六年级英语下册 Unit 5《What will I be like》教案1 牛津上海版.doc

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Unit 5 What will I be?一、 单元分析(Unit Analysis)(一)单元地位(Unit Position)1本课中重点学习了 “He/She/You will be_ centimeters taller./_ kilogrammes heavier.” “He/She/You will be_ and_.” “Hell/Shell/Youll possibly be a/an _.” 等使用一般将来时来叙述将来事实的句型.一般将来时在前面的课文中已经学过,但在课文中增加了与现在的一个比较,还要进一步的进行巩固性操练。2be good at sth/doing sth 的用法在本册书本Module One, Unit Three 的课文中出现过,在本单元中大量使用,并且新增了反义词组be poor at sth/ doing sth 的使用. 教师可通过问题化设计,让学生进行操练并掌握.3用First, Next, Then, Finally等副词来表示时间顺序在6A中被介绍使用过,在本课中让学生进一步巩固复习。4在本单元中涉及的有关工作的词汇,建议以旧带新,在复习的基础上掌握新的内容。(二)单元目标(Unit Target)1运用情态动词have to来表示在客观要求下不得不做某事。如I have to practise English and Chinese more. / I have to learn to make sick people better.2运用固定表达Yes, I agree. /No, I dont agree. 来表达意见。如Peter will possibly be a policeman. Yes, I agree. /No, I dont agree. I think hell possibly be a fireman.3操练有关将来外貌、喜好、职业的各种提问和对话。(三)单元重点(Unit Points)1关键词及词组:1) 各类职业:reporter, model, baker, driver, singer, teacher, doctor, dentist, businessman, businesswoman, football player, nurse, pilot, farmer, fisherman, astronaut, cook.2)副词: possibly的位置及用法。3)词组: press the button, putinto, be good at/ be poor at, need to do sth, dress up, practise sth, learn to do sth2功能:1)Show agreement(同意)and disagreement(不同意)l - Peter will possibly be a policeman.- Yes, I agree. /No, I dont agree. I think hell possibly be a fireman.2)Talk about futures appearances(谈论将来的容貌)l - What will I be like? - You will be 15 centimetres taller/ be five kilogrammes heavier/ have longhair/ be more beautiful.3)Show possibility(可能性)l Ill possibly be a policeman or a fireman.3语法点:l 本课出现了不少一般将来时的句式,应作为本课的重点来进行教学。l 情态动词have to后面跟动词原形,应进行重点来操练并巩固。l 不定式need to do /learn to do应通过归纳总结的方式来使学生掌握。二、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考1 Read and match /Read, draw and write(page 33)本课的第一部分是阅读并配对的内容。教师在介绍情景后,让同学自己默读,然后请一位比较有能力的学生来扮演Kally的角色, 并通过三张图片让学生说出Kally使用魔术相机拿到将来照片的过程。准备一张Kally25岁时的照片,展示给学生,然后配上阅读的内容,来提高学生的学习兴趣。鼓励更多有能力的同学来思考他们认为自己25岁时将是怎么样的。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1。活页资料16页,让学生思考当Danny和Kitty25岁时将是什么模样,并填完说明和画上图片。2 Look and learn/ Read, think and say( page 34 )这部分内容的处理,建议以旧带新。教师可以由学生已经熟悉的工作词汇引入到新的词汇。然后播放录音,让学生跟着大声朗读。请三位同学分别读一下对Danny, Eddie 和 Kally的描述,如有发音困难的地方,教师给予一定的帮助。然后根据所给的单词和模板对话以小组为单位来进行操练,巩固知识点。请几组同学在班级前面进行角色扮演来对话。同时教师可以让学生完成活页17页的练习,要求学生首先仔细阅读Peter在13年后将是怎么样的描述,然后写下他们自己和朋友将来模样的内容并配以图片,在课上进行交流汇报。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接2。对话操练时应运用课本34页上的句式。3 关于35页内容的教学本页首先要求学生跟随录音朗读课文,然后通过一系列问题来检查对课文的理解程度: “What will Eddie possibly be? What would Eddie like to be? What is he poor at? What does he need to do? What does he have to practise more? What does he have to learn?”然后给学生一段时间思考以下的问题:What will I possibly be? What would I like to be? What am I good at? What am I poor at? What do I need to do? What do I have to practise more? What do I have to learn?最后完成表格 “About you” 的填写,并以小组交流形式汇报各自的记录。 链接3中提供了一个处理该部分内容的教案。链接1说明: 这部分的内容是教师充分启发学生思维,展开想象力的大好机会,从而提高学生学习英语的积极性。1 教师准备两张Kally的照片(一张是现在的,一张是25岁的)展示给学生,让他们说出这两张的不同之处。准备一张表格,通过问题的形式来让同学填写:Which picture is younger/heavier/ taller/ stronger/ more beautiful? 进而引入到课文的情景中来。2 教师介绍Kally 通过使用魔术相机得到她25岁时的照片,然后让学生看着展示整个过程的三幅图片来默读课文,加以理解,完成配对工作并给予校对。3 教师在校对的过程中复习在6B中学过的用First, Next, Then, Finally等表示时间顺序的副词以及强调一下课文中所用的五个动词put, press, take, read 和see,并加以巩固和掌握。4 教师请一位比较有能力的学生来扮演Kally的角色, 其他同学来叙述Kally使用魔术相机拿到将来照片的这个过程,对有困难的同学教师给予一定的帮助。5 教师再次展示Kally25岁时的照片,接着要求学生齐声朗读课文中对这张照片的叙述,然后重点强调一般将来时的使用中增加的与现在的一个比较,对此进行更多针对性的操练,以达到熟练掌握的程度。6 教师让学生以小组形式来讨论思考当Danny和Kitty25岁时将是什么模样,并在活页Page16填完说明和画上图片。教师在学生讨论时在教室中走动,帮助那些有困难的小组。7 作为延伸,教师可以让四个学生组成一组,鼓励更多有能力的同学来思考他们认为自己25岁时将是怎么样的,然后交流讨论并画出自己的图片,最后请几位学生在班级前展示各自的成果。