2019-2020年高中英语 M7 Unit 1 Reading(1)教案 牛津版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 M7 Unit 1 Reading(1)教案 牛津版选修7Learning aims:1. Students will be able to read some exhibition boards about the history of television and audio devices;2. Students will be able to know the reading strategy - understanding subtitles;3. Students will be able to talk about the development of other electronic devices.Learning important and difficult points:Learn how to quickly obtain information in a text by understanding the subtitles.Learning methods: Discussion and taskbased activitiesStep 1 课前学习:A. 词形变换1. uncertain _ (n.) 2. electric _(n.) 3. demand_(adj.) 4. apply _ (n.) 5. evolution _ (v.) 6. assume _(n.)7. convenience _(adj.)8. superior _(opp.) 9. variety_(n.)10. delight _(adj.)B.写出下列动词以及过去式、过去分词1.上发条,缠、绕vt. _ _ _2.播放 vt. _ _ _3.运用,应用;申请 vt.& vi. _ _ _4.投放市场,发起/动 vt. _ _ _5.需要,要求 v. _ _ _6.跳,跳跃,谈起 vi. _ _ _C.记住下列形容词、副词1.无线的 adj. _ 2.优越的,占优势的 adj. _3.电的adj._ 4.便携的 adj. _5.总共,总而言之 adv._ 6.从个人角度,亲自 adv, _D.写出下列名词1.回顾,综述 _ 2.播送,广播 _3.消费者_ 4.信号,暗号_5.快乐_ 6.方便,便利_E. 短语翻译:1.比优越 _ 2.上市,面市_3.各种各样的_ 4.给上发条 _ 5.涌现,迅猛发展_Step 2 Pre-reading 导读 Fast reading for general ideas方法指导:Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the two questions. Just focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions. 1.Where did the writer find this piece of writing?2.What is it about?Detailed reading for important information (Explanation)本文为科技类的说明文,信息量很大,时间跨度很长,但其中内容多为客观事实,从语言学习的角度,只需了解即可。所以阅读的重点应在于如何获取信息和如何进行信息分类等,需要深层次理解的内容其实并不多。但鉴于今后在学习和工作中会遇到大量此类文章,面对信息量巨大且看似枯燥的这篇文章,如何迅速高效地抓住关键信息?通过快速浏览课文, 找出关键字词,如:development、 history、 in 1925、 later in 1928等一系列时间指示语,从而抓住文章的脉络,即时间线索,再依次找到有关其发展历史的关键信息。1 . Reading the development of TVWhat do you think is the best way to get the most important information in such a long passage?_Fill in the event happening in a particular year.1925 Wireless TV transmissions, USA 1923-1927 _ 1928 _ 1928-1929 _ 1929 _ 1948 _ 1951 _ 1962 _ 1989 _ 1996 _2 . Reading the history of audio devices 1877 The first recording of a human voice 1931 _ 1948 _ 1954 _1958_ 1979_ 1982 _ 1986 _ 1987 _ 1992 _3. True or false exercises ( Page 4 PartC1)4. Detailed questions1. Why is it still uncertain who invented TV?2. Why are digital TV superior to satellite TV?3. What advantage has the new concept of WebTV brought to people since it was introduced in 1996?4.What were the major disadvantages of the first record player?5.What did the popularity of MP3 result in?5. Read the text again and choose the best answers according to the text: 1) When and where was the first long-distance TV broadcast made? A. In 1925 in the USA. B. In 1926 in the UK. C. In 1928 in the UK. D. In 1928 in both the USA and the UK. 2) Who might be the inventor of the first T V?A. Vladimir Zworykin from Russia. B. Philo Farnsworth in the USA.C. John Logie Baird from Scotland. D. It remains uncertain.3) How many countries have put digital TV into operation according to the passage? A. Only one. B. Already two. C. At most three. D. At least four. 4) Who might have attributed to the development of the Walkman? A. Two Japanese engineers. B. Three American scientists. C. Thomas Edison. D. Emile Berliner. 5) What is the main factor that causes the spring up of music websites all over the Internet? A. The popularity of Walkman. B. The development of the MD player. C. The development of MPs technology. D. The wide use of Discman. 6) From the passage we know that _.A. satellite TV delivers cleaner pictures than digital TV.B.55% of households in China were receiving digital TV signals by xx.C. WebTV is the TV set bined with the World Wide Web.D. more color than black-and-white TV sets were being used before 19676 . Fill in the blanks with words given in the box. (Page5 Part E)Step 3 Reading strategy: understanding subtitlesSubtitles appear after titles and give you more information about the text than the titles.Subtitles can show how a text is organized. Read the text again and figure out how this text is organized. plete the following chart.TV (In order of time) Audio devices(By types of equipment) Step 4 掌握分析下列句子并译成汉语。1.