Olympics.答案:A简析:本题是细节题。由第一段最后三句话” That number grows every year as Tai Chi bees better known. Celebrations include Tai Chi exhibitions(表演) in many cities around the world. The day is recognized by the World Health Organization.”可知A项正确;B项中错于only,”Doctors say it has benefits for those who have heart and blood pressure problems.” C项中的陈述与文中不符,文中只是提到太极在1990年的奥运会中曾作为一项运动项目,并非是自1990年开始作为亚运会项目;D项说法属于无中生有,文中只是说现在正在努力尝试将太极作为一项奥运项目,并没有说是现在已是奥运项目。难度:bBTour and explore with Singapores sightseeing pany using open-top double decker buses. Clearly preferred by visitors, the D&H Group, with the longest history, handles(应付) more than 1 million visitors a year. We like to think we got it right because we try harder but to make sure you make the most of your time with us. You may find the following helpful:Will we see all the main sights?Yeswith 4 routes(路线), its the most convenient way to see the best of Singapore including: the Singapore Flyer, Chinatown, Boat Quay, Sentosa, Gardens By the BayetcWill we be able to hop-on and hop-off?Yeseach route makes frequent(频繁的) stops - simply hop-off anywhere you want and return to the same bus stop to continue when you are ready to go. With 43 stops across the city, it is easy to tour Singapore as you like.Will I need to wait long for the next bus?Nowe do not want to keep you waiting. That is why there is a bus every 15-20 minutes. With 18 topless buses (vs. other pany with just 4 buses) you are on the best touring system (系统).What if I need help to find the bus stop?No worrieswe are just a call away. Our guests helping is here to help you. You can reach us at (65)6-33-868-77 daily from 9am-7pm.51. What is the passage? A. A story B. An advertisement. C. A news report. D. A review.答案:B简析:本文是一篇介绍新加坡旅游观光巴士的广告,由文中的四个小标题可以推断出。难度:a52. Which sights of Singapore are mentioned (提及) in this passage?the Singapore Flyer Sentosa Boat QuayLittle India Chinatown Gardens By the BayA. B. C. D. 答案:D简析:细节题。由第一个小标题下的” see the best of Singapore including: the Singapore Flyer, Chinatown, Boat Quay, Sentosa, Gardens By the Bayetc”可以看出,除了没有Little India,其他都有难度:a53. Which expressions mean the underlined(下划线的) “hop-on and hop-off”? A. get on and get off B. put on and take off C. get in and get out D. set up and set off答案:A简析:本题是根据上下文猜测词义。由文中”simply hop-off anywhere you want and return to the same bus stop to continue when you are ready to go.”可知,游客想在哪儿下车就在哪儿下车,然后还可以在原地上车继续观光。所以“hop-on and hop-off”得意思是上车或下车。难度:b54. If you take the open-top bus for sightseeing in Singapore, _. A. you can take the bus wherever you want B. you dont need to wait any time for the bus C. you can stop at any of the 43 bus stops across the city D. you may call a bus at (65)6-33-868-77 daily from 9am-7pm答案:C简析:由“With 43 stops across the city, it is easy to tour Singapore as you like.”可以判断C为正确答案;A项错在take the bus wherever you want,并不是想在哪里乘车都可以,需要在公交车站;B项与原文不符,文中every 15-20 minutes,并非任何时间;D项(65)6-33-868-77 daily from 9am-7pm该号码是旅游公司的而并非是公交车的。难度:b55. What is the best title for this passage? A. How can you find our bus stops in Singapore? B. Why do we have the best touring system in Singapore? C. How do open-top buses take you around Singapore? D. Why are we the most popular topless bus tour in Singapore?答案:D简析:本题为主旨大意推断题。A/B/C的说法都太片面,只有D想涵盖了本文的所有介绍的点。难度:b第二节 主题匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下面5段语言材料,从A到F选项中找出与它们相对应的标题,在答案卡上将该项涂黑。 May is National Physical Fitness and Sport Month. Here are some ways for kids to increase physical fitness.56. If you are close to a national park, get the whole family moving with a hike, or get out the bikes and visit a neighborhood park. Find parks and forests, local nature and outdoor events, and local playgrounds near you.