2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解基础选练(2).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解基础选练(2)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Designed as a gift book or family souvenir, this beautiful hardcover has a traditional connection with Christmas virtues (美德). Each virtue is discussed in a short article and then followed by four to five all-new heart-touching stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul. Each section ends with a one-page suggestion for how to start your own holiday tradition, from baking cookies to charity ideas, which reflects the spirit of the virtue.With the amusing description of life and heart-warming tales about cats, each touching story in Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers Soul celebrates the special bond we share with our cats.The Real Dear Friends explores the classic puzzles which every child aged 9-19 faces: friends - making them, keeping them, fighting with them, losing them, helping them and peting with them. And there are no lectures here; this is the straight talk from teens that young readers love.This is a book that covers problems for girls only! Chicken Soup for Girls Soul is a book by girls, for girls, where readers can find encouragement, support and positive advice when facing the challenges of being a pre-teen girl.The heart-warming stories and photographs in Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Grandmothers celebrate and catch the loving moments spent together with family: the joyful surprise of being a grandma, the amazing times when young children teach them lessons about life and living.56. If you are a pet lover, which book might interest you most? _.A. Chicken Soup for the Soul B. Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers SoulC. The Real Dear Friends D. Chicken Soup for Girls Soul57. The Real Dear Friends appeals to young readers because it _.A. tells the real experience of teenagersB. has a beautiful hardcover which teens like mostC. covers touching lectures by famous authorsD. gives suggestions on how to defeat their friends58. The feature of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Grandmothers lies in _.A. some useful suggestions on traditional cookingB. encouragement and support from family membersC. some experiences of teens in different regionsD. a perfect bination of warm stories and photos56【答案】 B 【解析】由第二段With the amusing description of life and heart-warming tales about cats, each touching story in Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers Soul celebrates the special bond we share with our cats.可以得出。【考点定位】考查细节理解题。57【答案】A 【解析】由第三段第二句And there are no lectures here; this is the straight talk from teens that young readers love.这是从青少年的角度来谈论的,可知A正确。【考点定位】考查推理判断题。58【答案】D 【解析】由最后一段第一句The heart-warming stories and photographs in Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Grandmothers celebrate and catch the loving moments spent together with family可知,让人感到温馨的故事和图片是Chicken Soup for the Soul Celebrates Grandmothers的特征,D温馨故事和图片的完美结合,符合题意。【考点定位】考查推理判断题。社会生活类阅读理解。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Sometimes people call each other “scaredy-cat”, but have you ever thought about this expression? When a cat is frightened, its heart starts beating faster, its muscles get tense, and there are changes in the chemicals in its blood-stream. Although the cat doesnt realize this, its body is getting ready for action. If the danger continues, this animal will do one of the two things. It will defend itself, or it will run away as fast as it can. Something like this also happens to people. When we are excited, angry, scared, or aroused by other emotions, our bodies go through many physical changes. Our hearts beat faster, and our muscles get tense. All of these changes make us more alert and ready to react. We, too, get ready to defend ourselves or run. Human beings, however, have a problem that animals never face. If we give way to our feelings, we can get into trouble. Have you ever said something in angeror hit somebody and regretted it later? Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told somebody you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then wished later you had kept your mouth shut? It isnt always wise to express your feelings freely. Does this mean that its smarter always to hide our feeling? No!If you keep feelings of anger, sadness, and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside, your body stays tense. Physical illnesses can develop, and you can feel churned up inside. It can actually be bad for your health. Feeling that you keep all bottled up inside dont just go away. Its as if you bought some bananas and stuck them in a cupboard. You might not be able to see them, but before long youd smell them. And if you open the cupboard, chances are youd see little fruit flies hovering all over them. Theyd be rotten. You can try to treat emotions as if they were bananas in the cupboard, you can hide them and you can pretend they dont exist, but theyll still be around. And at last youll have to deal with them, just like those bananas. 1. It is mentioned in the passage that human beings get into trouble because they_.A. are not as alert as animalsB. sometimes cant control their feelingsC. always do something wrong to other peopleD. dont pay attention to their physical changes2. The underlined words “churned up”in the 5th paragraph mean “”.A. very shocked B. beaten heavilyC. very frightened D. disturbed badly3. The author wants to tell us in the last two paragraphs that_.A. youll not pletely get away from your feelingsB. you should treat emotions as bananas in a cupboardC. feeling will gradually disappear when you hold them inD. it is good for your health to keep pleasant feelings inside4. The author writes this article in order to_.A. tell us that it isnt good to keep feelings insideB. give us some advice on how to express our feelingsC. make us deal with feelings in a wise wayD. make us know that it isnt always wise to express our feelings freely【参考答案】29.BDAC 社会生活类阅读理解。