(Line 3) Regular public broadcasting followed shortly after, first beginning on 11 May 1928 in New York._2.(Line 17) Satellites were used to broadcast TV beginning in 1962._3.(Line 36) 1931 was the year when a German pany began to make the first tape recorders, which could record and play sounds on a tape wound around a round object._4.(Line 50) This is like a mini CD player but can also record music and is very easy to carry, being very small, as the name “mini” indicates._Step 5随堂检测: TV and audio devices: a review TVEarly history*Three men, Vladimir Zworykin, Philo Farnsworth and John Logie Baird, were considered to have made the greatest1._ to the development of TV.*The first public TV broadcast was made in 2._ in the USA.*Color broadcasts began in 1951, over 3._ years after color TV was first shown in 1929.Modern age*Cable TV began in the USA in 1948.* 4._ satellites to broadcast TV began in 1962.* 5._ standards for digital TV were set in 1989 and consumers in the USA had access to 200 channels in 1994.*Web TV set-top boxes first came onto the market in 1996, which 6._ the TV set with the Internet.Audio devicesEarly history*Thomas Edison 7._ a human voice in 1877 for the first time*Emile Berliner invented the first record player in 1887.*The first LPs were made 8._ in 1958.Tape recorders and players *The first tape recorders, which could record and play sounds on a tape, were made in 9._ in 1931.*The transistor was invented by three Americans in 1948.Two young Japanese engineers bought the 10._ and created the transistor radio.*11._ saw the birth of cassette recorders.*The Walkman was introduced in 1979.12._ technology*The first CDs came onto the market in 1982.The next new development was the MD player.*MP3 technology was first 13._ by Germans in 1987. Thanks to the popularity of MP3 players, a lot of music websites offerings MP3 music 14._ all over the InternetStep 6课后学习:1. 复习巩固本课时讲义重要内容, 熟读课文。2. 划出课文中短语。学习感悟: 1. 我学会了:_2. 我的困惑是(还有哪些不理解的地方):_M7 Unit 1 Living with technologyWele to the unit and readingKeys:Fast reading 1.On the display boards at a media and technology exhibition.2.The development of TV and radio devices.Step 1 Reading the development of TVFollow the chronological order (in order of time) 1925 Wireless TV transmissions 1923-1927 Early forms of TV invented 1928 first long-distance TV broadcast 1928-1929 Regular public broadcasting 1929 Color TV shown 1948 Cable TV 1951 Color broadcasts 1962 Satellite TV 1989 International standards for digital TV 1996 WebTV set-up boxesStep 2 Reading the history of audio devices1877 The first recording of a human voice 1931 The first tape recorders 1948 Transistor invented 1954 Cassette recorders developed 1958 The first LPs (long-play records) 1979 The Walkman introduced 1982 The first CDs produced 1986 Walkman was added to the Oxford English dictionary 1987 Development of MP3 technology started in Germany 1992 The MD player was developedStep 3 Detailed questions1. Because many people contributed to the development of TV2. Because digital TV allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before.3. WebTV set-top boxes bines the TV set with the World Wide Web. With interactive TV programming, you can play along with game shows, respond to questionnaires and chat to other viewers.4. The first record player had to be wound up by hand and only played a record for two minutes.5. Major corporations are taking over the portable music player market with MP3 players.Step 4 True or false exercisesTrue : 1267 False: 3 4 5Step 5 Read the text again and choose the best answers according to the text: DDBACCReading strategy: understanding subtitlesTV Early history of TV(In order of time)The modern age: cable TV, satellite TV, digital TV Audio devices Early history of audio devices(By types of equipment) Tape recorders and playersSound goes digital Fill in the blanks with words given in the box.1 . wireless 2.broadcasting 3. Britain 4. 65 5. 200 6. households 7. households 8. recorders 9. pact 10. Germany随堂检测:1. contributions 2. 1925 3. 20 4. Using 5. International 6. bines 7. recorded 8. available 9. Germany 10. patent

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