2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习 板块3 第3讲 特殊句式检测.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习 板块3 第3讲 特殊句式检测.单句语法填空1(xx高考湖南卷变式)It was when we were returning home _ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.2(xx高考天津卷变式)Only when Lily walked into the office _(realize)that she had left the contract at home.3(xx高考湖南卷变式)It is important to remember that success _(be)a sum of small efforts made each day and often_(take)years to achieve.4(xx高考湖南卷变式)Always _(keep)in mind that your main task is to get this pany running smoothly.5(xx高考福建卷变式)It was the culture,rather than the language,_made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.6(xx高考湖北卷变式)Its not doing the things we like,but liking the things we have to do _makes life happy.7(xx高考重庆卷变式)I spent two weeks in London last summer.Then you must have visited the British Museum during your stay,_you?8(xx高考大纲卷变式)_(do)the nurses want a pay increase,they wanted reduced hours as well.9(xx高考天津卷变式)_he caught the morning train,he would not have been late for the meeting.10_a strange plant!Ive never seen it before.答案:1.that2.did she realize3.is;takes4.keep5.that6.that7.didnt8.Not only did9.Had10.What.单句改错1Three fourths of the Olympic Games volunteers is university students in Beijing._2Mr.Wang said that the job was important and we should try our best to do it._3Have you ever been to Hong Kong before?Never to._4No matter how frequently explaining,the maths problem could not be understood by some of the students._5A hero as he is,the young PLA soldier remains to be modest._6Nowhere else you find so many contented people._7East of our city lie a very beautiful lake with a very moving story._8Personally I think it is the sales manager rather than the sales girls that are to blame._答案:1.isare2.and后加that3.删除第二个to4.explainingexplained5.删除句首的A,hero首字母大写6.you前加will7.lielies8.areis.短文填空在下面短文中的空白处填上所给单词的适当形式,使短文意思通顺The door of a popular coffee bar in central Delhi1._(be)seldom shut for long as a steady stream of customers walk in and out.Many of them 2._(be)youngsterscollege students and young working people wanting to relax over a cup of coffee.“Without being disturbed,you can sit for a long time and have a cup of coffee,and chat;nobody 3._(disturb)you here,”said a girl.“You can sit,talk and spend time here,and have a cup of coffee,hang out with your friends,nice time,”added another customer.“Basically the setting and the fact that you can sit here,relaxed.They actually allow you to relax,thats the thing,” a girl said.“I get to meet a lot of people here.”“Young people 4._(be)looking for a place where they can hang out,let down their hair,and have a good time,and the coffee 5._(be)a good excuse to bring them together.It made coffee far more easily reached,” said another young boy.The coffee culture 6._(have)been spreading rapidly in recent years as coffee bars began rapidly increasing in Indian towns and cities.It is a trend that has been repeated in some of the traditional teadrinking cultures of East Asia,such as China and Hong Kong.The results 7._(have)been great:home use of coffee last year increased by nearly onethird,from 60,000 to 80,000 tons.That is good news for the coffee industry,which 8._(be)recovering from a fiveyear crisis.Indian coffee growers,who 9._(export)threequarters of their produce,10._(be)hit hard for it at that time.Although the export market11._(have)now recovered,the growers hope to make some of their ines in the home market in the future.The success of cafes in India has attracted the attention of international chains.U.S.coffee giant Starbucks12._(be)exploring possible partners,and says it wants to enter the country by the end of the year.答案:1.is2.are3.disturbs4.are5.is6.has7have8.is9.export10.were11.has12.is.写作提升A根据括号内的提示,改写下列句子1He was devoted to his study and cared little about his clothes.(用省略的状语从句)_his study,he cared little about his clothes.2Tom was our monitor.He encouraged me to go on with my experiment.(用强调句)_,(who was)our monitor,_/_encouraged me to go on with my experiment.3As soon as Mr.Smith arrived at our school,he was warmly weled.(用倒装句)_/_had Mr.Smith arrived at our school_/_he was warmly weled.4He didnt e here until yesterday afternoon.(用强调句和倒装句)_yesterday afternoon_he came here._yesterday afternoon_here.5If you are not invited to speak,you should keep silent at the meeting.(用unless及省略)_to speak,you should keep silent at the meeting.答案:1.Devoted to2.It was Tom;that/who3.No sooner/Hardly;than/when4.It was not until;that;Not until; did he e5.Unless invitedB根据上下文和括号中的提示,用正确的特殊句式完成语段Nowadays,lots of children in rural areas cant live together with their parents working in other paces.On the whole,several factors result in the problem.Firstly,some parents 1._(强调谓语动词:的确担心)that it will influence their work if they really take the children along with them.Secondly,2._(倒装:生活成本和教育费用如此高)in the place where parents work that they cant afford them.In my opinion,3._(强调句:父母和政府应为这个问题负责)Besides,whatever difficulty we are faced with,we should take effective measures to solve the problem.答案:1.do worry2.so high are the living costs and education fees3.its the parents and government that are responsible for the problem

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