2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 Uint 8 Adventure单元过关小测 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 Uint 8 Adventure单元过关小测 北师大版班级 号数 姓名: 成绩:一、单句改错:(每句最多两处错误) 1.My brother and I differ from many ways. 2. This dress doesnt fit for me. 3.Anyone travelling without a passport runs / takes the risk of arrested. 4.I couldnt risk miss that train. 5.His death was great shock to us all. 6.While listen to the radio, she fell asleep. 7.I dont know the answer to the question, so does he. 8.York, where I visited last year, is a nice old city. 9.We are provided with the latest sports equipments. 10.I began to make preparation for this journey.二、语法填空: 1. For generations, scientists talked about the _ (similar) between Mars and Earth. 2. The figures may not be _ (exact) right, but theyre close enough. 3. The news caused great _ (excite) among scientists. 4. Someone_ (observe)three masked men_(enter)the bank last night. 5. The amount of sugar you add will depend on personal _ (prefer). 6. Business training is a good _ (prepare) for any career. 7. I kept on struggling forward, even though I knew it was _ (hope). 8. Before the accident he had been _ (cheer) and confident. 9. Youll need _ (patient) and understanding if youre going to be a teacher. 10. He lives in Canada but has British _ (national). 三、句子翻译:1. 他希望儿子能继续经营家族的生意。(carry on)2. 他新买的汽车总出故障。(break down)3. 生产手表的工厂位于市中心。 (现在分词作定语)4.简直到会议结束才出场。(turn up)5. 世界上的事物是千差万别的。(differ from)四、短文改错:As is shown in the picture,the old couple insist on ordering only half of a portion to eat in a restaurant. Hear this,the waiter cant believe his own ears,with a puzzled look in his face. Seeing this,the old woman explains they order only half not because they havent enough money,and because they dont want to waste. Simple as this picture is,it does show us that we shouldnt waste although our living condition have improved.Nowadays,wasting bees more of a problem every day. Some pour the remains of a meal when there is still much left. Other simply walk away after washing hands,regardless of the taps still run. If everyone behaved like this,what would our future be like? Also,there is no denying that there are still lots of poor people who need our help desperate. So lets say no to wasting and learn how to save and how to reduce waste. Only in this way can we have more harmonious and sustainable future.五、 晨读文章:(根据语篇中的提示,完成语篇翻译)我很想去澳大利亚,目的是经历一种不同的文化,但由于各种原因父母不愿让我出国旅行。最终我设法让他们理解了我的想法,决定乘坐周日起飞的航班飞往澳大利亚。到达澳洲后,我和一位朋友租了一辆车外出。让我惊讶的是澳大利亚有那么多羊。据说每年都有大量的羊毛和毛织品出口世界各地。在去悉尼的路上,我们的车坏了,更糟糕的是,汽油用完了。幸好另一辆车很快出现。是那位好心的司机给我们提供了一些燃料并帮助我们让汽车运转起来(用强调句型)。我们又出发了。I _ _ _ go to Australia in order to experience a culture which _ _ ours,but for various reasons my parents wouldnt like me to travel abroad. Finally I managed to_ my idea _ to them and decided to take the plane that _ _on Sunday flying to Australia. After reaching Australia,I rented a car to go out with a friend.What amazed me is that Australia has so many sheep.It is said that every year large quantities of wool and woolen goods are exported to all over the world.On our way to Sydney,our car _ _ and whats worse,it _ _ _ oil.Luckily another car _ _ soon and _ _ the warmhearted driver _offered us some fuel and helped us_ the car _.We set off again.答案1 单句改错1.My brother and I differ in many ways.2. This dress doesnt fit me. 3.Anyone travelling without a passport runs / takes the risk of being arrested.4. I couldnt risk missing that train. 5. His death was a great shock to us all.6.While (she was) listening to the radio, she fell asleep.7. I dont know the answer to the question, neither / nor does he.8.York, where I visited last year, is a nice old city.9.We are provided with the latest sports equipments.10.I began to make preparations for this journey.二、语法填空:1. similarity / similarities 2. exactly 3. excitement 4. equipment 5. Preference 6. preparation 7. hopeless 8. cheerful 9.patience 10. Nationality三、句子翻译:1. He hopes that his son can carry on the family business.2. His newly-bought car is always breaking down.3. The factory making watches lies in the centre of the city. 4.Joan didnt turn up until the end of the meeting.5.Things in the world differ from each other in a thousand ways四、短文改错: As is shown in the picture,the old couple insist on ordering only half of a portion to eat in a restaurant. Hear this,the waiter cant believe his own ears,with a puzzled look in his face. Seeing this,the old woman explains they order only half not because they havent enough money,and because they dont want to waste. Simple as this picture is,it does show us that we shouldnt waste although our living condition have improved.Nowadays,wasting bees more of a problem every day. Some pour the remains of a meal when there is still much left. Other simply walk away after washing hands,regardless of the taps still run. If everyone behaved like this,what would our future be like? Also,there is no denying that there are still lots of poor people who need our help desperate. So lets say no to wasting and learn how to save and how to reduce waste. Only in this way can we have more harmonious and sustainable future.五、 晨读文章(根据语篇中的提示,完成语篇翻译)我很想去澳大利亚,目的是经历一种不同的文化,但由于各种原因父母不愿让我出国旅行。最终我设法让他们理解了我的想法,决定乘坐周日起飞的航班飞往澳大利亚。到达澳洲后,我和一位朋友租了一辆车外出。让我惊讶的是澳大利亚有那么多羊。据说每年都有大量的羊毛和毛织品出口世界各地。在去悉尼的路上,我们的车坏了,更糟糕的是,汽油用完了。幸好另一辆车很快出现。是那位好心的司机给我们提供了一些燃料并帮助我们让汽车运转起来(用强调句型)。我们又出发了。答案I am anxious to go to Australia in order to experience a culture which differs from ours,but for various reasons my parents wouldnt like me to travel abroad.Finally I managed to get my idea across to them and decided to take the plane that took off on Sunday flying to Australia.After reaching Australia,I rented a car to go out with a friend.What amazed me is that Australia has so many sheep.It is said that every year large quantities of wool and woolen goods are exported to all over the world.On our way to Sydney,our car broke down and whats worse,it ran out of oil.Luckily another car turned up soon and it was the warmhearted driver that offered us some fuel and helped us get the car functioning.We set off again.

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