答案:D简析:通读这一段,发现提出了两个建议:get the whole family moving with a hike, or get out the bikes 去远足散步或者去家附近的公园骑单车。57. Look for information that will explain to kids about a sport. If kids arent interested in organized sports, see if swimming at a local pool is of interest, or they may prefer just kicking a soccer ball around, or playing catch.答案:简析:通过第一句Look for information that will explain to kids about a sport.便可总结出这一段的内容,接下来是对这一句话的扩展,找一些孩子喜欢的运动,比如swimming kicking a soccer ball or playing catch.这些都是为了让孩子更多的了解运动58. Show kids an easy way to get exercise is to put on music and dance. Ask them what kind of music they would like for a dance. Turn on your radio to a music station and get moving!答案:简析:这一段出现频率最高的就是Music and dance,主要说明了锻炼时放一些孩子喜欢的音乐,因此选A。59. Kids need 60 minutes of activity a day. Try making a daily plan with your kids, for example, 15 minutes of running, 30 minutes of biking, and 15 minutes of jumping rope.答案:简析:根据Try making a daily plan with your kids, for example,15 minutes of running, 30 minutes of biking, and 15 minutes of jumping rope.说明做好一份好的锻炼规划是很必要地,与make a plan of physical activity 相对应。60. Talk to your kids about how good nutrition(营养)goes hand-in0hand with physical fitness. Make sure your kids are off to a good day at school with a nutritions breakfast. Help your kids learn about smart food choices with online games.答案;简析:此段出现最多的此时 nutritious, 有C E 两个选项可选,但根据大意Talk to your kids about how good nutrition(营养)goes hand-in-hand,help your kids learn about smart food choices.可知关键是让孩子自己了解事物的营养,而不是父母要为孩子做营养的食物。 A. Put on some music and dance.B. Help kids learn more about a sport.C. Make a nutritions dish.D. Go for a walk or a bike ride.E. Let kids know about nutritions foods.F. Make a plan of physical activity.4、 综合语言运用(共三节,满分45分) 第一节 综合填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和首字母提示,在短文空白处填入适当的单词,使短文内容通顺、合理。并将完整的单词填写在答题卡的相对应位置上。Book ReportName: Sandra LeeBook title: The Giving TreeWriter: Shel SilversteinMain c 61 : The boy and the treeSummary of the story:The Giving Tree is a story a 62 a boy and a tree who are good friends. When the boy is y 63 , he always plays with the tree. Then, w 64 the boy get older, he tells it he wants money. The tree gives him its apples so that the boy can sell them for money in a m 65 .L 66 , the boy bees a man and wants to have a house. The tree gives him its branches(树枝), so he has wood to b 67 a house. Finally, the man says he wants to go to some other sunnier place. The tree gives h 68 its trunk to make a boat.The man es back when he is old. The tree is sad because it has n 69 to give the man except the stump(树桩). The tree invites him to sit on it and he sits down. B 70 the man and the tree are happy because they are together again.61. characters;这是一篇读书报告,由前面的书名、作者等可以推断出此处为主要人物,所以填character,但根据the boy and the tree,所以要用复数,加s。难度为b62.about;这篇故事是关于所以是about.难度为a63.young;当男孩小的时候,同时根据下句的gets older,推断出是young64.when;当.(小男孩长大后)难度为a65.market;在“市场”卖苹果,所以是market难度为a66.Later;表示“后来”难度为a67.build;树枝是用来“建造”房子的难度为a68.him;根据The tree gives him its branches(树枝),平行结构。难度为b69.nothing;树给予了男孩所有,已经没什么可以给予的了。难度为a70.Both;表示两者都用both。难度为a第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据下面各题的汉语意思用英语完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置,词数不限。71. 事实上,学生由衷的一声“谢谢”对老师来说意味着个世界。 _, a spoken “thank you” from a students heart means the world to a teacher.简析:固定词组72. 许多研究表明,被动吸烟也有害健康。 Many students say that passive smoking also _to ones health.简析:do harm to对有害,是固定搭配73. 在人行道上停车会增添盲人行走的困难。 Parking on the pavement will _ blind peoples difficulty in walking around. 