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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2TheOlympicGamesPeriodLanguagePoints练习新人教版必修.语境填词1The reporter is i_ the sports star after his winning the gold medal.2His theory has a solid b_ in fact.3Liu Qian is famous for his m_ show.4_(运动员) from all over the world will take part in the 30th Olympic Games.5_ (现今) many people travel by plane.6The schools _ (格言) is,“Duty,Honour,Country”.完成句子 1The reporter _(采访) with the President yesterday.2She feels a strong _(责任感) towards her students.3Even the parents no longer live together,they each continue to _(对负责) their children.4Americans eat _(两倍) vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.5I want to _(尽可能多挣钱) as I can to go abroad. .词义辨析1用medal,prize,reward和award的适当形式填空(1)She won two gold _ in the Asian Games.(2)He won the first _ in the 100 metres race.(3)You should _ them for their contributions.(4)The Olympic winner received a gold _ as an _.2用how often,how long和how soon填空(1)_ were you not at school last year?About two weeks.(2)_ can you finish the work?In half an hour.(3)_ do you go out to dinner?It depends.单项填空1He admitted _ the little girl,who refused to give him some money.Ato beat Bto have beatenCbeat Dhaving beaten2Mr. Smith is sure to be _ as his father.Aas good a worker Bso a good workerCas a good worker Da as good worker3The street was named after a great man _ his great contributions to the city.Ain the place of Bin honour ofCin case of Dinstead of4The four mountain climbers at last arrived at _ they called “Mo Tian Ling”Awhat BwhereCthat Dwhich5FIFA holds the World Football Cup _.Aevery four year Bfor four yearsCevery fourth year Deach four years6The teacher as well as the students _ in the library yesterday morning.Awas reading Bwere readingChave read Dhas read7I _ the wornout shoes with new ones.Aplaced Btook placeCtook place of Dreplaced8The London Olympic Games are going to be really exciting._.I hope I can get tickets to see some of the events in person.AThats a great ideaBI hope so,tooCIm afraid I cant DI couldnt agree more9They gave him the chance _ designing new items.Ato take part in Btaking part inCto take a part in Dto take part of10In public places,its not _ to smoke.Aallowed BallowingCbeing allowed Dto be allowed.完形填空Every year,the Olympic Training Centre has one extra special day just for girls and women.This day celebrates the fact that _1_ can participate in any particular sport they desire,just as _2_ as men.In the old _3_,women were told that certain sports were for men _4_,and that women were forbidden to these _5_.Well,eventually (最后) the women of this world decided to strike back,telling _6_ else that they werent going to put up _7_ this form of nonsense(胡说) any longer. _8_ was then that women and men were declared equal _9_ to any sports game,regardless of (不管)_10_.Tomorrow,this special day will be _11_ by all Olympic Centers by offering a free tour as well as planned activities for all the _12_ from the neighboring schools.Since the Olympic Training Center,here in San Diego,is just a few _13_ from where our school is located,we _14_ an invitation to this event as well. What a ball this event