2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 3 Asking the way Period 1教学设计 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 3 Asking the way Period 1教学设计 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 3 Asking the way Period 1教学设计 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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Unit 3 Asking the way(Period 1) 教学内容Story time课时本单元共6课时 本课为第1课时 课时目标1.在情景中,整体理解Story time内容。并能听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:take, station, walk, bookshop, along, ask the way, get to, get on/off, turn right/left, next to, traffic light, on your right/left.2.基于故事能听懂、会说、会读句型:How do I get to.? You can. Go along this street. Turn left/right at the traffic lights. You can see.on your right.并理解句型的意思。3.能够在理解的基础上流利地朗读课文。4.能尝试用第一人称复述去苏海家的路线。教学重点1.能听懂、会说、会读文中的词汇及与问路相关的句型。2.能以正确的语音语调朗读课文并能正确地理解课文。教学难点能够在理解课文的基础上复述去苏海家的路线。教学准备PPT教学过程Step1 Pre-story1. Free talkT: How do you go to school? How does Su Hai go to school? Where does she live now?(谈论上学方式是第二单元的主要内容,同时从第二单元我们得知苏海搬了新家,并且告诉了我们苏海家的位置。为进入本课的学习做了很好的铺垫。)Step2 While-story过渡:T: (呈现P26图打电话部分)Today YL is calling SH. She wants to visit SHs new home. She is asking SH the way. T: Today we are going to learn Unit3 Asking the way.1.学习左半部分Listen and choose(听P26对话)PPT: How does YL get to SHs home? 1) She can take the . A.metro B.bus 2) Which station can she get on? (附get on图片帮助学生理解) A.At City Library Station B.At Park Station(学生选择后呈现句子和地图:She can get on the metro at Park Station and get off at City Library Station. 并带读。) 3) Whats next to SHs home? A.A library B.A bookshopRead and underline the key sentences(让学生划出对话中与问路和指路相关的句子。)Try to retell the way to SHs home according to the map. T: 叮铃铃!Hello,this is YL. Is that SH? Ss: Yes, this is SH. T: Hello, SH. How do I get to your home? Ss: You can.(看着PPT上的地图试着复述。) T: Oh, I see. Bye!2.学习右半部分Read and judge(读第二部分的引言)1) YL is on Moon Street now.2) YL can find the bookshop.3) YL asks a policeman for help.Read the dialogue and find out the bookshop on the map. 1) Discuss in pairs2) Check their answer(在检查的过程中复述警察的语言并同时教授生词)3. 综合巩固Watch the cartoon and repeat after it.Read and match. Step3 Post-story1. Happy tasks 2. Look and say(先用第一人称来描述)T: If you were YL, how do you get to SHs home?1) Discuss in pairs 2) Check3 Ticking time Step 4 Homework1. Listen and read the story three times2. Look and say(P28,用书上的第三人称来描述)当堂练习Workbook Period1 板书设计教后反思与重建


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