2019-2020年高中英语 同位语从句教案 上海牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 同位语从句教案 上海牛津版Teaching material: NCE Book 2 Unit 7 Structure The Appositive ClauseLanguage learning objectives:1. To have the right idea of the appositive clause2. To learn the structure and usage of the appositive clauseAbility learning objective:To use the appositive clause properly in different situationsEmotional objective:To obtain more knowledge of Shanghai World ExpoTeaching aids: Multi-mediaTeaching procedures:ContentsActivitiesPurposesHistory of the World Expo1. Teacher introduces the concept of the appositive clause.2. Teacher checks students understanding.Help students to gain the concept of the appositive clause.Background of Shanghai Expo1. Students plete a paragraph.Help students to consolidate the usage of the appositive clause connected by “that”.Some doubts of the Expo1. Teacher introduces the connective “whether”.2. Students learn to raise questions about uncertainties. Help students to master the usage of wh- connectives.A report on a survey 1. Teacher introduces how to choose wh- connectives properly.2. Students make a report according to the survey.A conversation between two would-be volunteersStudents plete the conversation by using proper connectives.Help students to consolidate the usage of all the connectives that can be used in the appositive clause.FAQS of the ticket-booking1. Teacher shows an example.2. Students bine the information into plete sentences.Help students to have a better mand of the appositive clause.Assignments1. Read the structure A and B on P. 85.2. Finish Ex. C-Practice.Help students to review what they have learned today.学生练习The background of Shanghai Expoa. that about 100,000 volunteers will be recruited(招募)b. that Jackie Chan, Lang Lang and Yao Ming were chosen to be ambassadors(形象大使)c. that the 41st Expo will be heldd. that Haibao was chosen as the mascot(吉祥物)for Shanghai Expo We know the truth _in Shanghai in xx. We have the idea _in xx. We have made the plan _. Last week we were happy to hear the news _ for Shanghai Expo.A report on a survey of the World ExpoExample sentences:Q1. Few students are sure of the answer to the problem how often the World Expo is held.Q2. Half of the students have no idea which country has been the host 14 times till now.Q3. Most of the students can answer the question what won the gold medal at San Francisco Expo in 1915.Q4: The 41st Expo will be held _.A. In Shanghai in xx 100%B. In Beijing in xx 0%C. In Guangzhou in xx 0%l _ know the answer to the problem _the 41st Expo will be held.Q5: _ volunteers will be needed.A. 50,000 50% B. 100,000 10% C. 150,00040%l _ have no idea _ volunteers will be needed.Q6: _ is the mascot for Shanghai Expo.A. Haibao 100% B. Fuwa 0% C. Sanmao 0%l _ are sure of the answer to the problem_.A conversation between two would-be volunteersWang: Do you know the news _ lots of the volunteers of Shanghai World Expo are badly needed now?Chen: Really? I have a question _ volunteers are needed.Wang: About 100,000.Chen: Actually I have a dream _ I could be a volunteer of xx Expo.Wang: Me too. There remains a puzzle to me _ anyone can be a volunteer.Chen: Im afraid not. I have got the information _ volunteers should have some special training before working.Wang: I see, but I have no idea _ I can apply for the volunteer.Chen: You can sign up(注册)either online or go to the volunteer workstation by yourself.Wang: O.K. I still have some doubt _ volunteers are expected to do during the Expo.Chen: It depends on your talents and abilities. For example, if youre good at spoken English, you can serve as an interpreter.Wang: Sounds great! Theres no doubt _ many young people like us will join the team of volunteers.FAQs of ticket-bookingQ1:I have some doubt.When do the tickets begin to be sold to the public?A: we, make a decision, on July 1st, xxQ2: The problem puzzles me.How can the tickets be bought?A: we, have the plan, via(通过) outlets, official websites and hotlinesQ3: Id like to raise the question.Is there any discount (优惠) if I buy the tickets in advance?A: we, offer the suggestion, book, as early as possibleFAQ OF TICKET-BOOKINGQ: Is there any possibility that I can book the tickes online?A: There is possibility that I can successfully book the tickets online.Q: _A: _Q: _A: _Q: _A: _


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