五年级英语上册 Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag(lesson30)教案 人教新版.doc

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Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag.课题Unit 5 Is this schoolbag. 学习目标词 汇coat,jacket,jeans,shoes(四会)umbrella,mirror,belt,mop(三会)语 音Rr语 言目 标Is this his coat? Yes, it is.Is that his jacket? No, it isnt.Whose mask is that?Its his.话 题要 求询问物品的主人是谁。任 务设 计通过询问物品的主人是谁,学习名词性物主代词。能力目标能运用所学句式询问物品的主人是谁并进行简单的交流。情感目标培养和深化学生良好的学习习惯,发扬协作精神,体验合作的成就感。教学重点Is this his coat? Yes, it is.Is that his jacket? No, it isnt.教学难点Whose mask is that?Its his.课型新授课教具Tape, Slide, Picture, VCD学具cards教法情境教学法、活动教学法、小组合作法、师生互动教学法、任务型教学法学法1. 主动参与合作与交流2. 注意倾听他人发言3. 利用所学知识解决实际问题板书设计: Lesson 30Is this his coat? Yes, it is.Is that his jacket? No, it isnt.Whose mask is that? Its his.jeans shoes umbrella mirrorbelt mop 作业:Must do:1. Copy the new words and the sentences.2. Recite the new words and the sentences.3. Do the workbook.Choose to do:10Make a new dialogue with the drills which we have learned today. 2. Prepare the fun story.Teaching Procedure( 教学过程 )教学程序具体教学环节教法学法及教具Step1RevisionStep2PresentationStep3PracticeStep5 Homework1. Greetings. (Good morning, boys and girls.)2. T: Lets play a game, OK? Ask the class to sing the chant in groups.把学生分成男女生两组进行chant的比赛。唱本单元Ss 和Zz的chant.(开始上课前的小比赛可以更好地激发学生英语学习的热情,便于快速进入英语学习的状态,为下一步的学习埋下伏笔) 1. To learn the new lesson.T: OK, lets enjoy our lesson. Today, were going to learn Lesson 30.(板书课题)1) The teacher takes a students pencil-box, and ask the student: Is this your pencil-box? The student answers: Yes, it is. And then the teacher asks the other one :Is this your pencil-box? The student answers: No, it isnt. The teacher asks the student: Is this his pencil-box? The student try to answer : Yes, it is. 2)The teacher shows a picture of a coat, points to a boy and asks: Is this his coat? (板书)The class try to answer: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. 当有学生出现Yes, it is. 时,(板书)Yes, it is.3) The teacher shows a picture of a jacket and put on the blackboard, and then walk to a boy , points to the picture and a boy asks: Is that your jacket?(板书) The classes try to answer: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. 当有学生出现No, it isnt. 时,(板书)No, it isnt. Teach the new words: jeans shoes with the same way. 4) Practice in groups using the drill: Is this/that his?(通过师生之间的问答练习,巩固四会句型,突出书写练习并进行适当地拓展延伸)2. Teach the new words: umbrella, mirror, belt, mop (板书)1)Show the slides and ask the class:Whats this? its a mask.T: Whose mask is that? Its his. (板书)2) With the same way the teacher teaches the words: umbrella. Mirror, belt , mop. 3)Practice in groups using the drill: Whose is that? Make some sentences with the drills.(结合学生已有的生活经验学习生词,同时变呆板的机械操练,为有意义的实际运用,巩固所学单词)1. Look at the slides and show the students clothes and living goods to guess whose is that .(通过看幻灯片中学生和自己的物品,猜一猜这些物品是谁的,激发学生参与的兴趣,便于学生更好的去巩固这些知识点)2. Show some clothes and living goods to make dialogues in groups. (通过学生用自己准备的自己的衣物及生活用品进行实际的对话交流,巩固所学句式)3. Play a game.击鼓传花。听音乐传花,当音乐停的时候,花到哪位同学那,哪位同学就要看着电视中的幻灯片所给出示的物品拼写单词。例:coat,jacket,jeans,shoes(四会)umbrella,mirror,belt,mop(三会) (在活跃课堂气氛的同时,让学生更好的巩固本课知识点) 2. To learn the chant.Look at the VCD and ask the class try to repeat, and then ask the class to say.(通过对chant的学习,既缓解了学生课堂学习疲劳,又巧妙的掌握了字母Rr的发音。)Must do:1. Copy the new words and the sentences.2. Recite the new words and the sentences.3. Do the workbook.Choose to do:1. Make a new dialogue with the drills which we have learned today. 2. Prepare the fun story.活动教学法情境教学法、师生互动教学法picturesslides情境教学法、活动教学法情境教学法、活动教学法、合作教学法VCD


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