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The round-the-clock (24小时不断的)availability that cell phones have brought to peoples lives may be taking a toll on family life, a new study suggests. The study, which followed more than 1, 300 adults over 2 years, found that those who consistently used a mobile phone throughout the study period were more likely to report negative“spillover”between work and home lifeand, in turn, less satisfaction with their family life. Spillover essentially (本质上)means that the line between work and home begins to bee unclear. Work life may invade home life when a parent is taking job-related calls at home, for instanceor family issues may start to take up work time. For example, a child may call mom at work, telling her “microwave exploded”,explained Noelle Chesley, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the author of the study. The problem with cell phones seems to be that they are allowing for ever more spillover between work and home. This may be especially true for working women, the study found. Among men, consistent use of mobile phones seemed to allow more work issues to creep (潜入)into family time. But for women, the spillover tended to go in both directions. Being “connected”meant that work cut into home time, and family issues came into work life. Cell phones seem to be opening more lines for stressful exchanges among family members. But there may be ways to control the spillover, according to Chesley. Employers, she said, could look at their policies on contacting employees after working hours to make sure their expectations are“reasonable”. For their part, employees could decide that cell phones go off during family time, Chesley said. 1. The underlined phrase“taking a toll on”in Paragraph 1 probably means _.A. explainingB. protectingC. extendingD. damaging2. What is the purpose of offering the example“microwave exploded”in Paragraph 2? A. To show the microwave is of poor quality. B. To indicate how dependent the child is. C. To indicate family issues affect work hours. D. To show work time creeps into family life. 3. As a result of negative“spillover”, people will feel _.A. less satisfied with their family lifeB. less satisfied with their workC. angry with their troublesome childrenD. unwilling to get married at an early age4. According to Chesley, what is the best solution to the problem caused by cellphones? A. Refuse to use cell phones. B. Separate work hours from family time. C. Ignore ing calls during family time. D. Encourage women to stay at home. 5. We can learn from the passage that _.A. spillover makes the line between work and home unclearB. cell phones seem to be convenient to familiesC. cell phones affect men as much as womenD. we can do nothing to solve the problem【参考答案】30.DCAB 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。For my grandmothers 70th birthday, my family and I visited South Korea. While there, I was attentive to Korean high schools and students.I was surprised by how different Koreas public high schools are from Americas. Korean high schools can be all-girls, all-boys or co-ed (男女同校的)unlike our standard co-ed high schools. There are three grades: “go 1(10th) ”, “go 2” (1l th) and “go 3” (12th). “Go”is the first syllable of the word “go-deung hakkyo”, which, simply translated, is “high school”.In America, unless you want to go to a private school, you dont have to take an entrance exam. In Korea, however, students must take a test to get in because of the many choices of schools. Another difference I couldnt help but notice was the students appearance. With very few exceptions, all wear uniforms. A name tag (标牌)with the students name, grade and homeroom number must also be worn. Girls skirts cant be above the upper part of the knee, and it is forbidden to dye (染)your hair or wear accessories (装饰品)except small earrings. There are strict regulations for appearance to achieve neatness, and it seems the only freedom students have is with their choices of hair style, socks and shoes.The final difference was the setup of the classes. There may be 40 students in a classroom, but the number can be less or even more, depending on the population of the town or city. Although there are many students per classroom, they are very close, which I think is a result of not changing classrooms for different subjects. There are no levels in the subjects and the teachers are the ones who switch classrooms. They just have ten-minute breaks between subjects. In each class, students are ranked by their grades. This causes strict petition, and Korean students do a lot of studying. To help them, all schools have extra study classes after school. One other fact that helped me appreciate living in America is that Koreans have school on Saturdays. Although its only a half day, I think I speak for most Americans when I say we could never imagine ourselves in school on a Saturday.Koreas public high schools are clearly different from Americas. I had imagined them to be just like our schools, but now I have a clear picture of how different they are.59. How many main differences are mentioned between Koreas public high school and Americas?A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.60. It seems that the writer _ .A. is familiar with the education system of high schools in KoreaB. is fond of Korean students appearanceC. prefers the high school life of America to the one of KoreaD. feels it mon to have lessons on weekends61. What does the underlined word setup in paragraph 5 probably mean?A. Arrangement. B. Size. C. Number. D. Outline.62. According to the rules, the students of Korea can _ .A. go to different high schools without exams B. wear any clothes except uniforms at schoolC. attend different classes as they likeD. have different hair styles【文章大意】议论文。本文作者通过在韩国旅游的经历,描写了韩国的高中学校与本国学校的不同点。并且表示自己还是倾向于喜欢本国的高中生活。59【答案】B【解析】文章第二、三、四、五段各说明了一个韩国高中的学校与美国学校的不同点,共有四个。考生在阅读时要抓住关键词,才能又快又准的答题。【考点定位】考查细节理解题。60【答案】C 【解析】依据第五段最后一句Although its only a half day, I think I speak for most Americans when I say we could never imagine ourselves in school on a Saturday.可知,作者还是喜欢本国的高中生活,C正确。【考点定位】考查推理判断题。of schools. 可知,韩国的学生进入高中必须要考试,A错误;依据第四段第二


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