链接2说明:这部分内容的处理主要是以旧带新,引出新的词汇。然后根据所给的单词和模板对话以小组为单位来进行操练,巩固知识点。请几组同学在班级前面进行角色扮演来对话。如下,提供了一份本课时的完整教案。Pre-task preparationLanguage learning activity( This section aims at providing students with opportunities to practise the language/ vocabulary needed or become familiar with the background for the task that follows.)1 Review the job vocabulary items with students together: a driver/ a singer/ a teacher/ a doctor/ a dentist/ a businessman/ a businesswoman/ a football player/ a nurse/ a pilot/ a farmer/ a fisherman/ an astronaut/ a cook. ( Use the pictures on the blackboard)2 Introduce new vocabulary items in Look and learn: a reporter, a model, a baker, good at, glasses,good-looking.33 Play the recording: Look and learn. Students listen and follow in their books.4 Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.While-task procedure1 Play the recording: Read, think and say for the first time. Students listen carefully and get ready to answer the following questions. What will Peter possibly be?How tall will he be?How much will he weigh?Will he need to wear glasses?What will he be good at?2 Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.3 Play the recording for the third time. Students read together with the recording.4 Invite a few more able students to come to the front and read the descriptions of Danny , Eddie and Kally. Help them with some difficult pronunciation if necessary.5 Using the words given and the modelled conversation in Read, think and say, students work in pairs to practise the target language. Invite a few pairs of students to come out and role-play the conversation in class.6 Ask students to turn to photocopiable page 17. Tell students to read carefully about what Peter will be like in 13 years time first. Then they are required to draw and write about what they and their good friends will be like in 13 years time.7 Invite a few students to read their descriptions aloud in class. Collect students work and bind it into a booklet to be circulated in class.ConsolidationGrammar Practice Book 链接3说明: 本课时是通过一系列问题来检查学生对课文的理解程度。所运用到的知识点有情态动词have to以及不定式need to do/ learn to do 的用法。最后完成表格 “About you” 的填写,并以小组交流形式汇报各自的记录。如下,提供了一份本课时的完整教案。Pre-task preparation1 Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books.2 Ask students a few questions to check their understanding: “What will Eddie possibly be? What would Eddie like to be? What is he poor at? What does he need to do? What does he have to practise more? What does he have to learn?”3 Emphasize the use of the modal verb “have to” and the infinitive “learn to do/ need to do” and make some practice in order to understand and master them.4 Give students some time to think and write down some notes for the following questions : What will I possibly be? What would I like to be? What am I good at? What am I poor at? What do I need to do? What do I have to practise more? What do I have to learn?While-task procedure1 Ask students to read about Eddie again. Then ask them to look at About you and complete the task by writing about themselves.2 Make a board display: Select quality work of some students and put it on the display board, giving it the title: What will we possibly be?Post-task activitiesWorkbook ConsolidationGrammar Practice Book 链接4说明:本部分内容在处理的时候,要注意与Unit 1的教学内容相结合。同时,也要在More Oral Practice强调综合运用的基础上,提升学生综合运用语言功能的能力,并学会知识的变迁。1 在学生对前面课文内容相对了解的基础上,要求学生以小组为单位进行问题的探讨:What will you possibly be in 15 years time?What are you good at?What are you poor at?What do you need to do/ have to do?2 然后要求学生在进行小组进行访谈对话。对于较为薄弱的学生,可以要求他们复述对话,或者将对话改短。


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