will be!How wonderful,_15_,and incredible!I simply catt wait!Our scheduled _16_ were volleyball,archery (射箭),and track.This means that we were to play a game _17_ two of volleyball with the US Volleyball Team champions,and _18_ arrows with the Official Archery Team of the United States!We even got to _19_ the track with the US champs as well. All the instructors were _20_ themselves,and all are on a championship team,representing America.1A.menBwomenCyoung childrenDold people2A.easilyBbusilyCquicklyDearly3A.daysBweeksCmonthsDyears4A.enoughBjustCeverDonly5A.trainingBpracticeCdrillsDgames6A.no oneBanyoneCeveryoneDsomeone7A.alongBwithCaboutDwithout8A.ItBThisCThatDWhat9A.payBrightsCsalaryDjobs10A.ageBsexCheightDweight11A.congratulatedBseparatedCcelebratedDdivided12A.studentsBteachersCboysDgirls13A.kilometersBcentimetersCmillimetersDmeters14A.sentBpostedCreceivedDwrote15A.movingBexcitingCsurprisingDpleasing16A.activitiesBfilmsCplaysDconcerts17A.whileBandCbutDor18A.makeBfindCthrowDshoot19A.runBswimCjumpDcross20A.ridersBrunnersCdiversDathletes.1.interviewing2.basis3.magical4.Athletes5Nowadays6.motto. 1.had an interview2.sense of responsibility3be responsible for4.twice as many5make as much .1.(1)medals(2)prize(3)reward(4)medal;award解析medal“奖章,勋章”;prize“奖品,奖金”,特指在竞争、竞赛中获得的奖;reward可用作名词或动词,意为“报答,酬谢,奖赏”,重点在于对好行为或者功绩的报答、酬谢;award“奖品,奖金,奖赏”,侧重按法律与规定而给予的荣誉。2(1)How long(2)How soon(3)How often解析how often 强调动作的频率;how long 意为“多久,多长时间”,强调动作或状态的延续时间,主要是对一段时间进行提问,答语通常是(for) three days/weeks/months等时间段,它可用于各种时态;how soon意为“还要多久”,是对从某个基本时间到将来某动作结束或某动作发生这段时间提问,常用在一般将来时态的句子中,其答语通常是“in一段时间”。.1.Dadmit doing sth.承认做过某事,且beat这一动作发生在主句的谓语动词之前,故用doing的完成时形式。2A考查“as形容词冠词名词as”结构。3Bin honour of 为了纪念,符合题意。in case of 如果,万一;instead of 代替,替换。4Awhat they called “Mo Tian Ling”作介词at的宾语。其中,what 又作called的宾语,Mo Tian Ling作宾补。5Cevery fourth yearevery four years 每4年。6Aas well as,together with,along with 等连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数依据“就前一致原则”确定。故选A项。7Dplace放置;take place发生;take the place of replace代替,取代。句意为:我把穿破了的鞋子换成了新的。由句意知选D项。8DI cant agree more I totally agree,表示“我完全同意”。9Athe chance to do sth.或the chance of doing sth.做某事的机会;take part in参加,为固定短语。10Abe (not) allowed to do sth.(不)被允许做某事。.1.B由该句后面的as _ as men,可以判断此处应为women。2A妇女终于能和男子一样“不受约束”参加各种运动了。由下文的叙述可知,古代女子不被允许参加某些体育项目。因此此处用easily与古代的情况进行对比。3Ain the old days “在以前,在过去”。4D某些体育项目“只”允许男子参加。enough“足够的”;just“恰好”;ever“曾经”;only“只,仅仅”。5Dgames和前面的sports在意义上一致,即此处指“妇女被禁止参加这些运动”。6C告诉其他“每个人”,用来表示妇女的抗议。7Bput up with “容忍,忍受”。8A本句是一个强调句型,因此用it。被强调部分是时间状语then。9Bequal rights“平等的权利”。因为妇女争取的是与男子同样参加比赛的权利,所以pay,salary和jobs均不合题意。10Bregardless of“不管”,后接sex表示“不论性别”。因为本文重点在说男女参加比赛的平等,所以sex是正确的。11Ccelebrate“庆祝”,常接事情作宾语;congratulate“祝贺”,常接人作宾语。12D从第一段第一句可知,参加庆祝的是girls and women,从学校来的自然是girls。13Athe Olympic Training Center离“我们”学校不可能只有几厘米、几毫米或几米,而几千米符合生活逻辑。14Creceive an invitation“收到请柬”。send “发送”;post作动词的含义是“张贴,邮寄“;write“写”。由句意可知此处指“收到请柬”。15B被邀请参加活动,这件事“令人兴奋”。16A下面介绍的volleyball,archery 和track等是人们参加的活动,故activities是正确答案。17Da game or two“一两场比赛”。18Dshoot arrows“射箭”,是一项运动。make“制作”;find“发现”;throw“扔”。 19A由于后面的track表示径赛,所以应使用动词run。swim,jump均不属于径赛的动作。20Driders,runners和divers都是运动员的范畴,因此应用athletes。


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