2019-2020年高三英语一轮复习 随堂演练(18).doc

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2019-2020年高三英语一轮复习 随堂演练(18)一、单词拼写1. Dont lose your sense of (幽默), because it makes your speeches really impressive.2. I was surprised that (贯穿) our whole visit to Australia we only saw one kangaroo.3. I would always keep my distance from drinkers on social (场合).4. Liu Wei, the famous armless piano play6er, has succeeded in having an (杰出的)career.5. Sadly, the man was soon (无家可归的)and unable to find a job.6. He (溜)out of the quiet reading room when he finished his reading.7. The teacher to me, “You did a good job.” He didnt want the others to hear.8. The boy likes Hollywood movies and says that he wants to (导演) movies when he grows up.9. If they see a snake, men and women will (反应) differently.10. The artist created the interesting map just to (使娱乐) his friends.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. She is an outgoing, fun and (humour) person to be around.2. We have to accept the facts no matter how (astonish) they might sound.3. (fortunate), his mother died when he was very young.4. The restaurant is (particular) popular with young people.5. There is no doubt that the deserves the title “(outstand) player of his generation”.6. He must have (drink) too much; when he tried to stand up, he fell over.7. Running away is our instinctive (react) when we meet danger.8. The western part of the country is very (mountain).9. He wanted to get a satisfied (explain), but was refused.10. The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of (amuse).三、单句语法填空1. His family was badly when he was a little boy.2. Up to now we (plant) five thousand tress on the slope of the mountain.3. He is (convince) of his bright future.4. The audience burst into (laugh) on seeing his funny action.5. His room is a mess and needs to be tidied.6. How did you react the result of the exam?7. He went to France, he learned some French.8. The electricity was cut owing the snowstorm.9. He can play piano as well as his teacher.10. This is one of the best places he has been to.四、课文浓缩语法填空Charlie Chaplin was a funny actor. He 1 (bright) the lives of American and British peoples life through two world wars 2 they felt 3 (depress), so they could feel more content 4 their lives. Up to now nobody 5 (be) able to do this better than him.Charlie Chaplin was born in a poor family. His parents were both music hall performers. Unfortunately, when he was five years old, his father died, 6 (leave) his family even 7 (badly) off. By his teens, Chaplin could mime and act the fool. With time going by he became more and more popular. He played a character who became 8 (home), wandering along the streets, wearing a moustache and wide trousers. This character was a social 9 (fail) but was loved for his optimism and 10 (determine) to overe difficulties.


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