简析:add to 增添,增加;固定搭配,will 后面用动词原形74. 小屁孩日记这本书自出版后受到孩子们的欢迎。 The book Diary of a Wimp Kid has been popular among kids since it _.简析:since(自之后)后用一般过去式,而书的出版表示被动,所以用被动式75. 胡夫金字塔和十六个帝国大厦一样重。 The Pyramid of Khufu is _ 16 Empire State Buildings. 简析:考查as + adj./adv. + as, 和一样江西师范大学 樊丽萍第3节 读写综合(本大题分为A、B 两部分,共25分)A、 回答问题(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)请阅读下面这篇文章,根据文章内容用完整句子回答下列问题,并将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置上。National Coleman, 37, a British tourist, was arrested (逮捕) at Sri Lankas international airport on Monday. She is now at a centre in the airport waiting for a flight back to the UK. Airport officers told Ms Coleman that her Buddha (佛像) tattoo (纹身)on her arm was disrespectful to Sri Lankan culture. A police spokesman said she was arrested for the Buddha.This is not the first time that tourist was sent back to the UK last year because he spoke disrespectfully when passport offers asked him about a Buddha tattoo on his arm. Britains Independent newspaper reports that in xx, R&B star Akon was told he could not visit Sri Lanka because of a video for his song. The video showed a pool party in front of a Buddha. A British government website warns who visit Sri Lanka not to pose (摆姿势) for photos in front of a Buddha.76. Was the woman arrested for hurting others religious feeling?No, she was arrested for the Buddha.简析:由第一段最后一句” A police spokesman said she was arrested for the Buddha.”可知77. What do most Sri Lankans have a deep respect for?Buddha简析:由“Most Sir Lankans are Buddist and have a respect for Buddha”可知78. Did the man speak to the passport officers with respect or without respect?Without respect简析:由” because he spoke disrespectfully when passport offers asked him about a Buddha tattoo on his arm.”可知79. Where did the party in Akons video take place?in front of a Buddha简析:由The video showed a pool party in front of a Buddha.可知80. What did a website advise tourists not to do in front of a Buddha?not to pose for photos in front of a Buddha.简析:由文章最后一句A British government website warns who visit Sri Lanka not to pose (摆姿势) for photos in front of a Buddha.可知 B、书面表达(满分15分)请根据写作要点和要求完成作文,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。俗话说“入乡随俗”,从以上报道可见,去另一个国家前,先了解其习俗和历史是很有必要的。请你根据初中阶段所学到的关于英国的习俗和历史,写成一篇文章,投稿到某英文版的旅游文化刊物。 【写作要点】礼仪第一次见面通常握手跟年长的人说话要用Mr.和Mrs.饮食在茶会(tea party)只能喝茶,不喝咖啡或果汁城市伦敦(London),约两千年的历史利物浦(Liverpool),在18世纪以工业闻名注意事项在公共场合不要大声说话(请再列举1-2点)【写作要求】词数90左右;短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数文中需包括所有写作要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当加入过渡语句,使短文通顺、连贯;不能照抄原文,文中不能出现考生真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】语言规范,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。Before we go to another country, it is necessary for us to learn something about its customs and history. Take Britain for an example, people usually shake hands with others when they meet at the first time. Besides, they will use Mr./Mrs. to talk with the older people to show their politeness or respect. If you are in a tea party in Britain, you must drink tea rather than coffee or fruit juice. Next, I will introduce some important cities, like London and Liverpool. London, is famous for its long history, which has nearly two thousand years while Liverpool is the industrial center at the 18th century. There are some other tips for us when we are in England. We cannot speak loudly in public places and we must take a bus or subway in order. The golden rule is: Watch the other people. Do as they do.参考答案:(非官方公布答案,仅供参考)21222324252627282930CCABCCAACB31323334353637383940CCACCBCACA414243


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